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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 8 KB, 225x225, IMG_20230609_070906_740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57080421 No.57080421 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>57060227

Buy XRP on Uphold/Bitrue if you like losing money
[for Bitrue send USDT or XLM and use XLM/XRP]
or on the XRP Ledger https://xrptoolkit.com/trade
or on XUMM app (with USD IOUs from Bitstamp)

>Why hold XRP?
Good question.
>Newfag Tutorial
Step 1. Buy
Step 2. Wait for two weeks
Step 3. Seethe
>Listen to This if You Feel Demoralized (Powerful):
>SEC Lawsuit Latest:

>XRPL Guide:
>XRPL Explorer:
>XRPL Richlist:


>The Myth of Market Cap:

>Past /XSG/ Threads:

>Schizo Rambling
>Updated Schizo Rambling
>Updated Schizo Rambling (Powerful)
https://pastebin.com/hkw5CB9j lmao cope

>What wallet do I use?
Doesnt matter, it's worthless anyway.

>> No.57080451

>He fell for "riddlers"


>> No.57080463

>He actually thought some litral nobody retard on twitter had any credibility

>> No.57080473

>Some literal who that gave insane price predictions that wouldn't even be possible due to the extremely high supply of your pre mined shitcoin.


Maybe next year is the year guys! Hodl until 2024 eoy!

>> No.57080491

>a fucking mspaint cartoon bear in a drawing

>le mr pool but i write everything backwards so mysterious!! Hmmm 5 + 8 + 9 guys what could it mean???

>> No.57080521


Call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at +1 (800) 273 8255

>> No.57080562

Poor baggies. This is like the 6th Christmas without any price action for you guys?

Why didn't you guys buy any Solana? Or anything else really lol

>> No.57080592

I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas anyway. Honestly eventhough you guys are obnoxious as hell with your shilling, I still do not wish this upon you.

>> No.57080605

kek even on christmas you're live must be miserable spammy happy holidays none the less see you next year

>> No.57080638

Merry Christmas everyone. See you all in two weeks when XRP moons.

>> No.57080696

This is just sad.

>> No.57080763
File: 423 KB, 911x667, 978n3b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry. Everything will be fine and you are going to triumph, whatever it may be. Never ever give up. Have a nice chill christmas, in the end we're all going to make it

>> No.57080791

They have been saying that for over 6 years already tho

>> No.57080861
File: 12 KB, 400x400, dex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's pump it, goys!
2k sats EOY, if we're naughty!

Do you goys think Mellon and Babaduck will burn in hell for lying to us and constanly moving goalposts?

> 2018: XRP $589+
> moon iminent, this is the year, Van Jester said so
> real price december EOY: 0.36 USD
> ETH december EOY: 131 USD

> 2020: XRP $2k EOY
> moon this year for sure, mellon and babacuck said so
> real price december EOY: 0.21 USD
> ETH december EOY: 746 USD

> 2021: XRP $2k - $33k EOY
> this year for sure sure
> real price December: 0.80 USD
> ETH price December: 4000 USD

> 2022: XRP 55k
> Babacuck says so, he's never wrong
> I can finally sn33d

> 2 more weeks
> trust the plan
> you have no idea what is coming
> here's how trump can still win
> Trump will peg XRP to gold and win the election by a landslide
> Go away, newfag! You've had 57 years!
> Earth is flat
> Science is bad!
> Baba always wins
> The Hog's 21 days delta
> Gary Gensler is a friend of crypto and Ripple
> Bill Clinton and Maddona are fans of Ripple

Why is Trump still not president and why didn't he save de economy using XRP yet, just like Mellon said?

Next meme date: EOY 2023
Next next meme date: EOY 2024
Next next next meme date: EOY 2025

Next next next next next next next meme date: EOY 2035
>EOY 2035: 1 XRP = 5 USD
>EOY 2035: 1BTC = 10 mil USD
>EOY 2035: 1QNT = 5 mil USD
>EOY 2035: 1HBAR = 1000 USD
>EOY 2035: Schizochads: See we were right, Baba always wins! Eat this, BTC maxis! Seethe, cope, dilate!

>> No.57080867
File: 2.05 MB, 480x848, prost.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the non-hate, fren.

>> No.57080871


lmfao ahahahahahahah i see what you did there

>> No.57080886

This wasn't about xrp. It was about your life and your goals. Xrp or no xrp, we will all still make it

>> No.57081048

This should be called noholders seethe general

>> No.57081052

Merry Christmas baggies

>> No.57081139

Somebody make a real thread

>> No.57081149
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Ripple is not paying me enough to do it. I'm getting the same as a jannie

>> No.57081161

Just sold about 10k XRP and rotated it into SOL.

So tired of this shit. Bye everyone.

>> No.57081297

i feel like sol already had its poompa and what you’re doing is a tremendously bad play

>> No.57081318

Based, you're finally free and are gonna make it. Don't listen to cripple shills any longer.

SOL is going to $1000 easily next month

>> No.57081402


>> No.57081415

Isn't that quuuuuuu-white interesting?

>> No.57081578

Dude, SOL is going to drop hard and XRP is going to pump in about a week.

>> No.57081585


>> No.57081587

source? I made it up!

Let's hope so

>> No.57081604

Absolute retard. SOL is a clear winner anr XRP is a clear loser. Stay poor.

>> No.57081618


Call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at +1 (800) 273 8255

>> No.57081645


>> No.57081664

$589 guys! In 2 weeks!

Honestly it's sooooo good to finally see everyone realize they have been fools.

>> No.57081831

XRP baggies have been warned hundreds, even thousands, of times over the years, but they refused to listen. They refused to listen. XRP is a scam.
Honestly hope they didn’t lose too much money, but the opportunity cost they’ve suffered is massive. Poor bastards

>> No.57081857

Honestly i'm crying my eyes out. This Christmas is just ruined. I had so many chances so many coins I could buy but didn't because I thought only XRP was gonna survive. What the fuck do I do?

>> No.57081892

What happened to Zack and XRP Valuation Committee lmao? Have they decided on XRP price yet?
Grifting scum

>> No.57081937

The XRP Valuation Committee has decided the price. It is gonna be $589.

>> No.57082027

We are mooning sisters

>> No.57082049

>Everybody has given up and hopeless
>Ripple goes full panic mode and disables the sell bots for the weekend
>Baggies come back again to celebrate a $0.01 pump


>> No.57082081

It's so fucking obvious this is what's happening now

>> No.57082115

Use this chance to exit your positions
It’ll dump right back fown

>> No.57082142

poo in loo

>> No.57082143

>>Ripple goes full panic mode
They haven't seen anything yet. I want that escrow destroyed and Ripple with it.
Together we can make that happen, they have admitted as such.

>> No.57082205
File: 3.29 MB, 320x322, 1698023276270293.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is a shart for someone who is covered in shit?! I'm holding this till I'm riding Royal Enfield's in India, saars.

>> No.57082215

how is that tradition called , I've seen the webm a few times

>> No.57082223

>Together we can make that happen
We can do ANYTHING together! Come on guys! Yippie!

>> No.57082224
File: 3.46 MB, 576x1024, 1702951610236991.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called kabaddi, saar

>> No.57082250

says the streetshitter who has to post for cents

>> No.57082252

That looks very cool

>> No.57082254


>> No.57082261

I'm in profit though, streetshitter

>> No.57082303
File: 2.13 MB, 4032x3024, liminal space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57082330

>checks chart

>> No.57082339

>Retarded streetshitter doesn't know that charts go back further than a year
>Has COW as his ID
make this stuff up, you can't

>> No.57082345


>> No.57082360

>streetshitter just spams one word responses bacause he gets a fraction of a cent per response he elicits
Go ahead, buy some fresh fecal matter on me. You dining well tonight.

>> No.57082384


>> No.57082397

Burn the escrow

I won't let you have the last word streetshitter, so lets go back and forth until the end of the threas, streetshitter.

>> No.57082435

See >>57082254

>> No.57082464

Not my proudest nut

>> No.57082467

Burn the escrow, streetshitter

>> No.57082648


>> No.57082655

>Burn the escrow, streetshitter

>> No.57082680
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>> No.57082682

Come on, quicker, COW

>> No.57082689

lmfao the girl I want to marry has relatives that hold XRP , I just found out unironically

>> No.57082694

Just buy more xrp bro and the price will go up!
Just buy the 20+ mil that ripple dumps on the market every other day bro.
They NEED to dump millions every month so banks can buy and not to artificially dump the price.
Bro they NEED hundreds of millions a month to keep the lights on

Fuck you retards burn the escrow fuck ripple they have enough money. Fuck banks if they need liquid they can buy my bags. Fuck brad and his buying a new Lambo for every day of the week and fuck you shills that defend this shit

>> No.57082734

To add insult to injury THEY are the ones prolonging the case. They want to drag it out throughout next year.
Expect more acquisitions of actual businesses that have nothing to do with replacing swift or any other use case

>> No.57083016
File: 559 KB, 598x498, riddlefag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas fellow bagholders! I know riddlefags are largely full of shit but here's a new one

>> No.57083029
File: 1002 KB, 2752x2060, GCGI-abWEAAMe4Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

larger image

>> No.57083100

All over the image there's broken things. If you zoom in on the king, he has a black eye and his crown is fractured, there's some broken thing at the knights feet and the cufflink on the suited arm is missing 2 buttons. 4 sunflowers, April?

>merry Christmas, I'm fucking bored.

>> No.57083128


>> No.57083179

Burn the escrow, streetshitter

>> No.57083217


robot represents AMM? hourglass with xrp (blue) on one side and USD (yellow) and BTC (green) on the other
persian rug
image border is blue yellow green
three transparent ledgers on the floor
PERSEVERE written on the beam
one of the cloaked men is gone but the cloak remains
missing brick at the bottom of the wall
king's red wrench is broken
santa + 3 reindeer

>> No.57083253

hourglass has purple on one side fren, not blue. XPR? also the sunflower is probably SOL, kek

>> No.57083291

The books are green this time, they used to be white and red I think.
There used to be 2 robed figures, now theres only 1. The red figure's robe is on the ground.
The broken thing at the knights feet is a wrench.
I have no idea what the little red figure is supposed to represent, or why he's fist bumping the shadow hand.

>> No.57083300

Also note the santa clause at the top right corner

>> No.57083362

idiots go spend time with your families worry about this shit later , it's christmas eve.

>> No.57083402
File: 105 KB, 940x960, 1648266452819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Chrismass! WAGMI Bros.

>> No.57083504

I would spend time with my family around the fireplace if the escrow was burning in it desu

>> No.57083509
File: 127 KB, 720x720, Don't make peace with evil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

indeed fren

>> No.57083555


>> No.57083589

Good spots. I always thought the robot was a puppet, now it doesn't have strings. It seems like it's refusing or turning away the first bump/punch. The wrench is broken, no more tradfi fixes? Order books
Are green now? Was one of the cloaked men referring to CZ? The evil acolyte sacrificed?

>> No.57083607

Assuming we only hold one coin and not just long term stacking xrp on the side

>> No.57083620

The memedate has been transitioned from Christmas to sometime in Spring

>> No.57083643

>what the little red figure is supposed to represent, or why he's fist bumping the shadow hand.

>> No.57083685

Nice 589 digits
This whole persevere advice has been terrible advice
They should have said "buy SOL"
There has almost been no benefit to holding XRP all of these years, other than a 2-3x

>> No.57083704

Merry Christmas to everyone, even Spammy who has been a good boy lately.

>> No.57083717

>Caelum constellation
>best time to observe the Caelum in the night sky is from December to February
>new meme time period just dropped
aight I guess. Don't forget to press F to spit on walletanon

>> No.57083808

David turn off the dump bots right now!

>> No.57083885


>> No.57083889
File: 377 KB, 903x580, Screenshot 2023-12-24 200438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Santa in the top corner reminds me of the tracker and the aircraft ID 54FF41 reminds me of the 0000FF in BGs caption

>> No.57083902
File: 24 KB, 696x138, lookup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I Also notice the bear is no longer looking up at the sun

>> No.57083923
File: 322 KB, 1060x2353, fap2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that rug looks familiar also

>> No.57084072

Just hit top 3% am I gonna make it ?

>> No.57084115

verification not required

>> No.57084199
File: 219 KB, 1024x1024, OIG - 2023-11-30T013504.744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw just watched Elf for the first time
what a pile of shit

>> No.57084241
File: 124 KB, 1080x914, 1576203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0000ff is color code for blue
Caelum is caelus aka the sky

One of the robed figures is vanquished. One remains.

The puppet is free from his strings. He holds an hourglass that drains $ and btc into xrp. He also appears to be holding the unnamed hand at bay.

The unnamed hand now has 2 buttons missing from his cuff.

The king's (?) wrench is broken. His crown is more cracked than ever. The black eye is not a good look. He seems angrier than ever.

The books (ledgers?) are no longer clear transparent, but are beginning to turn green.

The knight still wears his gold armor and holds the door against the intruders.

The bear waters a blooming flower. Is it nearly time?

The missing brick in the wall has now been colored purple instead of blue.

Santa flies his sleigh. Merry Christmas.

>> No.57084246

I hated it.

>> No.57084259

based schizo dot connector here.
married to hot smart woman.
evaded police over and over.
literally my life is neo in the office cubicle being guided through life.
large xrp and icp bags

these images dont mean anything.

>> No.57084318

61 cents

>> No.57084406
File: 65 KB, 720x784, 1702065213893105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watched Home Alone with my mum. More than two decades without watching it. It's not as good as I remembered, but me and mo, felt comfy.

>> No.57084426
File: 109 KB, 831x1024, 1693896948153088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pretty comfy if you are in for a darker christimas tone with some lessons. Watched alone some days ago.

>> No.57084435

Escrows roasting on an open fire would really get me in the Christmas mood

>> No.57084445

Best cripple can do is a 61 cent token
Sorry baggie, you were warned. Merry Cope-mas

>> No.57084487

As I get older I realize how everything sucks balls but my family.
If you have a family live near them and let your kids grow up together with their cousins and grandparents..
If you don't, I can't imagine, but do everything in your power to build one so your grandkids get time with you.

It's not over.

>> No.57084747

Cope? I could care less if this goes to zero as long as the escrow is burnt as well

>> No.57084999

I now understand why Poos love Zach Snyder movies so much.

>> No.57085007

I am currently watching my favorite Christmas movie: It's a Wonderful Life.

>> No.57085034

Can confirm. I had an opportunity to work for the company I planned to work for why I started my profession 7 years ago, but turned down an interview when an offer finally came because I just moved back in with my parents and missed my friends and family so much. I could (and should) be making WAY more money, but the rent is going to my parents instead of some kike landlord and I get to enjoy spending time with them. Being alone and rich is quite a poor substitute for being with family and friends and moderately well off. Also, if the economy does tank and I get laid off or furloughed I at least have a place to stay.

>> No.57085038

*when I started my profession

>> No.57085065

Holy shit im so happy you schizos are contained in here

>> No.57085083

this seems bullish.. but my tarot card reading sounded incredibly bearish.. but then my horoscope indicated I'd be in for insufferable crab market. Thinking of consulting a ouija board as a tie breaker.

>> No.57085125

Merry xmas to everybody!

2024 can be our year

>> No.57085244



>> No.57085278

merry Christmas friends. cheers to another successful and fruitful year in /xsg/.

>> No.57085417

>Christmas morning
>61 cents
>im off to the wage cage

>> No.57085439

Watering a sunflower(sun in spanish = SOL), and a rug underneath it... obvious

>> No.57085447
File: 27 KB, 316x316, Solana_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also 3 books vanishing, SOL logo

>> No.57085450

Where the fuck is spammy? Price is $0.6175 again I really wanna see the chart.

>> No.57085483

Free on Christmas

>> No.57085506

Buying an asset at the top and selling another at the bottom , I guess the markets needs people like you for us to make money

>> No.57085516

It’s always been a long term play , stop literally crying and be patient for a few years

>> No.57085526

>wait a few more extra years bro

>> No.57085535

Sleigh bells ring, are you listening?
In the lane, snow is glistening
A beautiful sight
We're happy tonight
If only they would burn the escrow

>> No.57085540

don't want a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need
I don't care about the presents underneath the Christmas tree
I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is the escrow to burn

>> No.57085546

What if this fucks with adoption chances ? People are being shortsighted imo

>> No.57085561

You can’t make life changing money overnight

>> No.57085572

sure you can, just not with this curry shitstain smelling shitcoin. Sorry, Rakesh, nobody is buying your bags, not after 7 years of the same shillbot bullshit.

>> No.57085602

You literally can. So much shit has mooned this yeat.

>> No.57085606


Take Solana, take avax, take bonk, take even fucking icp, tellor, literally anything has gone up significantly.

>> No.57085612

Even fucking btc did a 3x

>> No.57085654

Holding this feels like a punishment.
Even chainlink did over a 2x while we sit at fucking $0.60s.

>> No.57085686

Ripple starts to realize this so now they will pump the price a little

>> No.57085752

It is so goddamn obvious they turned the dump bots off for Christmas or because of all this XRP hate. Gotta keep sucking in new losers.

>> No.57085758


>> No.57085762


>> No.57085769

>Sold all my XRP for SOL yesterday
>SOL dumps and XRP pumps

Fuck. These. People.

>> No.57085775

I literally told you.
SOL is going back to 30 bucks over time. Ripple will late rally to a dollar.

>> No.57085777
File: 278 KB, 1663x791, 1701645580020814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It is our time now :)

>> No.57085778

>XRP Slave General
can't someone make a real thread?
or, alternatively, hunt down and kill that spammy cunt
preferably both

>> No.57085779

>turn bots off to pump the price a bit near end of the month
>Keep 200mil tokens from the escrow
>Dump the market back to .60
Every. Single. Month

>> No.57085781

Yep. Dumb fucking newbies. This must be their first bullrun. Sol is hitting a local top for now, money is rotating to other coins. I'm not a moon boy, but XRPs weekly chart looks good.

>> No.57085810

Pretty sure he posted he was away for Christmas in the previous bake. Also he is based because he literally posted $0.645 being the local top in his charts few days ago and we just nailed it to the microcents again. Pretty sure he is pretending to annoying on purpose, but if you read between the lines..

>> No.57085822

Based bagbuyer doing the needful
You are the real ser

>> No.57085844

Thats what I’m telling him you idiot

>> No.57085852

lads it's happening

>> No.57085854
File: 590 KB, 1170x1256, IMG_0428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> XRP long position open.
> SOL short position open.
Let's rock.

>> No.57085862

You're the fucking idiot, I was agreeing. Work on your reading comprehension you dumb twat.

>> No.57085873

what markets are even open on Christmas day?
Also Merry Christmas to all and TKD
that is all

>> No.57085879
File: 24 KB, 797x865, 1680782069198779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it is not happening, prove me wrong

>> No.57085944

Merry Christmas WAGMI

>> No.57086043

Is that it? Pump over? Fuck this coin

>> No.57086135
File: 191 KB, 3556x1665, Screenshot_88.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder who could be behind this price action...

>> No.57086159

Akschually it seems to keep going

Checked and WAGMI
Merry Christmas frens

>> No.57086349

holy based value anons
I couldn't agree anymore. I'm currently studying in the big city, but when I'm done I'll move home and start up the farm once again where my parents live which is close to the whole family

>> No.57086453

Always buy
Never sell
What is so difficult? If you chase pumps youre gonna get rekt. You know this.
Pick up a videogame (Im playing final fantasy X) and get your mind off it. DCA when you can and ignore the hype. Solanas pump already happened, you were a fool to ape in. Just wait. Im not even trippin about solana because its just another scam blockchain like ethereum. Its a shitcoin that exists to birth dogcoins and frogcoins.

Look at it this way, every time I see pink wojaks covering the front page, I check the XRP chart and it hasnt moved. Still 62 cents and I breathe a sigh of relief.
The next day I see a ton of green wojaks, so I check the XRP price, nope.. Still 62 cents. This isnt a scam, this is actual money and nobody has figured it out yet. Im not worried about shit. Very soon this rocket is gonna lift off, and youre either going to be inside the rocket, or outside the rocket.

>> No.57086499

Your shit coin moves with bitcoin, not the other way around schizo

>> No.57086508

Kek doesn't even move With Bitcoin anymore. It only ever moves downwards

>> No.57087080

Why is the price risin', I sold 1/3th of my stack when it was at $0,6, isn't it supposed to be a stablecoin?

>> No.57087101
File: 74 KB, 1322x759, XRP 1500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because it is preparing to pump

>> No.57087247
File: 155 KB, 583x480, 20080603cnsph00378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea I sold for some shitcoins, they all dumped. Ah well. WAGMI I guess still.

>> No.57087248

Now ask it to explain market cap

>> No.57087260

Merry Christmas, brothers

>> No.57087339
File: 38 KB, 460x345, angel-at-promise-keepers-L-5D63HS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And all,
Merry Christmas

>> No.57087368

what do you think marketcap is?

>> No.57087628
File: 59 KB, 698x695, IMG_4167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burn the Escrow.
Burn the Circulating Supply.
Burn the Fed.
Burn the SEC.
Burn it all.

>> No.57087692

Supply * price

He's not wrong though. XRP at $1500 would make Ripple staff trillionaires

>> No.57087758

>$1500 XRP
>Can't even come close to $1

Seek help retard.

Best case, absolute best case is maybe, if everything goes well, $3 to $10 in 5 years im the next bullrun. Maybe.

>> No.57087855

I also watched that. Beautiful film (and Mary Hatch is S-tier GigaWife)

>> No.57087917

is this the SOL local top?


>> No.57088210

this "jews rape kids" shit is extremely fucking effective, what gives?

>> No.57088244

>short phrase
>easy to repeat and remember
>hits like a truck in its implications
>students are on winter break

>> No.57088340

checked and based

>> No.57088495

Even qnt has launched $40. Fuck me it's so over for us, absolutely fucked holding this

>> No.57088513

Qnt has a much lower supply

>> No.57088664

I'm surprised they didnt say yids instead of jews desu

>> No.57089128

I've literally had an 18yr old girl tell me today to buy XRP because "it is going to $1000"

Its over guys

>> No.57089176

>Just 2000x your money bro

Seems legit

>> No.57089325

someone didn't buy TOAD

>> No.57089355

Crypto sniper is sticking to his analysis that XRP will multiply next year.
I'm keeping core holding and we'll see. But I don't believe it

>> No.57089382
File: 1.47 MB, 1024x1024, 388184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i gonna make it with 13k bros? i know a boomer with 140k he bought last year with whatever money the bank gave him. feels bad and kills my morale all he talks about is conspiracies and vivek.

>> No.57089414


>> No.57089629

I'd be more worried whether it is a scam or not, instead of whether you make one mill or a. few mill

>> No.57089665

I am him
it happens this week
xrp is not it, find the portal or prepare rope

>> No.57089674

Lmao that poo is hilarious

>> No.57089706

jew bots can't decide?

>> No.57090340

its all so tiresome

>> No.57090412
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Wish they would quit dumping on are pathetic little price actions. Like a nerd in highschool finally getting a chance to take off a girls bras and feel some tiddies and those motherfuckers keep knocking on the door and running away.

>> No.57090542

Was she white though?

>> No.57090654
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Burn the Escrow. Give them nothing, but take from them, everything!

>> No.57090693
File: 600 KB, 1920x1032, Project Oracle Spoiler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OmegaAI (softly): "Be not afraid."

The soothing words cut through the despair, offering a moment of solace. Sniffing back tears, the human composed themselves and assumed a sitting seiza position at a height underneath the terminal suspended from the ceiling, a moment of silent reflection.

With a deliberate gesture, they reached up and removed the hood that had concealed their face. A feminine face was revealed. Shoulder-length blue hair framed the features of a face adorned with pale skin, round cheeks, a button nose, and a moderately soft jawline. Over her eyes, a sleek and futuristic augmented reality headset sat, obscuring any direct view of her eyes. Instead, cameras on the top left and top right corners of the device fed her surroundings with additional data, enhancing her perception of the world.

Taking a moment to rub her running nose on her sleeve and calm her chattering, nervous jaw, the woman gathered herself.

>I'm almost at 300 pages. I'll try for 333 novel-sized pages, but I can't make any assurances, there's still more content to write.

>> No.57090863

It's the only way to be sure

>> No.57091425

Merry Christmas schizos

>> No.57091772

merry christmas friend, i hope everyone in here had a good one

>> No.57091885


>> No.57092057

god my peepee feels good when your scam coin dumps, Schizo Niggers

>> No.57092319

Kek baggies

>> No.57092406

>Burn the escrow

>> No.57092427

>Pump the least, dumps the hardest
Yet again proven right

>> No.57092431

Wow a dollar and change! That was worth the wait.

>> No.57092468

This 'coin' and community is the saddest thing ever. Please never mention XRP ever again on this board.

>> No.57092469

Merry xmas xister!

>> No.57092509

It's just one thread at a time, not counting people like you making extra threads to mock it. Let us be miserable.
Christmas is over. Fuck this bullshit coin.
I have over 20k and I feel bad.
It was ok. Made a nice little dinner and watched some movies. I was far more hopeful about this when it dipped to $0.1776 before the trial dragged on with every single extension granted.
And now we're here.
Why not? What does it do for us? Nothing. They won't stop dumping on us. If we're going to be fucked why not fuck them? They can't even give us a fucking morsel by letting a pump sit for a bit. Can't let it hit a fucking dollar. Can't let it maintain $0.80, $0.70, even $0.65. It's like when we were crabbing during the trial but at least then we had the hope of something happening as it ended.

>> No.57092516

When someone take the effort to write a general to mock certain coin baggies, you know it's winner. The market doesn't care about anyone opinion. The market does what it wants when it wants to. Participation is king.

>> No.57092584

>The fact that we are so bad is actually good!

Yeah this is healthy.

>> No.57093299

the fact losers like you are constantly in here attempting to troll, even on christmas, is unironically bullish

>> No.57093332

Trolling will never not be funny. However it isn't even trolling. Just pointing out facts. But keep coping.

>waaaa the fact that we have been constantly dumping for years is actually bullish!! Two more weeks!!

>> No.57093571


>> No.57093613

>he does it for free
you have the soul of a jannie
i hope they double your pay

>> No.57093799
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>> No.57095253
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>> No.57095277

Ahh yes so we have our weekly pullback with btc dumping yet again. Meanwhile stuff like qnt is now going up regardless after being stagnant forever. I can understand a retrace on Solana etc as they have done about 1000%. Make it make sense

>> No.57095287

>Make it make sense
XRP is worthless.
There, it makes sense. Wether you accept this fact or not is on you.

>> No.57095319
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I have 10 xerps left in my account "to permanently lend the big man". I can do nothing else with these xerps. May god have mercy on their souls, because I won't.

>> No.57095410
File: 14 KB, 1363x98, _xrpscan.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57095427

You can delete your wallet and return 8 xrp (2 will be burned)

>> No.57095503

>return 8xrp
how does that work? my xerps are on exodus wallet btw..

>> No.57095534

exodus wallet says 10xrp can't be sent or swapped..

>> No.57095550

idk about exodus. But you can do it with XUMM.

>> No.57095563

Ok thanks fren, I guess I should be able to import the priv key into UMM..

>> No.57095582

This chart looks incredible, falling wedge

>> No.57095603

Import your key, log on to the site via XUMM (now it's called Xaman), use Account Delete and provide your wallet address on the exchange (don't forget the destination tag) so they will come there.

>> No.57095646

Ty fren, that's reassuring.

>> No.57095724

Ahhh yes the BIZ way, buy high sell low

>> No.57095846

Merry Christmas anon, WAGMI

>> No.57095933

hello everyone

>> No.57095944

How was your Christmas

>> No.57095972

Hope you all have an amazing Christmas XRP is at what guys 61 cents isn't that quite interesting?

nah but seriously, what the fuck this price action is so boring

>> No.57096197

checked :o

>> No.57096326
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merry Christmas to you too fren WAGMI

>> No.57096407
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>> No.57097109

No you won’t
No you wont

>> No.57097177

new meme date is in 16 hours btw

>> No.57097225


>> No.57097534

24th letter

2024 solar eclipse
marks an X over NA

schiZO OUT!

>> No.57097618

Bro, the date is April 29th, 2024.

Keep accumulating and follow the plan.

>> No.57097622
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Watched Home Alone and Jingle All The Way with me mom. It felt comfy, she liked both of those movies.

>> No.57097870
File: 122 KB, 825x1200, xrp golive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lots of activity spiking in the last 2 days, this could literally be it!

>> No.57097882

that's the most ever

>> No.57097922
File: 33 KB, 400x400, 1703023446219226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fucking switch is being flipped as we speak.

2024 is gonna be absolutely GLORIOUS.

Good things come for those who wait.

>> No.57097925

>most in the last 3 months
go to link and zoom out faggot

>> No.57097977

I did the other high was 2.9mil in 2019
this was 3.1mil

>> No.57098138
File: 33 KB, 576x384, fourth turning sine wave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm so right before the pandemic? interesting...
just in time for le black swan 2024

>> No.57098406

>they don’t know what happened

>> No.57098418

>he does
wow lucky
guess we'll never know cause you'll never tell us huh wow

>> No.57098423

It’s literally all over twitter. It’s not a secret

>> No.57098434

post proof twitterboy

>> No.57098448

Twitter’s excrement will trickle down its leg into your mouth eventually
Spoiler: it’s not good

>> No.57098545

oh more fud from the fudbot
bored yet? or are you not programmed to experience boredom?

>> No.57098587

So, basically you invested a bunch of your money into xrp but are too dumb and or lazy to read a few twitter posts about what happened?

>> No.57098595
File: 7 KB, 311x125, 1700591190125306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your captcha

>> No.57098610

Why would I follow your orders? Retard.
Cope by calling me a bot and then fight that feeling of being a retard once others start talking about what happened

>> No.57098628

bot lol
even tries to get ahead of the story

>> No.57098640

You don’t even know what the story is, retard. And your lame attempts at getting me to spoonfeed you are falling flat.
Again, it’s not a secret and I’m not a genius for knowing it, you’re just a legitimate retard.

>> No.57098650

guess I should sell huh

>> No.57098661

What will your cope be once others start talking about what happened? And I could not care less about your finances. Narcissistic retard.

>> No.57098688

what will your cope be when you're here months from now saying the same vague shit that no one cares about

>> No.57098809


>> No.57098815

He's just here to shit on xsg and rant about how it's a scam. Earlier post:
There is no point in listening to him.

>> No.57098868

I already checked twitter, what happened exactly?

>> No.57098879

he sucked your loosh
good going

>> No.57098884
File: 787 KB, 794x789, vallesan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57098889

bludy bastered bitch I want gets

>> No.57099171

It’s simply unreal that you dipshits can’t figure out how to use twitter, literal grandmas can figure it out, but you, with thousands invested into xrp, can’t even keep up with the happenings of your investment. Hell, even normie fag YouTube channels are talking about it.
Explain the spike in activity on the xrpl, then. You were giddy about it a few hours ago. Was it le institutions buying your bags? kek

>> No.57099287
File: 3.00 MB, 854x480, 1701469460730393.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retard. Sol will dump meanwhile the cripple stable coin would have retained its value. You bought the local top.

>> No.57099426

Your first post is that this is a scamcoin, the rest of it is similar.
There's no reason for anyone to pay attention to you.
Just responding so others can see this and ignore your ranting and stop asking you about twitter since all you offer is bullshit.

>> No.57099441

>he can’t explain the spike in activity on the xrpl
>he can’t figure out how to use twitter
>he can’t figure out how to use you tube
>he invested thousands into a coin and can’t keep up with its basic happenings
This is all so funny
Next thread, I’ll spoonfeed you fags if you still haven’t pulled your heads out of your dirty assholes

>> No.57099590
File: 314 KB, 1089x1936, 1689928398059796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new thread
new thread
new thread

>> No.57100743

source. trust me bro i have a time machine.

>> No.57101977

NFT Hook XRPL attack. A DDOS attempt or real-world strength/function check.

>> No.57103082

>goes to club
>wears headphones
dumb slut

>> No.57103094

>posted 17 hours ago
it's joever...

>> No.57103627

Source: watch and learn faggot.