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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56779751 No.56779751 [Reply] [Original]

Kadena beach edition

>> No.56779780

kek chink baggie jannie go eat your banana ketchup

>> No.56779801

I have 100 kadena. I literally don't know anything about the project. Why shouldn't i sell now and buy something else?

>> No.56779844
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What are you going to buy?

>> No.56779866

I might just double down on avax

>> No.56779870

What do you like about aVAX

>> No.56779883

scalability and tps also big companies interested. I thought this was a Kadena thread?

>> No.56779900

We usually talk about female penis in kadena threads, so don't worry about it.
How do you think scalability will work out in aVAX? The 3 chains are single chain and hit a limit after some volume which leads to high fees, can you explain how their sidechains will solve this?

>> No.56779907

I wish i could

>> No.56779914

So does the CEO of Avax.

>> No.56779924

What does banana ketchup taste like?

>> No.56779933

am i being datamined?

>> No.56779963

Chart looks good I guess. I'm buying up every shit alt that hasn't doubled from the lows yet

>> No.56780107
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a little bit, also checked

>> No.56780115

These threads have /vg/ vibes

>> No.56780117

opened a margin buy position on kadena, i'm now one of yours for the foreseeable future

>> No.56780128
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I see the Katawa Shoujo fans are now on their 3983rd thread. Thank you for reminding me /vg/ existed and making me check.

>> No.56780131
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Is this a good thing?

>> No.56780140


>> No.56780214

>I see the Katawa Shoujo fans are now on their 3983rd thread
Impressive considering it doesn't even have an anime adaptation or anything like that. It's just 1 VN that was made by some people on 4chan a decade ago that probably barely even post anymore if at all.

>> No.56780736

We're buying THT, it's just been approved by Asuka-anon in another thread.

>> No.56780775

Don't forget lilAI

>> No.56780839

Pinakoin 2 cent a coin!

>> No.56780846

You have your own off topic thread.

>> No.56780869
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>> No.56781148

wen ATH frens?

>> No.56781924
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>> No.56782197
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I would love to hear the insights of someone that has greater financial wisdom than my retarded ass
Normie sentiment is still crypto is dead but they are getting a slight sense of fomo since it breached 30k and for some reason the blackcock etf (which imo is a nothingburger) might send a momentary pump
The oldfag / grifter sentiment is that we will see one last capitulation before the bull market
The average bizraeli sentiment is that we are currently in a bull market and to load up your bags a$ap rocky or rope in a few months
I might be wrong, but I agree the most with the oldfag sentiment. The market is irrational and will always remain as such, but the consensus changes every other month it seems. The biggest black swan event Beenance death didn't effect the market in the slightest.
If everyone believes there will be a capitulation before the bull, then will there be a capitulation precisely because everyone believes there will be one? Or would the inverse be true, everyone believing in capitulation and thus it won't happen.

>> No.56782284
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>spouting completely nonsensical fud you know is incorrect out of pure envy of the superior protocol
no need to be intellectually dishonest anon. The bottleneck was fixed within a few days just like the doublemint. There are hundreds of "chains" on avax currently, EVM compatible doesnt mean exclusive but I'm sure you knew that. All future financial infrastructure will be built on avax, JPMorgan, Deloitte, citibank etc all believe as such. Avax already won, I can see you're having a difficult time with this. I'm here for you.

>> No.56782662

Damn, time to swap my KDA for AVAX

>> No.56783272

>The bottleneck was fixed
Yeah the bottleneck of a single chain blockchain. Was just fixed. Great chat.

>> No.56783548
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>tech illiteracy fails to comprehend the basics of the avalanche consensus
>these are the people giving financial advice
I thought you were being intellectually dishonest but it turns out you're just retarded
The "single chain blockchain" that experienced higher than expected gas fees due to an insane amount of volume was the C-Chain, which is EVM and not Avalanche native. The issue was resolved 2 years ago within 48 hours at the release of Snowman++ which allowed it to handle 100x the volume and transactions at 1/1000th the cost. You don't seem to understand the difference between EVM and the Avalanche Consensus.
Kadena scales to what ? 20 chains? lmao. I remember when your kike devs asked people not spam the network with their 3 users and congest it as they couldn't handle even their pathetic amount of transactions.
What has Kadena done the past 2 years? Oh? Nothing? Lol.
The fact of the matter is, Avax has been constantly innovating throughout the bear market, IC3, scales infinitely, ethereums successor, and every single financial congolmerate is choosing to build on Avalanche. Get over yourself

>> No.56783593
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Uh oh.

>> No.56783636
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Oh noes
what am I

>> No.56783787

>ethereums successor, and every single financial congolmerate is choosing to build on Avalanche.
>the most popular blockchain explorer everyone uses and loves decides to not build on AVAX
Uh oh.

>> No.56783801
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It’s missing a FUN in the environment

>> No.56783819

You seem so unaware when it comes to the very basics of how a blockchain even works, I'm not sure how you are able to call people retarded and intellectually dishonest without feeling like a dumbass.
Do you think the C-Chain can do unlimited tps because they just fixed it via consensus? The reason why it's fixed is because people stopped using it, or maybe they went full BSV and I missed it.