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File: 2.63 MB, 1318x2694, From the talmud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56718343 No.56718343 [Reply] [Original]

They want You — the individual who's aware of inflation and seeks to hedge against it — to put as much of your money as possible into silver, so you stay as poor as possible.

Protip: If you want to stack coins and bars for the purpose of financial profit and hedging against inflation (as opposed to wanting shiny toys to "fondle" etc), then buy only gold ones and stay away from numismatics (i.e. antique, rare, special ones) and graded/slabbed items; buy only the lowest premium gold, at the lowest price you can find. ALWAYS calculate how much actual pure gold you get for what you pay. If there's 2 coins with an equal amount of actual gold in them, but one costs 10% more than the other, then buy the cheaper one. A 10% difference here, a 20% difference there, a 15% difference elsewhere, it all adds up after several purchases and eventually turns into a whole oz of gold you "missed out" on; an extra oz you could've had if you hadn't spent those premiums – and eventually several oz's; and eventually many.

That's why you see JlDF agents on /biz/ often (((recommending))) coins with high premiums, numismatics and slabbed/graded coins – to make you waste money and get less gold; their thinking is essentially "If this bad goy insists on buying gold instead of silver, we should minimize the gold he ends up with!". An added "bonus" from their perspective is that it's comparatively more difficult for you to sell a slabbed/graded numismatic item at its full proper price (with the full special premium value added); it's always easier to sell ordinary items, and this they know is especially so in an emergency; and particularly in a SHTF scenario where you and/or most of society is without internet due to some happening (so no access to online marketplaces). Of course their favorite combination is (((recommending))) numismatic slabbed/graded silver, so the actual metal value you're getting is only a tiny fraction of the price.

BTW, I denounce the talmud and the torah. Picrel.

>> No.56718352

The amount of anti silver shills in here tells me we will see triple digits this year.

>> No.56718364

That's a complicated way of saying 'Buy Bitcoin'

>> No.56718378
File: 196 KB, 1007x1400, 1696923132521699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10% physical silver
>90% Chainlink

I am comfy, Silver is undervalued from a industrial point of view. Simply has a industrial imput Silver will go to triple digits eventually. However due to its extensive history as a 'monetary metal' it has been artificially suppressed to indirectly keep a tamper on gold. As we know the longer a asset is suppressed the bigger the eventual rally once the suppression can no longer be maintained.

Silver has been suppressed since the 80's. I have a couple monster boxes so if it does very rally properly like it did in the 80's then I can use it to buy a house or something.

>> No.56718386

>instant JIDF reply, just 78 seconds after OP posted thread

>> No.56718399

AutoGPT automated response considering amount of FUD threads.

>> No.56718437
File: 44 KB, 641x530, 1607718954639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>out of the blue, the JIDF fag openly admits his reply was automated by AI
That was unexpected.

>> No.56718440
File: 857 KB, 1536x2048, 6A8CE8A6-7ACA-4FDC-B31F-4FF7C14EE894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silver niggers are absolutely delusional
>jp Morgan gets caught red handed manipulating silver via paper
>pay small fine
>nothing changes

Not only is it a “conspiracy theory” that silver is massively manipulated, the fags got caught and it was no big deal. The Fuckary continues

I had close to 20k usd in silver and gold, i liquidated all the silver around 28usd and bought a jdm car. This jdm car has went up 70% in value in 3 years. Not only that, I get to drive it and enjoy it.

Gold is cool to store value. Premiums are less. Gold is cool if you don’t want stacks of cash in your house.

These silver shills are literal glowies. Buy gold… buy a quality fire arm… even better buy a cool car, especially now since the market has “dipped”.

>> No.56718446
File: 44 KB, 680x680, 1700294150242581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>out of the blue, the JIDF fag openly admits his reply was automated by AI
>That was unexpected.

>> No.56718461
File: 224 KB, 960x1280, CB918E28-A2B5-402F-AA64-31F4CE04BCE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine buying metals and not BTC right now.
>2 more weeks and we’ll beat the news who control the whole silver system
>u-u-u just wait…. If everybody takes delivery of their paper silver….. we’ll beat the evil man
Dumb ass anons don’t under understand comex doesn’t even have to give you your silver (doesn’t exist). They pay you the value in currency.

>> No.56718473

How about renting BTC?
You wouldnt buy a car, too.

>> No.56718495

>Not only is it a “conspiracy theory” that silver is massively manipulated, the fags got caught and it was no big deal.
Which means it's no longer a theory but fact. You do understand what a theory is right?

>> No.56718556
File: 699 KB, 1536x2048, 39ED92AB-45DC-4D1D-AEDC-ACAF02A93DE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. What has changed besides a bunch of neets continuing “stacking muh coinz”

What do you niggers think is going to end the Fuckary? The proof of silver manipulation did nothing.

I can go buy an sgl21 ak47 for 2300 right now. If I need cash for some near impossible reason next week, I can sell it for 2300

Right now you can spend 2300 on basic ass silver rounds…. And next week if something crazy comes up…you have roughly 1900 of value

Who the fuck buys something as a “store of value”, in a market known for being stable and non-volatile…. And immediately loose 15-20%?

>> No.56718591

Since you understand the manipulation I take it you also understand the fundamentals. The investment thesis is eventually the manipulation will end. Whether it is by the bank's choice or not, it will end eventually. While supply of paper contracts is near infinite, the physical supply is not. Simple econ101 supply and demand tells you that an artificial ceiling on prices leads to shortages. Central Banks are buying gold at ever increasing rates. Eventually accumulation ends or supply runs out. How long that takes? Who knows, maybe it's tomorrow or maybe it's in 10 years. Buy it or don't. The fact that /biz/ is getting spammed with mindless silver fud should get your almonds activated though.

>> No.56718608
File: 690 KB, 1170x1833, 15DC88DF-81BE-408C-833D-3D83195100D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold all my PM’s besides a very small amount of gold. I will probably buy some krugers as I cash out this cycle…. But I will never buy silver. Shieeettt, I’m probably gonna be a grand seiko as well.

Why pay for some shiny silver coins when I can buy a mint wrist watch… that is an engineered precision piece that will still be worth what I paid, and likely appreciate?

>> No.56718624

Actually agree. If youre buying shinies then at least buy gold, it has a lot of practical applications and is LITERALLY the rarest metal

>> No.56718642
File: 321 KB, 960x1280, 5FFDC739-94AD-46CC-B26E-681A503ABF82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The manipulation will not end unless there is a global revolution to get the jew bankers out….. so it will never end. Have you not realized the whole economic system is completely fake and gay. There literally is no tipping point or break point.

Lmao @ thinking central banks are buying gold. Gullible.

>> No.56718662

>i can buy and sell a sgl21 for 2300
good luck with that, i work at a gun store and the market is pretty tapped. all the rednecks selling their fun toys. and any gun over the $1200 mark you generally got to take a huge haircut on in the reseller world. anyone with that kind of bread will just buy new so any used "luxury" firearm usually get gut checked.

i love guns and think they are great but ammo is a better "investment" out of the two.

what i dont get is you are bitching about having an asset that you sold for clearly a profit. if timeframe pans out from this post
then you sold 3 years ago, around the height of covid. ive been stacking for about 8 years or so, so i was buying silver at 14-15 an ounce and am way up. the only way you are out is if you bought at the height of the market and then sold at the height of the market like a spaz

so, you could be lying entirely about the stacks you "had"; you made money on the silver you bought and sold; or you have the attention span of a gnat and bought and sold silver within a relatively short amount of time

either way, you call silver stackers a shill and yet you hit with this FUD that doesnt really even make sense

>> No.56718681

All precious metals are a scam, unless your stacking bullets.

>> No.56718701
File: 550 KB, 1170x2532, 55D3D038-7213-4F22-A6E7-802DF999F655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not talking about a shit build ar. Guns like sgl21’s. Legitimate boomer nam colt ar15’s, uzis ect…. The value on these continues to increase. Try to find a fixed handle colt receiver.

Keep stacking silver fren. I’m honestly trying to offer another perspective, but PM anons are some of the most close minded boomer mentality anons on biz

>> No.56718738

>guns like bulgarian aks
meh, the aresenal lines are good but overhyped. if you want nice com-bloc stuff go with czechpoint IMO. or you could just go with expensive AR builds like knights armament.
>fixed colt carry handle
so fucking gay, use to be not able to give these away but whatever the forgotten weapons faggot lovers want i suppose.

>PM anons close minded
not really, you get some autistic spergs who believe they will get rich from it. all the stackers i know dont go heavier than 10% of their takehome. its good to spread your money around and diversifying is key. i dont know who you listened to or where you got your PM ideas from but it runs repugnant to everything i would do as a silver/gold stacker

>> No.56718784
File: 441 KB, 960x1280, D8027B3F-5DD5-4C8C-8A38-34CB4CD28D41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon you literally are retarded. No way you work around guns. A sgl21 is 100% russian built at izmash

I don’t know why anybody with an iq higher than a sex position would not have been dumping all of their spare investment income into btc after it retraced from almost 70k to 17k

Listen, I fucks with gold. It’s nice to cash crypto and grab a few oz when you DCA out. Silver is s scam

You don’t diversity to make it, you diversity as you are making it to limit exposure to certain markets.

>> No.56719000
File: 512 KB, 808x793, 1672179135246380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>56718352 <--- a reply just 78 sec after thread made
>>56718386 <--- that 78 sec reply is pointed out, and is called a "JIDF reply"
>>56718399 <--- the pro-silver shill, the author of the 78 sec reply, effectively saying he's JIDF and using AI chat bots to defend silver
what the actual fuck

>> No.56719009
File: 74 KB, 958x960, e5bd82517995eb3dcecae1216808143e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early bird eating good.
I guess you are a lazy fat faggot.

>> No.56719031

it literally isn't

>> No.56719040
File: 478 KB, 200x139, yay.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thread that made /pol/ finally realize silver cuckoldry was a mistake.

>> No.56719042

The dollar value of gold and silver doesn’t matter. You are literally buying gold and silver because the govt is out of control printing like crazy. In fact, you aren’t even buying it… you are just transferring for wealth from paper to a real store of value. Gold and silver going down on price doesn’t matter, in fact, that’s a good thing. If gold went back down to 300$/oz you wouldn’t lose in real terms… cuz a now 15$ footlong subway sandwich will be $3.99 again like it was in 2001.

>> No.56719061

So where are you operating from? Since you said you're JIDF.

>> No.56719070

Where did i say that?

>> No.56719096

Honestly not that great of a counter-narrative.

As long people believe something has value, it has. You're trying to undermine that based on pure speculation in it self where silverfags do have standing points themselves you haven't refuted, like having chemical and physical attributes, or you're claiming the Jew banker clique never failing etc. Which is your gang.

I see more use in other valuables, granted, and the laws in my country are Jewed hard, so it's mostly speculative, I think, than an actual inflation hedge, compared to other alternatives that, to me, shows more promise. I just don't see the web of lies are able to hold water to those in power any more. And they ultimate tool of control is fiat money. Everything ends someday, and it's way more fun being part of a movement that's not trying to keep everyone else down.

>> No.56719102
File: 170 KB, 360x346, 1689288080901879.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here: >>56718399 <--- there you responded to this post: >>56718386 <--- which talked about your post here: >>56718352 <--- that post of yours, you later called an "AutoGPT automated response"

>> No.56719113

AutoGPT is a free software anyone could use.
Even my 9 year old nephew is experimenting on that. Are you retarded?

>> No.56719162
File: 190 KB, 850x446, 1686256408554009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how orJUByR5 said he's using AI chatbots to shill silver and simultaneously effectively identified himself as JIDF since the post of his that he himself said was AI was outed as a JIDF post, and then after anons notice how utterly weird and retarded it was of him to do that, then he just pretends like nothing happened. Reminds me of picrel, in particular the part:
> "he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened"

Absolutely bizarre but also classic jew behavior.

>> No.56720576

1 billion LINK forever
1 billion oz of silver every year.
also i hold a fuck ton of silver
i got into it years ago and hold more silver than LINK (im sure i will regret this but i refuse to sell)
but rn i would only buy LINK over Silver

>> No.56720942

ohh youre a leaf, that make sense, we dont have saiga and other russian stuff directly imported. a few floating around gun broker

and you never answered the question in my original post
>so, you could be lying entirely about the stacks you "had"; you made money on the silver you bought and sold; or you have the attention span of a gnat and bought and sold silver within a relatively short amount of time

lastly you posted a pic here of a wallet holding only chainlink and then claim you should be buying bitcoin??
>I don’t know why anybody with an iq higher than a sex position would not have been dumping all of their spare investment income into btc after it retraced from almost 70k to 17k

you sound like a larp dude

>> No.56722490
File: 121 KB, 814x489, anons-vs-shills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56722586
File: 135 KB, 774x537, endangered species list.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The world is running out of Physical Silver, mines around the world are running dry.

This is why there are like 6 or 7 different Silver FUD threads on /biz/ right now, FEDS don't want you buying any.

>> No.56723295
File: 1.03 MB, 3146x1769, 615749fa3c3d716ae61378b1_samantha-caudle-twerk-booty-clap-basic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

silver smells like a gaping brown star in a fat ass gyatt

reminder that all of the millenials, gen z, and gen alpha kids all got conditioned to know that platinum is better than gold because of their vidya games. platinum is the play, it will be the first mainstream PM to breach 5 figures.