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57076996 No.57076996 [Reply] [Original]

I know, I'm pathetic and insecure.

Anyway, my salary is huge. I guess it can be implied I'm rich by all the travel pics I post on instagram, but probably not. People travel all the time. How do I subtly (or blatantly) let people I hate in my life (and on social media) know I'm rich so they're envious?

I can't just post a screenshot of my fortnightly payslips, can I? I was almost about to do it with a witty "coy" caption, like "haha I got a travel bonus that used to be my weekly paycheck!" which would also show my actual payment but that's still really pathetic, I think.

>> No.57077007

life will humble you

>> No.57077016
File: 47 KB, 668x523, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57077025

Everyone on Instagram thinks you are giving up your bussy to rich arabs for free travel.

>> No.57077032

walk around carrying a sack with a big green dollar sign on it

>> No.57077036
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N-No they don't, anon. Fuck.
I just realized every time I see a woman constantly traveling she's presumably whoring herself out. No way they think that about men.

>> No.57077049
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go on other blue boards and get into arguments, at some point someone will say theyre smarter than you show them your paystub just to fuck with them - most never even question it it all goes to some cope

>> No.57077090

> Using wealth as a crutch for his personality/character flaws
Anon, I'm sorry, but yngmi

>> No.57077110

lol that’s not even worth bragging about. My mailman makes more than you

>> No.57077560


post things like "can't beat the peace of mondays" with you at a cafe or beach or whatever when everyone is waging

try to time posts/stories around when people are on break at working or commuting

>> No.57077584

buy many christmas presents, add them to the gifts santa gave you and pretend they all came from him.

>> No.57077603

Anyone who is truly happy doesn't waste time on what other people think

>> No.57077609

Post yourself holding large wads of cash along with your address so people can come and admire you

But in all reality no matter how well you think you’re doing there’s always people doing better than you. You are almost certainly not going to the wealthiest person viewing your posts so you’re going to look rediculous and insecure.

>> No.57077674
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You are pathetic, but in the way you think you think you are.

If you want to dunk on NPCs and wagies to the point where they would seethe and rage just thinking about you is by living your best life.

Live a life where you are true to yourself. There is a reason people envy rockstars, travellers, socialites, happily married people, and creative types. Those people live the life they want to live and people recognize the real deal on a subconscious level.

If you try to copy someone else's desires and life all you'll get is regret and disappointment.

You have money. Money can buy you time and opportunity to find what makes you happy. Look within instead of posting shit on insta hoping it would fill the void inside of you.

>> No.57077677

Lmao that's hilarious. Will do.
Nobody not on drugs is truly happy anon, don't be ridiculous.
>But in all reality no matter how well you think you’re doing there’s always people doing better than you. You are almost certainly not going to the wealthiest person viewing your posts so you’re going to look rediculous and insecure.
Yeah that's an issue. Good reason not to blatantly post my payslip at least.

>> No.57077688

Okay good point. I'm going to try to really tone down the amount of shit I post anyway, it won't look like I'm really enjoying myself if I'm always posting stuff.

>> No.57077710

What do you do for work? What's your crypto portfolio look like? Wanna help a lil bro out with some cash?

>> No.57077756

I'm a SWE for a government agency (lol). I sold all my crypto years ago except for xrp which I'm hoping will one day reach the moon. I've had that shit for 6 years now... any day right...?

>> No.57077829

That’s pathetic man. Ecclesiastes 5:10 12 and 16-17.
>He who loves silver will not be satisfied with silver; Nor he who loves abundance, with increase. This also is vanity.
>The sleep of a laboring man is sweet, Whether he eats little or much; But the abundance of the rich will not permit him to sleep.
>And this also is a severe evil— Just exactly as he came, so shall he go. And what profit has he who has labored for the wind? All his days he also eats in darkness, And he has much sorrow and sickness and anger.
What you labor after is worthless, you life is a mist that is here then gone like that. Labor after that which matters. All that being said, the traditional to do it is through buying expensive clothes, a car, stuff you don’t need, and a house.

>> No.57077842

Any day now big bro lol. What much do you make a year? I did 14k more this year than last year but am still in credit card debt and have no savings other than crypto. I'll get there though, God willing

>> No.57077935

>I'm a SWE for a government agency
Wouldn't the guys sucking the FAGMANs dick laugh at your salary? Who would you be making envious other than 14 year olds?

>> No.57078058 [DELETED] 

I make 190k (USD, assuming that's where you're from) after tax.
Yeah, anyone can get there. I'm a moron and I did it.

Well this is the same website that was perplexed why we use physical servers instead of just "the cloud" so I don't expect anyone to understand how things work in this industry.

>> No.57078076

You've got one poor mailman. Our school janitor cleared more than this last year.

>> No.57078087

>implying this is not the case while simultaneously shaming OP for xer career in sex work
nice job anon, very open minded of you

>> No.57078088
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Can't think on some other way rather than showing off your holdings and bestowing on beoble.
At least that when they actually finish their closed beta you feel me?

>> No.57078110

What a loser.
If you were really rich, you wouldn't give a shit about the opinion of peasants.

You want to know the biggest fuck you to give them? You forget about them. You let them know they are not even a consideration by just never associating with them, and having no regard or struggle that they could even relate to.

>> No.57078151

None of that would make me envious, especially knowing that you think you're rich because you earn low 6 figures. There are middling bureaucrats who earn multiples more than you.

The way to make people envious as others have mentioned is to show that your life is better, ie have a White wife and happy family, have friends who genuinely enjoy your company and show that you have the resources to bring these people together and protect them. If all you're doing is travelling solo, taking cringey steering wheel pics with a rolex, you aren't impressing anyone except 3rd worlders. Women will think you're kinda lonely.