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57055053 No.57055053 [Reply] [Original]

why is everyone holding solana still. like what are you even doing. i see threads about it here lots of twitter cryptochuds hold it people on beoble, everywhere. fucking sell you morons hello??? do you *REALLY* think it will flip anything or go to $100??? have you learnt NOTHING?

>> No.57055067

Are you poor and desperate for money? If not, you can afford to hold w/ a generous stop loss. If yes, you redeemed, probably at $30.

>> No.57055072

I'm supposed to buy when everyone is euphoric. Buy high sell higher. I just sold all my eth for solana

>> No.57055080

whats wrong? soll happens to be a great asset lmao

>> No.57055094

30$ is quite decent for sol giving a great chance for income, at least for me.

>> No.57055096

if you keep thinking like that you'll buy high and sell low.

>> No.57055103
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absolute state of thread.

>> No.57055112
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>> No.57055181

Going for it, nice shill brother

>> No.57055193
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>sells shit to buy even smellier crappier shit

>> No.57055200

I can smell the scent of shit in the air

>> No.57055204

can't see matt damond movies with the same eyes anymore after this desu

>> No.57055213

look, I prefer to continue with SOL because although it is very unlikely that it will go up to $100, it is also difficult to go down from the price it is at.

>> No.57055222

and do you suffer if someone else loses money? let people be happy and that's all.

>> No.57055229

nice shill pajeet, at least this one was funny to me.

>> No.57055231

WEll everyone got to pick its own poison

>> No.57055234

dancing duckie is always funny

>> No.57055236
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same, it's a pretty decent price

>> No.57055239
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I am not missing out 10% of my payout over some retarded normie cope. Trade, take profits, move on.

>> No.57055244

in the end not everyone wants to "earn" money, me for example and I admit it. I am a compulsive gambler and I buy/sell without knowing anything about the crypto world.

>> No.57055254
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Saving private Ryan is Kino, Tom hanks is literally this.

>> No.57055263

if that were the case, you should simply switch to some stable coin, don't you think?

>> No.57055269

first I cut my fingers with a nail clipper before entering your link, you crappy pajeet.

>> No.57055280

how much time a day do you spend reading content on social networks? you talk as if you had your cell phone screen in front of you all day long.

>> No.57055290

this strategy stopped working a long time ago, it is not profitable.

>> No.57055293

>and do you suffer if someone else loses money? let people be happy and that's all.

>> No.57055301

whats wrong is that clinging into failed proyects and chains just because they used to be big is a mistake, the only exception is btc, and even then
>10k is programmed

>> No.57055310

im so tired of being white in a sea of online poop

>> No.57055322
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Maybe he's just being fucking empathic you fucking dumbfuck

>> No.57055323

what if thats my very specific kink are you kinkshaming me

>> No.57055332
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Considering the fact Ihat i got sol at 12$, selling 3k 12$ sol to 30$ feels quite nice, but id sit on it even more time.

>> No.57055333
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cucklana enthusiast

>> No.57055337
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>> No.57055343

kill yourself youre lucky im not an animal enjoyer anymore

>> No.57055352
File: 113 KB, 1024x1024, 21484F9B-D6ED-4E34-A936-75AF1F759884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody holds Solana they use it to buy shitcoins like safebonk

>> No.57055375

can you not afford to hold it or something huh wagie?

gotta withdraw crypto all the time to pay bills?

maybe I just keep my solana and let it go to zero because I can?

>> No.57055389

why are there so many fucking jeets on here?

>> No.57055456

If you didnt got there early is not worth it to put a lot of money into alts unless you are ok and ready to accept losing it.

>> No.57055654
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these s o i b o i s dont need an excute to hold forever, thry jsut cling to whatever narrative is happening at the moment to justify their terrible choices, the lastest one is MUH SOL BETTER THAN FUGLY ETH EY

>> No.57055760

I'll dump it just to know what web3 and metaverse feels like. With a simple setup, smooth gameplay, no tech hurdles, gamers or creators are in for a good juicy ride, thanks to OGBX.