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File: 248 KB, 402x494, ETH copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56712727 No.56712727 [Reply] [Original]

Look at the previous cycles - started mooning from
$10 in 2016 ,
low was $100 in 2019,
now the low was $1000 in 2022.
Next low will be $10k in 2026

>> No.56712747

agreed. probably in the 2052 cycle and when link reaches $500k

>> No.56712859

it might hit a peak mania top of 15k, but the next cycle low will be 5k.
Same thing BTC did last cycle.
Of course, there's a lot less liquidity in the market right now, so even that's unlikely

>> No.56713330
File: 1.33 MB, 896x1344, IMG_0480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wont because Ethereum maxis all expect this.
truth is Ethereum doesnt matter anymore and TradFi is going for Avalanche instead for RWA tokenization, so all these trillions go into Avalanche Subnets and NOT into ETH or L2s.

>> No.56713338

At 8k i would be a millionaire so it won’t happen, sorry everyone

>> No.56713417

so next year you're gonna make it? congratulations man

>> No.56713477

I want what you're smoking OP, however I think ETH hits a max of 10K. I'll be selling a lot around 8-9K if we get there. We've clearly seen diminishing returns from cycle to cycle, in 2018 the high was 1400, in 2021 we only made it to 4.8K.

>> No.56713501

>>56713330 this tbpqhwyf

>> No.56713506

10k is a low target. Btc basically went 3.5 x from its last cycle peak, and eth is lagging one cycle, so at least 15k would be a proper estimate.

>> No.56713513
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imagine being this retarded...

>> No.56713559

>diminishing returns don't exist, pushing $1M to $1B is equivalent to pushing $1B to $1T.

>> No.56713563
File: 764 KB, 896x1344, 315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JPM already abandoned Ethereum and called it dissapointing.
Now they work with Avalanche.



>> No.56713683

based. Where do we see AVAX go, pricewise?

>> No.56713713
File: 68 KB, 750x695, 1680562401502830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop the thinly veiled fud will you?
2026 - 4k new low.
I don't care much for eth anyways. It's kava and optimism that really make my balls tingle in excitement. Both co-chains.

>> No.56713714
File: 115 KB, 1497x817, nigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No shit.

>> No.56713717

Stay in your fucking street shitting thread you pedantic fucking nigger you come into threads and everybody roll their eyes simultaneously nobody fucking wants you here.

>> No.56713721

Based nigger NPC. Listening to what JPM and MM are saying... Never change, niggers, never change... Go take a new batch of food stamps.

>> No.56713723

drawing green lines going up will make it work anon. keep going

>> No.56713725

maybe youre just a fag have you ever considered that

>> No.56713726

yeye good meme.

>> No.56713729
File: 1.31 MB, 512x640, 1689617648670760.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah since the universe is conspiring against you and specially you I guess we are all out of luck. Fuckkk bros it's over. Can we convince you to sell anon?

>> No.56713733
File: 84 KB, 1500x1200, 1689361923973622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these never fail to get a good wheeze out of me.

>> No.56713738

>I don't care to hold the shitcoin that powers the shitcoins I actually bought
help me understand your reasoning anon

>> No.56713739

eth will never go above 5-6k range
dead shitcoin, eos of this cycle

>> No.56713741

Lol, lmao even

>> No.56713744

lol yeah fucking copers thinking they can predict years in the future what will happen as if that works

>> No.56713762

You're not the most optimistic person in your community are you?

>> No.56713782
File: 1.33 MB, 896x1344, 239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sky is the limit because Tokenization affects every industry in every country. That is literally Hundreds of Trillions that will flow through these Subnets.
>Listening to what JPM
Its not just JPM, Citi and many other Banks (like Bank of America, ANZ) also went for Avalanche and NOT for Ethereum.

at some point the Ethereum maxi should realize that hes fully sidelined and that all these EEA partners are jumping ship.

>> No.56713813

Shoo shoo roach shill. You should try earning your bread without scamming clueless investors.

>> No.56713856
File: 766 KB, 800x1114, ozAu2Kn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry to burst your bubble and you can seethe all you want but the facts remain, all the EEA Partners are dumping Ethereum for Avalanche.
So how do you expect Ethereum reaching 10k when everyone is building on Avalanche instead? All these RWA trillions go into Subnets NOT into Ethereum.
its just not going to happen like the Ethereum fanboys envisioned for all these years.
by the time they figure out whats happening its going to be too late.

Avalanche isnt a Scam, it was developed to replace Ethereum which it is already replacing as I have already shown.
so what is your cope? that you are somehow smarter than every TradFi Web3 team and discovered that Avalanche is a Scam but somehow nobody else can see it? kek
get real fuddie, try living in the real world and not in your made up fantasy world.

>> No.56714120

muy buen!

>> No.56714218


>> No.56714593

This. Avax will overtake ETH.

>> No.56714735

Hey, I made a bunch of cash buying eth at around 110$ in 2019 and selling around 2.6k.

>> No.56715120

Ethereum maxis got real silent for some reason and abandoned this thread.
the truth just hurts them too much I guess.

>> No.56715698

seethe more , eth fudders. above $2k already kek

>> No.56715852

what FUD? its literally fact that everyone is building on Avalanche and not on Ethereum.
TradFi realized Ethereum doesnt work for them so they went for the better thing how is that FUD?

>> No.56716074

It will happen but you won't sell. You'll sit and wait for higher gains and end up bagholding.

>> No.56716372

Spend x2

>> No.56716417

You spent 5 hours shilling Avalanche in an Ethereum thread. Don't you have enough threads about your own coin?

>> No.56716753
File: 982 KB, 1024x1024, 1683880737760122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ethereum is dead, long live Avalanche.

>> No.56716815

Aggressive and annoying but you're not entirely wrong. I'm modular stackfag but always thought the market would be much better had Ethereum was built like Avalanche by design, From pure architecture standpoint.

Bought a bag just before the JPMorgan news and letting it ride, But i wouldn't get my hopes high because Ether network effect is pretty significant, It's still the de-facto chain to most major actors.

>> No.56717087

Avalance is not as good as SOL, sorry to break it to ya bud. I've used both. The reason ETH will fail is multifold but part of it is because L2s and subnets add too much complexity for normies which is the the main reason Avax will fail

>> No.56717264
File: 1.28 MB, 1280x720, Ava Cloud is the future.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about the Avalanche Network effect?
>is not as good as SOL
haha good joke:
>downtimes because centralized and you cant run your own validator
>faked their TVL
>the jewish rat Sam Bankman Fraud involved in it
Solana is inferior garbage and a scam

>subnets add too much complexity
you can deploy a Subnet in under 30 seconds on Avalanche, its a no code deployment even a monkey could do it.

>> No.56717310

>L2s and subnets add too much complexity for normies which is the the main reason Avax will fail
Normies are irrelevant to avalanche in the long term if it becomes the go to L1 for institutional tokenisation.