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56941722 No.56941722 [Reply] [Original]

No matter how much ((money)) you make, you'll never have this.

>> No.56941739

That disney lifestyle isn’t the norm dont and should be strived for. We should all just try out best while on this planet

>> No.56941747

why does it feel like i'm watching a different species? jokes aside

>> No.56941759

anon, finding someone whom you can love and sing with aint that hard... desu... not sure if you are pointing to a balanced life n all that... Well that aint hard either desu. Its 21. century, in a span of 10 years if you work hard and smart, you can get everything for the rest of your life, and then just enjoy the company of your fellow humans and your love. It aint that hard, desu... I did it...

>> No.56941779

i feel the opposite, i rarely see people so human

>> No.56941791

I didn't say it was good or bad,just a different species.

>> No.56941794

Based dubs
Based tradcouple

>> No.56941868

His body structure, manneurisms and language is that of a typical dude, idk what you're talking about. I feel more like i'm seeing a different species when i see a bodybuilder or even half the faces on here

>> No.56941869

I am a loner so I would never want this. What I got is my wife stays in the house with my kid and I stay on my man cave at the yard, we fuck once a week and be nice to each other everyday, +10y marriage on a civilized country over here.

>> No.56941879

Are you non-white by any chance?

>> No.56941889

Notice how she barely says anything and stares at the floor while the guy's yapping on. She's cheating on him and he'll be on the hook for child support, 150 bananas paid to the mother and her new man every montmonth until the child turns 18.

>> No.56941909

What a simp. She's probably fucking the tribe leader on the side.

>> No.56941913
File: 241 KB, 715x741, 1701755008822293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only "African" Americans are niggers lots of African, Africans are really based, sure they low IQ but they have their society and values way way more down and in reality then fucking ledditor simp feminist westoid suicide cult.

Enjoy your birth controlled masculine alt art thot OF girls /biz/ when I make it I am going to live like that with the Negros.

>> No.56941948

this lad seems more like an Andaman islander on something. Don't think he's African at all.

>> No.56942105

No. Are you?

>> No.56942114

Because we're white and we're incapable of knowing true love

>> No.56942144

wtf are you talking about, why would we not feel love

>> No.56942759

because you are dumbass

>> No.56942812

ive had that many times

being a wageslave is exponentially worse than never experiencing true love though so I think your post is cope

seriously, if you are a wage slave you spend about 50 hours a week maybe even up to 90 driving, showering, maintaining yourself like a trained monkey for a boss so that you can have permission not to starve to death. You might have about 20 hours a week to do things you want to do, although they are spread out inconveniently. thats about 43 days of time a year where you have agency. So if youre 20 years old you have about 5 years of agency before you die. Youre basically already dead. Like some walking dead slave. I guess its better than starving to death, although Im not certain about that.

>> No.56942819
File: 188 KB, 728x854, IMG_0505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The price we paid to carry the burden of civilization.

>> No.56942829

>The negros in the forest brightly feathered are saying
>>forget the night! Live with us in forests of azure

>> No.56942835
File: 216 KB, 1353x725, 1699130952091884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because you are? they are wild animals devolved from man

>> No.56942842

Maybe so, but we, by contrast, are programmable slaves over-evolved from man.

>> No.56942853

This and it’s also a trap to keep you occupied and unable to progress financially. It keeps you stagnant and content with wageslaving.

>> No.56942862

notice how chuds are literally pre programmed by russian bots with demoralization spam kek, you literally can predict this bot post word for word based on what is drilled into chuds heads by russians chinks and iranians 24/7

>> No.56942912
File: 153 KB, 729x638, 1630423515691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's the fakest shit i ever saw, but she has a cute face and nice boobas.

>> No.56942938
File: 119 KB, 1260x784, IMG_0276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not having sex till I’m rich glowie and Jews.

>> No.56942956
File: 281 KB, 1098x1476, 9RPN2lHIlZKceG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek she doesnt seem as happy as he does

>> No.56943075


>> No.56943340

How come they don't look like American niggers? They're actually attractive.

>> No.56943397

Same species, but that what homo sapiens were like 30.000 years ago. During hunting gathering phase, we moved into that shit that we call civilization. They decided not to move.

>> No.56943400

yes, seeing real humans like this is something else.

>> No.56943472

If he loses her, he'll go crazy. As a man, you shouldn't get that emotionally invested in a woman. It creates a weakness that the women themselves can exploit, or somebody outside of you (work harder wagie, wouldn't want the family to starve for your laziness...)

>> No.56943652

They were not bred to be slaves

>> No.56943728

They are prob 15 or smth

>> No.56943923

Im black and I hold only Link and Hbar after watching the Harvard talk.
Make of that what you wish.