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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56686809 No.56686809 [Reply] [Original]

If LINK is so great why does it need a shill team shilling/fake fudding it in every thread around the clock?

>> No.56686813


>> No.56686835

If link is so great then why is my retarded opinion worth the breath of oxygen it steals from hard working people?

>> No.56686871

>direct http calls
oh yeah so smart contractq will call my api on my server to check price of some asset. so i can effectively steal user funds

tell me you dont understand the oracle problem without telling me

>> No.56687030
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>icpisser seething that his vc scam gets no organic attention on here

>> No.56687182

If this was possible then no one would use oracles. The problem is, everyone is using oracles. Meaning they disagree with the idea of direct http calls due to security flaws.

>> No.56687214
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>i-it's not possible!!!
it's happening thousands of times right now. this very second. on the internet computer. link baggie.

>> No.56687274

Icp is now rank 36. It is losing ranks..
In a bull run.


Nobody gives a flying fuck about ICP.
Congrats on "best tech in crypto". It means fuck all of nobody uses it.

Icp gives normies the "ick". Good luck fixing that.

>> No.56687279

You can just make direct HTTP calls without ICP just using HTML. So why do you even need ICP if you only want to make HTML calls anyway?

What exactly does it add to already existing infrastructure?

>> No.56687293

Uhhh ICP sisters? Our response?

>> No.56688025
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Get used to it bro. They'll probably move on to Beoble after that gets out of beta and it's over. Organization is going to be through the roof and shills will increase.

>> No.56688041

Stop trying to turn this into a turf war. You people are actively doing bad to this board by spamming like retards on a daily basis and pretending to be bullish on LINK. CCIP sucked and it took like five years to create. Your threads are allowed because jannies are baggies too.

>> No.56688047

haha I like your funny words, funny man, too bad i can't read

>> No.56688053

this economy doesn't care about hard working people since 2012

>> No.56688057
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because it is not great. you are on a losing battle if you plan on going against them like this, they are a handful and people who even care to pay any sort of attention to link threads (to fud in them for entertainment) are fewer because in reality the vast majority of this board doesn't care anymore.

from 50 to 5 dollars in less than two years and now theyd be lucky to even take a whiff of 15. who fucking cares seriously.

>> No.56688064
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You can transfer data without chainlink via faster less obtuse traditional methods. Really what is the point of link in the first place?

>> No.56688069

I wonder how their shilling chats look like now that you brought that up.

>> No.56688070

anything to be out of this 4chan shithole, I refuse to go back to twitter

>> No.56688074

Dunno but this thread generated a question within me, why did they choose to be friends with the avax shills but not the icp shills? What's the beef here? They are all shills, they should be working together to turn biz into their very own frat mansion mojo dojo house.

>> No.56688076

the important thing is that it remains relevant, unlike the vast majority of projects we have today

>> No.56688080

either richfags sucking each others cock and boasting or copers no in between

>> No.56688084
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you're only right with the "its over" part but lord bless u

>> No.56688091

at least those of us on 4chan know that we are complete scumbags, people on twitter think they have the absolute truth

>> No.56688096


>> No.56688098
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tick tock fellow icpiss drinkers, Elbert Goldstein wants you in your waggie cubicle tomorrow morning. Can't be late by a few minutes no mo, it's Christmas soon we must get our sales through the roof or you are fired. Rest well, you need the brain energy

>> No.56688105

if beoble proposes a space like this that is 5% healthier than this crap hole, don't doubt I'm going to enter. i'm sick of 4chan

>> No.56688110
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>4chan x for firefox
>download extension
>filters tab
>link, linkies, stinkies, chainlink, avax, avalanche, avaxsisters, icp, i see pee, quant, qnt
>biz is now fixed for me, works on my machine
easy enough.

>> No.56688112

if you look on the bright side, it is easier to acquire knowledge from people who are actually making money

>> No.56688121

Stop pondering and answer this one now please, thank you: >>56688064

>> No.56688122
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anon rn KEK

>> No.56688123

What makes you think link will not shill with their big chink money anyway they can on any platform?? lol copium to the max

>> No.56688129

Compelling. Too bad Dfinity is corrupt as fuck.

>> No.56688130

to scam newfags as always

>> No.56688135

oracles ceased to be useful about 3 years ago

>> No.56688176

Because LINK uses cryptography to verify data rather than just grabbing data directly from easily modifiable, hackable, and interceptible sources. I wouldn't exactly call it a perfect solution, and I wouldn't call it trustless like Sergey says it is. But if it is implemented correctly, then it offers data that is (currently at least) impossible to tamper with and falsify. It depends on the execution, but it's far better than HTTPS calls.

So now I've answered your attempt to dodge it, let's get back to my question, when can already make HTTPS calls through regular HTML, what does ICP add to the existing infrastructure.

I'm not a fan boy, I'd rather make the best choice than stick to a shit choice. So if you can provide a compelling answer that I can't refute, I'll move my entire LINK stack to ICP right now.

>> No.56688395

On the Internet Computer blockchain, canister smart contracts can make HTTP outcalls to specified URLs, either to directly obtain off-chain data, or to interact with off-chain systems, such as Web 2.0 services or enterprise IT infrastructure. The results of these calls are processed and agreed by consensus, preventing nondeterminism. This avoids the need for trusted oracles and bridges.

Often, smart contract software needs to obtain real-world data, which originates from outside the secure and unstoppable on-chain universe that the blockchain that hosts them provides. Smart contracts may also need to interact with off-chain systems that are outside this universe. Because of the way blockchains work, historically this has presented major hurdles to blockchain developers.

For example, to obtain off-chain data, smart contracts have traditionally interacted with centrally-operated oracle services, such as Chainlink. These services are provided by trusted intermediaries, such as corporations, which perform the role of copying off-chain data onto the blockchain where it can be accessed by smart contracts. The problem is that these services must a) be trusted to be honest, and not get hacked, or otherwise become faulty, and b) be paid. Moreover, they cannot help when smart contracts need to interact with off-chain services, for example by calling into web-based APIs. To solve for these needs, the Internet Computer provides an "HTTPS outcall" feature.

>> No.56688407

HTTPS outcalls allow canister smart contracts hosted on the Internet Computer to request a URL, for example to download a time series recording the recent prices of an asset published by a centralized crypto exchange such as Coinbase Pro. When this occurs, every node in the subnet blockchain hosting the smart contract requests the URL separately. Each node then locally passes the result they obtained to a special function implemented by the requesting canister smart contract using a query call, which pre-processes the result with the aim of making it consistent with the results the other nodes have obtained and pre-processed (in our Coinbase example, since each node would request the time series at a slightly different moment, the results could be different).

If the pre-processed results obtained by query calls to the canister smart contract are sufficiently consistent across all the nodes, the result is agreed by consensus, and provided back to the smart contract that requested the URL so that it can continue trustlessly processing the original smart contract call (TX).

In order to trigger an action in an off-chain system, a smart contract may include a cryptographic chain key signature in its request for a URL. This allows the target service to validate that the request it has received was generated by a genuine smart contract execution that was agreed by consensus. In such architectures, when an off-chain service receives a valid request for a URL, it must take care to only execute it once, since many nodes will make the same request, and for each subsequent request after the first, it should return exactly the same result.

>> No.56688413

more info here

>> No.56688419
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Okay but can it host Mario 64 like a 4 dollar Romanian VPS can?

>> No.56688439
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>> No.56688470

But what this anon says is true. ICP has the best tech and literally can swallow, host, and shit out every other blockchain.
If nobody uses it, then whats the point? We'll see what happens after the eth integrations and the erc20 integrations. Also unlocks stop next spring so everything that has been keeping ICP down these past couple of years will be majority removed unless polychain continues to wanting to fuck with the price by buying and selling constantly for a loss since if it succeeds its a huge threat to every other investment they made.

>> No.56688846

But if the source is Web 2.0, then why bother with a smart contract in the first place? Why not just check the site with a regular API call to begin with? You can agree by consensus all day long, it doesn't matter if the source is easily manipulated like a Web 2.0 source is.

I don't see how this provides a security advantage over chainlink, if anything it's less secure. Whereas chainlink when implemented correctly (and by that I mean it has information about its implementation that you can personally verify that demonstrates that it is correctly implemented), then chainlink is significantly more secure.

I don't see what the advantage of ICP is vs a regular API call.

>> No.56688913

Its pretty much trust centralized oracle for information vs doing the exact same thing chainlink does yourself but actually being able to call it on chain where you have all of the security benefits of it being on chain.
Its pretty much just giving developers the freedom to not have to rely on a centralized entity and ICP is just offering an alternative where you can securely build one yourself on the blockchain rather than having to bring to web 2.

>> No.56688919

>jeet has to make another chudlink thread to hopefully get attention

>> No.56688935

ICP also has terrible mascots, fallen old people and peepee man.

>> No.56689229

What don't you get about the fact that having web 2 api's be the immediate source brings security flaws? We're not saying that using direct api calls somehow make changes to the structure of the smart contract and introduces security flaws, but that its an inherently untrustworthy source of information as it introduces sybil attack vulnerability. We could have always done what ICP is trying to do. The reason Chainlink became the defacto source of info for defi was because in an inherently deterministic world of smart contracts you need the information to have the same or near same level of determinism.

>> No.56689751

Relying solely on chainlink is whole other set of security flaws and basically is hypocritical to the basis of blockchain by relying on centralized entities just to function.
And no, the other blockchains cannot do what ICP implemented, if they could have they would constantly be bragging about it and it would be way too costly where its not feasible.
Im not saying chainlink is bad but I think its probably better to have independent options for developing your own source/oracle securely rather than having to solely rely on chainlink. Additionally your opinion is literally a financial bias that is haltering the evolution of blockchain technology. You should be advocating for the development and progression that leads to a safe non deterministic consensus. Thats how this whole ecosystem evolves

>> No.56689753

Can i upload videos to ICP? Anyone know how?

>> No.56689785

On your own canister or an already established platform?

>> No.56689819

Hosting software on decentralized networks makes HTTP calls reliable and tamperproof. This removes the need for middle men aggregators

>> No.56689831

If link is so great than why does the entire market disagree? You would think if 1k eoy was so easy and guaranteed that some instiutions quant traders would have bought it ages ago.
Also why was sergey still selling massively at $5 when he supposedly knows how big its gonna be? Also what happened to all the billions of dollars sergey got from selling the top? You dont need billions to pay some hr roasties salary at a mediocre software startup

>> No.56689877

What mechanisms do they have in place so I don't bribe your consensus providers to give an answer beneficial to an attacker?

>> No.56689909

By having multiple sources that are completely independent from one another. If one goes out of wack a certain differentiation to the norm then you can ignore it and consider it inaccurate where it wouldn't affect the price being used. Makes sense?
Yeah you could theoretically pay of every api the project uses if its disclosed same logic could easily being applied to chainlink where you could theoretically pay chainlink to cause a bug and fuck up the source data.
You guys act like chainlink is zero trust when its the complete opposite

>> No.56689920

Link released in 2017, there was hardly ANY usage for link in 2019.
ICP released in 2021, and you expect it to blow up like link in 2023 in merely two years.

ETH integration is planned for 2024. It's a big deal to bring WASM to ETH.

>It seems nobody here has the foresight to realize that EVM probably won't exist in the next 5 years. I thought this board had the foresight to see where the ship is sailing, this is why private gated communities are necessary.
WASM is the main feature that will give ETH superpowers, but if you can convince me that WASM isn't the next big thing. I will swap all my ICP for LINK right now.
ICP can run 20 Billion instructions per second with WASM compatible runtime, that is ETH daily instructions in merely 6 seconds. Now the ETH integration is planned for 2024. I will patiently wait and ignore the noise.

>> No.56690055

The difference is Chainlink is about oracle networks (DONs), that's its fundamental value proposition. You can do HTTPS calls or even make an oracle on ICP but it won't have the security guarantees of a DON, so it's dumb to compare. Basically, HTTPS calls should be made for non-safety critical data queries and DONs should be used for anything safety critical like financial data. And since Chainlink is the undisputed leader in DONs, then ICP should just integrate Chainlink directly to leverage that capability.

>> No.56690075

Chainlink DONs are composed of independent parties collecting and verifying data. They use Chainlink software and smart contracts but the data provided by DONs doesn't go through Chainlink, so how can Chainlink manipulate it?

>> No.56690091

Chainlink is dumping because that is what Chainlink does, how new are you?

>> No.56690116

You can do it securely on ICP. The difference here is you’re advocating for chainlink since it’s already established.
Honestly, paving the path to where anybody can develop there own secure oracle/data is the way to go rather than your mentality of saying nope chainlink a already done and just spiting any form of innovation in the space. So far nobody here has presented a good argument for chainlink other than its already established oracle. That’s pretty much it.
Maybe you guys should be advocating for decentralized solutions rather than shilling to have everything rely on chainlink

>> No.56690130

By implementing the a bug in the DON. It’s centralized entity there’s a way to do it. That’s the risk. I wasn’t saying through the chainlink chain itself, we all know that’s not needed.
What you’re claiming though is justifying even more the path that should be taken is the independent route where you develop your own

>> No.56690136

This has to be the dumbest fucking post I’ve read on here tonight.
>Relying solely on chainlink is whole other set of security flaws

You’re not relying exclusively on chainlink. That’s the point of all of this. How dense are you fucking ICP street shitters?

Data providers, APIs, IOT, etc. is all fed into the Chainlink network. Take price feeds, Chainlink takes the aggregate value provided by MULTIPLE data providers to ascertain a value for consumers by code. Sergey isn’t sitting behind his keyboard and jerking it to Big Mac porn and arbitrarily deciding shit.

This is dumber than that one avax shill that said chainlink was its own chain earlier