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56927147 No.56927147 [Reply] [Original]

who will win the upcoming ordinals hard fork?

context: maxis want to hard fork ordinals out of bitcoin. bitcoin core all hate ordinals and adam back powerful ogs hate it
an anon said it would be obvious who wins. no, it’s not obvious who will win. please spoon feed me.

>> No.56927187

the one that benefits the biggest miners the most financially

>> No.56927205
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there is one sleeper horse in this race that nobody is talking about....

>> No.56927212

still don’t know

>> No.56927217

what the fuck is ordinals?

>> No.56927227

Taproot was fucking stupid, now they're realising why. Satoshi made Bitcoin Turing incomplete for a reason; because in order to be hard money, all it has to do is solve the double spend problem. Devs came up with ridiculous edge case 'problems' and wallah, Taproot. Such a shit idea

>> No.56927251

Ordinals is just an excuse to spam attack the network. They will use any fucking excuse and run ordinals up $11,000 a piece if it means they can destroy that which they don't control.

>> No.56927276

bitcoin core is really trying to break bitcoin just to fit the lightning network on top of it. what a shit show. I think the lightning network is the worst thing to ever happen to btc.

>> No.56927322
File: 32 KB, 354x597, bcash-struggle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the one that benefits the biggest miners the most financially
so like bcash backed by Bitmain?
0.005 Bitcoin per.

>> No.56927333

>Taproot was fucking stupid, now they're realising why.
why, you retarded retard?

>> No.56927340

No one uses ordinals for nothing other than to fuck up the block space and then shill BCH or whatever the fuck.

>> No.56927344

In 2016, Bitcoin BTC was taken over by the Bilderberg Group.

>> No.56927346

go play with dogecoin or bitcoineeeect, altfag

>> No.56927349

Is there anyone more intolerable than that arrogant idiot Udi? It's hard to think of anyone more annoying in crypto now that bitboy is gone.

>> No.56927350

It's unironically been over since the blocksize wars. The only way BTC will survive in a useable form after the next 2 halvenings is for transaction volume to pick up so that miners can collect fees and be solvent without the block reward, as Satoshi intended. Idgaf about ordinals and BRC20 bullshit, it's all fluff for degens, but if there is demand for it then miners can make money off the fees, so that's a good thing overall I guess. But the fundamental problem is BTC is too fucking slow and expensive with small blocks. This anon is right >>56927276 LN not sneeded, they need to actually fix bitcoin.

>> No.56927352
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>In 2016, Bitcoin BTC was taken over by the Bilderberg Group.
In 2016, BiTCoiN BtC wAs tAkEN OveR bY tHe BilDErBErG gRoUP.

>> No.56927358

>I am still butthurt the low IQ shitcoiners "muh big blocks" lost the block wars
fuck off to your altcoin of choice, bye

>> No.56927380

this crypto kills your stupid ordinals https://www.microvisionchain.com/
Space is the solution to ordinal problems and all the shit that you said

>> No.56927400

Space / microvisionchain
https://www.microvisionchain.com/ fixes all of those problems, ordinals are inefficient

>> No.56927412

No one gives a fuck about paying shit with bitcoin, why would you pay with something that goes up?
I dont even buy bitcoin, i just buy MSTR, so I dont have to get scammed in some exchange.

>> No.56927452
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Seems like wishful thinking on the part of altcoiners that this subject will result in a major fork war, which is probably why you made the thread. I was looking into Luke Dash Jr and Jack Dorsey's new OCEAN mining pool and their position sounds reasonable to me and they seem to offer competitive advantages to miners who join them such as it being non-KYC and non-custodial. But I don't understand the debate that well yet. I suppose I'm leaning towards the position of loathing ordinals faggots, as ordinals and NFT type stuff is the digital equivalent of collecting Funko Pops and this kind of behavior only comes from low IQ shitcoin nihilists. But they will probably just fade away over time. I agree with Guy Swann's reasoning in pic related, as I don't think excluding ordinals from mined blocks qualifies as censorship but it may not be the best response to the issue.

You can see on their website Ocean mining pool has 470 Ph/S at the moment, which makes them the 20th largest mining pool. That hashrate is enough to find a block every eight days on average.

>> No.56927457

>completely ignores the argument
kys nigger
>completely misses the point
When the block reward is gone there will be no way for miners to make money without transaction volume, dumbass midwit. Mass miner capitulation and a potential 51% attack later and it's over. Number go up and transaction volume are not antagonistic to each other anyway, people would transact with BTC if the speed were higher and fees were lower, while saving up their corns to make gains as the USD dies.

>> No.56927485
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Basically the digital equivalent of someone doodling a cartoon on the back of a paper receipt. Just another type of NFT that faggots want to collect. Digital funko pops.

>> No.56927833

The CME futures market was approved in 2017 solely in an attempt to control the price. Now that that is not working as effectively anymore, they are moving to unleash the Bitcoin ETF's in order to do further manipulate the price by unleashing a blizzard of fake paper BTC onto the market.

>> No.56927970

just make it eth at this point hkeke

>> No.56927998

>create a feature that potentially makes a market
>market gets made (ordinals)
>reeee you’re not supposed to use it that way!
The OGs look kinda retarded in this way. Censoring perfectly legitimate behavior you don’t like from mining is a slippery slope.

>> No.56928553

we can just increase the blocksize, retard.
for example in 2050 or when ever all computers including the one I can build in my basement (including CPU and all) can handle initial block download (and verification) in a day.

>> No.56929143

You don't need a hard fork retard, miners just need to ignore ordinal transactions.

>> No.56929197
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Who could have predicted this?

>> No.56929207

>Satoshi made Bitcoin Turing incomplete

Bitcoin is Turing Complete.

>> No.56929217

why would they? dont miners love ordinals, arent they making transactions very expensive?

fuck the boomers trading shitcoins is the main usecase of blockchain.

>> No.56929247

Correct. Devs admit in order to fix Lightning now they'll need to change Bitcoin's protocol even more, which still won't fix Lightning lol

kys retard.

Peter Todd and other Core Devs are already talking about removing the supply cap.

>just fuck having a business model and control over your data and shit

>> No.56929260
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>who will win the upcoming ordinals hard fork?
Ordinals will stay. Miners are the ones who vote, and they're making more money with Ordinals. Any other "opinion" is wrong.

>> No.56929275

There won't be any change. Ordinals benefits miners. End of discussion.

>> No.56929296

shalom, Bitcoin Scam Vision employee

>> No.56929331

Yes, i knew what they were doing when they tried to popularize ordinals... They deliberately were bogging down and distrupting bitcoins normal routines and features inorder to pump their BCH bags. Its worse than anything I've ever seen. Not even the ripple gang has done anything close to that amount of destruction. I really hate BSV and BCH fanboys because they only appear to make a profit.

>> No.56929418

>we can just increase the blocksize, retard.
Holy fuck you're an idiot. That's exactly what I'm advocating for and what maxipads who jerk off the core team and LN hate. Fucking midwits kek

>> No.56929465
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>> No.56929545

Rodarmor is a glow nigger and this ordinal shit is an attack

>> No.56929575
File: 89 KB, 1400x693, block award.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like 'em. They increase the block reward, which is only 6.25. Ordinals present a use case for BTC, and offer miners more incentives to mine. It's win-fucking-win.

>> No.56929604
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>> No.56929633

Bitcoin is turing complete, the limitation is set by how many sats you have rather than hdd space or a hard memory limit.

>> No.56929667

also, ordinals were created by BSV guys, and they run perfectly on BSV. They've even built a way for users to lock / HODL their coins for a set period of time and be rewarded for it, think staking but on chain.

>> No.56929763
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Larger blocks would earn more and holocaust the rest of the scam market.

>> No.56929871
File: 33 KB, 530x391, 1672183973127551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am too dumb to understand difference between pushing OMG big 1000 MB blocks in 2020 as the ONLY ULTIMATE SOLUTION to scaling
>scaling on layer-2, layer-3 or more, but one day modestly increase block size...
>not to 10000 MB to allow every of 10,000,000,000 humans to buy daily coffee on BC, but to allow them to open LN channels each month or such
no surprise there, altcoiners are low IQ, especially forkcoiners

>> No.56929879


>> No.56930376

Fuck your useless L2. LN not sneeded. Just make bitcoin faster and more reliable with bigger blocks (I don't know the optimum size, other niggers can figure it out). Fuck nigger. Fuck kikes. Fuck jannies. Fuck (You) you fucking niggerkikefaggot!

>> No.56930383

>Calling others dumb while advocating multiple layers

>> No.56930509
File: 25 KB, 702x547, Bitcoin vs Visaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>create an amazing new technology
>don't use it

I hate faggots so much it's unreal.

>> No.56931043

>who will win the upcoming ordinals
haircomb, idiot

>> No.56931052

it was faggot also ordinals are gay and only gay faggots like them

>> No.56931315

no its not the same as NFTs on ethereum because ethNFTs arent stored on the blockchain only the receipts are; it was vaporware, for now. brc-20s are stored within the most valuable blockspace ever.

>> No.56931324

we've a long way to go before mining is unprofitable. i'd figured that brc-20s were the wedge blockstream needed to move everyone to their layer 2 mirror of tradfi.

>> No.56931869

>I don't know the optimum size
it's the current size, or smaller. therefore LN needed.

>> No.56931890

>There won't be any change. Ordinals benefits miners. End of discussion.
This. Why is the thread continuing? Ordinals will be the new NFTs/DeFi craze this bullrun, like it or not

>> No.56931990
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>it was faggot
ok, thank you space jews/boogyman for making Bitcoiners SUPER RICH!
thanks x100!
>also ordinals are gay and only gay faggots like them
yeah. bigblockers and fags like you sure do

>> No.56932051
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>> No.56932069
File: 46 KB, 502x500, protocol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hi I am a bigblock fag
>I will not own any (verified) chain
>and I will be happy
ok, cuck

>> No.56932132

yes from the deepstate playbook. provoke the niggers with problem, provide solution.

>> No.56932150
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>In networking, a protocol is a standardized set of rules for formatting and processing data. Protocols enable computers to communicate with one another.

Your faggot hobby project is not a protocol. Go implement another shit house "upgrade" so you can pull 8tps on your 13th layer.

>> No.56932217

Large blocks means centralisation. It isn't a serious option. Bitcoin shouldn't be compromised by short-termist idiots who want to turn it into their shitcoin of choice.

>> No.56932264
File: 46 KB, 1004x1000, jackshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agreed. now wheres my rap album i havent gotten around to making?

>> No.56932317

Lol. Lmao


>Large blocks means centralisation
It literally doesn't and I'm tired of pretending it does.

>> No.56932538
File: 466 KB, 600x745, deusex-bitcoin-2b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shitcoin faggots can't stop crying about bitcoin not being as shitty as they want it to - despite they already heaving own "better chain" to play with. LOL.
cope and rope fags


>Large blocks means centralisation. It isn't a serious option. Bitcoin shouldn't be compromised by short-termist idiots who want to turn it into their shitcoin of choice.
this, simple as

>> No.56932594


>> No.56933282

newfags who weren't around segwit2x

>> No.56933632

Ordinals is rekting this chain with no survivors, faggot.

S2x wasn't implemented. Ordinals are, retard.

>> No.56933799

>S2x wasn't implemented.
it was by Jeff Garzik
didn't it mine like 1 block and then died?

>> No.56933858

Which wouldn't exist on BTC chain. In order to remove ordinals they are going to have to fork.

>> No.56933875

>samefagging this obvious
u are pathetic child. dont u have some children to raise properly?