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56788622 No.56788622 [Reply] [Original]

>black anon web dev
>work at a “liberal” SF-type tech company
>only other black person was the DEI woman
>condescending gay trans acceptance volunteering shit 24/7, employees and managers treat you with kid gloves, got the “you speak so well” crap before I quit
>went to an “evil” company (think Raytheon, Boeing etc.) where most people are republican / military types
>fair equitable work environment and I’m invited golfing on the weekends
>other black employees here seem happy and well paid


>> No.56788635

i hate niggers

>> No.56788653

Leftists project their own constant racism. When they are bending over backwards to appeal to you or treat you differently, it is a form of atonement for their inner guilt over seeing you as different or lesser.

Normal white men are true egalitarians in that they will just call things for what they are, mostly mind their own business, and see no value in virtue signaling. If you're an ass they won't like you but if you aren't they will. The media narrative is a lie. If it wasn't a lie, it wouldn't need a media narrative, would it?

>> No.56788688

I like you and respect you and I'm sorry

>> No.56790384

Based blackbro.

>> No.56790471

Liberal leftists need to see minorities as victims.

>> No.56790545

Time to sit my white ass down and LISTEN. Speak my brother.

>> No.56790655

I'm really big on DEI.
I got a black guy hired at my job once.

>> No.56790725

welcome to real life. I learned a long time ago that the most racist, fucked up assholes were all upper-middle class liberals.

>> No.56790811

lol, nigger

>> No.56790848

based blackanon

>> No.56790904

>transphobe ends up being happier in a transphobic environment

>> No.56791139


>> No.56791316

The key to a good organization in America is choosing your blacks carefully

>> No.56791339
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What about mutilated genitals and mental illness is there not to be phobic about?

It's a natural reaction for every well adjusted human to distance themselves from a dysfunctional outlier.

>> No.56791355

I hate niggers that's why i treat you like the others, because i hate my race.

>> No.56791370

Likewise with your whites and orientals. Always had good luck with the Hispanics

>> No.56791460

What did you think was going to happen? A bunch of goons jump out wit bleach and a noose yelling
Boomer Republicans are CivNats, they don't care what colour you are as long as you grab your wallet when they run ol' stripey up the flagpole for the daily allegiance pledge

>> No.56791488 [DELETED] 

>A bunch of goons jump out wit bleach and a noose yelling THIS IS MAGA COUNTRY

God I wish that were me

>> No.56791696

checked, what a surprise.

>> No.56791729

>>went to an “evil” company (think Raytheon, Boeing etc.) where most people are republican / military types
>>fair equitable work environment and I’m invited golfing on the weekends
>>other black employees here seem happy and well paid
say it ain't so
Funny how racism / blacks vs whites was never a subject before 2016 everyone got along, blacks in movies were funny, times were good among everyone and no one thought a division existed

>> No.56791781

>treat you with kid gloves, got the “you speak so well” crap
I know that feel. Most often it comes from people far beneath you in intellect.
t. not a nigger

>> No.56792289

>you speak so well
I hate this kind of patronizing shit

>> No.56792332

You speak so well, OP.

>> No.56792368

You sound pretty well spoken for a fuckin jigaboo porch monkey

>> No.56792369

he didn't even misspell anything

>> No.56792371


>> No.56792384

both sound like hell

>> No.56792524

If I had to sum it up for you, Republicans love the negro and hate the nigger. Democrats hate both and can't distinguish between the two.

>> No.56792666

Both are into nigger worship of various degrees
Both like “new foods” and “exotic” women

>> No.56792911

Hell Satan, I know I do

>> No.56792945

lol dumb darkie fell for it.

>> No.56793162

>imagine the leftist buck breaking fag liberal manager placing his hands on OP’s shoulder at his cubicle massaging him in a creepy way
>”you speak so well Tyrone! Why if I could have voted for Obama twice I would have!, say have you heard that new rap tune about gay butt sex?”
>”ya know you speak so well for a- err for someone so new in their career! I tell ya what why don’t you stop
By my office later for a little 1 on 1?, you look like you lift I could use some help with my squat form”

>> No.56793353

those MAGA types definitely hate you buddy. anti-black racism is genetic and cannot be fixed. even if you're "one of the good ones" they'll still lynch you if they catch a white girl talking to you.

black separatism is the way brother

>> No.56793389

Can you be be black separated back Africa? We be cool then

>> No.56793424


We don't like hoodlum street niggers who rape, rob, and kill people. If you're a regular guy who acts normal at work, you get a pass.

>> No.56793457

what is this grammar? can't even construct a sentence but he wants to talk shit. supreme race my ass.

>> No.56793590

Hardcore MAGA types seem to be the most easygoing and open minded of basically anyone I've engaged with.

They have this subtle butthurt about being widely disliked by a massive swath of the country for being MAGA. I guess it puts them on common psychological ground with black folk.

>> No.56793602

I was trying to speak your language my nigger.
Can you please leave?

>> No.56793631

don't you dare speak to him that way you filthy racist chud!

>> No.56793708

Oh sorry sir, I didn’t know we have a blacklover
Oh sorry the correct term is anti racist
I mean he said that the only solution is separation
So I asked him if he is willing to go as far as africa to be seperated from whites and he flipped

>> No.56793732

>Wow anon you articulate your thoughts very well!
>This is racist because I'm black and they think I shouldn't articulate well!
Shut the FUCK up you absolute nigger faggot

>> No.56794771


>> No.56796550

Did they ever avoid talking about stereotypical black stuff like fried chicken and watermelon?

>> No.56796627
File: 153 KB, 844x1080, my nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>web dev
>SF-type tech company
prayin 4 ur soul nigga

>> No.56796807

Wow it’s almost as if conservatives don’t give a fuck as long as you’re not causing trouble

>> No.56796990

It's known as the "racism of low expectations" which is typically how people on the left manifest racism. It feels worse because it is so duplicitous and feminine. It comes across like gaslighting.

"Conservatives" tend to be actual liberals, ie racially-blind. So long as you're legal and act normal they will genuinely treat you the same as them.

>> No.56797114

Jewish hands typed this post.

>> No.56797221

No shit, liberals and lefts are actual the biggest racists, treating a group of people based on their skincolor is racism, doesnt matter if the treatment is "good" or "bad"

Same shit with feminists

>> No.56797487

>black separatism is the way brother
I totally agree. We need to go our separate ways (I'm White) because we need one country for each nation. Multiculturalism is an utter failure.

>> No.56797687

>before 2016 everyone got along
You have to be 18 to post here

>> No.56798100
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how evil we talkin

>> No.56798106

Black here.
Experienced this same exact thing.

It's even more funny when people tell me I'm working for a "racist" company and I should go for work the guys I previously worked for.

>> No.56798142
File: 80 KB, 1170x1172, 393275048_3665606000430517_1795882513573565768_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not to be rude but maybe the intelligence level raised when you went toward the GOP (with compassion and short-term solutions disregarded inhumanely of course) and you just dont notice the slights and affronts now (which is still good)

But a lot of black people thought 'kamala harris is smart to me!" was a great answer for 'shes damn near a retarded alcoholic whore etc' criticisms from the right (that i personally dont necessarily fully agree with if i assessed such a thing already somewhat)

I think it's still good to feel good and to be rewarded and I guess they are smarter and usually more right a lot of times by my observation too.

>> No.56798204

>not to be rude but maybe the intelligence level raised when you went toward the GOP
I don't know if the median-IQ is any higher, but there's definitely less ego. The "left" has a massive ego and it prevents them from even considering that they might not fully comprehend a situation. This is why they're hardstuck on their identity-politics in my opinion.

>and you just dont notice the slights and affronts now
Offense has to be taken. You can't offend me if I don't take offense. In my old job I wasn't offended, I looked at them with pity. Like a sad angry old man who has no clue the outside world changed when he was in his bunker for 30 years.
At my new job no one is concerned with the gender politics so there's no room for anything like that to even show up. It's a (mostly) complete meritocracy.

>> No.56798220

Liberal whites will suck your dick in a bad way, conservative whites will suck your dick if you're a le based black man.

>> No.56798231

It's not even that. It's that leftists are just shitty people in general who virtue signal so they 'feel' like they have a 'right' to be a fucking jackass the rest of the time.

>> No.56798272

He means that in the past we got le sexy black chicks like halle berry or le funny guy like axel F beverly hills cop or le tough guy dwayne "the polynesian" johnson. After 2015-2016 every media portrayal of nigger noggers is the ugliest, dumbest, least deserving piece of shit in the universe from the star wars new nogger to the little negromaid.

They basically memoryholed the existence of black people who weren't ugly and retarded in media.

>> No.56798285

>massive swathe
44% is a minority.

>> No.56798494

All the blacks need to do is stop letting the Jews gaslight them into believing regular white people hate them. There are elite blacks who take skiing trips in the Swiss alps and nobody looks twice. The thing that makes shit awk as fuck is all these cuck couples looking for black bulls to fuck their wives. Fucking faggots

>> No.56798772
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This is very interesting.>>56798204

it doesn't have to be. There are plenty of offenses and fighting one could dispatch to you.
You were offended but you're at least smart enough as the lowest tier red guys who know how it looks to admit it. (and can detect some of the ways they admit it)

They're not concerned to your face and that's because they're already doing fine.

let me guess, their community action plan is everyone take care of you and yours? depending where you grew up and exactly how retarded you are, you may discern the some of the flaws in this plan

yeah it's easy when you're on selfish mode and only making plans for longterm.

>> No.56798792
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fighting words. as is a thing in the united states, codified in ohio state law and beyond

>> No.56798863


>> No.56799234
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>> No.56799361

yeah I think this is really the fundamental gist of it. Garbage people who just want some fake moral reason to be outraged so they can act shitty and get away with it

>> No.56800757

So excited about your interracial gay fanfic you fucked up formatting

>> No.56800798

>you speak so well
what? lol

>> No.56800827

>that image
I'm top right, the only rational choice

>> No.56800868

>republican / military types
>and I’m invited golfing on the weekends
You're a token, the "I'm not racist I have black friends!" excuse. You'll be invited to things sure, but when you aren't around they're calling you and the rest of your black coworkers niggers.
I used to be you, and it isn't much different in any social setting.
And I'm curious how this thread stays up for so long when I get banned anytime I make a post about my workplace.

>> No.56800916

>liberals are the real racist
yes, but also no

>> No.56802773

Obongo put the race war back into action in 2008, before that there was a cooldown ever since LA riots

>> No.56802887


>> No.56803055

look at this insecure goober.

>> No.56803072

It's weird to see a nigger speak as a human being.

>> No.56803399

anti-obama campaigns did it markets reacted to perception way earlier that he did anything but anticipating is not a crime either.

>> No.56803622

fpbp'd and kek'd

>> No.56806230


>> No.56806397

Wow! You typed that all by yourself?! Good boy, so brave! Do they even have qwerty keyboards in Nigeria?

>> No.56806486
File: 1.14 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot 2023-11-26 064308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ha yea. sophisticated archetype palate for sure.

way better than this "pretend like i'm smart, online"

or even the original "i have not noticed that smarter white people (or any group members that are) are more aware of facial impressions and anticipating responses and knowing macro context and controlling the narrative etc"

Both pretty good ones though the 1st and 3rd. this middle one is pretty cringey though...