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56791544 No.56791544 [Reply] [Original]

Why stress about chasing crypto pumps when life is this simple?

>> No.56792472

>> life is simple guys!!!!!
>> be a work drone like me!!!!

>> No.56792483

working full time is a death sentence, you dumb nigger

>> No.56792682

>life is so simple
>just work 10 hours for people who hate you
>just pay your taxes to the govenrment who is eager to replace you
>just contribute to the society that is demonizing you
Ye bro
So simple

>> No.56792701

what's up with these retarded "life gurus" and ice cold water.
why get a literal shock state every morning and make your life more miserable.

>> No.56792708
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>> No.56792714

Sorry, not going to die in your wars or your society.

>> No.56792719

The ice cold water is to drink retard

Cold/warm shower doesnt shock anyone

>> No.56792727

>be a literal slave who sells his limited hours in this earth for peanuts
>be happy lmao

>> No.56792728

>wake up and go outside
>continue to workout in non-disclosed area
>shower afterwards
never even think about crossing my path, disgusting hobo filth

>> No.56792736

Ice bath is based. I swam 15 min in 46F water yesterday and it's only getting colder
>mmmm the cold embrace of death

>> No.56792740

Cause life without succes is completely meaningless nobody likes staying as a nobody, that's the very same reason why people risk their money buying Tokens as link, kava, solana, with a high potential of change, to lie themselves while they "look for" ways of success.

>> No.56792752

should kys if life happens to be so hard.

>> No.56792758

You should kys for enabling these jew games. Fucking brown nosers

>> No.56792764
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>Yada yada yada, blah-blah-blah, im frustrated and now i want others to blow money as I did cause ima shithead.

Impressive story anon, almost made me chuckle

>> No.56792767
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Very true. The chuds here gamble on shitcoins to try and make money because they're scared of the possibility of trying and failing to make money by providing value.

>> No.56792775

Dumb nigger. You'll never get rich off of being an employee

>> No.56792777

When I wagied full-time on-site it was so depressing. 5 put of 7 days all about work. Most of my life about work. Work, work, work. When I had free time I also couldn't stop thinking about the work that's around the corner either.

Now I do halftime wfh. Actually have a life

>> No.56792791

Ya people who say 5 days of being a wagie bitch provides a sufficient work/life balance are slow in the head. That shit made me suicidal

>> No.56792806


>> No.56792807

lol why? So parasites like you can win?
I continueto win by being alive, and siphoning as much as money I can get from government while contributing NONE
I know our existence make you seethe for being white, and being healthy and active while giving ZERO fuck about your societal issues is like knives in your eyes.
Getting one governmental “help” away from you guys is wonderful existence for me

>> No.56792810

>just waste away your life working then you'll have a pension so u can retire

Stupid as hell. The one thing most people regret on their deathbed is working too much

>> No.56792813

The working man is what keeps society alive. It is our role as men.

>> No.56792817

Nobody said anything about being an employee, retard. Start your own business.
Or keep coping that shart-coin will x100 and leave you with a whooping $100k (before tax).

>> No.56792826

*as shabbos goys

>> No.56792835

What society?
The one who hates us? The one who demonize us? The one who doesn’t want to help us? The one who is gleeful about our demographics lowering?
See society and men had an unwritten contract
Provide me with a wife and chance for children, and I will protect you with my death
It’s been the rule
Past 100 or so years society silently broke this contract and so men like me are not liable to held the end of this bargain
You are right, working men hold society on their shoulders
But not for free
Let it go to shit
I bet they enjoy their collapsed society and their neo cavemen societies

>> No.56792836

Do you have one, dumb nigger? That's what I thought. Dumbass

>> No.56792848

You are not a working man, a Farmer tending HIS fields with his own hands and reaping benefits for his family is a working man, you are a fucking drone slave thats what you are, you own shit and your life is nothing but the cheapest fuel for jews to become richer, you are worthless

>> No.56792857

>provide value
lol imagine wanting to make valuable shit for this society
Ironically porn and drugs is what this society deserves, for being trash to us

>> No.56792858

>After 8-10 hours..
There is the problem. Work can be kind of okay, you can get a good relationship with your coworkers, have a laugh, joke around, "peek" into other ppl's life when they talk about their family, past and dreams, you can bitch about customers, your boss etc.. You also get a sort of reward from doing work, kind of like how farming items in Diablo 2 was fun without it actually being fun, then you can get something from work that is sort of fun while certainly not being fun. The less monotonized the work is the more engaging it can become, "dumb work" can still be engaging..

The issue is the fucking time, in the winter time i leave for work when it is dark and come home when it is dark, it's my entire day. Most of my social interactions take place at work, if i would have to list the top 10 faces i have combined looked at the most in the last year, 7-8 of them would be my coworkers. Likewise with conversations, top 10 people i have spoken with the most in the last year- majority coworkers.

Working IS my life, there is no other way to put it, when you spend the majority of your life doing something it kind of is your life. "i'm a father first, a husband second.." no you are a worker bee, combined you spend less time on your wife and kids as buzzing around at work.

Money is freedom and work is slavery.

>> No.56792862
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Truthpilled. The chuds in this thread are NOT men.

>> No.56792877

What's your business in, nigger? Being a prostitute doesn't count

>> No.56792891

>if you aren't doing that you're being selfish
what a fucking out of touch retard. i know a man who had it all, played by the rules, did what he was supposed to - nice house, wife, kids, 2 cars etc. then he woke up to a dead wife next to him in bed one morning and everything came crashing down. you do not call that man lazy. that makes YOU the asshole.

>> No.56792896

By that logic exercise is dumb too.
>why put your body into a stress state and tear muscle fibers while putting yourself into a state of exhaustion??
Ice baths train your brain to deal with stress with less emotion and more focus. Whether you want to ignore the replicated empirical data on that is entirely up to you

>> No.56792955

>our ancestors are laughing at us
lol no they are crying of how shit our lives are
>Your ancesotrs were able to marry a trad (ACTUAL, not into “trad”) woman at age 16
>your ancestors were able to have as many as kids as their income allowed them
>your ancestors didn’t need to spend hours in gyms just to have a “chance”
>your ancestors didn’t need to worry about “dick size”
>your ancestors didn’t know what suicide IS
>your ancestors didn’t need to hustle like slaves (unless they were literal slaves) just to have a wife
>your ancestors didn’t need to compete with millions of world coming to your nations with visas for jobs (there would be a literal war if that happened)
>your ancestors didn’t need to compete with millions upon millions of people in EVERY CATEGORY just to get a wife
>your ancestors weren’t demonized and hated in their own nations
Shall I say more?
Society had one role
And it broke it
My “manhood” is not defined by how much I slave away for such a piss shit horrible society that hates me and can’t even provide me the basic right of a wife
My ancestors looking at me with pride, knowing that I have a great spirit, that i don’t bend the knee for people who hate me, that I don’t let them win.

>> No.56792958

This. He's unironically a pretentious faggot who thinks he's in control at all times. No one gets through life unscathed and my guess is he's about to learn that lesson. The difference here is - he's going to have a history of dogshit posts like this on social media that he'll have to come to terms with, making it even harder not to neck himself.

>> No.56793000

>your role is to provide value for the WORLD
Nope it was never the contract
My role was to provide value for MY family ALONE
Every action , every benefit (all the wars, valiant defenses against invaders, community service) is to benefit MY family AND my KIN is collateral benefit only.
When there is no family and I am even hated for being me, then why the fuck I need to “provide value” even for my city, let alone DA WORLD?
This dude is like a slave’s mascot

>> No.56793036
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>Muh ancesotrs [sic]
You can seethe on a cryptocurrency subreddit and achieve nothing, or you can start your own business to benefit from cheap labor and go to church to find your trad wife.
What's your mindset?

>> No.56793040

>you are being selfish by not adhering to some superficial flowchart lifestyle
This guy has to be the biggest simpleton i've seen in a while. Midwitcore.

>> No.56793068

this is the type of late bloomer fag who lands a 7/10 post-slutty-phase girl (body count at 30+) and thinks his life is rainbows
he's going to be cursing his nightmare hellish existence in 5 years, just watch

>> No.56793079

Are you a 12 year old jewish girl?

>> No.56793088

>screenshots white woman saying our le ancestors are doing the laughing at us
>believes in the dead

>> No.56793096

>start your own business
do you have a business i can buy or an idea that is 100% going to win in this fucked market? if not "start a business" is an empty argument - almost as empty as "learn to code" is now.

>> No.56793112

If that's actually a serious question; nothing in life is 100%.
You need to do your best based on your talents, skills and the market's needs.

>> No.56793131

you don't even have a business, you dumb nigger

>> No.56793149

Nigger your slaves mascot talked about “muh ancestors” and now they are “laughing at us” to get people emotion in to his bullshit narrative
I just followed his retarded bullshit
But again, my ancestors are happy about my defiant nature
Anyway, about your retarded pic.
Man of old times didn’t need to compete with MILLIONS of people in dating app, hustle like retards, measure dicks, make extra muscles and be stressed and suicidal
All a man needed was to provide for society to get a wife
Do you really believe that men like me, millions like me, provided ZERO value to this society before realizing about the reality and becoming jaded?
Socrates was an absolutly ugly man, so ugly that his friends teased him about it all day and yet he had a wife. At the time of his death, he even had a 2 year old.
Why? Becuase he was a war hero, he fought a war, protected his society and got a just reward
What about us? Did we just hurt people all day? Nope those are criminal
We were lawful people providing value and were neglected
The contract was broken form society side
Then we saw how criminals are treated
I know a 42 year old man who never had a wife nor kids, still fucking paying student loans, yet there are plans to forgive student loans for criminals
In what world a man need to provide in this shithole?
About what you said, I do neither
I siphon money from govenrment, I donate none, I help no one
Pretty good mindset, stress free, relaxing and fun and engaging
You can’t define “winner loser” by how much of a cuck you are

>> No.56793181

no eating i see
therefore no shitting, genius timehack

>> No.56793202

>nothing in life is 100%
that faggot sure is acting like it is. you think the millions of failed businesses weren't created by "real men"? the hundreds of people who lost everything they own in a wild fire because the earth is dying aren't "real men"? how about that soldier who died and left everything behind - a wife, kids, house..he isn't a "real man" for enabling your shit worldview? the thousands of homeless in your own cities aren't "real people"? holy fuck people like you are the last people we'll help when the real shit hits the fan. and trust me, you'll need it.

>> No.56793267

Luckily for you, you don't need to be a war hero and risk your life to get a wife.

You just need to make decent money in a time where you have all the world's information available for free, and stay in shape.

You can do this.

>> No.56793283

You are a pretentious faggot with no pussy and no business

>> No.56793299

Also LOL
>"don't need a business!"
>"I never said as an employee!!">>56792817
LMFAOOO you're a walking contradiction, you stupid low IQ nigger retard

>> No.56793319

Socrates was ONE dude.
Not everyone needed to be a war hero
Yes, defense was forced on all men, but all men ALSO had a wife
Socrates didn’t just get a wife for being a warhero, he had a wife beforehand anyway
>you just need to make money
How much? How much is enough? None of my ancestors (which I can actually go back for few gen) had a wife before seriously started working
How come now I have to start MAKING good money, just to have a CHANCE of competing with millions of other men across thousands of kilometers over a woman, when my ancestors were able to get without any issue?
No thank you.
I am a man, not a slave.
Stress and hardship doesn’t worth it when there is noone to greet you at the end of the day.
Not saying this is ideal, but I rather not chase the dragon.

>> No.56793325

>>"don't need a business!"
I didn't say this retard. I'm seeing why you have so much trouble in life.

How do you think you're going to make decent money using knowledge from the internet?

That's right, with a business.

>> No.56793331

Correction: all my ancestors (who I can trace back for few gen) had a wife before seriously started to work

>> No.56793338

You are a dumb nigger that contradicted yourself, nigger
And you don't even have a business lmao. You like to lecture as if you even have this shit LMAO

>> No.56793342

My grandma has 21 grandchildren. I bet she doesn't feel like a nobody.

>> No.56793348

>start your own business!!
>I never said as an employee
>start your own business
admitting that being an employee is ass yet above say "you just need to make decent money as an employee"
You contradict yourself too much. You low IQ retard. Holy shit

>> No.56793359

care to teach me how to be you for free, right now? and don't cut corners, i want to be BETTER than you so i can post on twitter about how much less of a man you are than me. give me a step by step and be specific. i'll wait.

>> No.56793364

The nigger is a larping nigger. They also lecture people to "just start a business" yet don't have one. The faggot is not even 18

>> No.56793366

the days are simply not long enough to do this
I use to have a similar routine but after ive worked, did my workout and cooked/did chores i only had 7 hours of sleep left sometimes less
these faggots give life advice but they dont even test it first

>> No.56793369

My ancestor business
>learn the skill
>provide value
My business
>learn skill
>get gutted by Chinese cheap imports or cheap workers

>> No.56793383

>oh no some niggers said whitey bad my life is ruined
it's not society that hates you. you hate yourself because you're a loser.

>> No.56793391

>but all men ALSO had a wife
Didn't 1/3rd (not sure on the exact no.) of all men in any era die alone? I'm pretty sure the 1:1 pairing (discounting prolific studs such as H.G. Wells) has only really been a thing in European society and even then it's no guarantee you would have obtained a wife >100 years ago.
>I am a man, not a slave.
Then why do you flail around on backwater imageboards complaining about being single despite having material wealth? You're not a man, you're a narcissist.

>> No.56793393

No, I'm pretty fucking sure society is devolving, you dumb nigger.
Measure buying power and barrier to entries and you'll see what I'm talking about. Would you like me to spoonfeed you this?

>> No.56793394

This thread is full of autistic vermin including yourself

>> No.56793402

sliiiiide thread !!!
weeeeewoooo drink ice cold water my niggers it's super good for your body!! you totally shouldn't just drink stuff that keeps the body at its normal operating temperature of 37 degrees celcius!!

only idiots drink ice cold water. Chinese medicine laughs at you

>> No.56793404

>Measure buying power and barrier to entries
all i hear is "i can't adapt", so you'll be left behind. good riddance


>> No.56793412

But don't you see, despite >>56793319 being part of the 30% of alone men today he wouldn't have been part of the 30% then. He would've been a gigabased philosopher warrior with a harem of tradwives!

>> No.56793421

all I hear is brown nosing from a jewish nigger

>> No.56793425


>Waahhh I can't get everything I want in life with zero effort so I'm just going to chud out and doompost my life away instead!

>> No.56793429

What's your business in again? Lmao
Pretentious faggot. You don't even have money yet want to lecture

>> No.56793434

So what's your business in again, you dumb nigger? Lmao
That's what I thought. Lower your tone

>> No.56793448

stop taking the outrage bait. even tom brady got cucked from marriage. what fucking chance do normal niggers have with westernised women? you dont need to defend your neetdom from anyone. none of these niggers give a fuck about you anyway.

>> No.56793449

>oh no some niggers
>oh no some politicians
>oh the president of nation is happy about whites becoming a minority
>oh they literally want to take my money to pay for reperations
>oh they just attacked me for being white
You are in step 5 if you saw blm riots
Oh also I hate society
>1:1 pairing was only in Europe
Nope. Why do you think Muslims liked slaves so much? You know who were the best slaves, even before Islam for Arabs? Syrian women
What about Vikings? Do you think they enslaved for land only? No it was a reward for men by giving them a free wife
Hell we can go as far as Hammurabi table and how the civilized Babylon laws put women below women and gave them death sentence for being adulterous while men allowed to have as many slaves as they can
Hell just look at today islam of “only 4 wives” why only 4? Becuase they didn’t want to end up with single men by allowing rich men to even have more wives.
Why? Becuase this https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsuyama_massacre what could have happened when you left men in perpetual incel mod.

>> No.56793454
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>> No.56793467

You need to worry about your own life, buddy.

I'm doing just great.

>> No.56793484

You should take your own advice then, nigger.

>> No.56793508

>oh no some niggers
dont care about niggers opinions
>oh no some politicians
dont care about politician opinions
>oh the president of nation is happy about whites becoming a minority
see point #1
>oh they literally want to take my money to pay for reperations
didn't happen, will never happen
>oh they just attacked me for being white
attacked? no they didn't lmao. god you're pathetic

>> No.56793527

How do I work out for 45 minutes without getting bored?

>> No.56793534

No I would have been a normal man with a guaranteed wife like every other Abled men Becuase of simply providing simple value to society
No? You can’t provide that? Ok so don’t expect from me or people like me to care
>Wahhhh competing with millions of men for everything over pussy is just how we used to live

>> No.56793539

do heavy weights so you feel the fucking SURVIVAL instinct.

>if I drop this barbell wrong I will get seriously injured or die

truth that faggot I'm serious

>> No.56793556

>don’t care about politicians opinions
>then suddenly BLM happens, burn your store and attack you in the street
>don’t care about politicians opinions
>then suddenly they force you to vax or they kick your ass
You can care as much as you want, the fact is that they hate you. I don’t want to help people who hate me.
I don’t know about you

>> No.56793585

lol go get adapt at sucking dick of foreigners that hate you then
I am not playing this masochistic game

>> No.56793610

i know they hate me - i hate them too. thats how tribes have always worked, but somehow we're living in the least violent times of human history and your biggest complaint is another tribe doesn't like you. WHO CARES. move on, live your life.

>> No.56793626

>posted on social media


>> No.56793653

my muscles are stressed enough already a hot shower or soak in a hot tub does 300x more than being cold ever will

I'm guessing it's good for normies because their brains are operating at tricycle speed while some of us need to slow down and clear our minds

>> No.56793656

Ye no
Tribes didn’t live like this next to each other
Tribes didn’t rule over the another tribe and treated them like shit unless they dominated them like slaves
No freeman would have endured this type of abuse without an actual revolution
So then, when there is no “Revolution” in the face of relentless abuse, it means you are a slave, albeit a well fed one.
You can play the slave master game
I won’t, and million like me won’t either.
Either you work harder, or government keep bringing more foreign workers to replace people like me.
Oh wait, they been doing it forever, even back when I was actually “productive”
They don’t need any excuse
So in conclusion, they don’t give me a wife, and they don’t see more than a number on a paper, and look for any excuses to replace me
Why would I give a SINGLE fuck about them or “society”?

>> No.56793658

Heres a blackpill about the "start your own business" meme

When you own a business your retarded as fuck customers/clients are your boss. Its a step up from working for Mr. Nosenburg but you better hope you get into a business where you can filter the retard side of the bell curve. I have a small side business right now, and the things I have seen so far in just filling 100 orders. Scale that up to thousands and you will see a side of humanity you wish you never knew existed.

>> No.56793669

>least violent time in history
this has to be bait.

>> No.56793671

Also I like how your “live your life” is basically “comply with whatever they say” which includes forced vax and god knows what in the future

>> No.56793681

>that 2nd esl post in the green

>> No.56793701

>deal with stress
Fucking idiot. You don't "deal with" stress. You experience stress, or you don't. Who gives a fuck about your personal feeling of acclimation to it?

Everyone who cold plunges is stressing their body, regardless of how they feel about it. You can fry your stress response to no longer register pain when you go in, but it doesn't matter. You're still injuring yourself.

Wim Hof looks like a fucking homeless man. And he talks like one.

>> No.56793710

>I won’t, and million like me won’t either.
yeah you will. you have no choice.

i agree on the forced vax bit tbqh

>> No.56793731

Watch me
Government money is the best treatment ever

>> No.56793764

thats not a make it strategy, thats just being functional
and you have "start working" for "8-10 hours" ofc that can include trading if that's your method to making money

>> No.56793799

there is really nothing controversial about those 5 requirements so the fact that you have gooncave goblins squealing at you over them i guess proves you have a point

>> No.56793806

i get it now. you're disabled and trying to cope with it

>> No.56793827
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That's why i keep telling you bros. Buy into the lowest mcap coins out there. Buy into VINU, into XOR. Into CAKE. Whatever you want but make sure you accumulate enough of them shitcoins until the ROI gets so stupidly low you basically have a perma farm of profit and you only put 1k at the most. Be smart, stop stressing out

>> No.56793907

lol nope not even close
But to the government there are plenty “wrong” so they pay me

>> No.56793909

>le start your own le business

>start small business
>government shuts it down at gunpoint because of the flu

what now?

>> No.56795527

you're right. The cold shower meme is retarded and can cause heart problems. Not to mention that rapidly switching temperatures makes your blood more likely to clot.

>> No.56796121

>Several studies have demonstrated that cold temperature serves as a potential risk factor in cancer development. Most recently, a link was demonstrated between the effects of extreme cold climate on cancer incidence, pinpointing its impact on tumour suppressor genes by causing mutation

imagine being this illiterate.

>> No.56797876

>dark in the morning dark at night
Yes this is depressing and work is just staring at a screen.

You forgot insurance and wealth/asset structuring to keep your money out of the hands of greedy kikes

>jeets and vaxies on biz are afraid of the cold

>> No.56798018

My ancestors are dust and bones.

They aren’t laughing at shit.

>> No.56798067

I work 7 to 5. It's dark to and from work.

>> No.56798097

lol. lmao even.

>> No.56798509

The stress is the reason to chase crypto pumps, because we crave the excitement; the money is an afterthought. Remember when some guidance counselor told you to "find something you love to do, and you'll never 'work' another day in your life?" Yeah, it's like that.

>> No.56799950


>> No.56799973

Happiness comes from within, why do you care if someone else likes you or doesn’t like you?

>> No.56800033

Society then should value men a whole lot more than it does, rather than setting men up to run on a hamster wheel that just gets spun faster and faster all the time to benefit the banking and political class.

>> No.56800156

>just work and drink beer bro, weekends are for netflix!
What a horrible existence.

>> No.56800157

All of that manly talk to end with
>you're being selfish, straight up
kek gay

>> No.56800208
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Ask yourself why is that people you don't know are trying to convince you to not invest your money and spend all your time working.
Pro tip: They're not trying to help you.

>> No.56801254

While you are right you need to break out of the negative mindset
It's another trick from the entities who want to enslave us all and have us murder each other

>> No.56801306

kek, perfect reply

>> No.56801497

Maybe if society wasn't filed with self hating whites and browns. But who am I kidding, I would still wageslave if I were given the opportunity for a good job, but because I'm white that's not going to happen.

>> No.56801721

Taking the risk of making life changing money is better than not doing it.
Hopefully the likes of ACH and CYMI will be life changing altcoins for me

>> No.56801762

>Wim Hof looks like a fucking homeless man. And he talks like one.

>> No.56801775

There is no negative minset.
It’s literally, no pussy, no society.
Everything else is a byproduct

>> No.56801787


>> No.56801930

No its your role as a bitch. Pay my welfare piggy *wkchiii*

>> No.56801948

>>your ancestors didn’t know what suicide IS
what tons of people committed suicide in the past what are you talking about?

>> No.56801956

Yeah I would rather post meaningless garbage on social media and get upset over nothing all day. Such a fulfilling life.

>> No.56801975

I prefer drinking room temp water, ice cold water lowers your body temp. Unless it's a hot day I don't want that.

>> No.56801985

Ye much better than ACTIVELY working for the benefit of people who hate you
I rather be an angry parasite than a “happy” working goy

>> No.56802000

Ye in extreme fucking conditions, not because of shit like bullying or mental illness or being poor or lonely

>> No.56802001

You aren't a parasite, you are just meaningless. Stop giving yourself so much credit.

>> No.56802014

My life is simple, successful and I am happy. However when I try impart my wisdom on others they flaunder and tend to end up in a worse state then when they started. Each person needs to find their own way. E.g. if I lived like 'Denmo' I would want to kill myself within weeks.

>> No.56802019

I am a beneficiary of your taxes lol
comfort yourself howeve you can
I don’t work for them

>> No.56802099

A great many people (some of them are in this very thread!) mistakenly interpret the stimulant-like effects of a high cortisol state as something beneficial, and people who do this will double down on pro-stress behaviors because they've fucked up their ability to identify a healthy hormonal balance. They think they're doing a good thing and they feel great for a few years until their adrenal system collapses under the stress and they have to spend the next 5 years repairing the damage - if they're smart enough to figure out what caused it in the first place, which they're probably not.

Plenty of people just keep doubling down their entire lives and just can't understand why cold showers, caffeine, and exhaustive workouts don't give them the same energy they used to.

>> No.56802100

>45 minutes
No such thing + waste of time
Every choice is a death sentence. We are all gonna die. Some of us will get to breed before 40. Others will keep holding bags in the hopes they get "rich" when they are 50 and throw it all on an overpriced house that they won't be able to afford the property tax on.
The only way to fight back is by making little versions of yourself. Make sure you have at least 4 of them because statistically some will be corrupted.

>> No.56802101

There is always pussy available and micro-societies
Entities which feed on human suffering and division want you to feel excluded and voluntarily exclude yourself
Also Moot owes us sex

>> No.56802211

Constitutionlet detected. Cold water therapy is based.

>> No.56802260
File: 1.45 MB, 2074x1769, Wolgemut danse macabre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the meaning of life, I so pronounce it on my social media

>> No.56802849

If pussy available in only “micro societies” then I don’t owe the larger society anything either way
I yet to see those “micro-societies ” anyway

>> No.56803067

The sun doesn't come up until 9:30 when I'm st work. I need to leave 7:30 to commute.
45m workout needs travel time as well and showering so I need to get ready for that at 6:15. But also the hanginf around outside at 6:00 or whatever I guess.
Just wake up at 5 bro. Just sleep from 21:00.
Get to bed at 20:30.
So come bacl from work at 18:30, eat like a maniac to hang with friends and browse social media from 19:00 till 20:30

>> No.56803210

>tfw the people who hates you also have control of the country
>they can easily manipulate retards to actually kill you in the streets or come to your house and kill you for not complying
Covid and blm shit show was not enough to show that it’s not just “talk”?

>> No.56803366

You spend too much time on the internet.

>> No.56803463

>almost got fired because Becuase refusing to get the shot
>unable to speak about the injustice Becuase their government trained npc will come after me
Ye bro, it’s just on the internet and won’t affect your paycheck
See you when they force you to pay reperations

>> No.56803644

When the fuck does this guy get up? Also I don't have friends or a girl. They all moved away or don't talk to me anymore and she left. I'm done. I don't even have the will to game or do anything degenerate.. I'm just a dead soul. It's cringe to say this but I genuinely don't know how to fix anything.

>> No.56803660
File: 89 KB, 402x300, BFEB5FE8-33C5-4ECD-B7C6-46BC5990FF18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t need to eat man. My Dplay account eats instead kek

>> No.56803670

Seeing their app, those two look like they will lead the crypto payment narrative in the bull market

>> No.56803984

>provide me with a wife
>talks about neocavemen societies
you're a deluded incel and I don't say that often.

>> No.56804114

What do you think neocaveman is you fucking idiot?
Pre civ men lived like cavemen and they had no Allegiance to people because nothing was guaranteed for them
When society started, men given the guarantee of a wife and kids and in return defended their people and society even to death
Why do you think all the culture, all across the world is reviving around “save women and children”
Do you think men were just SOOO into saving people? Nope
Those women and children were included THEIR OWN women and children too
Now, given that “incels” can’t have a wife, nor children, should they or can they care about other people women and children? Or the society? Nope
Hence the neocavemen, men who have no reason to help out others because they really don’t believe in a society that can provides for them
In a sense, they live before society
Now which part was “deranged”?

>> No.56804463

They demand self sacrifice without giving men anything.

>> No.56806244
File: 96 KB, 588x521, 7478A2FB-F915-456E-AFB8-8FB6DFA1EF92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your girl

Haha yeah haha…

>> No.56806676

Well said. Saving this to my "favorite 4chan posts" txt file. When I'm rich I'll frame it.

>> No.56806753

Yep like the deranged op pic, and a lot of gen x and boombooms, (ramsy for example) they still live in the pre men-disenfranchisement, were men justly rewarded for their effort, aka a proper society. As such they expect men to also give back and behave the same. But they are out of touch with reality. The reality that men receive nothing in return for their work and have no reason to give a fuck about society.
They are still trying to use the pathetic shame tactics of what means to be “manly” not realizing that being “manly” is literally a response to how much society cares about them.
Why a man even need to compete in providing “value” when he is never going to win in anything?!
They cant answer this

>> No.56807102

why does he not just inject cortisol after waking up? same effect as his retarded routine.

>> No.56807989

we are not allowed to defend ourselves by law.
is this guy telling me to attack to government?

>> No.56808800
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Well /biz/... Do you?

>> No.56809077

Lost me at start working

>> No.56809185
File: 2.84 MB, 1440x810, g8IQ4h9ZYfFbh3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>day is 24 hours
>8-10 hours per day wasted being a wagie

>> No.56809466

Life is way simpler and seamless using CryptMI for my daily transactions.

>> No.56811672
File: 68 KB, 896x780, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Life is a lot simpler than you think it is

>Wake up at random hours with no alarm clock
>spend some time watching your portfolio
>have a 2 hour fap session while watching charts
>Drink coffee so you don't have to buy food or cook shit & start posting frogs and fudding LINK
>After 8-10 hours of typing captchas go and call somebody a nigger/faggot
>Don't go on social media, you don't even have an instagram account

>That's it

>> No.56812478

Fucking Slave-World Robot so proud of himself. Those that love their servitude are the worst kind of house-slaves.

>> No.56812506

>elites think of him as like a literal number on a spreadsheet and are eager to replace him in an instant
>he thinks he must provide value for DA world>>56792862

>> No.56812995

checked. yeah, he "works"
useless eater.

>> No.56813013

I have none of those things. Sounds gay anyway. My mind works in mysterious ways.

>> No.56813716

Holyshit, imagine being proud of being a slave for mr kikeberg.

>> No.56813987

so much projection and overthinking in this thread

prioritize doing something that makes you slightly more than minimum wage to have an ok life, and if you are educated, procure a job that can get you far above minimum wage. maybe sabe capital and invest or start your own thing. that's it. if you want to watch a shit ton of tik tok and youtube and streamers or play videogames or draw porn, whatever, if it makes you happy and you have money to exist, the world is your oyster and it's up to you.

you don't need to start a family, you don't need to have a girlfriend, you don't need to have an expensive car or an expensive phone, all of that is optional. it'll earn you wealthy guy points but if you don't really care about that (and you feel like it won't give you anything in return ie networking opportunities) then don't bother. it's really that simple.

stop chasing made up objectives other people try to convince you are necessary. they aren't. nothing but making enough money to live above poverty/lower class, that's the only true objective in life.

>> No.56814011

also i didnt mean having a family will earn you points of anything lol that's a decision that will objectively change the rest of your life and if you are not attracted to the idea of practically dedicating yourself to your own kids and your wife etc then just don't do that. nobody is forcing you, bloodline and things like that are complete bullshit in my opinion. if you think you will be happier like that then try and find a girl that you actually really like and you think you can love.

>> No.56814298

that's like a fungus telling me to sit still on a log and absorb moisture

>> No.56814764

> how to live a life as a pleb that know nothing about it's own civilization and corruption while complaining about the rise of inflation and rise of prices of everything
what a loser

>> No.56814976


>> No.56815042

I failed at the friends and gf part

>> No.56815082

Yeah, because being McWagie #91028490 is totally meaningful

>> No.56815106

>don't go on social media


What a fraud.

>> No.56815457
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what a messy ass thread lol
buy btc, buy iq protocol, buy injective protocol, buy chainlink, get a wfh job while crypto is in the process of pumping massively, sit back and relax

life can be simple not because you adopt a working drone mindset, or a sigma ceo whatever grindset, or whatever other gay little personality in a box people like to sell, it can be simple if you find ways to make it simple. simple as.

>> No.56817307
File: 6 KB, 250x234, 1701278164192773s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dumb nigger, you'll end up sentencing yourself to death for working full time. Crypto is the easy way to financial freedom and XLM, XTP, MATIC, and SHIB are the long term players to ride with.