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57073135 No.57073135 [Reply] [Original]

>practice gf wants me to meet her parents

>> No.57073165

Better make up your mind, practice gf's have a way of turning into wives. I had a practice once, a chubby pot head with fat titties who loved to fuck. Now we have 2 kids. Luckily she still loves to fuck.

>> No.57073176
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I hate women. I want to kill women. Causing women pain makes me happy. I want to grab a whore's newborn baby and smash it on the ground while she is forced to watch and begs for mercy. Is that normal?

>> No.57073190

It's perfectly normal.
Only gets weird if you want to cave their skulls in with a shovel.

>> No.57073191

kys incel

>> No.57073195
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>slampig says she loves me

>> No.57073205


>> No.57073214
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>say 'I love you' back in the heat of the moment (while cumming)

>> No.57073216

How the fuck do you guys find women to talk to

>> No.57073226

Does she still have fat titties

>> No.57073244

Go to social places like bars or if you're too acoustic then use dating apps and take girls to quieter places where you feel at ease and can talk.

>> No.57073251

tinder nigga

>> No.57073273

i have a friend whose dating a girl for like 3 or 4 years that he says he will never marry. Tells her he loves her and went on a vacation with her and everything. I have no idea why he's doing that shit seems kinda mean to me

>> No.57073276

Yes that's perfectly normal

>> No.57073293
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I’m sub 5 (look like pic related). Online dating is impossible for me.

>> No.57073335
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I can do that too. Look at the horns. Oh em Gee. Men are literally evil!!!!!

Kys incel

>> No.57073346
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I suggest killing yourself

>> No.57073348
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>When you have to say "I love you" back because you're not finished practicing yet

>> No.57073352

Break up, retard. The cummies aren't real unless it ends in creampie anyway.

>> No.57073356

not finished practicing yet

>> No.57073358

I'm sure it's not just the tits that are fat now.

>> No.57073372

That looks nothing like the ram's head

>> No.57073412
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>Better make up your mind, practice gf's have a way of turning into wives.
This. I wen't on a blind date with a pawg-type( apologies for the nigger speak )chick just for the hell of it and to try to get some pussy and she's turned out to be a really nice girl that let's me plow into her whenever I want and then cooks me eggs and bacon and does my laundry. My point being is if she's fun, treats you good and doesn't have any baggage it's time to consider giving her a little something in return.

>> No.57073418

Lol I have done this

>> No.57073490 [DELETED] 
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>I can do that too. Look at the horns. Oh em Gee. Men are literally evil!!!!!

Kys incel

>> No.57073541

>gf was waiting in bed naked for me after I sold my XRP
I'm such a lucky retard

>> No.57073620
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I missed out on marrying girl in the middle and her crazy fat sisters. Feels bad bros.

>> No.57073637

Yes. But literally do not care because she's awesome, supports me through thick and thin, and has given me two great kids.
Also, you are gay

>> No.57073645

fat women are gross though

>> No.57073656

No u.

>> No.57073673

wow you missed out on THAT? your life is over dude

>> No.57073720 [DELETED] 
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>anon I really like you, I will pay you back all the money you gave me to become your real girlfriend
it's gone to waste, get yourself another one

>> No.57073743
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>anon I really like you, I will pay you back all the money you gave me to become your real girlfriend
it's gone to waste, get another one or use an AI, these things don't happen to me when one talks to me about SPX

>> No.57073755

kys cuck

>> No.57073779

Avoidant personality chads wins again

>> No.57073781
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I wouldn't exactly call THAT missing out anon

>> No.57073799

I am genuinely happy for you, anon. The older I get the more I realize that looks matter much less than personality and loyalty in a woman. I'd take an average or even homely chick with a decent body and great attitude over a stuck-up OF whore with a body sculpted by Aphrodite any day.

>> No.57073815

What if she's perfect but has a dick?

>> No.57073840

You’re wronging that woman so make your mind up

>> No.57073859

Best thing is a mixed gender friend circle. After that it's clubs. After that it's apps.

>> No.57073860

Get a side job like a restaurant, its just hot girls everywhere

>> No.57073886

ITT: Incels pretend they've touched a woman

>> No.57073915

hes also wasting his time lmao

>> No.57073923

I really did touch a girl once
A vagina basically feels like a warm bowl of buttered spaghetti

>> No.57073924

i ignore fat women. i treat them like they dont even exist.

>> No.57073936


Gross. Wait for a really cold and wet night and take her out for a ride out in the country, spray her down with some ice water, and leave her in a field.

>> No.57073965

Having banged a few trannies myself, they are obviously not women. They don't smell like women, they smell like male BO underneath the Chanel perfume. When you hold them they don't feel like women. They can't get rid of the male bone structure and fat distribution. They can't get rid of their deep voices or Adam's apple. They can't hide their large veiny hands and thick wrists and wide shoulders. They don't have wombs. They don't have vaginas. Assholes do not feel nearly as good as the hole you're literally biologically meant to stick your dick into and they are very unclean no matter how many enemas you make "her" do beforehand. And as a result, "she" cannot bear your children, which is the most important thing about having sex and dealing with a female as children will fulfill and enrich both of your lives.

They are not hot futanari like you fantasize about, they are confused effeminate men. I will live with the shame until my grave and never tell a soul.

>> No.57074138 [DELETED] 

You're right about all that, but I'm in deep with one now. Breaking up because of that and wanting kids would break his heart, but I might have to do it. Sucks because he's my best friend at this point.

>> No.57074256

As a 38 year old boomer, I can tell you looks only go so far as you get derm. Obviously that's not an invitation to become a body double for Brendan Fraser in the whale, but I've seen the plenty of examples of former chads and Stacey's getting married, having kids, and divorce because they literally hate each other. Nothing happened to cause it, they're just shitty people who never really cared for each other. And those kind of cracks eventually start to show no matter how much you try to hide them.

>> No.57074266


>> No.57074285

>looks only go so far as you get derm
a dermatologist?

>> No.57074370

Follow this advice unless you’re racemixing

If your practice gf is a different race then only use for practice

>> No.57074385

Most people on biz already grew out of their incel phase.

4chan being primarily incel was true 8 years ago but not anymore

>> No.57074424

Lmao older

>> No.57074432

HEY I touched a woman accidentally on her shoulder 8 years ago, don't be so mean

>> No.57074555
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>they smell like male BO underneath the Chanel perfume.

>> No.57074649
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I think you meant "looks only get you in the door". I agree, looks get the door open, personality gets each person to stay. We look for mates based on looks because good looks = good genes to pass on to children. To all other anons: you should look for a woman who you're attracted to but who isn't too pretty; focus on if she's compatible with you and if you actually enjoy being around her when you aren't having sex. Obviously, you want the sex to be mutually gratifying, but considering most time that you will spend with her won't be balls deep in her gash, you kinda want to make sure you can stand her presence and actually enjoy it.

Women are naturally hypergamous and so men must demonstrate value not only initially but continually, otherwise she will eventually leave you for someone else she perceives as better. Historically, this hypergamy was balanced out by so-called "patriarchy" laws that essentially made women officially dependent (rather than naturally) on men and only allowed divorce in very specific or extreme circumstances. The modern West seems to ENCOURAGE divorce and women HEAVILY benefit from essentially using the State to steal a man's wealth at gunpoint only because he had the privilege of sticking his cock in her pussy. The irony is that women are still being supported by men, just indirectly with their taxes, which is why you see so many feminist articles online trying to shame men into working again since many young working age men (18-35) rightly see that the juice (sex with a female to create a family) is no longer worth the squeeze (marriage leading into probable divorce). Every single woman on Earth wants GigaChad to love and impregnate her while she wants Betas (read: every male who isn't GigaChad) to financially support her and her children. The social engineering has gotten so bad that some women actually think that this is right and just and men should stop complaining and be abused and exploited.

>> No.57074663

Good advice itt. I chose a good woman who for a while I didn't think was "hot" or "smart" enough. She has made me very happy. Don't fall for the manic pixie dreamgirl meme.

>> No.57074929

I made the mistake of indulging in my fetish fantasies a few times before the gravity of how fake and (literally) gay it was really sunk in. You can only hide it so well before the illusion shatters and then you're sitting in disgust and shame. Porn is evil but I still made my own choices, I'm just warning other anons in case they have the same inclinations. Keep your fantasies what they are, because reality will check you real quick once you see them in the wrong lighting.

And to keep this /biz/ related, I've paid way too much money on escorts and prostitutes as well.

>> No.57074947
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> practice son wants me to move back in with his mom

>> No.57075286

I'm in the same boat. I wish I'd never told my close friends I did it and could take it to the grave between only me and God. Take heed anons

>> No.57075321

how do you recommend building up a mixed-gender friend circle? just moved into a new town and don't know anyone. So far I've started a meetup group and a discord/group chat I moderate. Got a few dozen people that joined but it's mostly dudes and mediocre-looking chicks. Thinking of printing out flyers and placing them around the university nearby. Either that, I find post-grad roasties off tinder or become the coke/party drug dealer in town

>> No.57075723

I made the mistake of hinting at wanting to go to bang a tranny to one of my friends and even under the layers of irony I could still sense his rightful confusion and disgust, but he casually brushed it off and I've made sure it's NEVER come up again. Even if I am lucky enough to find a good enough woman and control my coomerism for long enough to engage in a loving relationship, I doubt I will ever tell even her.

>> No.57075771
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>anime waifu pillow broke up with me

>> No.57075781
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I'm about to be 30 years old.

>> No.57076133

Honestly lots of guys get coombrain for troons, don't feel too bad.. I got retarded in college after a bad breakup and told some of my best friends I'm bisexual then realized it was a porn addiction after a few months but the damage was done. Now five years later I'm trying to get over a tranny sex addiction. IDK what the solution is. Maybe orthodoxy. Maybe rope.

>> No.57076151

>im 33 but want a 15 yo boy
dude life is hard

>> No.57076205

Good for you, tied down to a fat landwhale and raising Tyrone’s kids. So proud of u sweaty. JFL at LTRkeks

>> No.57076218


>> No.57076229

kill yourself

>> No.57076234

Wrong. You forgot to dropkick her mulatto child because she already was a coal burner before you met her

>> No.57076237

dump her, it's not nice to have a practice gf, speaking from repeated experience. let her find someone else

>> No.57076242

this looks more like a fly or something THOUGH

>> No.57076244

im going to make it and go to thailand and fuck 2 young ladyboys
that's my dream

>> No.57076251

Based. If you really don't care for her at all, or can't see yourself being more, give her a chance. Don't listen to /pol/ and bullshit insta influencers. Let her go.

>> No.57076270
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>take your fat gf out for a walk
>She doesn't need to know that you're training her

>> No.57076277

TradLARPing like you’re doing is cringe, yes.

>> No.57076293

do you guys ever wish you could become a filipino woman? i do

>> No.57076313


>> No.57076359

I hate not being good enough. I make 6 figures just barely. I'm 5' 11.75" tall so with shoes I'm 6'. I dont have a 6 pack but like i have a normal bmi thats better than all these fat fucks ar my job that think theyre jacked. I'm tired of being a virgin. I feel like I've lived such a boring life but most normies I talked to have done way less cool shit. Other than sex with a woman they say they do that on accident sometimes.

>> No.57076405

Its only normal if you’ve interacted with a decent number of women

>> No.57076427

This. They are all peak whores though since they get money just for being hot and social, so dont look for anything long term with em.

>> No.57076428

Best advice I can give; Don't fall for looks alone. It's subjective but mostly the "super hot" girls turn out to be total bitches with absolutely nothing in the way of brains. This is the type that will hook you, screw you, and end up leaving you broke. Now like I said it's subjective. Sometimes a hot girl does turn out nice and actually has a brain in her head and won't fuck you over. But this is rare. Aside; Don't fuck around with a girl. Fuck her sure. But don't be with someone for say 3 years and then refuse to take the next step. Your only wasting your time and hers. Either you put a ring on her finger or you let her go. I know a guy who totally fucked up on this. He had a good girl who done him right but he never took it further. After awhile the girl rightly left him. He then ended up marrying a total bitch who's looks well, let's just say she hit a wall big time. Don't flaunt your money (if you got any). If a girl legit likes you when your at your lowest then hey all the more reason not to screw things up with her.

>> No.57076478

Well I dunno about the restaurant thing. Yeah sometimes you'll see hot ones. But anymore least round here the girls tend to be loaded with tattoos and piercings who all work the fast food places. Although 2 weeks ago I hit up this place for lunch and the girl at the window if I wasn't married I'd gladly bend her over the counter and fuck her stupid. Not a tattoo or piecing in site.

>> No.57076506

>Walmart GF wants to meet my family
>Last GF I introduced my parents hated her because she was a retail worker

>> No.57076528

I'd tell your parents this; hey least my girl works unlike most now who are phone addicts. Or you could lie and say she does something else. WTF seriously your parents should be happy your girl is working doing something and not depending on you as a sugar daddy.

>> No.57076529

Treat her like a whore in front of her parents. +3 reddit gold if you call her a bitch and tell her to get in the kitchen and keep her ass in there.

>> No.57076538

My brothers wives are accountants, engineers, and NPs so I guess there's a line they want me to meet

>> No.57076539

I'm paying $400 my "practice" gf in argentina.
I don't like her anymore but I'm too lazy to break up with her.

Thing is I banged hotter girls than her without paying but she cooks and cleans for me.

She is actually a 6.5/10 (fit and with good ass but I don't love her face)

>> No.57076590
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Notice this thread is still up after 9 hours, but jannies deleted every other off-topic thread.

A janny made this thread. And you all fell for it.

>> No.57076661

good post at the start then lots of incel nonsense towards the end. shame

>> No.57076676
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>> No.57076689

>Forcing a new term
Double cringe

>> No.57076788

>I’m sub 5 (look like pic related)
you look like an average nigger, it's not your looks that are making you incel

>> No.57078027

Porn is quite insidious. If I grew up even just 50 years ago, I doubt I would've even had thought of wanting to bone a tranny even enter my mind. It ruins the ability to pair bond during sex when you just want to COOM.

>incel nonsense
Biological firmware is biological firmware, anon. We can't help what we are, but we can try to understand it and the imperative for women. I don't hate women, I've even had good conversations with many (funny enough, the best were with prostitutes; shame I'd never consider wifing one), but I have come to a better understanding of them and I'm not angry, just.... disappointed. That's why I urge anons in that post and others I've made to lower their looks standards for women and find them based on personality and loyalty. They do still exist and you should hang onto them when you find them.

>> No.57078282

anal feels better than vaginal sex though

>> No.57078289
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>got hemorrhoids from glowies making me shit all day