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57042083 No.57042083 [Reply] [Original]

How do you guys not regret just hoarding money all your life and just staying inside all day?

>> No.57042134

My son needs the money not to repeat all the mistakes I made. Especially with women, especially with handling money.

>> No.57042228

Still trying to figure this out myself, I have no life, no hobbies or gf, all I do is work and invest. There isn't much of anything I want to buy either, best thing I could get is a new gaming pc but that's about it.

>> No.57042239

I have no money because I bought GOKU on Solana. FML

>> No.57042257

same, and I buy new tools for work

>> No.57042291
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Most people are a waste of time and boring. If my focus isn't on finances, I could do a lot worse.

>> No.57042329
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Could do a lot worse? What's worse than a fate where you can't focus on anything except finances?

>> No.57042348
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A fate where I spent all of my time focusing on women and ended up with 10 kids, all with matching child support and a tent for a home.

>> No.57042407

what would an ideal fate look like for you?

>> No.57042430

My real life will begin next year. What is happenjng now is trivial. Who needs whores and friends anyway.

>> No.57042434

I have close to a million dollars, but id rather just stay home, make a nice meal and play video games

who cares, just do what you like to do - i already bought a sports car and a nice house, what more do i need

>> No.57042448
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Everyone in my family has nothing to ask for outside of hobby interests, we have homes that are owned and lived in and taken care of and no one has to wake up wondering if they'll still be welcome wherever they are in a month.
I grew up poor. Making money and not being poor is my purpose, in a defiant, self-righteous sort of vengeful way and I will succeed or die trying.

>> No.57042464

how did you save up a ~million dollars? assuming it's not included in the value of your home and car

>> No.57042496

if you've already escaped poverty, why keep dwelling on it? rather than just enjoying hobby interests?

>> No.57042581

because life is shit, once you've been around long enough you should realize this. Life could be interesting if it was like Star Trek, but stuck on this planet and this system with this assholes, no.

>> No.57042676

These are just the regrets of one projecting individual who's most likely young and with a privileged background.

>> No.57042718

what do you think people's main regrets would be then?

>> No.57042770

in 2022 i was away for 7 months of the year travellin. this year it was 4 months. next year itl be 6 months probably. woudn't have been possible without my buttcoinstack

>> No.57042802

used to be like this then got into flying RC airplanes and met a bunch of cool frens and the got a 4 wheeler and made a bunch of dirtbike/4 wheeler frens. They're more expensive than vidya but are make life worth living imo

>> No.57042835

i have all of these regrets

>> No.57042872

mfw i have none of these regrets.

>> No.57042892

8 There is one alone, without companion:
He has neither son nor brother.
Yet there is no end to all his labors,
Nor is his eye satisfied with riches.
But he never asks,
“For whom do I toil and deprive myself of good?”
This also is vanity and a grave misfortune.

9 Two are better than one,
Because they have a good reward for their labor.
10 For if they fall, one will lift up his companion.
But woe to him who is alone when he falls,
For he has no one to help him up.
11 Again, if two lie down together, they will keep warm;
But how can one be warm alone?
12 Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him.
And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.

>> No.57042932

I did that and my only mistake was spending 6-8k on frivolous food and such now am 23 and I conviently stashed 2k in BTC to start trading full time before this bull gets going, if I just had been a little more aggressive on crypto I would have made it instead of clawing my way out tooth and nail right now

>> No.57042951

do you really enjoy traveling that much? can't you just look at some photos and save yourself the hassle? I'd only go to national parks and maybe some concerts here and there

>> No.57042974

I haven’t left my house since January 2020. It’s still insane to me that people are going outside maskless and acting like the pandemic is over when thousands of people are still instantly dropping dead from covid on a daily basis. Anyway most of my money goes to n95 masks and hand sanitizer.

>> No.57042978

Making major life altering decisions that can't be corrected or past that point. Examples are decisions that result in disability of self or death of loved ones, massive financial loss, or wrong career choice.

>> No.57042989

Because the outside world and it's inhabitants treats me like garbage no matter how polite and kind I try to act, neurotypicals are just a bunch of miserable sadists that will stab you in the back without a moment's notice

>> No.57043115

you have internet/tiktok/instagram rotbrain. no going to a sunny place to swim at the beach and explore is not the same as looking at pictures of beaches.

>> do you really enjoy
yes. I do. Where I'm from its cold dark and wet for 6 to 8 months of the year and there's no nice beaches or fruit trees, hike places.

also I met my new GF travelling.

>> No.57043839

What as opposed to consuming products? How would that make me happier.

>> No.57044077

These are the regrets of people who had money. People who can afford to die in a hospital where they can be surveyed.

>> No.57044106

>How do you guys not regret just hoarding money all your life
I like the financial security hoarding money brings and I want to free myself from being a wageslave, the sooner the better.
>and just staying inside all day?
I just don't enjoy 99% of things outside.

>> No.57044292
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>Still trying to figure this out myself, I have no life, no hobbies or gf, all I do is work and invest.
Same, you guys are my friends too

>> No.57044379

>I just don't enjoy 99% of things outside.
this is cope. you are a screen addict. if you don't have any screens you will automatically go outside. but your dopamine fixes from all your screens is too good. your brain has caged you to the screens dopamine drip.

>> No.57044391
File: 80 KB, 2280x1550, shill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you not regret wasting your life worrying about what other people do with their time and money?

>> No.57044442

Yup sometimes i think about all the stupid shit i've brought in my life. Take me back i'd just buy a van to live in and the most basic clothing.

>> No.57044530

Imagine being within minutes of death and some researcher walks in with a clipboard and asks you to fill out this questionnaire kek

>> No.57044558

More of you anons should leave the US, it’s an extremely grim society and I’m much happier now with a sweet white gf who cares about me with a much lower cost of living in a cuture not based around hating me outside the US. If it wasn’t for my family I would probably never even visit back in the US.

>> No.57044607

There's some truth to that, screens give much more dopamine than anything I can do outside.
Part of that is because outside has a lot of downsides and hassle involved, between time spent getting there, organizing, traffic, parking, crowds, etc.
I'm not even a scrooooolller addict though, I do productive things like 3d modeling, programming, animation. It's more fun and rewarding than any hobbies I've done outside.
But you are correct, if tomorrow all screens disappeared I'd go outside more, but not really as much as most people. I'd still stay inside and read books and draw a lot.

>> No.57044669

That pic reflects the sad state of affairs of most wagies. They're a bunch of cowards without a trace of human dignity.

>> No.57044679

only a poorfag believes this meme
only a woman projects this hard

>> No.57044703
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Money buys you freedom. You don't need to spend money to be content. Not once have I ever regretted having the ability to walk away from a shit job or not being scared of being fired. Not once have I ever regretted not consoooming enough products.

Stop doomscrolling anon. That's the problem, not "hoarding money".

>> No.57044816

>I do productive things like 3d modeling, programming, animation
still cope sir.

>> No.57044900

>implying i have money to hoard

>> No.57044912

I went outside for like 4 years, I actually haven't found anything as meaningful as being by myself while focusing on my goals
Working 10 hours a day on my own projects, eating right, meditating, cold showers, exercise, reading, drawing
That was peak spirituality for me, and nothing has ever peaked it, nor has it hurt me like love did.

>> No.57044921


>> No.57045016

>How do you guys not regret just hoarding money all your life and just staying inside all day?
I find time spent alone to be more fulfilling than time spent around others. Being a social creature and being a rational creature are mutually exclusive, you can't ascend to a higher state of conscience/reach enlightenment while you are beholden to base desires. There is a reason monks live in seclusion, social engagement clouds the mind.

>> No.57045256
File: 179 KB, 492x512, 1526158915479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im still getting past the 7 figure hell while the fuckboy of my best friend became a crypto celebrity, started working with viralx, got a girlfriend, and already made it. Why is the world so unfair like this bros

>> No.57045304

Wtf is a crypto celebrity?

>> No.57045311

Why would I ever want to go outside for

>> No.57045348

this is biz not pol gtfo

>> No.57045401

i have never once in my life regretted not spending money

>> No.57045527

yea, I also would have expected more tangible things, like "I regret smoking", "I regret being unfaithful", "I regret renting instead of buying".

I think the context of the questionaire might be skewing the results, maybe if it wasn't dying people in a hospice, but just really old people, the answers would be different.

>> No.57045859

I have never regretted working hard because I rarely ever do it

>> No.57046054

>and just staying inside all day
...do you all really not do that already? I thought most of us did that before the scamdemic, that just made it socially acceptable

>> No.57046083
File: 1.68 MB, 600x3031, Kaiji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your real life began a long time ago.

>> No.57046111

I take at least one good sex vacation to a developing country every year. I have a great time and it helps me keep things in perspective.

>> No.57046125
File: 146 KB, 1000x1414, nft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm doing it for my future children.

I don't stay inside all day.

>> No.57046130

holy cope shitskin

>> No.57046152

Except for #1, I'm living the exact opposite of all these and feel like it's making me relatively happier in the moment.

>> No.57046271

I already did what I wanted to do outside when I was younger. I was into hiking many of the national parks. It was fun, and not that expensive. Now that I've scratched that itch, I don't feel the need to travel or explore like I used to. I just like being comfy now. I have a nice bed and a nice couch.

Plus, My old friends have all proven to be total pieces of shit. Most restaurants have increased prices, decreased portions, and significantly lowered quality. Staying and home and relaxing when I'm not working is what I enjoy, and I'm okay with that.

>> No.57046280
File: 911 KB, 400x320, TIMESAND___Antarctica.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Staying inside" means something else when you're locked in your kidnappers' dungeon.

>> No.57046921

I don't. I have my nest egg in crypto, work my job, stopped saving to live a little because of some traumatic shit that caused me to seek answers. Now spirit maxxing and charisma maxxing. Worth it

>> No.57047172

They are dying. Why would they care about renting or smoking or whatever material shit you're stuck in?

I had an old gent tell me he regretted living far from his work. Lived in NJ, worked in NY. His commute one way was 1-2 hours, every day. That's 2-4 hours lost every day.

That's not material, but I can see why you think that. The real loss was time. Time he could have spent on his passions or loved ones.

Think outside your P/L mindset. What actually matters here? We're here to live, love, experience; not chase paper and feather a cushy coffin. The sooner you realize that the better.

>> No.57047173

based dad

>> No.57047186

>or wrong career choice.
how do I know when I have this and when to escape it? I've been working 3 years in tech and can't stand it anymore. Would love to start my own game studio or a website that makes me 10-15k a month but I can't stand being an employee anymore

>> No.57047192

imagine simping this hard

>> No.57047249

Because poor people are pathetic. Ultimately should be paraded around and ridiculed for their uselessness

>> No.57047273

Coase reality is worst

>> No.57047277

If you didn't start your real life when you were 13 and discovered girls had bras and that's pretty cool then you're just fucking fucked forever and you're NGMI on that front, normalfags just do it instinctively when they get their first real boner. You're competing with people who have been sexing for a decade or more, when you're just now in the game because you made a million bucks on Shitcoins and now your life "can start".

>> No.57047634

Fuck friends. No one gives a shit about you besides family.
t.guy who has literal hundreds of friends irl but is old now.

>> No.57047653

Most of the people you see on a daily basis are living paycheck to paycheck. They are parading themselves around and you wouldn't see them if they didn't have to work.

>> No.57047681

>and discovered girls had bras and that's pretty cool
13 YOs are morons but you must have been the worst.

>> No.57047689

>not having adventures
>not dating attractive women
>not spending time with great people
Imagine letting life pass you by while you stare at charts and numbers on a screen.

>> No.57047737

Unless you are already rich you cant do any of those things.

>> No.57047924

I try to do those things and fail or end up more miserable than I was before. Attractive women only want to hang out with losers who feed them drugs.