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56831672 No.56831672 [Reply] [Original]

>teen love is overrated bro, just make money in your 20s and get chicks in your 30s!!!11

>> No.56831676

that's exactly correct
and the only reason you made this thread is because you didn't get either lmao

>> No.56831695

People hit the wall at 25, I thought everyone knew this

>> No.56831712


>> No.56831724

>nose ring

Women are just determined to ruin their looks aren’t they. If it isn’t dumbass piercings it’s a bunch of shitty tattoos they think are so unique and meaningful.

Watching women make decisions is like watching a trust fund kid piss away his entire fortune. It’s so blatantly obvious that you wonder how they can’t see it.

>> No.56831727
File: 139 KB, 885x560, 060134678-fd054642-9f3d-418a-968c-bf9906c6634f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's only acceptable if you are in your 30s, or early 40s at most. Of course you should be fit, handsome, rich and tall. If you are not those things you will be a creep. If you are pic related, your age doesn't matter.

>> No.56831729

buy a boat and fuck 18-22 yo thots
this is the goal of chad men

>> No.56831742

not men
this bitch in the video also has a price, which is a ratio of (looks*money)/age

he could be 50, but if he's rich enough it won't matter, unless he looks like a brick wall
similarly, if he's very attractive for a 50 year old (go look up those fitness instructors on ig), he's going to get bitches regardless of his net worth

>> No.56831747

validation-starved, mommy-problem ridden incels/faggots. have sex

>> No.56831748

this is a thing but how do you meet the traveling women?
>ib4 tinder
women set guys up with this shit all the time

>> No.56831749

Holy cope

>> No.56831764

Best post

>> No.56831778

>septum piercing

>> No.56831785

literal manlets with enough net worth will get 9/10 trophy wives
i don't exactly understand what is it about my post that's cope

>> No.56831787

No adult will hit on an obvious piece of trash woman like that. That's the upside of being over 30 and male - you know the sad arc and trajectory of bitches like this. Whatever appeal they have when you're 25 is long since gone.

>> No.56831795

Does this woman really think she's a catch? I legit thought it was a man at first.

>> No.56831823

4chud btfo

>> No.56831827

You can get both in your 20s. Making money and getting laid are not exclusive from each other unless you are ugly in which case you’ll need money to attract a woman

>> No.56831829

lots of travel dating apps, and groups on Facebook where you can connect
just invite them over to your boat

>> No.56831845

and couchsurfing no its not dead

>> No.56831865

it's crazy how 5/10s can post shit like this because horny pajeets and boomers spam their dating profiles

>> No.56831869

So the secret to getting your dick wet by 18 year olds is to own a mid sized boat? Sounds like a good investment, a decent boat should be like 300-400k right?

>> No.56831874

I couldn't get any women <25. Now I'm in my 30s and get tons of young pussy. Keep in shape and don't become a fat ass, get rich. profit.

>> No.56831895

wakeboats are 50-200k
40-50 feet boats that you can solo cost 400-800k

>> No.56831901

Textbook projection

>> No.56831910

I think you guys don't get that the people making these videos have the same low self esteem and insecurity issues that you guys have, just in the body of the opposite gender

No secure woman puts this out into the world
Similarly no secure man cares about what some insecure girl feels the compulsion to post on tiktok to shore up her own security

>> No.56831917

so list them then, i bought a sail boat specifically to fuck traveling college women but dont know the sites or apps to use

>> No.56831982

tinder, bumble, hinge, badoo, muzz, meeff, PoF, interpals, hellotalk
couchsurfing dot com
findacrew dot net
fb group (every passport stamp)

>> No.56831984

>Septum ring


>> No.56831988

and seeking dot com

>> No.56832020

>couchsurfing dot com
its behind a pay wall
thanks anon

>> No.56832073

couchsurfing has been dead for many years now. airbnb killed it - they literally invested in the back end and crippled it intentionally. I'd say it was over by 2015. it's a relic of a previous era - we no longer live in a world where the kind of honesty that prevailed on CS is actionable. There is a market for a good replacement for that niche - meeting travelers without being a whoring site or about saving money -

>> No.56832149
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>find a crew
what the FUCK is this site?

>> No.56832293
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Kek, I'd rather fuck bitches while I make money, but I'm not too physically appealing, I guess I'm gonna have to cope with money and hitting up some 5s every now and then, Beoble is where I'm gonna rant about it tho

>> No.56832306

Kek, if you're ugly just say it faggot

>> No.56832317

Imagine hitting on this ugly ass bitch that thinks she's a 10 lmao

>> No.56832320

But do you REALLY fuck bitches?

>> No.56832325

Seems it would be better to just rent one

>> No.56832328

>Web3 Telegram version that shows your wallet history
Oh fuck me, I'm not getting into that

>> No.56832342

are u gay
lots of qts filter by females and age
yeah though owning for a year or two is based till you get bored of the hedonistic lifestyle

>> No.56832343

She doesn't get hit on very often which is why she's calling attention to the fact that she finally did.

>> No.56832358

Old man =/= guy in his 30s. You'd know this if you were actually out there slinging dick, but you are not.

>> No.56832366

If you look like Brad Pitt, but are poor and red pilled also?

>> No.56832381


I WOULDN"t LOOK , MUCH LESS TALK AT THIS SEWER RAT. This bitch gonna be cleaning my floors in her 40's for no tips.



god I hate simptard white men. MUH BITCHES.

>> >teen love is overrated bro, just make money in your 20s and get chicks in your 30s!!!11



>> No.56832401

Imagine caring about women in 2024
wA.I.fu is coming

>> No.56832412

My guess would be the guy thought she was an easy lay due to her sub par looks.
Buy old fucked up boat. Do just enough to make it look good. Park at marina and abandon when bored of it.

>> No.56832416

ngl some old fatass boomers have terrible manners and she was prob on the receiving end of one. a fit guy in his 20s or 30s wouldnt make anyone react like this

>> No.56832425

even 5/10 roasties have extreme self overvaluation

>> No.56832456

>40-50 feet boats that you can solo cost 400-800k
imagine all the hookers you can fuck with that money

>> No.56833040

I don't think you understand these women don't love him and are only with them for their lifestyle. They ALL got a side dude they actually like on the side they fuck while betabux is at work. Jfl if you think a woman will ever love you if you're not attractive, it's not how biology works.

>> No.56833060

Jfl at this point just get prostitutes, they're cheaper.

>> No.56833142

Its still better to be the rich guy on the yatch with a 9/10 trophy wife and a couple side hoes than the broke poorfag hitting his sloppy seconds every once in a while.

>> No.56833222


>> No.56833449

At what age you stop being attractive as a man?

>> No.56833470

none? what an idiotic statement. just be under 10% body fat, and do a full body workout 3 times a week.

>> No.56833477

You would cream your pants if Trisha Paytas grabbed your dick through your jeans. Maybe if you weren’t a salty bitch you’d get bitches to bounce on your dick

>> No.56833492

>Trisha Paytas
Had to do a literally who search. Why did you cite that monstrosity as being someone even remotely desirable?

>> No.56833500

that's sexual assault

>> No.56833504

You ever wonder why some Chads don't have that drive for financial success like the nerds do? It's because they got to cum in PTP. From middle school to high school they got to bang PTP. PTP is nicer than some 30 y.o. pussy that's seen more mileage than a California freeway.

>> No.56833524

Like Leo is kind of a chubby slob. Is it just this fame, money that he dates young models or is he still attractive?

>> No.56833558
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This was PROBABLY literally me yesterday.
I talked to this young student girl myself being 27yo and i thought she was flushed because she liked me, thinking back maybe she was just embarrassed or something.
She told me her full name like she was reporting to a sir, i made the mistake of sending her a friend request on facebook (since she said her full name) and she hasn’t accepted yet.
ITS OVER bros.

I have a gf but i rly want one thats a virgin, my current one is almost perfect but she wasnt a virgin so im scared to marry her

Any adv welcome

>> No.56833577


>> No.56833580

Get a therapist (like a you gay that you still think about that shit?)

>> No.56833645

She's not pretty enough to be dressing like a boy and hiding her hair.

>> No.56833668

Good advice.

>> No.56833712

She had to make a tiktok about him hitting on her to let everyone know that she is attractive and that men hit on her. The first frame is unironically her, thinking about the incident. The second is her projecting for the socially ill crowd.
She flicked her bean thinking of the 60 yr old Chad that night

>> No.56833733

Why do you care so much about what women do an think?

>> No.56833765

Women hit the wall at 25.
Men hit their peak at 35 and have no wall.

>> No.56833780

Nah man, Im the poor guy on the side. Girls always want a fun fling with a cute street rat, like theyre some sort of disney princess, then they go back to their rich boyfriend/husband and all thats left is the hunger and the lonliness.

If i was a rich fuck Id have a trophy wife and a half dozen girlfriends and wouldn't take that shit too seriously. In the end women come and go, but money will always have your back.

>> No.56833833

not going to do that gay shit that every retard whose brain can barely function does

>> No.56833915

The old man probably stole his wallet and she still didn't realize, kek

>> No.56834301

bait, better be. 5/8

>> No.56834512

Sad ! Money solves nothing but make life more confortable.
You have to work to be able to love, and to allow yourself to be loved. Or else you will be dead this whole life :(

>> No.56834583

When you start losing your hair, when you get out of shape and the most brutal one, when you get nasal folds, forehead wrinkles and your skin starts sagging. You can appeal to plastic surgery and botox to look younger for longer but it’s a losing race.

>> No.56834598

There’s no age, guys can get all these when they’re 25 or 40.That’s what it means to be walled as a man. Money is just a cope.

>> No.56834640
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guys like milfs. so why wouldn't girls like dilfs? checkmate gaytheists

>> No.56834697

does anybody without BPD have a septum piercing?

>> No.56834720

wtf bro you find her attractive? dear god

>> No.56834729

It's a great fantasy until your dick can literally feel that her pussy has pushed out kids. Go find an old pair of underwear with no elastic to understand what I mean.

>> No.56834752
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He has nasal folds and lost his hair

>> No.56834755

i just had a middle class black lady borderline molest me at walmart... and i kind of liked it bros..

>> No.56834807

jared leto is 5'9" max

>> No.56834827

Which proves Face>*

>> No.56834828

how many women give birth naturally these days? seems like it's 99% caesarean

>> No.56834835

women fall in love with him before they see him in person
if you're not a celebrity it would be hard to overcome that height

>> No.56834840
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i am 30 full head of hair and still get carded at bars

>> No.56834865

>just get rich bro

>> No.56834868
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Nope, it happens IRL

>> No.56834913
File: 390 KB, 1476x1476, B7A1FB51-D9A0-4ADA-BB53-FE7E7959CF42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parents ruined my life by telling me not to get a gf in high school. Fucking niggers

>> No.56835019

>buying very overpriced ice cream on debit at the market today
>everyone is generally poor at this point of the month here because most people get paid on the 5th
>cute (but with horrible teeth) 20-ish year old cashier tries to so hard to flirt it made me feel bad for her
>im 35 and bald
Tbh I wanted to bang her but her teeth and the risk of having her nagging me afterwards made me 360 out of there. First time shit like this ever happened to me

>> No.56835024

>tries so hard to flirt

>> No.56835040

YOu dont have to fuck her mouth

>> No.56835056

I had a similar thing happen but the girl was cute and I couldn't tell how old she was so I didn't pursue. Turns out she was turning 18 a month later. SAD!

>> No.56835068

I'd still have to kiss her though
Her teeth were all dark and crooked

>> No.56835097

Damn. At least she really wasnt legal, you could be falling into a trap

>> No.56835126

happened to me, we had a great convo she says oh im 17 but i turn 18 soon, i said heres my number, text me when youre over 18.

>> No.56835140

>Her teeth were all dark and crooked
bro got hit on by a literal witch

>> No.56835184

Kek, sure looked like it. Cute as hell with her mouth closed though

>> No.56835330

Depends on the year and make. You can get a Sea Ray Sundancer 280 for under $100k if it’s older than 2016. It’s a decent boat that has a cabin

>> No.56835377

EVery one with a brain shits, piss and fucks too. You Should probably not do that, to spite THE NORMIES YOU FUCKING FAG.

Female BRAIN, only knows this oneword. IF YOU UNDERSTOOD THIS, you wouldn't be a fucking incel tard.
YOU ARE RETARDED GUPPY STUCK in a fishbowl, I wish your parents dump your ass in the toilet and you where forced to leave.

LIFE CAN BE EASIER, BUT YOU ARE STUCK IN YOUR FUCKING GLASS BOWL. INTERNET IS NOT REAL. PEOPLE ARE DUMB AS ROCKS, are more closer to animals than what you GIGA MACHIVELIANs that you tards seem to dream normies as.


>> No.56835742

same for me but in my state 16 is legal so I can go for younger cunny

>> No.56835839

That is literally a tranny btw.

Society is composed of people who cope about how 30 is just getting started when they looked like a deflated pile of mush at 22 after several years in the frat blasting their liver with Spiritus.

That's not to say you can't have sexo but you should definitely hate people who prevented you from "teen gf".

>> No.56835884

I'm 26 and have been trying to work up the never to send a DM request to this girl that's like 20 or 21. It'll probably end up like that but I won't be able to live with myself if I don't try.

>> No.56835907

If you get your dick wet does it really matter what they think?

>> No.56835917

I’m barfing from seeing this disgusting whore.

>> No.56835919

“Owning a boat” is the natural progression for a 40+ year old incel.

>> No.56837539

U may have heard of “ you miss every shot you dont take”
And you know what thats right. Also the pain of regret of not knowing what couldve been rather than a tiny mistake is huge.
At least if u try and fuck up or if she turns out to be not a good girl then u will end up wiser.


>> No.56837553
File: 63 KB, 973x632, photo_2023-02-25_02-54-55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That "women" is ugly.

Shes a little silly with her take because the older I get the more girls in their late teens and early 20s wanna fuck me.

Thanks DD/LG, cultural decay and the degen Internet, now it only gets better as you age.

>> No.56837565

Leto apparently has a fucking legendarily massive dong though

>> No.56837755

I'm almost 30 and still have my 14 year old face. Not a baby face. Just young looking. My brain hit a wall though. I'm gonna rope

>> No.56837773

who the fuck hits ugly women just because they're rich? are you gay, and still in the closet with the excuse 'money'?

>> No.56837813

boomer parents are like this unfortunately

>> No.56837895

This guy looks like an ogre and thinks he's among his people because of internet anonymity. We need a looks score appended to posts to prevent this kind of rampant confusion.

>> No.56837924

My mom was 17 when she had me, my dad was 38. They have been happily married for as long as I could remember.

>> No.56838038

im like hey what's up hello

>> No.56838068
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>zoomer girls love older gu-

>> No.56838069

>i made the mistake of sending her a friend request on facebook (since she said her full name) and she hasn’t accepted yet.
>Any adv welcome
Cancel the friend request, it could save you some dignity, maybe in the future because she won't see this as pending.

>> No.56838077

hair yes, fat yes but nasal folds can unironically improve a face, especially if you had a babyface

>> No.56838109

KEK good one

I considered it, but if she’s anything like me she only checks these things like once a week. I guess if it goes for more than a few days I’ll cancel

>> No.56838193

>septum piercing
she should be happy anyone shows interest

>> No.56838273

no man is hitting on this post wall lesbian

>> No.56838312
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its even better in 20s

>> No.56838320

Jesus christ, these women clearly have no father nor self respect, do they have no shame cuddling up to a yucky pajeet? Will women literally throw all pride aside for mediocre sums of money?

>> No.56838594

>shitskin cope
you'd have to pay those prostitutes 3x the regular amount. and learn english before posting you fucking stupid monkey

>> No.56838598

it's some 3rd world brown retard who paid for some prostitutes you dumbass, like most of this board except he has money

>> No.56838606

If she was a virgin and unvaxxed you could wife her up and get her teeth fixed. A good women is an investment. Marriage is like a business. Also outside the church there is no salvation.

>> No.56838638

you have never had sex and you are projecting your own shortcomings. you're right about having to be "attractive" but men can be attractive into their 40s and sometimes even 50s. of course this isn't most men though, and definitely not most men on this board.

but you specifically will never have sex with a consenting non-prostitute because of your broken brain, even if you could fix your hideous face

>> No.56838667

what a lucky bastard
some fags can pull of balding no cap

>> No.56838681

too bad about the hint of simian physiognomy
>pull of no cap
learn english you fucking stupid shitskin

>> No.56838731

That a dude? Weird

>> No.56838742

I am 29 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.56838754

my friend (not me) is 26 and made out with a chick for the first time last week and felt her boobs and butt. he said it was the same as in his imagination, and nothing changed. you aren't missing much, it doesn't matter.

>> No.56838757
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>> No.56838811
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Good partner analysis is essential to making it in the sexual marketplace. It's like trying to make it with crypto and not using dexscreener. Tinder is a good app but you need to carefully analyse the data and filter out the basic bitches from the wholesome women. A tip, for you

>> No.56838864

Sounds like your dad's a pedo? If she was 17 when she gave birth to you, how old was she when he first met her and knocked her up?