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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57033984 No.57033984 [Reply] [Original]

You know the market's a bit crazy. The whales might drop a bomb anytime, so don't FOMO, folks. Your call; might see some red days ahead.

>> No.57034265

Fuck, buy the fucking dip

>> No.57034280

Is it dippin now?
Absolutely buy that shit if you still want to increase your bag

>> No.57034283

just DCA, shrimple as

>> No.57034380
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>Fuck, buy the fucking diarrhea

Fixed it for you.

>> No.57034409

i think it'll be a bank run on tether. now that the FBI and secret service have been "onboarded to their platform" they can't print out of thin air anymore

>> No.57034546

Buy more and get rekt

>> No.57034662

Shit happens

>> No.57034805

What the fuck is this?m

>> No.57035013

Still waiting for the dip

>> No.57035384


>> No.57035406

2 more weeks

>> No.57035442

It's the bonk that saved my financial life.

>> No.57035489
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>> No.57035575

It's bringing good news???

>> No.57035642

What happens to altcoins when btc goes $12k?

>> No.57035700


>> No.57035706

Buy a little when it goes up, buy a lot when it goes down. There that's the secret. Don't say you never got good advice from biz

>> No.57035727


>> No.57035744

Not gonna make it

>> No.57035763
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The biggest whale ever Donald Trump already dropped his bomb in August making the MAGA $TRUMP coin and he's always adding money to the liquidity to pump it, it's reaching the dollar price point and it started at 10 cents

>> No.57035767

Buy COQ and we're all gonna be cool

>> No.57035803

But why my memecoins are pumping? My altcoins remain stablecoins all months lol

>> No.57035813


>> No.57035830


>> No.57035882

DCA is the way

>> No.57035915

Was that what it ment? kek I already thought how this was an odd thing to say

>> No.57035919

I don't know what works for you.

>> No.57035922

I told everybody that you couldn't stay overbought, this is what happens when you get overbought and we told everyone in the Dow was COMING

we told you that WE DIDN'T WANT TO SEE YOU GET... HOOKED

here you go, I'm told it's 835 the dow ticker

>> No.57035950

Just buy BTC and ETH

>> No.57035962

You know what's the secret?

>> No.57035985

The market is overbought? How come?

>> No.57036018


>> No.57036032

Just hold your altcoins and come back next year biz.

>> No.57036132

It's cumming

>> No.57036274

I'm also following this strategy, and it works for me. DCA when the market is uncertain, and hold when the bull run is confirmed.

>> No.57036297
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You're a newfag if you think this baby shit is "overbought". BABIES FIRST BULL MARKET LMFAO EVERYONE LAUGH AT THIS NOCOINER

>> No.57036366

No coiner

>> No.57036425

Make it make sense, nigger. I'm bullish. Why the fuck would I be a nocoiner? Fucking normies can't even un-NPC themselves and make coherent thoughts

>> No.57036477

Fear to greed index jumps over 70. Everyone is fucking greedy now so I must be fearful.

>> No.57036479

I'm sensing a strong wave of optimism and I'm actively using DCA to invest in INJ, XTP, and even some memes coin to get in early and steer clear of any FOMO.

>> No.57036492

Be a yescoiner but don't be a memecoiner you freak. That's why I'm more into big narratives such as crypto payment, RWAs, DePIN and DeFi privacy. Tap into such and be at ease.

>> No.57036502

Grow up anon. BTC and ETH is like your stock's long-time investment, if you want to profit in less period of time buy altcoins and some meme-coin. Dyor on TRIALS, FRAME, XTP and BONK in the meme category.

>> No.57036503

You don't need to. We are definitely going to break out. I doubt if BTC will plummet below 35k at this point.

>> No.57036507

What's the correlation between such tokens? Why are you aping into them?

>> No.57036515

That's why everyone is greedy. Bitcoin can be down to 10k before you close your eyes.

>> No.57036523

Retards always think meme coins are worthless. Folks are making a lot from this while you d$$mb. A$$ kiss a$$.

>> No.57036532

I don't think so, considering what lies underneath. ETF approval is a step away, and many institutions are fucking interested at this point.

>> No.57036535

No need to frame anybody here. And bonk it up if you like but most importantly, tap on the juicy deals of the crypto space

>> No.57036538

Are you uncertain about what you mean? I find DCA to be a great strategy. It's helping me accumulate more holdings, especially in the absence of a confirmed bull run.

>> No.57036563


>> No.57036617


You suck with your awful perception and view of your analysis. Why do you think it will dip, and at what price do you think it will dip to?

>> No.57036628

You're on the right track, anon. Just keep holding your assets; they'll rise, especially with working products. The fundamentals will speak for itself.

>> No.57036665

Grow up anon and consider focusing your investment strategy on utility rather than correlation. What truly matters is the utility each asset offers. That's what I prioritize in my investments.

>> No.57036687

You got some good point schizo fag and It seems like payment solution is gaining more momentum and attention.

>> No.57036734

Payment solutions won't fade and will keep delivering good advantages to users. Blockchain tech has become the best tool for it.

>> No.57036764

Payment solutions are valuable, there's a continuous evolution in technology. Do you think blockchain is the ultimate answer, or are there potential challenges that might affect its widespread adoption in payment systems?

>> No.57036824

The advantages are big, and it's not an instant result, but we understand how blockchain can solve various issues. In the crypto payment solutions, I suspect regulatory uncertainty, security, and scalability are common challenges, but these won't hinder their resolution.

>> No.57036875

Exit your bag on xtp and bonk

>> No.57036935

2 zones left to buy b4 it's over for you


>> No.57036966

Selling your XTP right before an anticipated pump from a new listing and US launch is not a wise move, especially when these events are on the horizon. It's a bit of a head-scratcher, and I'd get it if you were selling out on bonk, lol.

>> No.57037000

I'm gonna buy the f***king dip, OP. My bags are sealed with INJ, XTP, Matic, and QANX.

>> No.57037017
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I'm DCAing with a GFSC regulated crypto app that supports fiats and 40+ cryptos, Anon.

>> No.57037042

Based Anon. Payment solutions gonna boost DeFi adoption, triggering massive uptake. You heard it here first, anon.

>> No.57037063
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Most of them always comply with regs worldwide. Heard one recently partnered with Notabene to roll out innovative solutions, making sure they stick to Cryptocurrencies' Travel Rule.

>> No.57037079

Not all low caps will win

>> No.57037080

Are those the dudes that partnered with Zero Hash for their US launch? That's a smart move, if you ask me

>> No.57037147

That's why you should look how solid the fundamentals are and not rely solely on someone else. Instead, DYOR and verify to see for yourself.

>> No.57037240

You're based, Anon. If you ain't researching, you're gonna end up getting rekt. Don't trust anons, always DYOR.

>> No.57037246

Paper hands gonna regret big time. Apart from the tech, it's one helluva promising token I'm holding.

>> No.57037266

Payment system gonna help kickstart blockchain adoptions. Revolut, Tap, Paypal, and Venmo been a total game changer for an Anon like me.

>> No.57037512

I hope you ain't buying sh*tcoins, but only promising utility tokens that can be staked to level up to the Titanium plan in a regulated crypto app

>> No.57037522
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If it touch 10k i will buy more, period. I fancy buying the dip.

>> No.57037533

I made some massive gains from memes and threw it back into the token that their app hails as the first crypto card service using Mastercard.

>> No.57037534

paper hand-spotted. I don't think I will since I'm not at a loss and it still has the unwavering potential to hit the mcap of Cro.

>> No.57037551

Avoid memes like the plague, newfag. It's just a pump and dump scheme. Listen to me, not these retarded Anons.

>> No.57037554

That is a smart move once you're afloat. Some jeet don't understand that diversification is key; one should always know when to exit or hold.

>> No.57037572

The latter looks promising, working on a new exchange post Bittrex fiasco. But for the former, I sold that shit & bought BTC.

>> No.57037577

then play the game with them. I'm not in any way pushing for folks to hold memes because they don't have utility. Once it's up, dump on late bidders and look for the next possible opportunity to deal with.

>> No.57037586

Diamond hands gonna be rewarded handsomely. HOLD from cradle to the grave, chad.

>> No.57037596

I'm snagging it on the fintech app that got its ass publicly listed on the UK SEC.

>> No.57037617

That's what smart Anons always do. But one should be ready to sleep with one eye opened

>> No.57037618

By now, it should be listed in a better exchange. I don't seem to get the delay concerning all this and the US launch. Why is the team sleeping on it?

>> No.57037625

It's better to wait and get a good exchange listing than to rush and end up with some sh*t one. Patience is key.

>> No.57037626

With several crypto payment solutions available, an all-in-one platform might perform better to avoid the hassle of shifting between different services.

>> No.57037642


I don't think there is need for that, considering the imminent possible case in Web3 next year. Generational wealth will be created by next year..

>> No.57037684

This has been over a month since Bittrex was down. It should be enough. I make use of Uniswap, and the fee is crazy there.

>> No.57037782

You can simply wait for the listing if you don't want to spend on gas fees. Holding it for now is not a problem kek.

>> No.57037822
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I don't think if they should announce it, it will be followed by a price rally. I don't want to miss out on that future possibility.

>> No.57038150

The price could go parabolic if the exchange is top-tier, and I think that's crucial for increasing awareness of the altcoin.

>> No.57038279
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I bought QANX with no regrets

>> No.57038462

Coinbase would be better. I don't like Binance because some countries might be restricted from using it due to regulatory issues. Coinbase remains my top choice, if I'm to choose which.

>> No.57038500

Paypal is the only trusted here

>> No.57038509
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they just dropped the bomb

>> No.57038676

Do you really think it will be listed on a tier-1 exchange? If so, it would be a great boost for both the token and the platform.

>> No.57038863

You will lose buying at 44k

>> No.57038903

There are others. In Asia, this isn't as popular as Alipay and WeChat. In Malaysia, many prefer GrabPay to this.

>> No.57038934

I can't tell because the team has been silent about this ever since they made their move known. No one know which.

>> No.57038983

The state of /biz/ is just blatant bot threads that don't get reported huh

>> No.57039059

I wouldn't use Tap if it's not trusted by many. Just think about it, especially when it lands in the US market.

>> No.57039127

Just share your sentiments biz

>> No.57039147

What coin?

>> No.57039269

>It's xtp, DYOR fag.

>> No.57039760

what are you talking?
invest what you can afford to lose

>> No.57040079

That's the golden rule: know what you're investing in and understand its future plans to minimize losses when investing.

>> No.57040275

When 20k?

>> No.57040482

The U.S. launch has the potential to attract more users to the platform if it is marketed effectively.

>> No.57040670

US is not ideal anymore

>> No.57041025

Things will run smoothly if you simply comply with regulations and laws. It becomes a headache only if the platform operates in an unregulated manner.

>> No.57041077

i'm beyond tired watching all these alts and shicoins pumping while btc and ethereum are both stuck, i wish everything would just dump instead of having to watch retarded coins pump for no fucking reason

>> No.57041478

>what are you talking?
Read again and stop acting as if you're illiterate. I don't use PayPal, retard.

>> No.57041511


You don't have to panic. Keep holding; they will eventually pump.

>> No.57041791

Sell now buddy

>> No.57042017

ayyy, hopefully yes, last cycle was like this too, hopefully we will make it.

you wish nigger, these hands are made of diamond, its either retirement stack or homeless

>> No.57043579

>these hands are made of diamond
still believes in the 2021's meme! LMAAAOOOO

>> No.57044777

Not gonna make it