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56806549 No.56806549 [Reply] [Original]

Why are Americans obsessed with working 80 hours a week? Shouldnt we work less as we progress as a society? And please don't give me any Faustinan, muh work ethic crap because we don't build anything anymore

>> No.56806562
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That's the only way the 60IQ burger is ever going to make any money

>> No.56806607

Protestant work ethic is still very much alive despite spending 3/4 of that time doing nothing productive. It’s doublethink in action

>> No.56806621

Blue collar guys are hourly so they work all day. I know guys who do 14s a day every week. Just go to work and sleep

>> No.56806629

>tfw working 60 hours of week until january or later
us warehouse workers... haha

>> No.56806635

It's the Protestant Work Ethic psyop, which has been used to make corporations richer without the billionaires actually having to do anything. Work, sleep at your overpriced apartment, repeat. It's willful slavery at this point.

>> No.56807507

America is a Capitalist country.

>> No.56807534

ameriburger here
my coworker would frequently mock me because i chose to only work 32 hours a week instead of 40. ive got hobbies and shit i work on outside of work and i don't want my whole life to be about work. if i really needed the money then i'd probably work 40 hours a week

>> No.56807544
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The average ameritard is a brown noser. And yes advanced societies should work less, but jews brainwashed the dumbasses

>> No.56807587

The only reason the work week didn't naturally decline for most is due to the parasitic fiat banking system. We're actually moving backwards we're getting fleeced so much.

No it isn't you dumb ass.

>> No.56807656

Slave mindset

>> No.56807669

Oh yeah, who do you think benefits from proles being obsessed with working 80-hour weeks, then, retard? The commies?

>> No.56807672

This a lot of blue collar jobs incentivize working yourself to death too. My job pays doubletime for anything worked over 12 hours in a day, and pays doubletime for working 7 days in a row.

>> No.56808142
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>> No.56808738

My dad told me not to work for a utility company that pays well and has good benefits because “they don’t have any overtime!” As if I want to work more than the already excessive 40 hours a week I’ve been cursed with.

>> No.56809009

My boss practically brags about how little of a life he has. The more I talk to rich people, the more they sound like slaves

>> No.56809583

It’s really sad people waste their lives away like that. I work with some electricians who have nice houses and big families. Sounds cool and all until you notice them talking about working 7 days a week and spending 10+ hours a day on a job site. What’s the point of having a big house you only sleep in and a big family you never see? All of that to never enjoy it? Makes no sense.

>> No.56809815

He literally told you it's the bankers.
Take your retard logic back to 1848.
It is absolutely insane how your type of leftoid doesn't realize that the high finance bros are even less worthy of workers' sweat than le bourgeoisie.
But no, you stay running cover for trillionnaire bankers while blaming small business owners as "the real greedy ppl".

>> No.56809844

Idk I work 30 hours a week and even then after lifting+cooking+cleaning+showering I only have a few hours of free time to chill

>> No.56810353
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the system has brainwashed us to think its right to work util we die. thats why crypto has become so popular. Ive earned more in btc staking, smart investments, IQT and trading than at any job i could get as an average fag on this system

>> No.56810397

those are the words of a man who hasnt achieved anything in life, Overtime always saves your ass from fire.

>> No.56810404

lifting could also be considered as chill hours, if they're not, ask yourself "how can i profit from this"

>> No.56810450
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There's no other way to get rightful money than backbreaking work, either way you are doing something shady, irregular or just stealing from others


>> No.56810472

having a healthy body could traduce itself on both more physical/mental work hours which directly means more income.

That's my pov, check mate you fat bastard.

>> No.56810478

the more we advance as a society the more greedy we get, the more ppl in power crave even more, the more they will exploit the least fortunate

>> No.56810489

Why are you obsessed with Americans?

>> No.56810499

The concept was invented in a board room in pre Richard Nixon…Want to say roughly around the middle of the Industrial Revolution. Anyways, it’s turned into a massive psy op campaign from big businesses to keep people working their prime years. In movies, songs it’s all about keeping the sheep in check.

Fun fact: “fire exits” were forced by the government because businesses didn’t want to do it. The change came about after to many people died in buildings without having the means to escape

>> No.56810509

there are plenty of americans that never work, it's called freedom, europoor

>> No.56810510

its fucking sad, meanwhile the 1% is buying 6 cars that are worth a house each, what a world

>> No.56810515

Yeah and they live like slaves

>> No.56810520

its a 10% youre gonna make it with crypto, and ppl in the business will just take advantage of the average desperate broke retard to make him loose the little he saved to "cryptomax" lmao

>> No.56810527
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its all sneakos fault

>> No.56812564

Because the company owners run the govt

>> No.56812684

>there are plenty of americans that never work,

Like autismbux or just rich people