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56857367 No.56857367 [Reply] [Original]

You will never make it without investing in him. Your bags will only get you so far anon.

>> No.56857371
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He walks with me

>> No.56857424


>> No.56857446
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Based and Godpilled.

>> No.56857476

Philippians 4:6
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”

>> No.56857488

Stop worshiping Jewish religion.

>> No.56857501

Jesus loves you

>> No.56857506
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jesus is cool as fuck but i'm not worshiping the god of the jews.

>> No.56857579

jews rejected him

>> No.56857635

If anon is still here can you help me in finding him. I’ve opened my heart prayed you name it. And i don’t see any difference. Is doesn’t help that the only religious person in my like is my manic abusive lieing mother. How do I pick a church? Do I just start reading the Bible? I have the attention span of a iPad toddler. Please help.

>> No.56857647

When you make it, it’s with the exception that you give it all away to help the poor
>”And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.“ -Matthew 19:24

>> No.56857677

they're literally the same person.
start here
I'll be praying for you before I sleep tonight, anon! Hold on and be of good cheer.

>> No.56857778
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Hello JlDF.

>>56857371 >>56857424 >>56857446 >>56857476 >>56857488 >>56857501 >>56857506 >>56857579 >>56857635 >>56857647 >>56857677

>> No.56857825

pagay nigger

>> No.56857843

Prayer is very important no doubt but it also takes repentance and fasting. It's great to read the bible but also read about the saints. If you love Christ truly then over time you will see the gifts he brings. I'll pray for you anon.

>> No.56857934
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The bible is a waste of time. Just pray everyday for God to help you every way possible. List all the things you need help with, ask him to remove any beliefs that are preventing you from creating a better partnership with God. Structure the prayer in a way where it never ends even while you are not praying. Request help for your friends, family and loved ones. Ask God to guide you each and everyday to ideas and habits that are in greatest alignment with the divine. Request that God clear out any obstacles preventing you from building 100% faith in the Creator. You basically have to pray your way to believing in and benefiting from God's love.

>> No.56857951

Love you jesus

>> No.56857989

Jews hate Jesus Christ with a demonic passion. All of you side with Jews.

>The bible is a waste of time
You can see the result of prayers on an aggregated level when Christendom became the greatest Civilization the world has ever seen, dwarfing all other civilizations in the recorded history of mankind. Compare that to now and tell me Bible is a waste of time and Christian prayers do not work.

>> No.56858108

Word. Jesus is King.

>> No.56858204


Thank you anons