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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56817518 No.56817518 [Reply] [Original]

>self employed since 18yo
>AI is going to obliterate my industry in 6-12mo
>already seeing 20% month-over-month decline income
>zero transferable skills
wew m'lads guess i rolled snake eyes lol
tens of thousands of hours of work honing a craft haha all for nothing
lmao at me building a brand from scratch for a decade only for it to become worthless overnight aha
what a silly fun time AI is turning out to be

>> No.56817545

Artist or what?

>> No.56817558

something like that

what the fuck do i do?
what industries arent going to get buttfucked by AI?

>> No.56817566

what is it that you do exactly? we need more info to try to help.

>> No.56817574

op reads audio books

>> No.56817618

i dont see how it factors in at all
say im a graphic artist
or say im an audiobook voice actor like >>56817574 is suggesting
how does that change anything
in both cases im fucked with zero transferrable skills, as i said in my post
there's no silver lining to be had, no way to parlay my situation into something else
i am going to have to start from FUCKING ZERO and i know it
its as simple as that

>> No.56817633

Kill yourself, that’s what I recommend.

>> No.56817660
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All appearances of a demoralization thread. No specifics of given regarding your situation, just whinging. A 20% decline is happening everywhere, in many sectors, it's called the death of the middle class and the end of financial freedom. Maybe when your industry is 40% down you will be able to put this all into perspective.

>> No.56817676

You have the computer literacy to move into a tangent field you ass kiss. I know youre a brown nose

>> No.56817766

Stop whining and carry on, this AI is a nothing burger for anything actual meaningful, yes voice actors will still have work, yes some cheap fucks will use AI but who cares about them, if you market was the cheapest of the cheapest youre fucked yes try again

>> No.56817842

Start an agency you dumb fuck then

>> No.56817875

Learn to use AI to automate parts of your job and have more time to get leads and sales?

>> No.56817883

Canada can help

>> No.56818144

>i dont see how it factors in at all
because, you pathetic fucking retard, the "being replaced by ai" is still just a future prediction, there currently isn't a single field where skilled people are struggling to make a living because of AI, and as soon as you stop vagueposting and reveal what field you're in everyone's going to be able to point out to you just how embarrassing this doomer posting is and how easy it would be for you to make money in your field.

you should actually contemplate suicide for writing a "urgh everything is so heckin fucked in my life and all the suggestions in this thread are never gonna heckin work!!" post though, truly embarrassing behavior for an adult male

>> No.56818385

You can use AI to auto-trade and make profit. This is what I'm doing with tokens like nxra, dua, shd, atom, bnb and link

>> No.56819062

Stuff computers can't do like trades, until we make robots to do that. You just need to invest all your money and make it so you don't become a UBI government slave.

AI does stress me out.

>> No.56819204

let me guess... graphic designer? All my frens that do pitch decks for studios as graphic artists got fucked hard (in commercials). One of the most talented guys I know is at a grand total of 1/5th the booking days he normally gets over the course of the year. It's fuct

>> No.56819236

Maybe you shouldn't have spent thousands of hours 'honing your craft' of drawing furry dicks for rich fat fucks.

>> No.56819937

I love this future where AI is doing creative tasks and humans are doing the monotonous grindy work. This totally is not radicalizing me whatsoever.

>> No.56820780

I'm a graphic designer, I'm more than doomed at this point, I'm only hoping for Beoble to come up with something quick or I'm gonna jump off a bridge

>> No.56820902

Why did you get into something like that faggot

>> No.56820905

Fucking based, that's the right thing to do

>> No.56820913

Ngmi, you should've killed yourself once AI started trending

>> No.56820919
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Retard just use AI to increase your quality and that's it