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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 288 KB, 1024x680, 7stroad+with+walking+person-1723894712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56943185 No.56943185 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever calculated how much of Americans' work year is devoted to paying for their cars? Let's take a typical wagie. $15/hr, 30ish hours a week "full time", assume you get about 70% back after taxes, $150/m car payment, $30 on gas every 2 weeks, $1600/yr insurance, $700ish for maintenance and taxes.
*calculator shit*
Almost 16 weeks. 4 months. Wagie works 1/3 of his year just to feed GM and Firestone. Not on food, not on housing, not on anything that will enrich his soul. On the loud, dirty, overpriced beater he's forced to tool around in just to have a job in the first place.
Build rail and bike paths, dipshits.

>> No.56943215

Cars are very important because they keep people from interacting with each other in public during transit.

>> No.56943225

30 hrs is part time lil bro, avg american works 2 jobs now anyway
eurosharts cant comprehend how enormous USA is and how every single town and city would need a train and bus system
now you can stop thinking about us rent free

>> No.56943230
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we have money yurocope

>> No.56943238
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"People" like you should be ground up and fed to the dogs. Your are not human if you dont own your own means of transportation. You are some sort of defective creature.

>> No.56943419

I bought a used mazda 3 in 2017-18, can't quite remember, but I paid about $12k and I pay $80/month for insurance, probably $30 to fill up every 2-3 months. Few hundred in maintenance a year. I made $450k/year before I retired from crypto.

>> No.56943464

You can buy a cheap used Jap car that's quite reliable and gets you from A to B for less. There isn't much that offers the same level of freedom and independence as having a car, if you don't get that you probably never will because you're a bugman.

>> No.56943484

The panicked shilling commences.

>> No.56943500

Nearly every US city does have a bus system

>> No.56943596

>Being able to work 50 miles from where you live and shrugging off the distance
>Thinking that spending 400 hours of your life in rush hour traffic yearly is a blessed privilege
I shudder to imagine the golem that wrote this.

>> No.56943602

It's funny until you realize Americans actually somehow justify this on top of taxes, government jobs, and SSI.

>> No.56943611

As someone who has rode public transit in a place which apparently has OK public transit for the last 18 years: the bus FUCKING SUCKS.

>> No.56943616


I don't need to shill for anything. It's what everyone does and uses. You're the shill you fucking idiot. Look at this thread. Do train companies pay you?

>> No.56943640

>Cars are only used to drive to and from work

>> No.56943642

>$30 on gas every 2 weeks
where are you buying your gas? Qatar?

>> No.56943647

idk I've been driving the same commuter I bought used for six years

>> No.56943659

Your means of transportation is completely dependent on roads which you do not own.

>> No.56943672

they intentionally make it suck so youre forced to buy a car. continue to rationalize your slave existence.

>> No.56943687


Perfectly drivable off the road actually

>> No.56943691

I have a Tesla that I charge for free and also don’t pay those other things. Fuck off dumb European faggot not everyone is as locked down as you.

>> No.56943693
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Please tell me you're being facetious.

>> No.56943703

Are you one of those people who are scared of driving? My car drives itself btw. It’s like a train except I don’t have to be in a box full of niggers

>> No.56943762

>Leave grueling 12 hour shift involving heavy physical labor or monotonous line work (let's be real people with a real job are not taking the bus)
>Walk two blocks in pouring rain to bus stop
>Stand around for another 20 minutes in pouring rain waiting for bus (assuming it's not delayed)
>Get on bus, smells like shit, all seats are taken so you have to stand
>Hope that there is no homeless people on board who will get belligerent or annoying people who do stupid shit like talk loudly on the phone/ play music out loud
>Take an hour to get to stop closest to your home even though you only live 15 minutes away
>Walk another two blocks in pouring rain
>Basically entire night wasted and you need to go to bed soon, since you gotta wake up two hours earlier than someone with a car to account for the bus schedule
I'll pay the extra 150 bucks thanks

>> No.56943845
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>work 50 miles from where you live
>rush hour traffic
Pick one. Based highway croosier chads drive from their house directly to work on elevated express above the city streets at 70 mph as the vermin toils away beneath us in filth like the bugs they are. It's common for a city dwelling parasite to take longer to cross 10 miles than for suburban small town chad to drive 30 miles directly to the work parking lot.

>> No.56943884

>>Get on bus, smells like shit, all seats are taken so you have to stand
>>Hope that there is no homeless people on board who will get belligerent or annoying people who do stupid shit like talk loudly on the phone/ play music out loud
>>Take an hour to get to stop closest to your home even though you only live 15 minutes away

this says more about badly managed American cities than it does about public transport

>> No.56943890
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To be fair burger salaries are pretax amd europoor salaries are post tax. When you hear burgers gloating about their salary like my 95k a year salary that's only 5k a month take home after taxes, retirement and healthcare deductions. That's like a 60k a year europoor salary.

>> No.56943937

I wish a hurricane upon you. I want you to know the dread of having to flee for your life a hundred miles on foot because you were too much of a child to own a car.

>> No.56944184

Yeah but the car allows you to go see your family, friends, romantic partner, take your dog somewhere past walking distance from home, go on trips, to games, concerts; the ability to not get sick or assaulted on public transit; the freedom to go anywhere, really. Once you think about it in those terms the price doesn’t seem too high.

>> No.56944192

Ok, Mr. Everything needs to be provided for me at the expense of others.

>> No.56944217

Yeah but that’s also the reality of the situation.

>> No.56944219

You have to sacrifice 2 thirds of your life for the rest of it.

>> No.56944240

americucks visibly UPSET that people arent buying cars anymore. your life depends on your stupid posts doesnt it? fuck you are pathetic.

>> No.56944334

It’s sort of a non issue to me as I have a used car that I have no monthly payments, and I don’t drive much. But yes, I would say in general (and this is even without car ownership) you may often find yourself living and working the majority of the time in your life just to enjoy a minority of moments that are actually enjoyable.

I mean, the situation is a little humorous if you think about it. Even the poor and the homeless in the US are able to afford cars, while normal middle class people in various European countries are not.

>> No.56944383

the greatest country on earth, the greatest economic system in history, the greatest human lifestyle
>burgers sincerely unironically 100% believe this and would burn the world down to uphold it

>> No.56944450

Cope more homo
welcome to the real world jackass

>> No.56944528
File: 3.12 MB, 1627x1075, public transit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this says more about Colored people than it does about public transport

>> No.56944643

My job is like 5 minutes on foot, the cheapest super market is 15 min away so I just bring a backpack and walk. Glad I dont need to waste money on a car or fuel.

>> No.56944701

>Let's take a typical wagie. $15/hr, 30ish hours a week "full time"
The average worker makes $55,000 a year in America.

>> No.56944765

you guys seriously don't have cars? pathetic losers lmao

>> No.56944840

I don't want to be a naive statist eurolemming who wants the government to take care of him, when really they just pilfer and sell out the future. Cars are freedom and I am glad they trigger your good little WEF serf agenda. The ugliest thing about your pic is the power lines which should be underground.

>> No.56944872

no you dont.
that retarded reddid guy pays 300 for living and 250 for food and can save more than uspoor from hes salary.
he has no other costs. ofc thats france and its poor in europe standards. others make same average as us but living costs are under 700/mo

>> No.56944910

this but with the train. I live in a remote area and get discounted rail travel that works out less than half the sticker price, but I still pay for a car because the service is so shit and unreliable. It takes an extra hour, the heating is rarely working, and in summer it's absolutely rammed with tourists. Sometimes it's just worth paying 3x more for the freedom.

>> No.56944921

LOL. No.

>> No.56944960

You’re on the right track, but your base assumptions are way off. The average person doesn’t make $15/hr, they’re not working part time, and if they did they’re effectively taxed like 10%. $1600/year for Insurance is nuts. If you’re going to shitpost, at least to the bare minimum research.

>> No.56944985

we dont pay for anything.

>> No.56945039

you are the shill, retard. every board has these gay anti-car slide threads daily and it achieves nothing

>> No.56945119

i do but it's kinda falling apart and i dont know whether i should buy used or lease for the rest of my life

>> No.56945176

I have family living in San Antonio Texas, went to visit plenty of times. The truth is that USA is a truly wonderful country, it's big, wild, there's plenty of things to do and to see. The nature is beautiful. It could be the best country in the world easily but the urban planning is just awful. It's dystopic.
Americans don't realize how much a slave you are when you need a car for EVERYTHING. Kids are tied to their house if the mom can't drive them everywhere. Everything is far and a hassle to go to.
The cities aren't welcoming at all, you don't want to go to the coffee or restaurants or just walk around.
The suburbs are fake and awful, you can't make a real sense of community there.
You can live totally isolated from society. People are really paranoid about everything too.

I don't work on wednesday and here I always go for a walk the morning, I go to the street market twice a week, see the familiar faces. In the morning I can go take my coffee at the bar of all the brasseries there are in a walking distance. Walking 15 minutes to go to work with every service accessible is truly wonderful, after work I can go to the butcher, or the lady selling bio vegetables, or the bookstore, they always greet me and talk
I'm a physio the place where I work is on the small square with all the others commodities. My patients come walking. There's a sense of community in the neighborhood that's very nice. Kids play freely on the square. It's just a very nice way to live.
My daughter can go to the school by herself walking. I do have a car and use it on the week ends to go elsewhere or if I go outside the city. But there are many weeks I don't use it at all, commuting by walking or by bike is so much easier and nice.
In the USA I felt alienated and miserable for the months I spent there. American people are very nice and friendly but the whole urban planning prevents the country to be the best in the world in my opinion.

>> No.56945290

Sure you don't, poorfag. You make less than a McDonald's worker.

>> No.56945320

Or, you could live like the Japanese and Europeans do, and commute by rail 50 miles, in comfort. I just want Americans to get out of their own way.

>> No.56945331

>Over 50MPH

>> No.56945350
File: 128 KB, 396x385, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need this pickup truck because... I just do, okay?!

>> No.56945366

In other countries, you have the same freedom, but you get on a nice train and walk.
You ever wonder about how every disaster movie in existence has a scene where a bunch of Americans are sitting in completely stopped traffic trying to evacuate?

>> No.56945379

>"average" worker
Remove the boomer pensioners and professional-class hollow men.

>> No.56945391

The rural U.S. isn’t comparable to your overpopulated shitholes. No train is going to pick me up within walking distance of my home, 10 miles from the nearest town, and take me 40 miles to work, which is also many miles from the nearest town with a 4 digit population. Nearly every single adult is doing the same thing in every direction every morning, it’s simply not possible.

>> No.56945393

>$1600/year for Insurance is nuts.
"Typical" is $2100, I was giving autoomers a break.

>> No.56945414

>just bear a polar vortex and wait for a train bro
No. I will get in the warm vehicle sitting in my driveway.

>> No.56945422

>source: your ass
Not one of these numbers are accurate, let alone giving anyone “a break”. The American car obsession is the absolute pinnacle of consooming, but it’s still not nearly as bad as you make it out to be.

>> No.56945428
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>No train is going to pick me up within walking distance of my home, 10 miles from the nearest town, and take me 40 miles to work, which is also many miles from the nearest town with a 4 digit population.
Of course not. People in this scenario in Japan and Europe bike to the train station.

>> No.56945436

Just work from home and have everything delivered.

>> No.56945442

You are not free if you wait at a station for someone else to transport you.

>> No.56945446

>just bear a polar vortex and wait for a train bro
Yes. Wear layers you pussy.

>> No.56945451
File: 25 KB, 1536x720, daily_commuting_time_minutes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greater Tokyo has one of the most, if not the most, extensive train systems. Their average commute is 70 minutes one way. America actually has globally very low commute times. Public transit by and large increases commute time.


>> No.56945461
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>> No.56945477

>bro just bike 20 miles every day with a foot of snow on the ground instead of spending $10k on a vehicle that will last you a decade or more. lol no. Nobody is arguing that train systems around highly populated areas are bad (though they’re often rendered useless by the negro population). Just that it’s not feasible for a significant portion of the population. And even for many of those people who it is feasible for, a car is a small price to pay for the unlimited freedom to go anywhere you want any time you want. It’s an easy choice to make, because we have the income to easily pay for it.

>> No.56945488

You are freer waiting in the station, sipping something nice (alcoholic, even), talking with someone or watching a movie on your phone
sitting in your car, white-knuckling the steering wheel, watching the tractor trailer that lost traction on the icy road barrel toward your car that is blocked in on 3 sides by other SOVs.

>> No.56945490

>the brainlet thinks the average price for full coverage is the same as the average paid by Americans
Color me shocked.

>> No.56945509

Heya hoya white man, what the fuck is this.

>> No.56945511

>I can be a smelly hobo drinking liquor at the bus station in the freezing cold!!

>> No.56945528

>Greater Tokyo has one of the most, if not the most, extensive train systems.
Yes. It's beautiful.
Also the chart says 50 minutes. A portion of that is walking so now you don't have to pay for a gym membership if you don't want to (oops did I just dismantle another neocapitalist hellscape boondoggle?).
If Japan is the worst it can get in train-centric developed societies, then gosh, what a world to live in.

>> No.56945529
File: 1.31 MB, 3024x4032, when-its-friday-night-but-public-transport-shut-down-due-to-v0-tx3frvr7ir3c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bike to the train station
Have fun with that. I ride an mtb for recreation and no fucking way am I going to ride through feet of snow in the dark to get to a train station.

>> No.56945539

no, i dont.
average us mcburger worker makes ~$30k

i would make more in reality if i made 5k/year but we actually get 15k if we dont work.
15k is like $40k in us. but someone with 15k annual income can buy a house in europe. kek

>> No.56945540

The alternative is being dependent on a bus compsny you don't own scheduling a driver and bus you don't own to drive you on the roads you don't own. While personal vehicles aren't perfect self reliance, they're a lot less community dependent than public transport.

>> No.56945548

>Quoted $1600 to account for the portion not fully covered and the range in between
We don't live in a society where a car accident could financially ruin a large portion of the population forced to use cars for transportation, of course. Right? ...Right?

>> No.56945561

>And he believes it, too!

>> No.56945572

That's freedom, bay-beeeeeee.

>> No.56945581

>Implying that maintaining bike paths isn't a fraction of the cost of what we spend on roads

>> No.56945582

>Also the chart says 50 minutes
That's Japan as a whole, not greater Tokyo dumbass.
>Nooo you don't understand, taking 3 times as long to commute is a GOOD thing!!
Fuck off.
>muh walking no gym!
Retard reasoning. I can run, which much more beneficial, on my own time. As well as lift weights and gain muscle, a masculine concept I'm sure that is very foreign to you.
Oh shut the fuck up commie poorfaggot. You're a spiteful dysgenic worthless twat.

>> No.56945585
File: 324 KB, 2000x1000, roa100118fea-dajiban-04-1536810934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even in Japan public transport is for the destitute and to be used as a last resort.

>> No.56945588

We live in a society where a significant portion of the population drives around with no car insurance at all, brainlet. Not to mention another significant portion that pays for the cheapest insurance they can find. Just arbitrarily choosing a number slightly lower than the maximum number you could find isn’t accurate. I personally pay barely $650/year on full coverage insurance.

>> No.56945625

You are incredibly dumb.

>15k is like $40k in us. but someone with 15k annual income can buy a house in europe. kek
You’re delusional lmao

>> No.56945767


>> No.56945797

No fucking way 95 is 5 k a month

>> No.56945809

nobody rolls out of bed for $15 an hour anymore. Cynical punk bitch

>> No.56945858

>That's Japan as a whole, not greater Tokyo dumbass.
It's a good thing I never said anything about Tokyo.
>Nooo you don't understand, taking back your time and money from the traffic demons is a good thing!!
Yes, I agree.
>Retard reasoning. I can run, which much more beneficial, on my own time. As well as lift weights and gain muscle, a masculine concept I'm sure that is very foreign to you.
This kills the American before 70.
>Oh shut the fuck up commie poorfaggot. You're a spiteful dysgenic worthless twat.
Yes but I'm also right which negates all of the bad feelings involved in being that stuff.

>> No.56945860

Nigga, YOU don’t pay for anything. See the difference?

>> No.56945865
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>> No.56945869

Yeah he’s bullshitting or lives in a state/city with very high taxes. I make 84k with overtime and take home $5100/month.

>> No.56945882

That's worse. You do see how that's worse, right?
I am actually incredibly smart. But that's neither here nor there (and good luck getting "there" if your car breaks down).

>> No.56945901
File: 110 KB, 1050x156, Screenshot_20231211-123410_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How so?

>> No.56945908

>Running as exercise and lifting weights will kill you before 70
You limpwristed soiboy retard.
>I'm also right
No, you're completely wrong. You're just upset because you're garbage.

>> No.56945938

lol wut? the average 15/hr wagie drives a 1990s civic that costs 2000 dollars a decade ago, gets 55mpg, and insurance is like 25 bucks a month.

the real problem is people are stupid with their money. don't buy shit you can't afford to try and impress people you dont like.

>> No.56945963

Longevity is more greatly associated with moderate exercise spread over the day and integrated into one's overall lifestyle. The "fit" people you always see in the gym because they're there for hours are the only ones who benefit, in terms of their lifespan, from exercising like that. Slight-Above-Average Andy who hits it up an hour a day but sits at for 8 is going to keel over like the rest of US.
>No, you're completely wrong. You're just upset because you're garbage.
There's that accusation that's actually a confession.

>> No.56945982

*sits at work for
*keel over before the OECD average age of death

>> No.56946001

>dude if you regularly do cardio and lift you're totally gonna die
Bro you're a skinny fat soiboy
Yeah I confess I actually had a Dad so I'm not asshurt about authority and am successful in life so I'm not a commie faggot.

>> No.56946007

It’s not worse, brainlet. The number you’re using is the average price of full coverage insurance. If 99% of people had minimal/no coverage and 1% payed an average of $10,000 per year, does the average person pay $10,000 per year? No. The average person does not pay the numbers you posted.

>I am actually incredibly smart
Said nobody with an IQ above room temp, ever.

>> No.56946025

I don't know what people do. I paid cash for my $19.5k V6 accord at the start of the year and that in itself made me wanna throw up. Had to pay $1000 for new tires, $900 for OEM rims (Because I found out mine weren't OEM and cracked), then some various other work. I don't drive more than ~7000 miles a year thaknfully, but I've been definitely living on my crypto gains

>> No.56946027

>he’s a skinnyfat coomer faggot as well
Who could’ve foreseen this

>> No.56946028

Bro what the fuck is wrong with your taxes or do you live in NY or California? That’s sickening. Back when I was making 96k I was bringing in just shy of 8 grand

>> No.56946057

Mistake I meant 6 not 8k

>> No.56946067

Bro you’re getting raped. Move states ffs why do you people not live in a state with zero income tax. Jfc

>> No.56946082

I think you’re mistaken. I don’t think 27% taxes is unusually high at my income level.

>> No.56946125

I would feel like I am getting jewed. Just saying bro, no offense

>> No.56946134

I mean, I tend to agree, but I don’t think I’m getting jewed any harder than anyone else in my state making a similar amount,

>> No.56946143

That's just your tax estimate, ya dingus. What matters is your end of year taxes.

>> No.56946183

Yeah I remember going to japan for a few weeks and blowing over $1k on trains. I should have just bought a car.

>> No.56946185

Actually it’s probably because I am military and BAH is not taxed. Fuck this government

>> No.56946299

Wow imagine being this retarded

>> No.56946308

Some states with income tax don't have sales tax. So there is a little math you can do to determine which is lower taxes.

>> No.56946311


People are very bad with money OP.

>> No.56946373

Those kind of wagies don't have $150/mo car payments, they have a battered old Civic that their friend helps them change the oil on every now and then. Insurance may be less, taxes are basically the 80ish a year registration fee (we charge sales tax only when you first title the car and everyone lies so that $1500 civic is listed at $500 purchase price on the title).

Only people deep in the city can really get away without a car, and that's only big cities. Anyone in suburbs needs a car, that is just how it works here. It could work differently but it will take decades and lots of investment to change.

>> No.56946618

>You’re delusional lmao
:D, how stupid mutt can be?
have fun being homeless and payng student depts

>> No.56946697

Post the house you’re buying on $15k/year income, europoor. I own a home and have no student debt. You’re a neet jerking off to an income equal to an average American highschooler.

>> No.56946707

yes im part of european master race who get everything paid by modern slaves.
no im not a nigger like everyone in US and other 3rd world countries.

and yes i kinda paid for my investments and house when i was under 30 yo. didint work hard tough as we only work for 35 hours a week on average and get 2 months paid vacations every year.

>> No.56946723

owning a house costs around 200€/year
everything is atleast 50% off but most thigs are more.

>> No.56946736

give me range cuck.
country in europe.

>> No.56946737

Bro who are you fooling? Yeah you can live a comfortable life in your little country but that’s about it. You’re more of a slave than the average wage cuck. Stuck in your little country with zero purchasing power. Fuck bro, 15k a year? What is it like not being able to afford new things, take a vacation, or even set aside a legitimate sizable amount for investments. Living life like every few dollars actually matters. Yeah cuck, you can say that this doesn’t bother you but it sure as hell would bother any normal person

>> No.56946799

“I’m so proud of my 900 sq ft house guys”

>> No.56946818

yes thats the point of having 15k if you dont work. you can live comfortable life, own small home and travel ones or twice a year somewere far and only one cruise or neighbour country trip every other month.

you dont get it. in europe that 15k leaves you with 10k of free usable money and everything is much cheaper here.

that 15k year is for bums. i actually work, so i make that in few months as netincome while i pay for all livingcosts included 620€/month + car 115€ /year insurance and 150€ gas /month

>> No.56946834

What kind of house can you even afford on $15k? The banks in the US wouldn’t even give you a mortgage making that much, and the mortgage system in the US is considerably less Jewish than basically anywhere in Western Europe.

>> No.56946850

that rarely counts as a house, but yes i would be proud of that if i had so small one. you know we actually have laws to keep mexicans from building huts so our homes can be called houses.

>> No.56946876

>owning a house costs around 200€/year

>> No.56946910

>We don't live in a society where a car accident could financially ruin a large portion of the population forced to use cars for transportation, of course. Right? ...Right?
>Said nobody with an IQ above room temp, ever.
Unless prompted. Which I was. *shrug* You wanna accuse me of being a surrender-monkey but get assblasted when I defend myself. Are you afraid of conflict, chum?

>> No.56946916

>car accident could financially ruin a large portion of the population
>hence everyone pays for full coverage

I pay minimum for 20 years so like $70 month, never been in an accident. just drive better lol

>> No.56946920

I wouldn’t be proud of a house that small

>> No.56946927

>Yeah I confess I actually had a Dad so I'm not asshurt about authority and am successful in life so I'm not a commie faggot.
...Said nobody with an actual dad, ever. lol

>> No.56946938

Tbh it's quite difficult with my massive intellect.

>> No.56946940

well if you start from nothing.
you use 400€/mo for rent(includes utilities)
300€/mo food(with 300€month you can eat out every other day)
thats 8400€/year so you save 6600€/year
2 years and you can have ~150k house 10% down.
thats 2 years off living in not so great apartment but anyone should manage that if they cant save living with parents or get better job.

but thats 2 years from nothing. good starter homes for kids. and literally no one makes 15k if they work for normal hours. mayby in poland or estonia.

>> No.56946944

why don't he just walk down to a convienence store and buy those things? I had 7 around me in Beriln that's open 22 hours per day

>> No.56946958

whats so funny to you?
thats literally cost of owning a house in europe.
living in that said house ofc makes your utilities go up.

>> No.56946979

>car accident could financially ruin a large portion of the population
>hence if most people don't have coverage, as is claimed, then cars are actually worse for society because the high risk of traffic accidents that they enable isn't being mitigated correctly

>> No.56946980

yes but you as amerimutt cant own a house. you dont have any in the continent. you call them homes, we call them barns

>> No.56947002
File: 220 KB, 1486x994, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The trick is to do what rich Californians do:
>larp as huge environmentalists
>actually drive more car miles than any human beings on planet earth
>force everybody to get EV's but keep carve-outs for your "antique" 80's mustang smog generator
>move to rich areas of conservative beautiful areas like Laguna Beach, and push all the homeless to LA / SD /SF
>construct ridiculously expensive toll roads that only the rich can afford making driving pleasurable and stress free (i.e., 133 Laguna Beach)
>force all the plebs to use the shitty 5 and 405 highways and waste their life in their cars.

For me, I live in Laguna Beach and commute to my office in Irvine. 15 minutes each way with beautiful scenery. My prop13 carve-out house is worth $2.5M with pacific ocean views, but I pay around $1k month in property taxes.

You are all suckers and fucking losers. Good luck with your globohomo tax farm "walkable" city bullshit.

>> No.56947005

>if only pay for impossibly low rent and food costs, you can have a down payment for a tiny house in only two years
Wow you sure showed me lmao. Your home ownership rates speak for themselves. You can’t buy a house on poverty wages in Europe any more than you can in the US.

>> No.56947012

>ctrl + F
>2 results
>0 results

You guys just don't get it, the entire existence of soulless suburbs and car transit is to avoid niggers and other minorities.

>> No.56947015
File: 3.25 MB, 320x640, 1683559005467475.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here's your walkable city, bro

>> No.56947016

>people don't have coverage, as is claimed
>minimal coverage =/= no coverage

>high risk of traffic accidents (that would cause financial ruin)
>source my ass

>> No.56947027

Nobody said most people don’t have coverage. Even if they didn’t, there is coverage for the insured to cover themselves if hit by the uninsured.

>> No.56947040


>> No.56947117

>in Europe
If by Europe you mean Moldova, sure.

>> No.56947150

Cope harder. My parents never divorced, raised in a white suburb, they still live in and own my childhood home.

>> No.56947175

>if only pay for impossibly low rent and food costs, you can have a down payment for a tiny house in only two years
these are not impossibly low but normal.
ofc in big cities you might need to pay 600€/month for started home as rent but in big cities you cant find a job paying under 30k€/year

how hard is it to get? we pay only 1/5 of rents you pay at max

>> No.56947198

Seeing as most Americans are financing their cars, they probably are buying full coverage at the lender's insistence.
t. forced to buy full coverage by my bank

>> No.56947223

>we pay only 1/5 of rents you pay at max*
>*in shithole Moldova

>> No.56947246

shit bank/shit fico score

t. minimum - and 2 cars a 2010 mazda3, and 23 supra

>> No.56947269

no its everywere. we dont pay for owning much at all. property tax is less in a year than in US in a month.
we dont have HOA
and if you include loan our interestrates are atm under 4% witch is higer than in 30 years.
what comes to loans we need less down and we pay less a month for same price and as long loans what makes buying a home much cheaper anyways but our houses are cheaper too while superioir.

>> No.56947288

sounds like free real estate. home prices here in the US have skyrocketed.

>> No.56947293

Looks like about 87.5% of drivers have insurance. If those, 75% have full coverage, so around 2/3 of people have full coverage. You can see how this would drag down the overall average cost. That guy might actually not be too far off, purely by chance.

>> No.56947316

Please post some properties in Western Europe that could be bought on the $15k/year income you keep claiming. Hard mode: houses must not be in no-go zones.

>> No.56947367

you can spamm some shithole country all you like, but in the end i bet Moldova is better country in every way that US is.
i actually have not visited moldova but states are kinda like thailand but with niggers.
moldova is not part of eu and i talk about euros. that just makes you as dump as any mutt.

>> No.56947380

>as dump as any mutt.

>> No.56947391

>Moldova is better country in every way that US is

>> No.56947399

He's right, avoiding black people is probably the most expensive line item in the American lifestyle.

The same house could cost 3x+ more just for that.

>> No.56947615

yes you can buy houses anywere for under 100k€.
in bigger cities these are ofc shitholes but in bigger US cities same kind houses would cost $1m

i could literally get downpayment for a small starter apartment every 6months if i wanted and rent them out to students and young people. and im average guy. there is not much money to be made tough because rents are so low too and interes is higer than in a long time. i get 400€/month from my old apartment after tax and all other expence. thats nice apart tough.(gov pays for rent of my rentoid as she is unemployed singlemom, so im 100% sure i get my money and gov pays for damages if done)

we dont have no-go zones. i dont care to look at these because there is too large areas. ofc you can find under 150k homes anywere in europe. if i dont know what kind of a house you want me to look for you can just say thats too small or in wrong area.



>> No.56947667

yes. moldova does seem lot cleaner and has actual history but both countries are still developing to and are like children to europeans.

>> No.56947732

Everywhere not on the cost looks like this sadly

>> No.56947746
File: 187 KB, 1200x900, autobahn[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are like children to europeans
>non stop threads about walkable cities because enmasses cant afford/have the mentality to drive cars

i can totally understand why the germans felt so confident taking over europe - they made and drove cars

>> No.56947755

>25 posts by this ID

>> No.56947769
File: 2.06 MB, 1439x1544, house135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cheapest actually detached house on the UK site is $170k and is a tiny 3 bedroom 1 bath 709 sqft
Compared to this 3 bed 2 bath 2,532 sqft house for $135k in America.


>> No.56947800


>cant afford
there is no need in cities for a car as you can get everywere faster on foot or bike and railroads are actually good but most families still have cars for every adult member and smaller engine cars for 15 yo and up.

germans didint take over europe they were that part of europe but as they were too great jews wanted to eliminate them. you just slave for jews while we thrive

>> No.56947814
File: 187 KB, 750x475, EF6CABA9-D82A-4857-B586-CC824FCF0B82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry your serf ancestors didn’t come to theland of opportunity. With a car you can go anywhere

>> No.56947836

>in america
you do know that uk is like one state by size and when you compare america to one eu country its like saying there is cheap houses in poland so california is expencive?

also that is one realestate company and not like zillow what lists all

as i said you make up excuses and thats why you cant give real boundaries for search. you are scared of losing your opinion.

>> No.56947857

Yeah but that's a shed

>> No.56947888

>gets shit on by his own posted site

Wood is objectively superior for building. I know you don't know much, but do some research about insulating properties of wood vs concrete or brick.

>> No.56947902

>$15/hr, 30ish hours a week "full time", assume you get about 70% back after taxes
Someone at that income bracket is paying negative effective taxes. 23k annual income. 10K MAGI after standard deduction.
This is the type of person living on state subsidized free healthcare, free housing, free foodstamps. Most of them don't have cars, but if they do it's their only real expense, their one real luxury.

And this is the bare minimum in the US by the way. There's so much delusion about what is "average" or "median" in this country, all as one big psyop to make roasties think that their 70-80k worthless desk job is a good income. This person is not average. Median nigger, perhaps.

>> No.56947903

>you do know that uk is like one state by size

Yeah nigga that’s why public transport is a joke, America is 50 times bigger then the uk with 6 times the population it’s too big for your Europe mind to comprehend. How can you think trains are practical

>> No.56947914

I, too, can find dilapidated sheds in the middle of nowhere for relatively little money in the US. In places where people actually want to live, however, you won’t afford them on a poverty wage.

>> No.56948012

>70-80k worthless desk job is a good income
Tbqhwy $75k/yr dual income so $150k total income is a good salary. You're at $700k house territory and if you invest into your 401k and other investments can retire at 55.

>> No.56948054

>gets shit on by his own posted site
thats just inaccuret and this confirms you are inferior.

people travel europe for work just like someone could between states midwit. you compare europe when it suits your opinion but when it does not you compare single country. you do know that just shows you low intelect.
also there is 2 times people in europe compared to US and yes transportation works in europe.

yes but i can find houses in bigger cities if that is what we are looking for. but when you are scared of the truth you make up these nonsens lies for your self.
also there is no "middle of nowhere" in europe everything is near something. it takes longer from average suburbans in us to travel nearest city center than it takes bretty much from anywere to travel between 2 cities in europe.

>> No.56948113

>thats just inaccuret
It's completely ""accuret"". Cope and sneed.
>it takes longer
USA has significantly lower commute times than europoors.

>> No.56948135

just a niglet making up shit.
you are beneth me.

>> No.56948149

>Build rail and bike paths, dipshits.
Okay I'll grab my shovel and get right on that.

>> No.56948163

It's not bad, but it's pretty much entry level. With current mortgage rates, they'd probably only be buying a $400-500k home.
The point is that statistics for calculating median are bullshit and irrelevant to most anyone here.
You have to cut out the following:
>retirees on medicaid
>single moms
>welfare niggers
Once you filter out the functionally unemployed, you'll see what I'm talking about. The true median is around 70k as an individual full time worker. There are a few retail workers making less, some of whom work overtime in a vain attempt to bridge the gap. There are also some teachers in poor states/towns making less. Teaching is not a full time job though. A few state workers make a bit less, but get generous benefit packages to compensate.
Regardless, the true average (median) hourly wage sits around $35 today. Pre-covid it was a bit below $30. This does not mean that everyone is making more than that, merely half the country. The income curve is steep, so there's a decent chunk making substantially more. The bar for feeling upper-middle class has finally broken 6 figs with this latest wave of inflation, and is where many working professionals still find their career plateau. A few tech and finance workers break substantially beyond that, and then on top are the capitalists, along with those few individuals who have uniquely monetizable talents (sports/entertainment mostly).

>> No.56948168

See: >>56945451

Stay btfo and swallow my cum, faggot.

>> No.56948207

>but it's pretty much entry level
Nope. $150k is 80th percentile in my medium-high cost of living area. Average home price is $527k.

>> No.56948223

literally chart of names and random numbers.
anyone can make that and this again shows how you are uneducated.

also this :D
in europe you can retire at 55 if you dont invest the ones who do can retire at 35-40

>> No.56948253

I posted the source, cumguzzler.

>> No.56948255

>80th percentile
That's before applying the filters. Read my previous post in full, then try again.
You'll understand.

>> No.56948280

Those filters don't matter. What matters is competition. If only 20% of the households in your area makes that amount or more, then the competition is much lower.

>> No.56948333

Retirees are not competing for added housing demand. They're actually a source of supply (when they die). Some of them downsize, but that's a buy/sell pair transaction.
This is why median income figures are bullshit. There's this welfare underclass that gets everything for free to the point where you might as well bump their income +$20k due to all the tax transfers they receive. There's a retiree class that already owns things and often has substantial savings to draw down without generating taxable "income".

You have to cut those groups out to see where the real working class sits.

>> No.56948436

I understand what you're saying but both of those groups do count. Because if housing was cheap enough, they would buy one or an additional one. Therefore they still add to the supply and demand calculation.

Also I noticed you're really talking about UPPER middle class, that isn't median.

>> No.56948600

Prices are set at the midpoint, where bids meet asks. Some welfare nigger will never have a higher bid than a full time career worker.
So no, it's really not relevant. Not that my original post was even about housing. I'm just pointing out how simple statistics can be used to lie and set a false narrative.
In this case, the narrative that working americans cannot afford to live. Pure bullshit.

>> No.56948646

Car owners really are dumb.

They think sitting inside nauseating dangerous hot box of glass and metal is somehow "liberating" but god forbid you enjoy clean, high tech, ample, subway stations that are basically like a high speed underground street except gatekept by charging entry

Muh can do 1000 miles a day because engine go brrr but can't do 1 mile on foot to save my life because I'm obese

While you borgors slave away your life over ever more inflated figures in the pursuit of being the best and the biggest, euros can chill back with all the quality of life that our culture brings

>> No.56948680

>Some welfare nigger will never have a higher bid than a full time career worker.
Bids start at $0. Then go up until supply and demand evens out. "Demand" in supply and demand also includes demand from people who can't afford it at the current price.
>the narrative that working americans cannot afford to live
Oh I totally agree that it's BS. The only major issue financially is that houses in desirable areas are outpacing wage growth. And being that housing is the largest and most important expenditure, that's a problem. Price of new cars, movie tickets etc. doesn't mean shit.

>> No.56948689

>nauseating dangerous hot box
Lmfao. You limp wristed twat.

>> No.56948711

> $15/hr
> 30 hours a week
> car payment
> $30 on gas every 2 weeks lmao lmfao rofl
> $700 maintenance
Ask me how I know you don't have a car

>> No.56948728
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>gyms are a neocapitalist hellscape boondoggle
Post body you fucking twerp

>> No.56948796
File: 71 KB, 873x872, 1667401520232361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>teleportation technology developed
>portable machine
>takes a few minutes to power up and sync with the unified spacetime positioning system
>have the freedom to go anywhere on earth
>wake up a little early to have a business meeting in Tokyo
>brunch at your favorite little place in Venice
>back home to take the dog for a run, get some sun and a nice workout
>pickup your date who lives in Colorado to see a concert happening in LA
>back to your place on the east coast for the night
>not having to interact with any browns at any step of the way (besides fat concert venue wagies in LA kek)
>teleport tech costs $2000 per month after $100,000 initial equipment purchase
>poors post on a mongolian digital coin & crochet forum complaining about teleportation expenditures as they commute 70 minutes back home in a smelly nogchute
imagine hating on people having more geographical freedom simply because your bank account doesn't have enough fake money in it to trade for it

>> No.56949109

>Let's take a typical wagie. $15/hr, 30ish hours a week "full time", assume you get about 70% back after taxes
what the fuck? almost nobody is getting taxed 30%.

>> No.56949148

this anon >>56943215 is just saying that cars keep you from having to interact with the future doctors and lawyers that enjoy using narcotics and assaulting people on public transit
it's not an anti-transit comment, it's anti-melanin

>> No.56949179

sounds like a nice idea, sadly the cities are full of homeless drug addicts (by design) and a subway is completely impractical in flyover country
really, i'm in favor of cities having them, and then having to deal with the consequences of their shitty politics that fill public spaces with drug addicted zombies.
if they decide to address that, then you'd be left with pretty usable public transit in places that have lots of population density.

>> No.56949220

Plenty of vehicles are made to drive “Off-Road” you broke faggot

>> No.56949236
File: 56 KB, 623x336, Screenshot 2023-12-11 175411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, it's generally a lot, people making 40k a year finance cars that cost about that amount because ((debt trickery)) makes them do really retarded things. they just see the payment and think, well, i can afford that.
the median american employed full-time makes around 50k (this is not median salary - some people don't work full time) so $25/hr. car payments are typically closer to $500-700 a month as well.
that leaves someone working 5ish days per month for their car and its associated expenses if it's financed. sounds about right.
my commuter car is worth less than i get in 1 paycheck, for what it's worth.

>> No.56949264

>my commuter car is worth less than i get in 1 paycheck, for what it's worth.
I similarly spend relatively little on my vehicles. I frankly don't feel bad for people who buy $45k new vehicles while not making a lot of money. Dumb people gonna dumb. It's like when you hear about X% of people living paycheck to paycheck, that's their own fault.

>> No.56949497

>assume you get about 70% back after taxes, $150/m car payment, $30 on gas every 2 weeks, $1600/yr insurance, $700ish for maintenance and taxes.
Someone making so little would not pay any taxes and would qualify for government assistance.
What did you do wrong to be charged so much?
Unless you need new tires every year but even that should be something you can do yourself.
>150/m car payment
Why are you taking out loans for cars that aren't specifically top shelf new panty droppers?

>> No.56949514

>retired from crypto

They unironically think if they shit up 4chan people will ban cars. I think they're mostly underage.

>> No.56949529

In Florida average auto insurance is like $2700/year because of all the old people + illegals + niggas stealing cars to commit crimes

>> No.56951403

>we have money yurocope
and very eager to give it to the car jew without a second thought
everytime you put your foot down on the pedal to "enjoy" your car, going a little bit faster for a quick thrill, stop and go traffic, I want you to imagine the CEO of firestone, the CEO of exxon, the CEO of GM, your town's personal injury lawyer, the CEO of mcgoys all jumping for joy, kvetching and rubbing their noses. They know they are going to make money as long as retards like you are just happy to give away your money without a second thought, and when retards like you are told the truth about the cost, you crawl out to defend your jewish overlords like the goyim you are

>> No.56951912

This is actualy feasible if you live in NYC outside of manhattan but have a job in manhattan thanks to express buses
>comfy coach seating instead of standard commuter buses
>because its manhattan, they generally take just about as long as a car would to get there
>except you dont have to worry about the nightmare that is parking
>express buses are expensive however
>BUT this means the higher price filters out undesirables and crazies and the bus is generally never packed, especially on the way home
>and theyre still cheaper than owning a car
So you can in fact live in the NYC suburbs and have an arguably superior commute than someone with a car, but this only really works because we're talking about working in manhattan. Also on the way home express drivers have a tendency to just ask drop you off right near your home as they dont really have to stress over their routes like local buses do.

>> No.56952238

I went to america and every small town looked like that picture