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File: 3.83 MB, 540x960, 1690303353411435.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56908715 No.56908715 [Reply] [Original]

I wanna buy crypto and shit coins but I don't know how safe these exchanges are. I don't wanna put a large amount of money and then lose it

>> No.56908723

Mtgox bro

>> No.56908741

This bitch has maintained her thigh gap at 40+ with like 4 kids. How much BTC?

>> No.56908745

>thigh gap

What are you 12? He’s obviously over her now and is gay. That’s why she works so hard to maintain her boyish figure.

>> No.56908775
File: 258 KB, 535x293, That's Unavoidable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't wanna put a large amount of money and then lose it
That's gonna happen even if you go entirely OTC and avoid exchanges altogether.

>> No.56908799

I really just wanna park my money there but still weary of just leaving it

>> No.56908824
File: 74 KB, 553x506, onye oji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no fit, ultra-organized, fully dedicated to family Caucasoid wife
What's the point of even making it?

>> No.56908831

Her children can see her labia in those shorts. Also the first frame tells you everything you need to know about her self perception/family dynamic

>> No.56908904

>boyish figure.
Projecting fag, this is what a real actual human woman looks like. Not the tranny shit you're into. Jesus fuck.

>> No.56908948

Women are fucking insane

>> No.56908957

Tell me those wrinkles and lack of being able to grab titty or ass is in any way attractive to you.

>> No.56908992

i missed the part where she said how to get early park entry

>> No.56909003

Damn a family of whites, 6 young boys??!?
Damn Reddit will be sooo angry
Specially the anti natalist sub
She made 4 white boys, and still energetic to dress up and put make up to make herself sexy for her man
she is a 10/10

>> No.56909020

Disney probably gives perks to social media influencers who give them free advertising. Notably absent in this commercial is how stressful it is go through the park in such a regimented fashion where you have to book every little thing you do in the park through their app. You can book a table at a restaurant and still get fucked over and not get to eat there because of some bureaucratic requirement you failed to meet that you don't have to do anywhere else. Like book your fucking appointment for a ride and pay for the flash pass (or whatever they call it), and still wait in line for an hour for the ride anyways

>> No.56909054

>Muh tits muh ass mufugga muh dick
Okay Tyrone

>> No.56909072

She got there early before everyone else. That's how she got early entry.

>> No.56909078

Buy PM’s and quit fucking around with video game tokens.

>> No.56909104


>> No.56909116

>faggot is when you have a loyal wife in commuted relationship, made you a village of children for you, and is keeping herself fit and sexy for you
This is a 10/10 wife, the original trad
Regular ass women aren’t even worth the dirt that this woman walks on

>> No.56909118

Seethe sanjay, white women make you seethe because jeets are the most unattractive, this is quantifiable. Jeets are 170% more likely to be cocksuckers than any other race (surprisingly including niggers) get back to shitting in the street and sucking cock faggot

>> No.56909159

Everyone i replied to is 250+ lbs

>> No.56909171

How can a man ever stay satisfied with just one woman?

>> No.56909225

>how to get early parking entry
>get up early

>> No.56909234

Use Railway wallet.
>Private transactions
>Top notch security.

You are welcome.

>> No.56909249

Coinbase, binance and even then just use them for the trades and then withdraw to cold storage

>> No.56909281

Ye well it’s part of “white culture” (according to the Smithsonian museum) to be early and on time. They weren’t praising this btw, they were demonizing this behavior.
What she is saying is, be whiten, or rather, practice white culture and win in life.
Also, isn’t it amazing that one of the oldest saying , “early bird gets the worm” is just fallen to deaf ears in today’s society.
I am just glad that the mere existence of this woman and her beautiful, well adjusted, happy family, is like sharp knife inside Reddit eye and assorted shitskins

>> No.56909453
File: 85 KB, 600x600, angry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to send ETH from coinbase to bit.plus (an euro ATM thing)
>test send myself 20 bucks of ETH
>goes through in 5 minutes
>seems good
>send myself 1000 bucks worth
>it's gone grom coinbase but doesn't arrive at the other one
>been 2 days

>> No.56909475

Theres nothing wrong with the video, only retarded comments like these.

>> No.56909489

Just wait for Supra listing and buy the make it stack.

>> No.56909519

>Also, isn’t it amazing that one of the oldest saying , “early bird gets the worm” is just fallen to deaf ears in today’s society
Because that idea stems from farmer culture where if you didn't get up early, you would not have enough time to do everything and some activities had to be done in the morning. The internet has removed the idea of 'early'. Any point is early somewhere. At any point, you can get up and get most things done.
>I am just glad that the mere existence of this woman and her beautiful, well adjusted, happy family
If this woman was happy, she wouldn't project every moment of her life for the internet
>is like sharp knife inside Reddit eye and assorted shitskins
You are the one typing like an pseudointellectual fedora-tipping redditor

>> No.56909658

Someone got an ouchy eye kek
>waahahahaha why do people have opinions here reeeeeee

>> No.56909860

That woman definitely has an Etsy store where she sells those stupid fucking shirts (illegally too because of Disney).

>> No.56910791
File: 2.16 MB, 2325x1296, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took my gf to disney during covid because it was the only vacation that didn't require a jab. We had a fun time but it was a rip off as expected. They upsell you on every little detail, and if you don't go for the upgrades your experience is total shit. Imagine being a kid and waiting in line for 2 hours, as you watch the rich kids breeze pass you in the "Lightning Lane". Lots of depressing reminders like that to spoil the magic. They might was well build two separate parks, one for feudal serfs and one for the ruling class.

One moment I still think about often was during the muppets 3d show. At the end they drive through a brick wall and you can see a glimpse of the outside of the building and the visitors. Except they haven't updated the video since the 90s so the people/fashion are all visibly from that era, which is the last time I went as a kid. For a brief spec of a moment my brain fell for the illusion and I really thought when I stepped outside of that building I would walk out into that beautiful world again.

Picrel was the scene (hard to see obviously since it's 3d)

>> No.56910903
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I'm OCD and even people like this actually irritate me. Why the fuck do you need to setup an entire schedule for your day ON VACATION. Just go fucking enjoy the place and walk around.

>> No.56910973

That’s a genetic condition, it doesn’t just go away. It’s almost always indicative of a wide set vagina as well.

>> No.56910990

This chud likes men based

>> No.56911232

Yeah this anon is right. That woman is like a super woman for producing all boys. She must be horribly abusive to her husband off cam. Or she pegs him or something.

>> No.56911288

I mostly agree, but are they really having fun while they try to get all these shots at every fucking moment?

>> No.56912099

I can tell you haven't been to Disney as an adult with kids. There is no walking around to enjoy...you are there to be overwhelmed and consoom. It's an experience but holy shit it's a lot.

Also, I wish my wife were that energetic and organized.

>> No.56912152

Is it possible to develop an app that eliminates every form of advertisement?

>> No.56912529

Lol, fag

>> No.56912569

Just go to Universal during the week instead. It's so much more fun than Shitsney.

>> No.56912591

More like making him cum his brain out.
Probably working on her 5th son

>> No.56912737

I am sure the husband hates her guts and is wage/debtslaving.

>> No.56912942
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I know deep down that i SHOULD want to have the life these people have instead of being alone
But it just fucking looks like hell, some people spend all year saving for vacations like these and blow it all on fucking mickey hats. Then its off to the wage cage for one more year until Ms. Roastie has the brilliant idea of going to some other place


>> No.56913048
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That man is living in hell, holy shit.

>> No.56913328
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>> No.56913475

Missed opportunity to call him Anton Shitgurh but I kek'd heartily anyway

>> No.56913526

Invest in QANx and you will no longer be a wagie after the bullrun poorfag.

>> No.56913563
File: 1.25 MB, 1071x2400, 1627249772077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one cares about your SHITCOIN do-nothing vaporware GARBAGE.
Stack BTC/ETH, disregard discord indian pajeet dumps. Added another pajeet shitcoin (QANx) to my filters.

>> No.56913597
File: 129 KB, 1024x1024, CreationOfPoojadam6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoomed out. Why tf is there a long period with 0 volume and bottomed price? Shill something better Pradesh.

>> No.56913618

they have to be insane. the desire to have cameras following you around everywhere you go, everything you do scrutinized. how tiresome could that be? maybe not so bad if they were groomed into it from childhood. but well adjusted mature people dont parade around like every waking moment is a commercial.

>> No.56913634

You'll forever be a poorfag if you don't know about Qanx. Brainlet, even MBK Holdings invested in it

>> No.56913647

Help bros I’ve compromised my integrity , morals and values because a girl I like is a vegan lefty lunatic who lets me cum in her

>> No.56913696
File: 21 KB, 191x226, pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When you have completed what you thought you had to do
>and your blood's depleted to the point of stable glue

>> No.56913710
File: 6 KB, 250x183, 1700735545613667s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've been sex starved, pajeet. Are you sure you know how to use Dexscreener or Dextools, newfag? Check again

>> No.56914252

Buy your crypto and have your keys in a hard wallet.

>> No.56914427

>nooooo don’t take your children to vacations once In a while
Granted I prefer taking them to somewhere that actually worth it, desert beach, forest, hiking.
But I can bet my ass, that a woman this active will take her family hiking every week ANYWAY
Normal, well adjusted people, want to go out and have fun buddy.
Ye, we are not well adjusted for not wanting it.
>wahhhh this woman is unhappy because camera
Or maybe, MAYBE she is just wanna do something extra.
You know how rich fucks start to donate to Africa and start becoming ultra environmentalists out of burden and facing no challenge?
Well maybe this woman wants some excitement too? Maybe something to be angry at? Maybe make some people jelly
I bet, 100% that her comment sections had a bunch of anti whites, anti natalist talking about “this is what Hitler dreamed” or “you are killing the planet” or “all 4 white boys? You are making a bunch of racist colonizers” etc
Don’t you think she might enjoy feeling hateed toward these people? Her life is probably filled with people that are good to her, and she can’t ever hate.
But you need the feeling of hate, just like you need the feeling of love. Maybe that’s her way of trying to find some people worthy of her absolute disdain?

>> No.56914456

nah these are just the puppet class that get paid to make commercials. absolutely no different than britney spears.

>> No.56914528

So you tell me; that if I go into her comments, I won’t see anyone hating her for being white, being thin, being happy, being active, having 4 white boys, having a white husband, having a white family, going to Disney? I guarantee you that each one of these and many more and their combo, will make some people angry enough to go and comment about how much they hate her (or do some passive aggressive talk about how they are sure that she is abusing the kids, or that the relationship between her and her husband is super bad, and how she is thin because she is a drug addict..you know, the typical things low lives say when they see people living a better life than them?)
Maybe she just like to hate someone back, and justifiably too, because they hate her family and want her life to be destroyed (and she got it on record)
If this happy family is just a puppet propoganda, then who are the people who hate them?

>> No.56914667

this is the target demographic for disney parks.

>> No.56914980

No Disney overwhelmingly use images of fat shitskins because it knows it’s ACTUAL target demographics.
Here is a fact: a white woman , who is THAT skinny and FIT and ACTIVE after having 4 boys is ABSOLUTE sui fule for all the fat, sad, non white, lazy, ruined body after pregnancy and single people.
Do you think Disney want to convey this message indirectly? That you will get to see your object of your jealousy live? No lol
I think this was a genuine one
Maybe some background Disney pr (I mean, they liked Disney so much, that now they are doing free ads for it.) but otherwise, it is genuine

>> No.56914988

I have my Qanx and EGLD on Ledger x wallet

>> No.56915063

why does she act like a teenager even though shes 35

>> No.56915538

What is sex like with a woman like her?

>> No.56915565
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If that were waiting for me at the finish line I wouldn't want to make it.

>> No.56915644
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Post quantum cryptography projects are the next meta and not this shit.

>> No.56915734

Missionary position while holding hands and looking deep into her eyes for the sole purpose of procreation. You get one bj a year on your birthday, but only if you're lucky

>> No.56915735

You know when you’re cutting wrapping paper and the scissors glide without ripping?
It’s like that

>> No.56915761

buy small amounts at a time

>> No.56915848

i'm never taking my son to such a soulless shitshow
I'll just take him intodawoods with me
Chop some trees down for firewood for the winter
Make a fire, eat a lunch
Go home to a loving wife.

>> No.56916005

I'm not sure I understand anon

>> No.56916531

I bet she is a horny freak. You won’t keep your body fit and hot after 4 babies just to end up with once a year sex.
No sir. She is in pound town every night until her husband slip into her wet pussy instead of her ass and then BAM! 5th son!

>> No.56916630

lol no way. She made him an entire villege of little men.
After 4 pregnancy she is still fit and is active.
She actually keeping herself sexy for her husband
That amount of love and dedication for your family and your husband is very rare in west right now.
He is cherishing her by depositing hot cum inside her pussy all day and everyday

>> No.56917693

You can buy DUA on Coinstore exchange or Uniswap. If you aren't comfortable with centralized exchanges, transfer it to a self-custody wallet like Trustwallet or Metamask.