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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 59 KB, 300x261, 148-1486473_7819534-white-people-ting (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56756434 No.56756434 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /biz/ its time. What coins are you thankful you bought this past year? Any you are thankful to be able to buy cheap right now?

>> No.56756452

>Blacks think whites eat prison meals because it's the only time they see food served to them by whites
Responding to your image, not your post, which is what you wanted anyway you baiting fuck. And no bump for you either

>> No.56756477


>> No.56756488
File: 9 KB, 168x300, images (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stereotypes comes from truths anon

>> No.56756504

That image is kind of funny because the image on the left is a picture of a prison meal so it has more in common with black people that it does with white people. Hehe.

>> No.56756521

turkey just sucks ass as a meat and no one looks forward to it on thanksgiving, even if nogs smother it in lawrys. blacks competing for scraps over this one

>> No.56756558


>> No.56756562

I love soul food

>> No.56756568
File: 9 KB, 242x208, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>turkey just sucks ass as a meat and no one looks forward to it on thanksgiving
Must be sad having a family that can't cook cultureless anon.

>> No.56756581

>white people


>> No.56756587

no wonder we went to war with southerners

>> No.56756615


>> No.56756623

Black people parents don't have to work because they are on welfare, so obviously their meals will look better if they can spend 10 hours in the fucking kitchen.

>> No.56756634

They food stay lookin better cuz dey be washin dey chiggin wit dawn soap n bleach not like dirty ahh white crackers who don even wash dey legs smellin like hotdog water kissin dey cat in the mouths

>> No.56756655


>> No.56756771
File: 61 KB, 976x850, ppeepee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys haven't said any coins you're thankful for

>> No.56756839

Do niggers eat their Thanksgiving meals on paper plates?

>> No.56756864

I am indeed grateful I’m not a nigger eating a prison thanksgiving special

>> No.56756894


>> No.56756915

Turkey is amazing, your family probably just hates seasoning dude. I put some 5pepper seasoning with a bit of salt / peppercorn and then deep fry it. Better than fried chicken.

>> No.56756929

Yes. They use up all their dish soap on uncooked meat.

>> No.56756950

dude probably doesn't even know turkey has dark meat

>> No.56756956

That was never what you wanted anyway, you stupid loveless fuck.
Must be sad having only 4chan for company and human attention today. I'm gonna go dig in with my family and wife.

>> No.56756994
File: 57 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dude on 4chan on Thanksgiving calls another anon sad for being on 4chan on Thanksgiving

>> No.56757123

for the most part

>> No.56757295

the image on the left is what white peoples thanksgiving looks like mostly though

>> No.56757321
File: 9 KB, 192x262, thorazine3882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stinky cheapies tonight with the PS.

>> No.56757363

And it's what prison food is. Which makes it more related to blacks than to whites.

>> No.56757553

"Black food" was all stolen from White people though. I fucking hate americans.

>> No.56757814
File: 67 KB, 1080x1069, 1672680628794050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao why the fuck is this thread about food and not about the fucking coins that we were talking about? anyway im personally thankful for dcaing in btc as the lord intended, and staking in kava, the best investments i made this wretched year

>> No.56757830

Ima buy cheap chiken and sell it to black people

>> No.56757849

it is not so difficult to hide that you are being paid dirty pajeet

>> No.56757852

anon did you like kanye west?

>> No.56757861

i swear to god if you are going to make a joke or reference to his fight with taylor swift i am going to find you and kill you with nail clippers

>> No.56757866

I thought they ate fried chicken with beer

>> No.56757870

let's celebrate the genocide of the true settlers of the continent yeey

>> No.56757873

let him cook, let him cook i wanna hear it

>> No.56757877

I do, whats wrong with it?

>> No.56757882

they murder themselves for centuries, what's the difference?

>> No.56757888

26% apy is not sustainable brother

>> No.56757890

we should not get into that today anon

>> No.56757894
File: 727 KB, 1286x1362, 1672938412028356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Disgusting, gray, souless slop with 0 spices
This looks putrid.

>> No.56757896

Unironically made me burst in laughter. Good stuff anon, thank you

>> No.56757918
File: 54 KB, 638x1011, 1601295012938591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought btc @ 19k cheap, I'm grateful for the biggest dip of my life and the stolen lands we forcefully took from degenerate cannibals, amen

>> No.56758238
File: 905 KB, 1080x1074, Screenshot_20231120-094710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am glad I bought a shitload of POKT between .03 and .05. Blockchain agnostic, huge partnerships (Infura, AAVE...) and already a perfectly running and revenue making product. It's down 97 % from ath, and is now in full reversal mode. X10 in a few weeks easy.

>> No.56759675


>> No.56759731

I'm thankful for buying Nexa before it went parabolic this week.

>> No.56759741

Wy pipo don season dey food

>> No.56759759

There are some white ethnics that have a background of culinary advancements, Germans, Italians, Spanish mostly.

Yea it's true most of the northern whites in America are awful with culinary preparation, I believe it's a culture purposely designed for exploitation, to keep them buying frozen dinners and fast food.

>> No.56759763

>anglo women are shit at cuisine
>surpassed by niggers
Good job mmmmmmuricans

>> No.56759799

Weird that you would not mention french as an example

>> No.56759853

No culture some say

>> No.56759876


Yes the French also

>> No.56759913

Thankful I bought bhs at 0.025. Thank you cmmg. Also bought a nigger load of btc after the ftx collapse but everyone with half a brain could've done that.

>> No.56760146
File: 1011 KB, 3468x4624, 20231122_123315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

steak beats turkey everytime

>> No.56760650

Thanksgiving is about spending time cooking and feasting with family, its petty and sad to turn it into a race issue on a day dedicated to a sense of community.
On topic: BTC + TRU

>> No.56760719

>uneven sear
>unmelted (looks like pre-shredded) cheese on the conchi
>butter applied to the outside of the cornbread rather than the more textured inside
>no butter on the mash
I'd still whorf it down but come on anon

>> No.56760758


>> No.56760770 [DELETED] 
File: 1.89 MB, 2448x1396, garloids_lmfao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brought some garloids from the local market

>> No.56760796
File: 1.90 MB, 1280x960, 1979874646_1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im incredibly thankful for XOR. Not only is it extremely profitable, it's high tech, it has devs actually doing what they say they will do, and the xor card approved by mastercard is the cherry on top, definitely a must have in your folio

>> No.56761118

Supra public sale, I'm so glad I didn't miss out.

>> No.56761164

lmao is supra really paying jeets to spam here? guess it's not a competitor to link after all

>> No.56761365

niggers believe that "white people food" is what they get served for school lunch (for FREE) and what they eat in jails and prisons.
they are oblivious to the fact actual white people are the leading chefs in the world.
>see Gordon Ramsey
>see Emril Lagasse

and a niggers idea of cooking involved mixing spices that have no business going together in such a cooking disaster only someone with a room temp IQ could call it "a meal"

t. i am literally a /ck/ elite chef.

>> No.56761405
File: 227 KB, 500x913, 1544219542537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blacks think whites eat prison meals because it's the only time they see food served to them by whites
lmao niggers on suicide watch

>> No.56761423
File: 566 KB, 1440x1080, IMG_4129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oldfag here
>made $800k last bullrun from shib
>hates fuckin shib
>see’s the next shib for this bullrun
>turns out to be 4chan’s memecoin
>sells kids, wife & doge to ape in

going full degen retard into this fkn shit maybe buy epstiens island after kek

>> No.56761434

>mention germs
>no mention of the frogs
It's literally their greatest achievement on this planet, you don't have the right to deny them their good food. They must be asleep because i was expecting at least one to chimp out at your post already, explaining how they have 80% of the 3 stars michelin chefs in the world, won most high cuisine competitions, invented french fries and macarons, and so on...
I once had the displeasure to say i liked germans wieners in front of a faguette chef and he went on for fucking hours about how german food is shit and how superior french saucisses are, then proceeded by listing a gazillion different local sausages and how to prepare them. I wanted to kms.

>> No.56761857

I'm grateful for Presales and IDOs as they've given me the chance to catch up with token that have done multiples in the long run, and that being said I'm anticipating OpenGamesBuilders IDOs, a GameFi project that has done tremendously well with its vast array of games.

>> No.56761885

More proof that Europeans aren't fucking wh*te

>> No.56761932


>> No.56762668

Ask me how I know you're white

>> No.56762936




>> No.56762955

OP Absolutely BTFO

>> No.56763110

White people in this thread sure are mad about being exposed. Just because there are world-class white chefs doesn't mean your aunt knows how to cook a turkey that doesn't taste like cardboard. I'm sorry for your packing peanut stuffing. Have fun chewing those undercooked greens.

>> No.56763129

>Giving Grandma's fine china to little Susie who trips over one of a dozen cats and drops it
Dumb idea.

>> No.56763137

There are more white people in prison than black anon.

>> No.56763149

Racism is a brainrot that induces tunnel vision and ocd.

>> No.56763190
File: 173 KB, 1080x1402, responses-to-a-joke-about-how-white-people-cant-cook-v0-1eyedwaism7b1~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56763205


>> No.56763255

I'm glad I got to find out about ride this year anon

>> No.56763295

Really weird how schleus don't do saucissons.
Which are objectively the best type of sausage in the world.
Salami is the closest, and that's absolute dogshit in comparison.

And Americans should be actively despised for their "cheese" alone.

>> No.56763320

White is a jewish category for goylems.
Isn't the fact that germans, the french and the english are lumped together NOT a laughable aberration, to you ?
Or, closer to your heart, isn't the fact that bantus, somalis , arabs and turks lumped together NOT a laughable aberration, to you ?

I understand how new world mongrels would find appeal in tying their mystery meat to actual humans, but please understand that lying is a mortal Sin.
I'm not white, i'm french, just like the Earth is not round, but flat.

>> No.56763793
File: 56 KB, 401x350, 148-1486473_7819534-white-people-thanksgiving-vs-black-people-thanksgiving.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it too late for ride anon?

>> No.56763868

Thats not a steak anon, thats a shoe sole

>> No.56764381
File: 2 KB, 125x101, 1676894802865473s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just the beginning anon. Remember to dyor

>> No.56764459

what the fuck is that unidentifiable mush of niggerslop supposed to be?

>> No.56764582

thanksgiving whiteboi

>> No.56764672

Not per capita.

>> No.56764741

>Isn't the fact that germans, the french and the english are lumped together NOT a laughable aberration, to you ?
I agree. But I didn't make up the distinction. I reserve my right to laugh at the cultural atrocities of people who don that mantle willingly.

>> No.56764758


>> No.56764828
File: 51 KB, 686x680, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56765923

Its suburban and rural Americans who get the most offended. It hits way too close to home

>> No.56766033

There's a dead spider in your potatoes but I don't know if that's a feature

>> No.56766305

are you white, bitch?

>> No.56767020


>> No.56767176

you racist FUCK

>> No.56767223

inconceivably based

>> No.56767324

Ew imagine eating food touched by black people

>> No.56767493
File: 120 KB, 962x642, IMG_5366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56767526


>> No.56767567

A balanced meal with respectable portions vs a steaming pile of calories laden with fat, salt and sugar. A fat black woman made this.

>> No.56767616

Literally true. Blacks eat well done steak with ketchup.

>> No.56767640

Blacks think Macaroni and Cheese is literally some sort of esoteric Afrikan culinary knowledge. Or that "wypipo" can't add spices to anything meanwhile the average GERMAN meal has more herbs and spices than some "Soul Food" abomination.

White people literally pillaged and conquered half of the 3rd world to get access to various exotic spices, but "they don't be using that salt". Sure thing, Shaniqua.

>> No.56767671

Average "bland" European recipe:

>Mince 3 cloves of garlic
>Add some caraway and bay leaf to the pot
>Garnish with parsley
>Serve with a salad and a nice vinagrette

Average "spicy Afrikan Soul Food"

>Dump a bunch of name-brand seasoned salt on the food
>Maybe add some lemon peppa y'all

>> No.56767702

Kek. You win the internet today ser

>> No.56767732

Wtf is thanksgiving anyway and why is it like a month before Xmas? So you have to drop everything to go to spend time eating turkey with family for a weekend, and then 4 weeks later do it all over again? What a headlock. Is it lime this or am i missing something?
t. Eurofuck

>> No.56767792

Thanksgiving is a fake holiday invented by (((Puritans))) because they thought Christmas was too problematic and fun. Most Americans treat Thanksgiving as just an excuse to eat way too much food and have a long weekend. It's an extra day off work where you have an excuse to eat too much.

>> No.56768165

this. so much this

>> No.56768203

Doesn't matter in this case, you're talking about incidental encounters with prison food. Objectively, that's a white people thing.

>> No.56768210

TRUE! -Donald Trump

>> No.56768223

>but "they don't be using that salt".
They don't though.
Oh, you're PRESSED pressed. I'll just leave you to stew (that's the only thing you can make anyway).

>> No.56768250
File: 49 KB, 474x703, e6dbfd667f2ecdfc3d21867895aa4ace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56768274

what are black pepo making? "bought from popeyes"?

>> No.56768349
File: 19 KB, 405x720, inbound8384218146427194415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thankful that XTP dipped again, allowing me to purchase at the bottom. This is a golden opportunity that I won't miss.

>> No.56768392

>Doesn't matter in this case
Yes it does.
There's a higher percentage that a nigger has eaten prison food thus making this joke about themselves more than anyone else. Simple as.

>> No.56768404

Real food that tastes good

>> No.56768443


>> No.56768466

Grateful for FET, INJ, RDNT and SPOOL(Bought this about a day before it went ahead to give me a 7x). Lol

>> No.56768674
File: 440 KB, 866x846, 1621344412892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You niggas still need to be thankful to soramitsu and makoto takemiya for being the only good crypto legends that haven't been sued for fraud.

>> No.56768746

It's DUA, anon. I bought it just a few days ago, and it already went up by 70%. My Thanksgiving is truly special because of this. I can't help but wonder how much more it will rise when the Brillion wallet is released.

>> No.56768954

and what's that? "bought from popeyes"? xDDDD

>> No.56769240

I'm poor so I take some skin-on chicken thighs, pat dry, apply dry rub, set in fridge for a day, brown in a pan until the skin is crispy, flip it over, pour in a bit of red wine and throw in some rosemary and garlic and simmer until cooked through. Kale, either simmered in stock with carrots or massaged with a vinaigrette and served with nuts/dried fruit. Good sourdough loaf or pita, toasted, with homemade hummus. Very rarely, hamburgers made with minced garlic and dijon mustard, topped with bacon, spicy sauce or aioli, tomato, basil, lettuce. Dessert will be fruit compote crepe.

But my parents didn't teach me how to cook, I had to learn myself. My aunt's recipe for chicken wings is more complex than some lab assignments in college, I don't do that one often.

>> No.56769263

>He doesn't understand
More white people in prison = more trays of prison food seeing white palates than any other type = the food has to be adjusted to white tastes (at least insofar as is required to avoid riots). Yet another racism-addled critical thought process, sad.

>> No.56769348

You don't understand. It's more common for blacks to see prison food than whites. Simple as.

>> No.56769380

nah mayn we also get served food by whites in public school cafeterias

>> No.56769548


>> No.56769673

Turkey season is for gobble-gobble-ing, not Goebbels-ing.

More white people in prison = more trays of prison food seeing white palates than any other type = the food has to be adjusted to white tastes, you simple-ass.

>> No.56769677
File: 58 KB, 1046x818, 372D81DF-995C-4B9C-96B7-CBD6288DBBDF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56769696

>More white people in prison
Not per capita. There are niggers exposed to prison food than there's white people exposed to prison food.
It's really that simple.

>> No.56769702

Oh wait I just realized you are now coping about how "they are adjusting to white taste" as if someone gave a fuck about what prisoners want.
I'll take that change in argument as you conceding.
Concession accepted.

>> No.56769862

>white taste
That's just bland food anon. Simple as

>> No.56769877
File: 3.51 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_0834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this delicious zucchini bread.

>> No.56769881

not my problem, I'm just quoting

>> No.56769896
File: 12 KB, 300x470, albino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about albinos like you?

>> No.56769910

>Doesn't know what good food is
YT exposed

>> No.56769920

which prison is this from?

>> No.56770005

Niggers don’t understand the concept of per capita. You need to explain it using an example they can understand. I prefer to compare it to free throw completions between two basketball teams. Niggers understand basketball.

>> No.56770835
File: 315 KB, 617x938, shiggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> White ethnics
> French

>> No.56770882

Blacks are obsessed with whites. They cannot move on. We understand the joke already. Haha?

>> No.56771114

Guess they're as good as dead now. Time to find new gems

>> No.56771217

Oh come on, why is /biz/ surprised about this food stereotype. Like we do, blacks are making fun of the tasteless vegan/s oy crap that white libs eat. Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.56771337

Ignorant fag? A little research would have shown you that FET is still buzzing on AI. SPOOL is primed for another huge pump as they just recently launched their v2. RDNT is solid in Defi. Still fully in the game. Kek

>> No.56771495

It's making fun of many white Americans having zero culture

>> No.56771568

>capitalizing 'Peoples' when referring to niggers, but not for Whites
You just know they would have used a lower case w to refer to Whites if it wasnt the start of the sentence too.
Fucking hate journalists

>> No.56771721

When did this launch take place? Must have missed it.

What's wrong with albinos?

>> No.56771813
File: 39 KB, 435x538, 5916359640_63f9c24523_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[smacks lips]
>at lees tuh grabbie gudt
Is a stereotype still a stereotype when it's largely truth?

>> No.56771981

Earlier this week. There has been some sort of shake up within the LSDFi community since its launch especially with the innovatives it brought with thr launch.

>> No.56772151

black people don't know most of the words you posted, idk what point you're trying to make. don't post a white people recipe and try to pretend like black peepo know what vinaigrette or sourdough are.

>> No.56772186

>one meal is on a prison tray and one meal is on paper plate
both meals are nigger tier

>> No.56772273

yeah, being a retarded white lib who absolutely, down to fucking religious zealotry, has to be 'health conscious'/'vegan'/'ethically decolonized' on every single fucking meal and can't even enjoy a decent turkey on thanksgiving without falling into paranoia and self hatred is having zero culture. god bless the blacks for mocking that shit

>> No.56772422

No prison gives a fuck about meetimg anyone's taste which is why prisons and detention centers routinely deny their inmates foods that meet kosher, halal, or vegan certifications.

>> No.56772555

I'm black you nigger.

>> No.56772598

>Denying non-white tastes
You're making my argument for me.
Turkey season is for gobble-gobble-ing, not Goebbels-ing.
More white people in prison = more trays of prison food seeing white palates than any other type = the food has to be adjusted to white tastes.
The simple-assing continues.
White people fall back on per-capita, in their fragility; they are unable to comprehend that their contribution to the country's ills is greater in absolute numbers. They keep picking at lesser overall contributers to avoid taking responsibility and solving the problem for good. This is the history of Western civilization.

>> No.56772771

Make better food and maybe use some seasonings and this would be true anon

>> No.56772817

Yeah all those non white jews and vegans or white people that convert in prison
Fucking retard

>> No.56772845

Lmao @ the 2 fragile hoes that have been seething since last night
Not even /pol/lyps are this insecure

>> No.56773401

thankful i'm still able to buy RAIL and FIRO cheap. the whole privacy narrative is getting more interesting.

>> No.56773537

>no argument
Concession accepted.
Why do niggers love bland food so much dude? Crazy stuff.

>> No.56773713

>t. Seething that he had to eat unseasoned chicken on thanksgiving
Sad but many such cases

>> No.56773814
File: 45 KB, 679x395, 1680406529156471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh seasnins
No one cares, nigger.

>> No.56774147

This should be reversed kek nigs are the ones eating dat kraf macaroniz un cheez

>> No.56774159

Where I'm from there's no thanksgiving.
Anyways, concession accepted.

>> No.56774283

I didn't make 17 posts, or even 3 posts like you, in a bait thread on a holiday weekend. I told OP to fuck off hours before my dinner started and haven't been back on 4chan until now, three days later to see this shitty bait thread is still up.
So basically, fuck you, fuck OP, and fuck the jannies. Hope your lonely Thanksgivings wertr as shitty as the rest of your terminally-online existences

>> No.56774290

>Where I'm from
Kek brown hands defending his unseasoned masters

>> No.56774313


>> No.56774357

This dude is coming back to an anonymous argument on 4chan thinking he's not a fucking loser kek

>> No.56775779
File: 132 KB, 1024x1024, oj 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to Whole Foods whitey

>> No.56775839


>> No.56775855

>gets blown the fuck out
lmao concession accepted

>> No.56775877

>Keeps bumping thread because he's so upset
Definitely hit you too close to home

>> No.56775889

>implying I don't sage every single one of my posts by default
concession accepted

>> No.56776028

>announcing sage
Unseasoned and newfag lmao. I can tell you're new here because you get so worked up

>> No.56776778
File: 439 KB, 1009x680, original-8161-1547074079-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any crypto you aren't thankfully for?

>> No.56778145

have another (you) on the house, good sir

>> No.56778176

>active effort to not (You)
You lost, unironically.

>> No.56778249

thankful i got into the SUPRA sale early on.

>> No.56778292

Total Nigger Death [TICKER: TND]

>> No.56778391

>makes "crypto" thread
>all of OPs posts involve shitty racebait
so this is why theres no more alpha here

>> No.56779263

How early?