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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56827070 No.56827070 [Reply] [Original]

What's a skill I can learn within a year that'll help me get a higher paying job?

>> No.56827074

Python, specifically manipulating data with pandas. It'll allow you to run circles around excel jockeys, however legit data analyst jobs usually require some kind of degree

>> No.56827083

I have a bachelor's degree but doesn't Python take longer to actually learn and use? It's not SQL or Excel

>> No.56827196

I went from 0 to hero in like 6 months. You dont have to learn everything just enough to be dangerous. But idk you kind of sound like a bitch

>> No.56827201

What book did you use?

>> No.56827215

not op, but what jpbs can i get if i have a decent beginner background, slightly above beginner tier, in python?

>> No.56827218

Professional cock sucker.

>> No.56827244

i disagree, amateur cock sucker at best.

>> No.56827256

hey! I got talent!

>> No.56827266

I keep hearing python is a useless meme

>> No.56827279

Python won't land you a job on its own. It's easier to get someone with other skills and teach them Python than to hire someone who knows Python and have to teach them cyber security, data, web dev, or whatever. Most managers like to see it on a resume, but they expect that you're using it to improve your own productivity, rather than making tools and programs for other people. Even if you're an expert at Python, which means also learning C/C++ (Python has a C api and all of the modules are written in it), it's still not likely. Scientists, mathematicians, GIS guys, etc. are more and more expected to write their own code, so nobody is going to hire you just to write code for them.

>> No.56827286

It is. Sql is where it's at

>> No.56827292


>> No.56827295

SQL - analyst
Python - Data Scientist

>> No.56827667

Depends on the job you already have.

>> No.56829349

geeksforgeeks and udemy.

>> No.56829361

Will I be able to make Roblox levels with that code

>> No.56831373

Yeah and I bet they told you kaspa was a scam too. Why do you listen to retards? Are you the most retarded person on the planet?
Eternal midwits

>> No.56831472

SQL is for querying databases. Once the data is queried, if you want to actually cool shit with it and not let the code be a massively bloated unreadable shit, you need to know an actual programming language like Python, r, rust, MATLAB, whatever. Python is just the most based of the bunch. Python can do everything SQL can do, but SQL can only do like 1% of what Python can do
>make a visualization with SQL... oh fuck you cant
>train a ML model with SQL... oh fuck you cant
>cant make an api request with SQL... oh wow I guess you can but its a billion times more assbackwards than just using requests in python

Imagine getting fudded out of using Python because some fuckwits on 4chan told you its useless. Imagine in a job interview when the interviewer asks you if you know python you say "SOME TRANNIES ON 4CHAN TOLD ME IT SUCKS I ONLY KNOW SQL!!!!". Youd be a fucking loser

>> No.56831549

what's your BS in?

>> No.56831573

this, i like because you can read what the fuck you are trying to do .

>> No.56831583

R is also pretty based but given the choice to go back, I would invest more time into python

>> No.56831619

I know python and SQL, what should I learn so my employer takes me seriously as a more tech oriented employee? I work finance and I want to branch out to something more crypto related

>> No.56831675

I didnt use a book, I mostly learned at a job where I had a lot of data to work with and I chose to use Python instead of excel or r. Thats the way to do it, theres so much cool shit you can do with Python all you have to do is think of a project to take on. You can filter 4chan threads for only posts with gets. You can make an app that tracks the price of a crypto using the coincodex api every time you push a button. You will learn so much faster and gain so much more confidence, and theres plenty of resources including a talking robot that will basically guarantee your success

>> No.56831684

>It is. Sql is where it's at
Sql is used inside of python you fucking midwit, if you can use python you can use sql, if you can use sql but not python you are a braindead roastie

>> No.56831708

Where do you work? What do you do with Python? Have you tried making a website or an app with tkinter? Id say learn rust or JavaScript but its not about the language but what you do with it. Theres probably a lot of stuff you can do in Python that you havent tried yet

>> No.56831715

doesn't really addresses the OP. python's a pretty niche skill.
a more appropriate and less ridiculous answer then 'learn a full programming language', would be like 'learn to use pivot tables'.

>> No.56831721

SQL and Python

>> No.56831735

>what should I learn so my employer takes me seriously as a more tech oriented employee?
just make a bunch of power bi dashboards lol.
if you've already done that, then there's not really anything else to do, other then look for a new employer.

>> No.56831769

It is if you're dumb

>> No.56832139

I just wanted to trigger you fuckin nerds

Anyway real chads learn html

>> No.56832169


>> No.56832228

Marketing. I've been working in sales

>> No.56832285

That is what I’ve done actually yeah. I haven’t gotten to integrate python yet as they keep our systems locked down well. I’m really looking to grow my skills though and really find a niche within the company.

I work at a bank, I use python mostly to consume API and excel docs and structure the data into databases for power BI. I want to though branch out into programming more ML/data science structures solutions for problems, as well as obviously work on smart contracts/crypto adoption in general.

>> No.56832666

could get SAS certified and go the market research route if you're mathematically-inclined.

Otherwise consider this:


>> No.56832719


First time I've seen the phrase "consumer insights" outside of job postings. No wonder I never got callbacks

>> No.56832737

Plumbing. Easy work and high pay. Very high pay if you can start your own plumbing business. I know guys that have min fees of a couple hundred dollars and get calls for simple unclogging jobs that take 10 minutes. Otherwise they charge $100 min per hour for their services.

>> No.56832750
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>> No.56832756

I am too old for physically demanding blue collar jobs

>> No.56832773

that certification got my wife a job in sensory analysis at Diageo. Too bad it was only a contract position because, you know liquor. Now she's in sensory at a major nutritional company, makes decent money. Her boss is a vapid bitch, but thankfully close to retirement.

>> No.56832785
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stationary engineer apprenticeship, the locals test every 4 years, the higher you score on the test, the higher on "the list" you go. "the list" is used when buildings call for a new apprentice the top name gets called first etc. people here say they are smart, you can easily make the top of the list. after 4 year apprenticeship you are a journeyman and make bank in a steady 40 hour job working in a comfy building or campus. SF is an outlier but I am making 150k here.

>> No.56832788

You had every opportunity of a lifetime to make money

>> No.56832816

No I didnt