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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56721355 No.56721355 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.56721383

boomers are knee jerking right now in their smelly old recliner

>> No.56721394

Based. Boomers btfo

>> No.56721423

niggers and browns already enjoyed free college, may as well let some whites have a few gibs

>> No.56721460

Why didnt he forgive mine?

>> No.56722027
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>$127B of $1800B
>specifically those who already paid 120 months

>> No.56722050

Now wait just a minute, I'm a zoomer and I have a recliner, lazy boys are comfy AF.

I actually use a lazy boy I got from a resale shop as my computer chair.

>> No.56722060

Didn't we just go through this and the Supreme Court told him to go back to sleep?

>> No.56722081

Joes not a gigantic shabbos goy pussy like trump so he (soros) just does as he pleases the courts be damned. Right side of history and all

>> No.56722112

Biden is having the government forgive loan balances after people have paid 120 months and other specific circumstance.

>> No.56722123

Based blatantly unconstitutional theft to pay off voter base

>> No.56722145

You are white male

>> No.56722173

Have you made 120 months of Judent Loans payments?

>> No.56722179

>Mostly paying off old people of dubious political standing
yeah yeah whatever

>> No.56722244

Imagine putting yourself in debt to go to school lol

>> No.56722281

The banks won't take a loss.
It will be covered by the government through emission.

>> No.56722306

This, also imagine you went into debt and then your field gets replaced by AI.

>> No.56722320

>the banks
he's forgiving federal loans. the government has the money. the "banks" are just student loan servicing companies, who don't hold the loan. they just service the loan and charge a jewish fee to do so.

>> No.56722334

The banks aren't the ones issuing most of the student loans; well over 90% are issued by the federal government. (Thanks Obama! ), and any of the forgiveness plans are only for the federally issued loans, not the minority of bank issued student loans.

Of course that leads to the question: if these loans are so predatory, why does the federal government keep issuing them? Maybe there should be a hard cap on the amount of federal student loans a person could take out. Or maybe we should get the feds out entirely, and make private loans dischargeable in bankruptcy. That is how it used to work in the US, and college was much cheaper relative to income than it is today. With unlimited loan money colleges have every incentive to keep jacking up prices.

>> No.56722342

We had to subsidize the indoctrination camps aka universities for the upcoming commie revolution.

>> No.56722357

This. In any reasonable country education should be free or nearly free.

>> No.56722385

>everything i dont like is gommunism
ask me how i know youre poor

>> No.56722406

I'm worth close to 2M € you fat fuck.

>> No.56722709

>close to 2M €
imagine being cocky about this amount, def enough for you to get mental health therapy

>> No.56722770

>Of course that leads to the question: if these loans are so predatory, why does the federal government keep issuing them?
Because education is a scam for the USA to launder trillions to the wide economy by loaning it out or direct funding to high ESG (high loss) "educational institutions" that "qualify" and then they paint a boomer target on young people who take the loans knowing it is free money in an economy where the Fed will not stop printing and you should sit your fat ass down on as much physical cash as anyone will hand you
Then you see tards I pay my principle I paid back every loan I took.. are people really that stupid? The richest people most are made by taking loans and not paying them back in a scrupulous way. Young people are just the scape goat to make boomers yell at them my credit score AHHHHHH!! When having student loans means you will always pay 0 unless you have the money to pay them and fuck I should have taken more to dump into crypto and made 1000x return than my entire education has made
Education is a programming center to make people into cuck mcmansion owners and the pressure is accelerating since boomers have to offload their mcmansion bags before they are dead

>> No.56722837

The federal government forgiving itself for laundering money through young people trying to seek first world education instead of just budgeting state education systems with literally the same money they printed to push through students to the same exact schools when they could just pay you to go to school cause you signed up for a career path to employment but that's right USA doesn't want to produce anything near civilization because civilization is a big mcmansion restaurant uber gig economy so people will just be tormented debt slaves and those who survive ate so many bluepills they torment the redpilled.. burn it all down it's not like there is anything physical and central to being academic any longer, we are all lucky the USA is designed against cancers like this when it crippled the Soviet Union and China cause they have scarcity, and the USA will consume its own national parks before making anything new of course

>> No.56722884
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What an abomination.
That money belongs to Ukraine.

>> No.56722905

I’m happy to have my taxes pay for student loans

>> No.56723130

I paid my $180k in student loans by myself. Whitoids are leaches.

>> No.56723162
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>> No.56723265

>dumb enough to pay off loans that have <5% interest
Unless you took unsubsidized loans in which case lmao why?

>> No.56723311
File: 28 KB, 570x344, Screenshot 2023-11-20 133814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took the loans out starting in 2011 until I graduated in 2015. I maxxed out on subsidized so I could only get unsubsidized and GradPlus loans thereafter. I started working in July 2015 and paid everything off by the beginning of 2018.

>> No.56723312

only federal loans. make sure to take those next time

>> No.56723770

the lessons you learned by paying off those loans will be infinitely more valuable than $160k

>> No.56725307

yeah but only people that are willing to pay those loans are in need of such expensive lessons

>> No.56725358


>> No.56725457

>you need to have made 120 payments
That’s 10 years for you who can’t do math. Zoomers eternally BTFO.

>> No.56725603

Dave Ramsey says less than 1% of those who apply for this version of loan forgiveness actually get it.

>> No.56726033

Make sure you don't pass gas in it.
Then it will last the rest of your life.

>> No.56726168

Yep, I think conservatives are too stupid to realize that the repayment plans are effectively the same thing that he was initially doing. The only difference is the debt is only technically wiped after 10-20 years instead of instantly, depending on the balance. Anyone who would have qualified for forgiveness before now qualifies for $0 minimum payment a month with 0% interest -- they're effectively not required to pay until the debt is wiped clean. Anyone who had a balance much higher than the forgiveness amount now has minimum monthly payment reduced from 10% to 5% of discretionary income.

Basically anyone who can't afford to repay won't have to and anyone who has the means to repay is required to. This round of loans has been successfully socialized.

>> No.56726629

>Among processed applications for Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF), 2.3% have been accepted since November 2020. Among denied claims, 24.6% are denied due to incomplete paperwork. 14.4% of PSLF applications have yet to be processed.
Sorry nigger. You're just going to be a debt slave for the rest of your life.

>> No.56726642

>>56722027 If it was irresponsible to loan the money in the first place, how is the commie government of the day bailing you out supposed to disincentivise people taking loans out for bullshit degrees in the future?
On the contrary you want arts students to be destitute and crippled as to serve as a warning to others.
t. Former arts student

>> No.56726693

PSLF is only for government and non-profit employees and had a 25 year forgiveness timeline (now 20 under Biden act). My post is about the new SAVE program from the Biden administration. Keep coping, nigger.

>> No.56726867

Kek boomers kneel. I still hate biden tho

>> No.56727114

>that government program is fucked, but this new government program that does the same thing will be different
Stupid nigger

>> No.56727195

It doesn't do the same thing, that's the point. Silly nigger.

>> No.56727266

I aint even mad about that. These are people who were paying it back for a very long time but getting fucked by the debt-slavery system, ironically as opposed to the lazy, dumb, entitled young commie golems who usually reee about loan forgiveness.

>> No.56727504

>forgiving retarded kids for taking courses that won't help them
how about you forgive some taxes from people that actually contribute to society, pedobiden?

>> No.56727543


>> No.56727578

It's even worse than that, conservatives ruled that banks and corporations are considered people by law. So it's quite literally socialism for rich people.

>> No.56727649

>free education, europe style, is bad
>but paying banks that loaned money to kids (so they can create yet another crisis in the future), is ok
america is such a retarded place...

>> No.56727682
File: 162 KB, 1200x1520, mitt_romney_official_us_senate_portrait_a8b5f482_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Corporations are people, friend.
It's actually crazy in that even when interest rates were zero or even negative (for banks and corporations) student loans were 5%+.

>> No.56727684

I pay like $2000 a year to the irs. I'm not paying shit towards your student loans. I will hold all my wealth in an IRA and withdraw below the threshold. My lifestyle guards me against your satanic wealth redistribution schemes. The majority of my contributions will be returned to me when I draw social security.

>> No.56727700

>I'm not paying shit towards your student loans
They just print the stuff, anon. Usually they hand it over to Ukraine or Israel. God forbid they print up some funny money to clear up some debt to increase discretionary spending

>> No.56728372

We will cancel your social security before you die boomer

>> No.56728513

social security will be bust in like 10 years retard, you'll never see a penny and thats a good thing

>> No.56728527

It's literally boomers who this most benefits, retard. You know a lot of young people with 25+ straight years of loan repayments?

>> No.56728541

You will pay. That I can assure you.

>> No.56728758

Nonsense, they'll tax the young infinitely before axing the program. Killing social security would lead to more riots than BLM could dream of. Old people and the disabled do nothing but vote, and any politician that tries to reform or rehab the program (i.e. make cuts) would never be elected ever again.

>> No.56728800

>a bunch of old fucks with canes will riot
ok boomer

>> No.56728830

its literally on track for insolvency you retarded faggot, there is no taxing your way out of it. boomers can take the dirt nap over it.

>> No.56728848

Seriously if anyone is still paying they're just retarded

>> No.56729049

>It will be covered by the government
with vapor, just like the FDIC covers fiatcel deposits with wishful thinking