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56842744 No.56842744 [Reply] [Original]

>A+ average throughout school without having to try
>photographic memory
>parents too poor and retarded to put me in extracurriculars or lessons
>discovered aptitude for drawing and music at an early age
>top of my art and science classes throughout school
>written 3 albums worth of original acoustic fingerstyle folk music
>accepted to top tier university for stem
>realized every kid at uni was a hyper competitive industrious normie drone from a wealthy family
>dropped out and tried pursuing music (retarded I know)
>found part time job that paid full time wages
>all local musicians were even richer, entitled, out of touch, lazy, and narcissistic, no job, just fucking around in hcol city and travelling the world
>never made any real money and couldn't sustain the lifestyle (even pre pandemic and AI)
>go back to school
>accepted to bottom tier school
>graduate with a job paying $32/hr in a HCOL city
>can only save $300 per month
>every stable career I know is a soulless propagandized millennial drone that shits on everything old

holy fuck life sucks

>> No.56843018
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>found part time job that paid full time wages
>never made any real money
>save $300 per month
nice dubs but you make enough money to be happy

>> No.56843063

Your mistake was making shitty folk music and not forming a band that’s better than Metallica, The Strokes and The Hives combined

>> No.56843150

I graduated from a top 25 university with a stem degree and I make 13.75 an hour minimum wage at a dead end wagie job after not being able to get a job in a field related in my degree for a year

>> No.56843186

I make $15.50 an hour OP.
You gotta it made buddy.

>> No.56843218

Art is for rich people you should have realized that. Unless you're in the top 1% of the most talented musicians you have to finance your lifestyle by yourself.
Personally I went back to playing the cello after I became a millionaire. Just make the money and then go back to music, you'll feel much more relaxed once you have the control. Just put in the effort for a decade, you'll have opportunities coming your way, you have to cease them that's all.

>> No.56843309

Waiters make that and pretty much any somewhat nice restaurant. They didn't fall for student loans either

>> No.56843637

Getting high grades in school is not a sign of intelligence, you literally are just a good goy that regurgitates what the globohomo school system tells you to

>> No.56844095

based. tell me more.

>> No.56844113

Not reading all that shit but given your choice of wojak I assume you are a poorfag. Haha faggot.

>> No.56844147
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>smart in school, top 5%
>mental health issues from 15, agoraphobia
>get through college somehow with terrible scores
>20s, early 30s- loser living with mom and dad and doing menial work sometimes, unemployed other times
>as a mature student at 32 go back to do CompSci
>get better from agoraphobia through CBT
>finally meet my wife at age 43
>married with a kid now age 46
>now a tech lead making e100k in lowCoL area (west of Ireland)
>we have 2 houses; looking to buy a house now in the countryside and have 2 rentals

thats my life story so far friends

>> No.56844171

>get better from agoraphobia through CBT
how did cock & ball torture cure your fear of the public?

>> No.56844177
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Welcome to the club OP

>Gifted and in the program
>get IQ test in third grade and get 131
>even had principle write on the grade “Wow!”
>Parents put me in all the after school stuff
>never have to try life is easy mode
>get into college at 16
>get multiple degrees in different fields and leave to make a career in my 30’s
>Covid and lockdown happens
>no one cares about all the degrees I have or my intelligence they think I was just rich and spoiled (parents were poor)
>end up having to deliver pizza
>work retail
>and have a few side hustles coding and cutting lawns
>still barely getting by
>MFW literal drug addicted degenerates are doing financially better then me
>MFW the 130 IQ hell meme is actually true

>> No.56844180
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>west of Ireland

>> No.56844240
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Either anon enjoys being around normies or anon gets the rope again.

>> No.56844290

>fear of the public
no, was problems with open spaces, even car parks. also heights-- as in 2nd, 3rd floor of any building. Also, I found it impossible to walk anywhere..

took me months/years of dedicated daily work to overcome

>> No.56844312

Most people are making 40 an hour....

>> No.56844319

So you were in college from 16 until your thirties and you left? I hope this is a larp.

>> No.56844326

We will gmi

>> No.56844332


>> Pajeet immigrant in au.
>> Came here in first grade, bullied because didn't speak the language and smelled like shit.
>> Eventually pick up the language pretty well and form a circle of friends.
>> Realise I need to shower lmao, stop smelling so bad.
>> Parents get told by teacher I have ADHD
>> Pajeet parents don't know what that is and think it's a form of veganism.
>> half ass my way through primary school
>> Get to high school, everyone thinks I'm some kind of smart pajeet
>> Truth is I'm pretty sure I'm fucking retarded. I suck at math, I make too many silly mistakes probably because of catastrophic ADHD
>> Play the part anyway. Study hard. Learn a lot about astrophysics and evolution from popsci YouTube videos
>> Fail my way through high school and somehow get into the 3rd-4th best engineering unis I'm my country, likely via affirmative action or applying for some bullshit.
>> Fail my way through uni degree.. repeat multiple subjects, have a crippling video game addiction.
>> Only ever top the class once in electrical engineering by autism maxing and spending 9-5, 5 days a week in the uni library.
>> Eventually graduate, great now I'm a western educated pajeet with an engineering degree.
>> Go to first job interview.
>> Old boomer is so impressed that I don't have an accent and appear to be a qualified pajeet that he gives me the engineering job on the spot.
>> Spend 20-30 moving jobs every 2 years as the 'young pajeet with no accent'.
>> Grow rightwing politically, have no fear of public speaking so get extremely cocky with my disarming lack of accent that so many people seem to get thrown off by.

>> No.56844357


>> Fucking retards keep thinking I'm some kind of engineering math genius with the articulation of Ben Shapiro or something, fuck I don't even know my times tables off by heart lmao.
>> Meet some Asian girl, brainwashed by Jav porn
>> Marry her, she makes 150k a year, I make close to 200k
>> Buy a house.
>> She slowly discovers I'm actually mentally retarded, not smart, but it's too late to escape lmao.

How are you guys so bad at this life thing. I'm fucking ethnically disabled and seem to be doing pretty damn well.

>> No.56844358
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Viveck is that you?

>> No.56844364

Wow all that just to ultimately realize you're a retarded midwit. You deserve your failures in life. A thread died for this shitty diary post.

>> No.56844384


>> Average I think
>> IQ okayish, memory literal trash tier
>> lazy
>> undiagonozied adhd
>> failed out of college 2 times
>> finish CS
>>get job as java monkey
> $35/hour

Saving $2500 a month, live with mah parents in a remote job.
I really need to get a vyvance prescription, I am gonna fuck my life up with my lazyness.

>> No.56844430


>> No.56844491

Are u me

>> No.56845200

>I really need to get a vyvance
>failed out of college 2 times
>finish CS
>live with mah parents
>java monkey
wtf are you me

>> No.56845743

shut the fuck up and get a life retard

>> No.56845833

Sounds like you had a lot of opportunities and blew them. More a personal problem really. I save over $7k a month and never had any of those things and only make $19/hr.

>> No.56845841

Also I don’t live with my parents, fagits. I have no family just a gf and titanium nutsack

>> No.56845866

>holding on to an IQ test from third grade


>> No.56845896

watch and learn, scrubs. monthly budget, expenses (~$2500)
>rent $1556
>utilities $300
>gas $250
>food $200
>insurance $66
etc it comes out to around $2.5k. I don’t go out to eat, make my own coffee and brew my own beer. I don’t really have any discretionary expenses.

income (~$9.2k, all after taxes)
>job = $3.7k (60hrs / week)
>gas comp from job = $1.2k
>renters = $1.3k (i sublease and have a gf)
>business = ~$3k

I have been an absolute machine lately. So efficient. Just t-billin n chillin.

>> No.56846487

>>photographic memory
Doesn't exist, liar

>> No.56846555
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>> No.56846789
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Nah, no amount of money can inherently make you happy. Not being able to afford to sleep well can be harmful for the mood, and being able to afford rent makes one happier. Anything past that has 0 impact on happiness, and OP is just a hypofrontal zoomer who doesn't realize his mental illness is all the cause of his steadily eroding prefrontal cortex.
OP doesn't choose to be happy, that's something you're pursued on your own because you must be some boomer who understands the value of pursuing mental wellbeing rather than seeking to obtain this giddy mentally ill high brought about by frivolous purchases everyone is taught by Jewish media.
I don't know why I've done off on a tangent, but it's clear to OP that he needs to make the most of this board & figure out how to make money out of money through 3x-4x trading (buy low sell high).
You can put away $10,800 a year by placing just $300 in kucoin through bitsgap if you are intelligent enough to automatically only buy at a certain low, and sell at a certain high.
It'd take you 2 years to buy a truck & an RV, then you can negate your cost of rent & invest further into obtaining a house in a place with a reasonable cost of living (keep in mind it should take like 1 year extra since you'd be waiting on each payment of $300 to 3x).
See, it's not about how the world around you isn't kind enough to pot smoking manchildren, it's clearly just that you haven't even considered cultivating the self-discipline to one day use your brain to think up ways to improve your external environment & internal psyche.
Money is nothing, mind is everything.

>> No.56846803
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I realized college is gay unless you're getting a doctorate or law degree for example, in which case you still lose your position if you say anything against agents of Satan, so I just started in retail after I got fired from multiple restaurants (I live in a very black area).
Currently just some 22 year old loser who learns financially worthless things in his free time, but hopefully getting into copywriting, shopify, and making stupid fucking internet videos will give me something to get rich off of.
Oh, my iq's 137 on a side note. Tested 128 at age 14.
When life is shit, upgrade your shit tolerance I suppose.

>> No.56846813

I would kill to have photographic memory. I believe that my quality of life would 100x if I had such a gift. fuck you OP for being a such a waste.

>> No.56846814

>ethnically disabled

>> No.56846872

Literally anyone can take 1-3 months to sit in a chair for 5+ minutes a day, the same time each day, 6 days a week practicing progressive open eye geometric visualization.
You may want to start a habit of exercise first in order to manage your sanity, as open eye visualization may cause schizophrenia (so consider closed eye visualization).
>inb4 visualization doesn't improve visualization capabilities
>inb4 visualization capabilities don't improve memory
Spend the next 1-3 months sitting still in a chair & repeatedly reading a dictionary for 5+ min. then, Einstein.

>> No.56846901
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>> No.56846967



>> No.56847055

Welcome to the suck faggot. The best any of us can do is try to wring some happy out of the puke mop of life.

>> No.56847214

>be Eastern European
>go through elementary and middle school without a problem, usually top of the class, especially in English and Math
>get accepted into an elite high school
>everyone around me is either lucky to be there or much smarter than me
>realize I wasn't really as smart as I thought
>still somehow pass with Bs and Cs with minimal effort
>want to become a Math and History teacher
>get accepted into university, but they tell me I have to choose a different combination
>stay around for Czech/History combination for 4 months
>it doesn't interest me at all
>slowly I stop going to class
>drop out of school and stay home just drinking
>later get diagnosed with schizophrenia
>now in bottom tier college with a part time job that pays 6 euros per hour, and I can barely manage it
You think your life sucks?