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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56846517 No.56846517 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck, how can we consoooom now?

>> No.56846523

Imagine how shit this place would be if all those brands came here and tripfag'd

>> No.56846534
File: 452 KB, 636x609, 1678466945418527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, it's called X now, not Twitter.

>> No.56846538
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>NO! not le heckin corporations

>> No.56846540

Lmao twitter sounds fucking awesome now

>> No.56846551

>it’s dead
>he is still posting there, to let other people there to know about it

>> No.56846562

>no Home Depot tweets
>no cvs tweets
>no visa tweets
It’s ogre….its so ogre

>> No.56846567

What an advert for twitter.. Maybe I should sign up damn. Or I could just use nitter on my laptop and squawker on mobile

>> No.56846568

Musk is the perfect example of why an autistic person who is seen in a positive light by normies, should never ruin it by opening their mouth and actually interacting socially, as the autist (musk in this situation) isn’t able to comprehend and adhere to social norms and expectations, and thus will piss everyone off (normies)

He said too much and normies realized he’s an autist so they now hate him because autists are naturally hated and the autists with an opinion are hated even more

I think because he grew up as somewhat wealthy that he was shielded by a lot of the certain kinds of experiences autists face, yes he was bullied, but he had plenty of “yes” men in his life purely due to the decent wealth his family had, so he wasn’t completely shut out of society like a working class/middle class autistic is

>> No.56846575

where do they post? myspace? oh right nowhere tech is dying silicon valley has fallen

>> No.56846592

At this stage he might as well post links to Europa the final battle, and start taking users from Gab

>> No.56846596

You guys laugh, but 4chan would also be dead if Nebraksa Furniture Mart and Liberty Mutual stopped posting here.

>> No.56846642

Not my heckin corporinos

>> No.56846659
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it a vile site and an indication that the government no longer needs the facade of caring for its citizens. The transition to perfectly match the destruction of the ecnomy is obvious, they are just toying with their citizens at this point .

I want to return to Rome, a. time before the barbarians brought the world to a dark age

>> No.56846675

>Corporations leaving propaganda channel #1 is le bad!!1!
>Now how will my wife’s biracial son keep up with his favorite artists?!?!

>> No.56846677
File: 390 KB, 1476x1476, 33B22E59-B1D4-4979-A609-E9223A2DAC8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are they retarded? Elon won't forget this and will never lowkey shill it ever again. Bearish

>> No.56846692
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europe already lost,its now occupied by barbarian tribes, its already over. Youre just too stupid to realize who the culprit is.

>> No.56846708
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>posts it on X (formerly Twitter's)
The lack of self-awareness on these people I swear.

>> No.56847609

The jewish quarter of Rome is one of the oldest communities outside Israel. It was established before the 2nd Temple was destroyed, so pre diaspora.

The jewish people had nothing to do with the fall of Europe.

>> No.56847617

jews hold no institutional power though

>> No.56847625

Twatter is a dogshit site for dogshit people but at least its phasing out of being an advertising machine. The muskrat did something good for once.

>> No.56847634

They control institutions through debt based currencies.

>> No.56847645

don't mess with Israel

>> No.56847646
File: 137 KB, 860x819, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this isnt even true, I just checked Mcdonalds, Lady Gaga ect and they still post

>> No.56847658

>Tay Tay posts on /mu/
>tits or gtfo and sharpie in pooper pile-on
>thread instantly hits the bump limit and disappears
would be fun for a day

>> No.56847688

And yet everybody still cares about HIS PRIVATE company. He can have 0 advertisers if he wants to. No amount of coping and seething will change that.

>> No.56847691

Visasisters, our cope?

>> No.56847821


Has anyone actually ever bought something because of an ad?

I'm bringing genuinely serious. At no point has any ad ever made me want to buy anything. In fact, most ads just come off as scammy and irritating.

>> No.56847951

This. I would never post here if walmart and coca cola didnt post daily

>> No.56849237

It's just to get the name out there. When you're shopping for a thing you're not familiar with and you've heard of one brand and not the other you're more likely to get the familiar one. Or at least that was before people would look up online reviews which are the new thing you need to astroturf to move your product/service.

>> No.56849251

>companies leave the site
>people can have a somewhat normal experience
elons doing gods work

>> No.56849269


>> No.56849282

based mcdonalds sticking it to the jews

>> No.56850198

who the fuck would read the tweets of mcdonalds or visa? what would they tweet about?
"hey goys look at our new clown mascot"
"wow we got a new design for our credit card"
who the fuck cares kek, also who is lady gaga and taylor swift why should I care what some slut has to say?CVS kek, I am not a boomer, Etsy I am not a woman and not gay
ah Home Depot, ok I will miss those posts for sure

>> No.56850236

These people are deeply deranged.

>> No.56850263

Advertising is actually improving from a consumer perspective on X. Ads are less intrusive and more targeted to account holder interests. This happened out of necessity, but it's mind blowing to many normies how organized this massive corpos are against a certain type of speech.

>> No.56850264


>> No.56850270

Ads are targeted at old boomers and women. Once you realize that, basic marketing, commercials, billboards all make sense.

>> No.56850316

He gets the most important thing in the long run from a financial perspective, which is collected user data. This is what puts FAGMAN companies ahead of others, why Europe is falling behind. There is no real competition to X either. Either party could have nationalized twitter as it is the sole national (and really international) online forum or platform, whatever kind of legalese and prevented this, prevented all the noticing. Elon just took it and merely allows the noticing. He's still compromised from a JQ perspective and in many other ways however. But it's still heroic on many levels.

t. (possibly white) man who is neurodivergent on some level
You're just another noticer, like me. But to answer your question, yes, people do all the time.

>> No.56850402

It's funny that it was only relevant because of musk, but the trannies running their twitter account threw a tantrum.

>> No.56850413

I don't see how this is a bad thing.

>> No.56850415


>> No.56850418

Musk is based and normalniggers should listen to their neuroatypical masters.

>> No.56850477

No, but you are aware they exist. Which is enough for most advertisers.

>> No.56850528

You have to go back

>> No.56850535

Kek Elon is just a retard

>> No.56850538


>> No.56850563


>> No.56850587

Holy fucking based
Autists will inherit the earth

>> No.56850596

I like it when corporations fight each other

>> No.56850600

Musk is actually the perfect example of why normies are inferior. It's funny how many normies I know fucking hate Musk after he started rejecting leftism, calling him an idiot and such and nitpicking every little mishap he has. They don't realize that by calling Musk stupid, they paint themselves into a corner on their own intelligence. Either they're smarter than Musk, which is a wild claim to make considering his wealth and what he's accomplished, of they admit they're not as smart as Musk, which, by them calling Musk an idiot, they are calling themselves dumber than an idiot. Since they themselves are so stupid, they're not a very good judge of intelligence now, are they?

Anyway, normies can continue to seethe, and Musk will keep doing what he's doing.

>> No.56850610

Elon must have studied business at Trump University.

>> No.56850627

Twitter is literally the most profitable it's ever been

>> No.56850641

You know this is 4chan right, you stupid normalfaggot? You are the one who was never welcome in the first place.

>> No.56850708

musk did a complete 180 after covid. idk if its cuz of his overlords or just tism but he started getting overtly political and trying to sink his teeth into everything unrelated to Tesla. Clearly he did something wrong, since he had to go meet Netanyahu and do an apology tour. Either its all a charade or he's genuinely going to run everything he worked for into the ground

>> No.56850719

Why are leftists obsessed with mega corps

>> No.56850796

Musk was always political. The thing is that he just used to repeat the same politics that a lot of people just believe to be true. Like diversity is our strength and whatnot. His politics didn't start when he stopped, looked at the data, found it isn't true, and started re-tweeting it. It's why leftists loved him before. He was just repeating the same things that are "common sense" to them, and thus, apolitical.

>> No.56850800
File: 161 KB, 1245x678, 1668770764123845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Twitter screencap

>> No.56850812

How do you know he wasn't just pretending? It's like you people can't process things any deeper than the surface level. How do you know this isn't part of a planned fourth turning?

>> No.56850815

you're not welcome here normalfaggot kys.

>> No.56850843

>How do you know he wasn't just pretending? It's like you people can't process things any deeper than the surface level. How do you know this isn't part of a planned fourth turning?

Could be. Musk could also be an Alien Reptile. But I can only go off what I observe and work within that framework. I still don't like Musk because I fundamentally believe technological advancements in the way they are being used, is destroying society.

>> No.56850875

"diversity is our strength" is not getting political. that's a benign PR statement. he has absolutely gotten more hardcore, but all his politics come across as a grift. why is a guy making brain chips posting ted kaczynski memes? why is a ceo of a globohomo corpo talking about the jewish question? it seems quite contradictory to be honest

>> No.56850899

>Musk was always political
He went from green is good and government money is good to we must tax corporations less and maybe climate change isn't real.
He effectively scammed every person who believed that he believed what he said he did.
He did a complete 180 and you can pretend he didn't, but clearly he decided to reveal his powerlevel that he had kept hidden for so long.

>> No.56850941

nice all the faggots niggers and jews are leaving twitter
based elon purging the kike nigger faggot filth while he tells them to go fuck themselves

>> No.56851031

>is not getting political. that's a benign PR statement.

I didn't say he repeated it, I said he believed it. It is a political statement, you have head of governments literally saying it and following suit with it in terms of immigration policies. If not directly a political statement, the idea behind it that immigrants make a country better is absolutely a political statement that effects everyone.

>he has absolutely gotten more hardcore

I guess it's perspective. To me, he hasn't gotten hardcore at all, he's just become more aware of what the actual data is showing regarding a lot of these social policies, and how they're not actually beneficial, and many of them are based on complete falsehoods. What exactly is hardcore? And more importantly, rather than say something is "hardcore" why aren't you asking if it's simply factual, or not? That's the thing that primarily matters.

>but all his politics come across as a grift.

Maybe. I don't see how though. leftism is dominant in culture and government right now. What does he gain more than he loses if it's supposedly a grift?

>why is a guy making brain chips posting ted kaczynski memes? why is a ceo of a globohomo corpo talking about the jewish question? it seems quite contradictory to be honest

I make video games as an indie developer. I also don't like video games and I think they're a waste of time and think technology is a net bad with how it's being used. But I use it as a way to make money so I can achieve something better in the future. I assume it's similar to Musk where his stated primary goal in life, is to get humans to mars.

>> No.56851059

People, autists really, can change their opinion based off of new information fairly easily, which normies can't really relate too (try telling a leftist normie that diversity is bad). I guess it's not surprising that people assume right away that he's either grifting or a scammer after he moved away from the plantation.

>> No.56851087

All those companies are dead too, they just don't know it yet.

>> No.56851126

Advertising is a way of making a company / brand / product occupy your brain space instead of their competitor

>> No.56851274

99% of those things dont matter lol...home depot really? LMFAO

>> No.56851362
File: 563 KB, 922x1106, rekt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it really isnt you know
its increasingly a car wreck in every aspect

>> No.56851370

"im moving to Threads because my favorite brands don't advertise on Twitter anymore" -the most pathetic worm you've ever met

>> No.56851378


>> No.56851399

>US monthy users down 17% over the course of 1 year!
zoom out

>> No.56851423

well according to them musk's success is a result of getting lucky, being born wealthy, getting government gibs in the form of energy credits, and using his wealth to have actual smart people design and engineer stuff.

>> No.56851446

So Twitter is actually good now? Maybe I will start an account now.

>> No.56851461

she was in /b/ in the old days i believe

>> No.56851501

> muh normie perception of mee
This is completely irrelevant. Normies don't have perceptions or opinions, they are simple animated objects that respond to inputs they are fed.
For the richest man in the world to care about how he imagines normies are perceiving him would be pathetic, he is way past the point of playing these games.

>> No.56851531

It literally is more profitable than it used to be. Like, not an opinion, but factually. Twitter was massively bloated and had a huge huge number of bots.

>> No.56851547

He already made his money out of it, he's never touching it again.

>> No.56851562

>getting government gibs in the form of energy credits

That's not even where the majority comes from. It comes from Government contracts. Different companies compete for government contract money. All those Space X satellites in the sky? Space X made them, but a huge amount of them are from government contracts, made for governments.

The thing is that there LOTS of very wealthy people out there. Only a tiny, tiny fraction of them have done what Musk has done. To pretend that he was just lucky, and that he's actually stupid, is just pure copium because they dislike the idea that a person who they fundamentally disagree with politically, has so much power and influence. It CAN'T be because he's smart, because nobody who is smart and wields influence, should have any beliefs other than leftist dogma.

>> No.56851582
File: 596 KB, 1091x808, musk_2018_mars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Musk isn't autistic, he's just a calculating snake oil salesman who got too high off of his own bullshit. He doesn't seem to realize he's not talking to just his zealous Tesla fanboys who will eat up any turd he drops out of his mouth and ask for more. You can keep up the appearances in that kind of cultish environment for a long time, but now that Musk went beyond his Tesla/SpaceX/Neuralink realm by buying Twitter, he has to deal with people who are actually going to call him out for his bullshit.

>> No.56851643

A company which *literally* made profits of about a $billion in 2018, and $1.4b (or whatver) in 2019, and is now currently losing (est.) at least $1b per year, is not 'literally is more profitable than it used to be..'
no, but really.

>> No.56851652

>dove coin stopped posting
Why is a literal meme coin posting at all?

>> No.56851743

Oh no daddy stoooooooooop

>> No.56851790

Fucking kek. We are reaching levels of tsoy previously thought to be impossible

>> No.56851839

Is this an ad for twitter?

>> No.56851943

>"diversity is our strength" is not getting political.
It is ABSOLUTELY getting political, and it is NOT a benign PR statement. It's a statement promoting racial/sex/ethnic discrimination. That you think it's NOT political is a sign that you've been brainwashed, probably from lifelong propaganda exposure.

Post portfolio so I can short you and make some money.

>> No.56851948

We use tiktok now and get news updates in the style of dance

>> No.56851958

leftism is dominant in culture but in western government as well as popular opinion there has been a major shift the last 6 years. it seems like perhaps he is just following that shift.

>> No.56851977

I like the United airlines sponsored BBC posts.