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56862690 No.56862690 [Reply] [Original]

About to ape into crypto with all my savings ($85k)

Do you think this stack is good?

40% ETH
25% LINK
20% AVAX
10% KAS
5% $bitcoin

>> No.56862708

>buying the literal top
kek never change biz

>> No.56862915

>All my savings
Are you ukraniane or a 12yo?

>> No.56862959

When I was 12, I was lucky if I had $50. Shitcoins have destroyed people's concept of financial reality.

>> No.56863584

I'd allocate more to Kaspa

>> No.56863635
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40% ETH
100% ROSE

>> No.56863856
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Put everything into kaspa anon
don't be dumb

>> No.56863882

>Measly 20% for the biggest breakthrough in crypto since BTC and ETH.

>> No.56863944

PLEASE RETARD listen to me. Use 75% of your money to average into BTC ONLY (eg. $1000/week) and store in a secure cold wallet. With the remaining 25%, research one sector of coins and invest in that sector exclusively (eg. AVAX/SOL ecosystem, gaming, AI, memecoins). I'd suggest a ledger for your wallet as you can store your BTC on the native address, and use the ETH app to secure a browser wallet to use on chain. Most of your money will be made from the 25%, but the averaged BTC investment will prevent you from being JUSTed.

>> No.56864086

Firstly, thank you for the genuine reply anon. I'll go ahead with your plan. What sector would you recommend? I wouldn't doubt gaming and AI will do great. As for the 25% would you just be flipping coins within the sector after a 5-10x or so?

>> No.56864152

not everyone is a kissless virgin with no expenses who lives in his stepdads basement, anon

>> No.56864168

Nice picks, but then don't snooze on memecoins they're the gold mines and y'all know that, I don't mean 10mins rugpulls kek.

If you indecisive, then you can get into MEMEFI fairlaunch which started today, boy!!! with the hype on this community I'll be seeing a 100x

>> No.56864208

I'm all in the AVAX ecosystem. Take a look at Shrapnel and Domi, 2 huge games launching soon ish. I'd pick however many coins you can monitor at a time (if you have a job that'll be 2 or 3) and hold them with conviction. As soon as you feel the "holy shit thats a lot of money", it's probably a good idea to sell between 50 and 75% and rotate it into BTC or a safe midcap like SOL or AVAX. Never sell or buy 100% of your stack in one click, and never forget that coins pump based on attention, not tech/use case. If one of your bags is underperforming for a couple weeks/month, cut it out and buy something better. Also, don't look at price charts 24/7, you only need once a day scrolling your twitter timeline and checking price.

>> No.56864545

Would you consider yourself denominated into AVAX or gamefi then?
>you only need once a day scrolling your twitter timeline
What kind of accounts do you recommend to follow? Like the company's twitter and engaging with users who also hold said projects with conviction?

>> No.56864569

it's just poor people bashing others to feel better about themselves

>> No.56864630


>> No.56864862

What do you think about STBU bros?

Should I go in ballsdeep?

>> No.56864995

poojets really arent sending their best
80iq and shilling, a disastrous combination
sage in all fields

>> No.56865020

Kill yourself nigger faggot

>> No.56865042
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>> No.56865073

>all my savings
dumb fucking idiot.

>> No.56865232

what do you recommend instead? been keeping it in the bank and it's doing nothing except lose me purchasing power

>> No.56865258

That's a bit too young. Even Leo would wait for another two weeks

>> No.56865425
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Kaspa is dead, you would be buying the top. Here is the ultimate crypto bull run gem portfolio:

40% HBAR
25% ETH
15% LINK
10% AVAX
5% XMR
5% BTC

>> No.56865633

Literally worse suggestion ever
just put 40% on btc 60% on kas and ignore this faggot nigger

>> No.56865762

I'm in AVAX eco. I buy gaming, meme coins, infrastructure, etc. it's easy to keep track of what's happening on just one chain. On Twitter I follow official accounts of the coins I'm in, and once you start liking that stuff, the algorithm shows you new people to follow in that sector. Once you identify the main accounts posting in your sector, you can follow all of them to get a QRD of what's happening every day. @inversebrah is a mandatory follow

>> No.56865780

>About to ape into crypto with all my savings ($85k)
top signal

>> No.56866231

Sounds good, makes a lot of sense. Have you found success doing this in prior cycles? The main person I've seen explain this style is alex becker. Not sure if you learned it from him

>> No.56866343

I'd rather go with HBAR and QANX instead of AVAX.

>> No.56866722

dude it JUST started. Are you new?

>> No.56866726


>> No.56866930

40% BTC
30% ETH
15% Blue Chip Shitcoin
15% Top 100 Marketcap Shitcoin adjacent to latest trend (eg. AI)

>> No.56867068

Thanks anon. How would you go about deploying $85k assuming you had $0 in crypto right now?

>> No.56867176

hahaha every single time, I only laugh because the same got me in 2021.
"we're just cooling off before the next rally"

>> No.56867455

50% BTC
25% ETH
15% XMR
10% Dealer's choice shitcoin

>> No.56867874
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Liquidate LINK and AVAX you fucking shill both already saw their bottom. They should be golly and fucking in pure joy and excitement they saw the figures they saw this cycle. But it's over. Add more to KAS and KAVA. Also just kill BTC and throw that at ETH at that point.

>> No.56867892

Doing god's work. Not reading these posts. "Ape" mentioned = pajeet hands wrote it, no exception.

>> No.56867901

>Blue Chip Shitcoin
so what really
the only bluechip shitcoin to me is ethereum

>> No.56867915
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>we are once again at that stage where we quite literally do the complete 180 degree opposite of whatever this dogshit board spouts
Feels so good.

>> No.56867934

>You fucking shil
kek based

>> No.56868114

These can make it to half their old ath easily this run. Stop being a tranny

>> No.56868119
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>> No.56868135

>Kaspa is dead
>Shills Hbar in the same post
this cannot be fucking real this is a parody.

>> No.56868141

its pointless to buy btc if you are going to allocate so little to it tbqh