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56941690 No.56941690 [Reply] [Original]

and that money goes right back to the capitalists who employee you, how is that any different from slavery?

I’m genuinely looking to be freed from this thought. If we see capitalists as one group and laborers as another, then consider that many laborers are only paid enough to pay for basic necessities to live, how is that any different than being an unpaid worker who is also minimally fed and sheltered?

To be clear, I’m not comparing the modern day system to the one used against African Americans. It seems to me that the system has evolved, grown clever, given us all the illusions of choice to make us believe we’re free. We can choose what we eat, to some extent where we live, and which capitalist we work for. Occasionally we make enough money to afford some entertainment and we thank them.

Right below the surface, whatever money we spend goes right back to the capitalist class. Not working means living on the streets and starving. They even decided we have to have their fucking babies, making abortion seem like some discussion of morality when it is only so we are forced to raise their next generation.

How is there any debate on whether this is a system of slavery?

>> No.56941711

Because your poverty is caused by your incompetence not force.

>> No.56941732

this meme is only funny if you're white.
bipoc people have experienced this intergenerational robbery of our labor for generations.

>> No.56941859

This shit is worse in Asia. In places like Tokyo, Seoul and Singapore, you get to see real capitalism. People are literally working 2 jobs to survive. They dont pay rent because they all live with their parents. The competition is extreme and only people who enter top universities "make it". By making it I mean get a low paying job and have just enough to get by. Maybe own a small apartment and have 2 kids max, usually they stop at 1 or have none at all. There are many married couples with 0 children. People think America is bad, hell New York is fucking nothing compared to Asian autism.
>low crime and no homeless in your cunt
Thats a failure of your population and has nothing to do with capitalism.

>> No.56941884

Yes, life is hell. Everybody wants you to think like them and do like them. You are born a slave and likely to die a slave.

>> No.56941908
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Ah it's The Lazy Victim Delusion again. You can still go into the woods and live like your ancestors did btw, (sure there might be "laws" against hunting deer with bows and arrow, but to enforce said laws they would have to have 1000s of agents with guns and helicopters patrolling 24/7. They can't even stop migrants pouring over the border) right now, there are uncontacted tribes living in the amazon who struggle and survive on what they can get from the forest. THEY are your real comparison. Why don't you go join them and try risking your life for one more mouthful of monkey intestine to live one more day while leeches and diseases stalk your every move.
You are living in the best time imaginable. The poorest homless man has food and abundance and experiences that literal KINGS would have been jealous of 200 years ago. Ice cream for one! Say "Thank you" to society. Say "thank you factory man" "Thank you investor who risked his capital to start said ice cream factory"
You thinking is completely broken. The life you are living is one of the best possible in all of history, and the strategic options are more and greater than ever thought possible: One option is: Stop paying rent and sleep in your car while showering at the gym for one! Stop eating expensive junk food, your ancestors idea of utopia was an unlimited supply of wheat beans and lentils. Another option is to start investing in something that will get you even more, stocks, crypto! Another is to stop playing video games and gain a new certification in a skill online, like Cisco, or Carpentry. No Slave ever had these opportunities.
All this put together is to say:

>> No.56941984

Asia has always been like this, Asian societies don't have any slack, they work themselves to death because they don't have enough of a soul to see society as mostly bullshit

>> No.56942043

You only need 1 Bitcoin and 10 years to make it. It’s really not that complicated anon.

>> No.56942127

Thou I would remove country's that practice death penalty from that list

>> No.56942183
File: 20 KB, 500x327, Children_affected_by_famine_in_Berdyansk,_Ukraine_-_1922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and that money goes right back to the capitalists who employee you, how is that any different from slavery?
Sounds a lot like leftism. Except now you can actually afford food.

>> No.56942241

>You are living in the best time imaginable. The poorest homless man has food and abundance and experiences that literal KINGS would have been jealous of 200 years ago. Ice cream for one

That's what all political incumbents tell you. The facts do not back it up. You've been duped.

>> No.56942507

I have always wondered how tokyo exists at all
Grow up in shitty conditions seeing your parents struggle to afford basic living costs
Then getting offered the deal of cramming your ass off your entire childhood just for a chance at not even a certainty to be equally miserable in your adult life

At least in the west we can see people dropping out at conditions still way better than tokyo was years ago
I mean they now started their 4th lost decade and their debt situation has only gotten worse

>> No.56942577

>I have always wondered how tokyo exists at all
Grow up in a safe clean homogeneous society, culture of people that on a whole look out for each other and want each other to succeed and keep things decent for each other.
Compare that with the average city in the west where everyone treats each other and their surroundings like assholes, there's nothing uniting the people, it's no wonder more people drop out of the west.

>> No.56942588
File: 59 KB, 600x399, women-laughing-and-having-fun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you take public transport/ stuck in cage in a que like livestock awaiting the slaughterhouse

And you think youre not a slave?

>> No.56942611
File: 578 KB, 350x232, reddit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your labor is easy replaceable and you're incompetent. BIPOCs are and have always been a net loss. You dont contribute to society.

>> No.56942631

Yet somehow east asia always comes out with the most based, extreme and just pure SOVL shit that every other race tries to ass kiss and imitate. (anime, fashion, culture)


>> No.56942708
File: 215 KB, 945x960, IMG_4139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s Slavery. Taxing/taking 100% of your income is full on Slavery. Taxing 35% of it is just Slavery by percentage. The whole system must be destroyed asap.

>> No.56942737

Thats totally not true, your average wagie gets brutalized harder than in the west, nobody is looking out for you there
Sure there are safer streets, but whats the point if the cost for it is serfdom

Japanese fashion lol, get out of your moe bubble nobody wears that
Also comparing fantasy media exports to living conditions domestically, few people successfully migrate there to start a better life

>> No.56942760

I too saw this post on r/antiwork

>> No.56943045

These kinds of mental gymnastics and question-begging are why they are able to get away with it.

Consider also how many man hours it takes to fund your transportation versus public transit. You were swindled from the very beginning.

>> No.56943060
File: 228 KB, 1788x921, Government Wealth Distribution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct. Every year, a bigger proportion of your taxes goes towards "wealth redistribution".

>> No.56943069

anime website

>> No.56943085

Most of it is SS/Medicare/tax subsidies. Boomers are stealing your money.

>> No.56943115


They use SS as a slush fund for general welfare too now. It's all fucked. Why the fuck is there a marketing department for Medicaid of all things? Safety nets aren't a product to be promoted.

>> No.56943280

Because nobody forces you to work or reproduce in poverty

>> No.56943371
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hispanics and blacks are also stealng your money. Net loss over lifetime

>> No.56943395
File: 59 KB, 1000x667, My Man Chalrie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the capitalists

Wall of text disregarded.

>> No.56943446

If you remove the possibility of home ownership from the majority of the population or make it so they will become financially destitute if they buy a house, this will push the people towards communism. We will have a communist revolution this century in America.

>> No.56943449
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more recent version for the retarded commies in the thread.
More than 50% of our budget goes towards some sort of social program, taking care of retards and illegals who couldn't figure out how to do it themselves. Granted, the SS program takes money away from you your entire (working) life to supposedly give it back later but even after working for 20 years I'd still rather it just be abolished now (rather than fail later, since I'm pretty sure I won't see a dime of it in 30 years)

>> No.56943498

It's more like part-time slavery since your boss usually owns you for "only" 40 hours a week so at least you get a little bit of freedom. The point is exactly that It's subtle enough to fool most of the gullible retards(as some have already shown in this very thread) where as full-time slavery was abolished because it was just way too obvious.

>> No.56943512

>african americans
there are many forms of slavery, one of which this thread is about. the fact that you didn't say "niggers", however, implies you're still a slave in the most important sense: you self-censor your own thoughts.

this is why nigger is the single most important word of our times. it's the word of power used to open the door to self-censorship, to self-imposed thought slavery. i mean, i'm totally a racist according to the modern definition of the word (though it looks nothing like what the jews in control of the normie narrative would have you believe it does), but that has nothing to do with it (except maybe freeing my thoughts to such an extent that i gave their idea of racism an honest try). until you can say the word "nigger" (hard R) out loud and in front of another person without the usual physiological responses (increased heart rate and blood pressure, pupil dilation, amygdala response), you're still subject to the programming of some of those very same capitalists you're railing against in this thread, and will thus continue to be their slave.

>> No.56943522

you can buy a house though. I did, and I started at $3 in 2012 with no external help or family.
You retards just choose to spend your money on expensive food, gacha crap entertainment, recreational drugs/alcohol, fancy clothes, fancy cars, and other dumb shit.
Hiking is free. F2P games are basically free as long as you don't have the willpower of a toddler, reading is cheap. There are so many hobbies you can enjoy for relatively no money but all you zoomers are braindead retarded.

>> No.56943595

Nigga I built my house in 2017 for $300k, shit would cost almost $600k today. No way I could afford this place today.

>> No.56943646

So what you're saying is that all the boomers in the world were just born money smart and they all invested in the market and that's why they're all millionaires now in mansion sized houses but they never taught any of their offspring a single thing to survive and build their own fortune?
Damn, again born in the wrong generation. Should've been born a boomer, they all made it through hard work and dedication to be millionaires today, all of them!

>> No.56943804
File: 138 KB, 1079x1065, printer go brrrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skill issue. Money flows. Under expansitory regimes the 'monetary impedance' (how easy an asset converts to money) of an asset determining how fully an asset inflates for a given increase in monetary base. Labor (in the broadest sense, all income earners) has high monetary impedance, illiquid assets like housing have moderate impedance, liquid assets like equities or gold have low impedance. The surest way out of the wagie cagie is to lever-up on the fuller inflation of low impedance assets, BTC or 2x LETFs (conservative, survived the GFC), gold can't be used as the long cycle period of gold makes it impractical to lever-up on it, and gold has high inflation (2%) compared to BTC (1.7% and halving every 4 years)

>> No.56943814

Bold of you to assume I'm getting paid enough to afford shelter.

>> No.56943825

Oh. I mean TODAY after bidenflation you have a fucking point - but more WEF crap won't make housing more affordable. I don't think there's enough land in the U.S. to have affordable nice (and somewhat conveniently located) housing for all the packrats in major cities even if they were willing to move out of those cesspools. Land is finite. Always will be. It's not going to get cheaper and communism won't fix that. People fantasize communism because they think the "current haves" will become the "have nots" and *all* the "have nots" will magically become partial, equal havers but that's simply not the reality of communism. Sure, the haves may change but it almost certainly won't be any of you, and your life will probably get worse both during the transition and in the long run.

>> No.56943953
File: 552 KB, 1719x840, $wif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinking about getting a hat with $nigger on it. would be better marketing than anything btc maxis or vitalik ever put out in their entire lives, thats for sure.

>> No.56944438

out of curiosity, how much does rice cost in the US?

>> No.56944562

Jews. Your parents lived in a capitalist country just fine. Once it was jewed at every level it was ogre.
>good times bring jews
>jews bring bad times (you are here)
>bad times make dead jews
>dead jews bring good times

>> No.56944764

To be clear, I’m not comparing the modern day system to the one used against African Americans. ”

Dude, we aren’t on Reddit. You don’t need to walk on eggshells here. Also, go back.

>> No.56945008

>you can be homeless and have icecream THIS IS THE BEST TIME TO LIVE EVER
>200 years ago this was monarchy status

I really really really wonder how you're still able to function breathing manually

>> No.56945274

There's no debate. The capitalist mandate of the endless accumulation of wealth necessarily trends towards a system where the people supporting that wealth have as little wealth and freedom as is necessary to prevent revolt. Call it slavery if you want Profit is, indeed, the value stolen from the laborer and funneled into the pockets of someone who didn't do the work.
You can game out what happens after all wealth has been consolidated or when people are no longer required for the generation of value... none of those situations end well unless more egalitarian policies are put in place.
Ahh the capitalist realist delusion again. Capitalism is the "final" system, the "best" one, right? Sure it's an improvement upon its predecessor (feudalism), and some good has come from it, but you can't just ignore the number of atrocities fundamental to capitalism still taking place today and not ask "can we do better". Socialist experiments were an attempt at this that failed for a number of reasons (including sabotage by capitalist powers), but to knock them for trying is the same as licking the boots of your captors.
Also investing is just a different way of stealing from people. Do what you have to I say, but you can't ignore what you're really doing.

>> No.56945648

Dullard. You simp for your slave masters, monetary expansion not "capitalism" supports oligarchical parasitism.

The system doesn't suffer brittle failure, it suffers plastic deformation, you can double USD every decade forever. Under debt-based fiat, debt IS the money, more debt = more money stock = asset inflation. Remember, you can't ACTUALLY borrow from the future, when you loan money into existence you've just created a new fraudulent claim on existing resources, the debt is framed as a future problem so you don't pay attention to the actual real time consequences of monetary expansion.

A real practical universal unit of account massively increases the efficiency of economic calculation, as without a fixed point of reference accurate pricing (price carries information), requires great degrees of iteration, which are economically (time and resource) expensive. Bitcoin does not need to be used as common currency to produce this function, it performs this function fine as a free floating asset, as price carries information. All of global finance can be BTC's L2.

>> No.56945785

Hyper capitalists have home addresses and follow routine schedules.

Peel their face off and wear it.

>> No.56946386

>1 post by this ID