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56793551 No.56793551 [Reply] [Original]


Shitcoiner works out he's holding bags of unregistered securities

Just lmao

>> No.56793597

He curses. A quality CEO never curses (Sergey Nazarov)

No wonder Charles' shitcoin needs a 10x just to get to all time high


>> No.56793652

He looks almost 70 now

>> No.56794086
File: 221 KB, 960x963, get_fucked_charles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All coins except for BTC, ETH, LINK and AVAX are unregistered securities. Cardaniggers get the rope.

>> No.56794116

Meanwhile in reality only XRP has clarity

>> No.56794131


>> No.56794144

yes, it's clear that XRP is a scam. good lawyers though.

>> No.56794207

Charles Hoskinson(he runs an algorithm to see what people say about him) has less and less hair every time I see him.

>> No.56794937
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>> No.56795199

Charles is cool for a Jew. I don’t even own any cardano and never have and still I say this as an avowed anti semite.

>> No.56795788


>> No.56795797

no one asked retard

>> No.56795841 [DELETED] 
File: 718 KB, 974x866, gayretard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill Charles Hoskinson. Behead Charles Hoskinson. Roundhouse kick a Charles Hoskinson into the concrete. Slam dunk a Charles Hoskinson baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy ADA devs. Defecate in a Charles Hoskinson's food. Launch Charles Hoskinson into the sun. Stir fry Charles Hoskinson in a wok. Toss Charles Hoskinson into active volcanoes. Urinate into a Charles Hoskinson's gas tank. Judo throw Charles Hoskinson into a wood chipper. Twist Charles Hoskinson's heads off. Report Charles Hoskinson to the SEC. Karate chop Charles Hoskinson in half. Curb stomp pregnant black Charles Hoskinson. Trap Charles Hoskinson in quicksand. Crush Charles Hoskinson in the trash compactor. Liquefy Charles Hoskinson in a vat of acid. Eat Charles Hoskinson. Dissect Charles Hoskinson. Exterminate Charles Hoskinson in the gas chamber. Stomp Charles Hoskinson skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate Charles Hoskinson in the oven. Lobotomize Charles Hoskinson. Mandatory abortions for Charles Hoskinson. Grind Charles Hoskinson fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown Charles Hoskinson in fried chicken grease. Vaporize Charles Hoskinson with a ray gun. Kick old Charles Hoskinson down the stairs. Feed Charles Hoskinson to alligators. Slice Charles Hoskinson with a katana.

>> No.56795847
File: 718 KB, 974x866, gayretard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill Charles Hoskinson. Behead Charles Hoskinson. Roundhouse kick Charles Hoskinson into the concrete. Slam dunk Charles Hoskinson baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy ADA devs. Defecate in Charles Hoskinson's food. Launch Charles Hoskinson into the sun. Stir fry Charles Hoskinson in a wok. Toss Charles Hoskinson into active volcanoes. Urinate into Charles Hoskinson's gas tank. Judo throw Charles Hoskinson into a wood chipper. Twist Charles Hoskinson's heads off. Report Charles Hoskinson to the SEC. Karate chop Charles Hoskinson in half. Curb stomp pregnant black Charles Hoskinson. Trap Charles Hoskinson in quicksand. Crush Charles Hoskinson in the trash compactor. Liquefy Charles Hoskinson in a vat of acid. Eat Charles Hoskinson. Dissect Charles Hoskinson. Exterminate Charles Hoskinson in the gas chamber. Stomp Charles Hoskinson skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate Charles Hoskinson in the oven. Lobotomize Charles Hoskinson. Mandatory abortions for Charles Hoskinson. Grind Charles Hoskinson fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown Charles Hoskinson in fried chicken grease. Vaporize Charles Hoskinson with a ray gun. Kick old Charles Hoskinson down the stairs. Feed Charles Hoskinson to alligators. Slice Charles Hoskinson with a katana.

>> No.56796116

>comparing your shitcoin being labeled a security to the assassination of a president and wars

>> No.56797618

Kek, he sounds triggered. Cardano is a piece of trash and so is Charles.

>> No.56797646

Based and saved

>> No.56797740

Kys dumb little nigger zoomer

>> No.56797775

>some XRP is securities, and some XRP isn't

pick one

>> No.56797798

the SEC is an illegal organization going by the constitution

>> No.56797807

god I cant stand this soiqueer faggot. has anyone actually got pics of him with females that he doesnt pay to be around him? does this guy actually have females in his life or his he another wierdo soiqueer that just pays them to hang out while he talks about his token and funkopunk collection?

>> No.56797819


Maybe because BTC was able to be mined by everyone and cardano is a pre-minted scam promoted by a guy who promised returns for investors.

I never heard one from eth or btc about promising returns...

>> No.56797867

XRP in and of itself is not a security
XRP sold in the form of an investment contract expecting profit from the labour of others (in this case ripple) is a security.

>> No.56797871

>XRP in and of itself is not a security
XRP sold to institutions is literally a security.

>> No.56797875

Shitcoiners are all financially illiterate niggers.

>> No.56797881

LINK is even a more egregious illegal security than ADA.

>> No.56797888
File: 160 KB, 698x900, ETH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETH, AVAX and most certainly LINK are illegal securities.

It's really simple shitcoin niggers: if it has a central issuer, it's a security.

>> No.56797901

>if it has a central issuer, it's a security.
The absolute state of /biz/

>> No.56797916
File: 62 KB, 800x430, 1619404362149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Register your shitcoin with the SEC or go to prison, shitcoin nigger.

Tik tok, tik tok, the era of shitcoins is coming to an end.

>> No.56797931

>if it has a central issuer, it's a security.
lmao you heard it here first bros; 80 years of SCOTUS case law flushed down the drain by one single anonymous shitposter.
Absolutely based.

>> No.56797950

>Tik tok, tik tok
Kill yourself zoomer, it's "tick-tock" and go lick government boots on twitter/reddit. Not here. Fucking zoomer mutts.

>> No.56797979
File: 91 KB, 720x960, shitcoiner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That''s been the standard litmus test. Stop deflecting shitcoin nigger.

>The grunts and screeches of a bewildered shitcoin nigger.

Didn't read. You niggers are financially illiterate, which is why you embraced these Ponzi schemes in the first place.

Name a single shitcoin that is both not centrally issued and isn't a gratuitous Ponzi scheme that solves nothing.

>> No.56797990

The litmus test is the Howey test. Has been since the 1940s.

And I check

>> No.56797995

If it is part of an investment contract made by ripple yes. Third party buys of XRP are not.
Not all institutional buys of XRP are securities

>> No.56798005

very based. If charles would simply kneel to Sergey's example then things would get easier for cardano, but charles refuses to recognize the greats that came before him and made what he has done possible. Thankfully we have Sergey who will go down as the innovator that crypto needs.

>> No.56798030

Like I said, part of XRP is securities.
That's far from "clarity".

>> No.56798036
File: 116 KB, 688x910, 1696281655287059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If an investment opportunity is open to many people, and if investors have little to no control or management of investment money or assets, then that investment is probably a security. If, on the other hand, an investment is made available only to a few close friends or associates, and if these investors have significant influence over how the investment is managed, then it is probably not a security.


Any way you look at this pile of garbage, all shitcoins, ETH included, are violations of securities laws.
2024 is going to be a glorious year of shitcoiner holocaust.

>> No.56798055


>> No.56798074

bruh you've lost several battles in this thread but still somehow managed to convince yourself that you're on top of the situation. I hope we never meet IRL,would ruin my day .

>> No.56798091

XRP as a financial asset is not a security
XRP sold as part of an investment contract is a security seen as a security.
Crystal clear, as ruled by the judge.

>> No.56798096
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Nice one, shitcoin nigger.
You haven't shown that your shitcoins aren't securities, and one by one, they will be named by the SEC.

The time will come when your shitcoin bags too will be in jeopardy. I mean, they're already in jeopardy as 99% of all shitcoins are Ponzi schemes just waiting for the final rugpull or silent exit scam by the scumbag developers, but you know what I mean.

>> No.56798129

> If, on the other hand, an investment is made available only to a few close friends or associates, and if these investors have significant influence over how the investment is managed, then it is probably not a security.
kek the securities from the original Howey case were sold exactly like this: they were sold primarily to acquaintances who frequented a hotel Howey owned.

And guess what, they were famously deemed to be securities.

>> No.56798176
File: 1.90 MB, 800x498, x4lcthcnli0c1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56798222

>XRP sold as part of an investment contract
"Investment contract" is a synonym used by scotus for "securities". Even simple transactions can be "investment contracts".
You're clueless.

And part of XRP is indeed securities. That's not clarity, that's a clusterfuck.

>> No.56798391

A transaction can be part of an investment contract yes. A transaction on its own is not a contract, you need an actual contract for that.
Where is the contract?
Call me clueless all you want. You are the one having trouble with the concept of an investment contract. Where is the part of xrp that is an investment contract and where is the part that is not?
How much xerpies do you own my man?

>> No.56798404

Ironically drawdown from ATH is a bagholder metric because if you buy the cycle bottom it's just additional free multipliers

>> No.56798546
File: 99 KB, 859x642, 1686335707182956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A transaction can be part of an investment contract yes
No anon, a transaction can BE an investment contract.
Pic is literally the 1946 Howey ruling by scotus, saying an investment contract (i.e. security) can be three things:

- a contract
- a transaction
- a scheme

>> No.56798784
File: 2.25 MB, 1647x2212, charles-a7lm3o8mq5371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charles is a long way away from being a Chad.

>reference to dirinv a lambo
OG Chad can drive a beater and not give a shit because it just doesnt matter

Charles is at best a coomer chasing BD energy.

Butt a chad: picrel never

>> No.56798856

Ripple case basically establishes that a token in itself can't be a security. SEC is heeing and hawing and trying to legislate with enforcement, but at this point, the act of a token being listed anywhere is not a security.

Charles will be guilty of selling an unregistered security and will have to pay a fine, but SEC niggers lost, get over it glowie

>> No.56799244
File: 23 KB, 380x380, IMG_0474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek'd and rekt
the dapps Charles, where are they?