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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 113 KB, 1024x1024, fedecator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56842894 No.56842894 [Reply] [Original]

>this diapered pederast is destroying the western economy for good
are you happy r/biz?

>> No.56842906

why won't mods range you?
you've been banned well over 600x here including in one day you were banned over 14x for ddosing the cloudflare server.
Holy fucking shit if I was a mod I'd not only ban you but file charges against your dumb ass.

>> No.56842937

Why are you so upset?

>> No.56842939

/biz only cares about "rallies" which are in fact pump and dumps created by our government. If they think they are rich with their fake money they won't care about what the government does. Tell as old as time.

>> No.56842947

Cause faggot get banned 3x on the same IP and you're gonna be ranged when this niggers abusing proxies/phoneposting that can be stopped with one simple trick, by doing their jobs.
You know the ones the MODS get PAID for.

>> No.56842962

why are you so mad? What are you trying to hide?

>> No.56842968


>> No.56842969

Ah got yourself a new picture at least

>> No.56843004
File: 149 KB, 880x654, 221-2218587_post-feelsweirdman-png-clipart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you're upset about circumvention of janny authority?

>> No.56843005

kek, exactly

>> No.56843016

Fuck off OP you spamming kike.

>> No.56843027
File: 206 KB, 1290x809, gloi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cause faggot get banned 3x on the same IP and you're gonna be ranged when this niggers abusing proxies/phoneposting that can be stopped with one simple trick, by doing their jobs.
You know the ones the MODS get PAID for.

First, how do YOU know that I got banned 3x?
Second, why do you care so much?
Third, why the serial defecating pederast is using US taxpayers money and FBI to control that threads like this don't appear on a fucking imgboard?

>> No.56843047

>spamming samefagging schizophrenic who has busted 4chans cloudflare multiple times believes he's being censored.

Just kill yourself dude.

>> No.56843059

You literally add no value to life, you're a complete negative, nobody gives a fuck about Biden go back to /pol/ and spam it with AI images like you do all fucking day long.

>> No.56843061
File: 549 KB, 1342x1774, 1619140132139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump lost kek

>> No.56843065

A nigger is defecating on your wife chest in your bed, in this very moment, while you're there in that FBI basement reporting threads on biz, LMAAOOOOAOAOAOAOAOO

>> No.56843075
File: 123 KB, 720x720, 55c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You literally add no value to life, you're a complete negative, nobody gives a fuck about Biden go back to /pol/ and spam it with AI images like you do all fucking day long.

>> No.56843083

>you add no value to life
you mean he adds no money to your account
>you are a complete negative
you mean he adds no money to your account
>nobody gives a fuck about Biden
which is no joke why the government finances these pumps and dumps to keep people uninterested in Washington
bans people who talk about bitcoin

>> No.56843084

This is the face of the progressive movement. Try not to laugh too loudly.

>> No.56843101

You're fucking nuts

>> No.56843113

>red team is better than blue team

Good golem.

>> No.56843131

I'm not stopping you from buying crypto dude. Hey you are funding the US government and it's corrupt operations. I'm sure you support that shit.

>> No.56843143

>You're not entitled to discuss the so called "Bidenomics" on "business & finance" because 5-6 glowies immediately start reporting the thread until they take it down
Yea golem

>> No.56843146
File: 291 KB, 1910x623, I'mjewishlol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go the fuck back you and OP do NOT belong here, your shit isn't tolerated, you're unequivocally despised and you're jewish as fuck now fuck off.

>> No.56843157

You have to state that Israel has no right to exist first.

>> No.56843168

Your own talmud says you can lie all day to goyim I don't need to say anything nor do i, your actions speak enough for themselves.

>> No.56843178

It's weird, apparently you can't state
"ISRAEL HAS NO RIGHT TO EXIST" and you keep kwetching
Why can't you?

>> No.56843182

You think I'm jewish? How about you who don't want people to question where their money is going?

>> No.56843192

Trump lost kek

>> No.56843214
File: 138 KB, 700x830, jews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I don't think I know who you are, I know your posts I've talked to you several times over the years and I've snipped all your bullshit to compare linguistics and know exactly who I'm talking to.
You removed your tripfaggot after I called you out 7 hours ago.

>> No.56843243

Sounds like you are actually insane. I rarely frequent this place. I jumped in because of the pump. I wanted to give my two cents so speak. It sounds like you don't like people telling people to be careful with their money. So I called you a jew.