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56679201 No.56679201 [Reply] [Original]

>Last year I took out a loan and bought crypto with it.
>I was also able to squirrel away another $35k of my salary into crypto
>the coins I own shot up a lot lately
>I now have $560,000
>this doesn't feel real
>It's more money than I've ever had
>I live in a studio apartment and don't really care to move
I made a thread a couple nights ago. But I've made another $120k since then. I feel so weird frens. I am not going to allow myself to sell. I am going to let go of control, and have faith that the universe will unfold in a way that won't hurt me. Has anyone else learned to let go? It seems like a necessary step. Otherwise you will over manage your positions and sell early.

>> No.56679204

Take profits fren, godspeed

>> No.56679207

Immediately sell 70k so at the very worst you break even

>> No.56679211

We aren't even at new BTC highs. Why would I take profits now?

>> No.56679219

I've heard this advice before. I'm not convinced though. What's the reason? A psychological load removed?

>> No.56679227

It's the smart thing to do, unless you're completely degenerate

>> No.56679235

I just made another $10k in the last 5 minutes. This is so wild. Holding this much value, small prices moves equate to large amounts of money. My whole psychology is attuned to being poor. I need to get used to this.

>> No.56679247

Btc isn't even at new highs yet

>> No.56679254

Take out 10% immediately, I'm in the game since 2014.

>> No.56679262

But this is only the first rally

>> No.56679268

Who's to say it will get to new highs? Personally I plan to sell at 55k

>> No.56679273

Faithless. You must bullieve.

>> No.56679286

I believe in my own family's material prosperity long before I believe in some nebulous digital sorcery

>> No.56679294

can't wait to see your "What I Will Do Differently In The Next Bullrun" twitter thread

take profits fool

>> No.56679300

Wow guys, sounds like BTC Is A New Paradigm!™

>> No.56679306

You think the bull run is over? Another 2 year bear now?

>> No.56679314

Bitcoin is at 37.5k

>> No.56679335

Most likely the rally will continue. And if it doesn't? You think it's 100%? Maybe 97%? 90?
Take out for that 3%.
Remeber one thing in this game - protect your capital at all costs. Or don't and ride it all if you wanna go full gamble mode. God speed anon.

>> No.56679339

I'll take out 5% once bitcoin hits new highs, and continue scaling out from that point on.

>> No.56679348

ahh I remember when I first landed in OP's position. Landed over 1.5 mil on shiba inu and other shit coins. But like op I didnt cash out I wanted to see how it played out and I let go and let the universe flow..... well my current wallet is worth 100k now and almost all my profits are gone in the coins I had since 95% of them dumped to nothing. So sure OP I guess in a sick way im enjoying watching you repeat my history. If anything you should take the original 70k and an additional 50k out and put that into investments and passive income outside of crypto. Than turn around and leave the rest in crypto to hold and ride til bullrun. I mean you could do what I did but well....I know how depressingly shit the outcome is. Also like you i've been poor my whole life and could have been somebody now im just a never was

>> No.56679353

It doesn't matter what I think, you think, or anyone thinks about how the market is going to go, if you don't take profits regularly you're a chump. Everyone who has been in it for any substantial amount of time has learned this lesson and we're telling you for free.

>> No.56679354

Greed will ruin you. It always does for poor fucks like you
Take at least a good portion of your profits out and enjoy

>> No.56679364

Sorry to hear your tale. When you lost yours though, bitcoin had already peaked, hitting brand new highs never seen before, right?

>> No.56679368

this is a gay thread. herbs

>> No.56679371

What did you boughted?

>> No.56679374

>Take at least a good portion of your profits out and enjoy
This is poor person mindset. I know. I've been trying to overcome it. You deep down believe you aren't worth more and don't deserve good things in your life, so you remove the possibility before it has a chance to happen.

>> No.56679380

I've been around doing this a long time too. Many lessons learned. Internal battles fought.

>> No.56679389

Why? You want to buy coins that already pumped? I don't advise that. RUNE KUJI CACAO if you must know.

>> No.56679405

Yeah you're gonna wanna take profits. your euphoric and in profit, you will make comprises based off your greed. atleast pay back the loan you degenerate.

>> No.56679420

I don't own shitcoins and more actually. Yesterday I consolidated them all into CACAO. So there is no plural anymore.

>> No.56679430
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What matters is I lost it. I didnt cash out and now im down to didnt make it numbers. I kept being greedy and holding and hoping for massive profits and I should have cashed out at least 10% of it but I didnt. I can tell what you're doing with these questions you're trying to cling to your greed and wanting to make more in your euphoia high of these new found gains and you keep looking for excuses to not cash out a bunch because you're greedy and still want more. but but but the bullrun coming..... you dont know it'll come and you'll get much higher than you are now. your greed and wanting even more is clouding your logic and stopping you from making a smart choice to take out the 70k and an additional 50k for bonus profits. But its fine I did exactly like you and im telling you the most likely outcome and you're trying to find excuses to ignore my warnings so you can keep trying to make more. what you really ment by letting go was not panic as long as I keep making money. you'll learn the hard way like me and than you'll be a demoralized broken shell constantly feeling like a failure you botched you big break in life for muh flow aka greed.

>> No.56679448

I appreciate you taking the time to write this. Perhaps I will make this mistake. However, I made this mistake already too, back in 2014 I held through too long. Hopefully I learned my lessoj. You'll recover too, fren. It's never over. Reality oscillates.

>> No.56679461 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 626x461, doubleslongarm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro please take atleast half in profits then 2x margin the other half so youre riding your original still. thats damn near risk free plus you change your life immediately here and now which is the only time that can ever happen. own this present moment, greed has you thinking of the future when you could be grateful for what you have now.

im speaking from experience i had 200k i made off a 1.5k investment into Luna and i had it all in anchor earning the meme 20 percent apy. i lost everything. now i have a son and i barely scrape by to keep us in a place and with food.

please listen to me or atleast consider it. also man i could really use a couple hundred like you wouldnt believe. i have a dubs ethereum wallet if i roll dubs you gotta listen to the universe, cash out half, leverage 2 to 1 your remaining investments and maybe really help a guy out.


the check em of all check em's

>> No.56679463

Have you at least payed back the loan?

>> No.56679469

damnit lol hope you still consider cashing out and changing your life that up only meme got alot of people absolutely rekt

>> No.56679477

You have been heard. I am taking everything into consideration.

>> No.56679480

No. This is the one thing I am considering. I can pay it back with my salary though.

>> No.56679481
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>I am not going to allow myself to sell.

>> No.56679492

I wish you luck in whatever you choose. I wont continue to berate you as thats childish of me and projection in some ways. Do what you feel is best but I do think taking a good chuck of profits would be the wisest choice in the matter. Either way enjoy your forture and start to plan around its future especially if you take some profits now. As for me I have some tokens I think will do decent if we have another bullrun and so we'll see if I manage to get another big break or not.

>> No.56679504

You’re going to get btfo and lose it all and I’m going to enjoy dancing on your grave

>> No.56679511

You don't even know me. I am you.

>> No.56679540
File: 32 KB, 575x507, Screenshot 2023-11-16 013220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good man. imagine going to cabo for the winter instead of being constantly on the internet sweating it in. go 2x leverage.set alerts and walk away and go have fun. also thanks for stealing my dubs ill trade you this chart i mapped out in august that has played out bar for bar. i was on LSD and meth. this just inexplicably has worked out. truth is stranger than fiction you know?

>> No.56679585

for this roll heres the SPY chart i did as well

>> No.56679591

Or or or JUST SELL IT ALL. Put into a 5% CD every year and work 10 more years saving. If you really have to use 20k of it and trade options on the market.

>> No.56679634

Now portfolio is over $600k for the first time. I need to sleep. This is so disorienting.

>> No.56679675


>> No.56679701

At the very least take out 70k. Pay your loan back, and put your 35k in savings back. Leaving you with like 500k given this post>>56679235
it hits TOTALLY different knowing every digit on that screen is free.

That’s all of course this isn’t one big ass sad larp.

>> No.56679723

Because if you sell a small portion, you can pay off your loan (remove interest), and you can break even (whatever you make now is pure profit), and on top of that you can secure a little bit of profit to ensure that if the an unexpected worst happens you still got something out of it while you could.

To me, doing what you're doing is jinxing it. It's equivalent of letting it ride at the casino. Greed is your worst enemy here. Create a safety blanket for yourself and take a small enough portion to at least break even, and maybe a little extra to lock in a certain amount of profits or maybe even just to celebrate and treat yourself. The universe punishes hubris and one in the hand will always be worth two in the bush.

>> No.56679756

Because profits allow you to be comfy while you wait for the remainder of your stack to get to the actual bull market.

>> No.56679768
File: 57 KB, 600x400, PepeLaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keeeeekkkkk there it is

>> No.56679819

The bonds backing tether and other shit er stablecoins are all worth fuck all but sure. Enjoy losing it all.

>> No.56679825
File: 175 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20220207-083241_Trust Wallet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am not going to allow myself to sell.
I said the same thing when I had $2.6 million worth of D0B0 from a $5500 initial. In the end I sold it all for $11k. Please sell at least 100k if not all of it. You can use that 600k to invest in other things.

>> No.56679832

bro its 100% a larp

>> No.56679890

pay back your debt at least

>> No.56680465

sad, larping incel

>> No.56680550

What are you holding op? 9x already is very good going

>> No.56680766

Fucking take back the loan part right now you idiot. Keep the rest in.

>> No.56680927

How did you find cacao and the other gems?

What twitter or telegram grouls should I follow to get alpha?

>> No.56680933

God that sucks. I wouldn’t be able to tell people that even online anonymously. That’s so dad

>> No.56681024

all these noobs screaming for you to take profit are idiots they will never make it. definitely dont sell anything yet. when everyone thinks alike everyone is likely to be wrong. in actuality you should do what all these pussies in the replies would scream not to do, you need to take out another loan for as much money as possible and buy more cacao. bet more. you already made 600k, you are a genius unlike all these jealous copers saying to sell now

>> No.56681026

Its faulty logic. If your portfolio were to go to zero right now, did you lose 70k or did you lose 560k?
Cashing out your initial does not make sense because the market/the chart doesn't know at what price you bought or how much you have invested. So its not as if the price is more likely to go down based on if OP cashed out his initial or not. Also, imagine if OP had taken this advice when his 70k had become 140k. He would only have a quarter milly instead of a half.

That being said, the percentage gains you have made would indicate that your portfolio is in low liquidity shitcoins. And for that reason, OP, it may be a good idea to take some off the table or at least rotate the profits into Bitfuck. Also don't forget to hold back some of the money for taxes.

>> No.56681092

You have -70k. You have to sell you fake and gay magic internet beans for real fake and gay fiat money to actually have made money. Hodl meme is how the ponzi traps midwits. You have to exit the ponzi to actually profit.

>> No.56681111

>just be greedy, that's a neat trick

>> No.56682062

Anon, just sell half. You’ll have actualised a pretty life changing amount of profit. and Then you still have a ridiculous amount of capital left to gamble on crypto - you can easily make it investing your remaining $300k. And if you get unlucky and don’t, then who cares - you can still say you made more than most people make in 5 years on shitcoins

>> No.56682136

>you can still say you made more than most people make in 5 years on shitcoins

Imagine measuring your success by comparing yourself to others. NGMI.

>> No.56682146

Take profits and pay off that loan!

>> No.56682171


>> No.56682181

fyi degen gamblers also don’t make it

>> No.56682204

Sell and put it all into bitcoin. That way you're still in crypto but don't have to nervously check every day for the inevitable dump of whatever mooning shitcoins you're in. If bitcoin averages 50% YoY you'd have like $30 million in 15 years.

>> No.56682221

Time to sell, like literally. You gonna ACK if it crashes & we don't know what you bought, could be dog shit that is floating with the market.

Sell it & invest it actual investments, perhaps keep some amount in crypto & PAY OFF THE LOAN.

>> No.56682264

Purely psychological load removal. I didn't when I was up x10 and now I'm below half what I put in.
And I wanna kms everytime I think about it.

>> No.56682322

I had this same mindset and then I lost my ass, granted I only had 220k and not 560k but still, even 110k in cash sounds pretty good to me compared to internet funny money

>> No.56682360

please make a twitter account or something so that i can find you and laugh at you when you lose it all

>> No.56682845

>the coins
>shot up
>what if
Also speaking as someone who has rode the shitcoin wave up and down. No shitcoins ever last multiple cycles.
It would be wise to move the entire position into bitcoin. Taxes sort of fuck up that strategy though so, good luck, with US capital gains and shitcoins there's no winning move. In reality you only have 300k and still have to pay off the loan.
If I were you I would take everything less taxes, less the loan and put 50% into btc and 50% into some normie investment, SPY or SCHD.

kek twitter "experts"
>I been in dey crypto since 2017
>here are 10 mistakes I won't make again

>> No.56682941

i dont care if its twitter, i just want to laugh at him when he inevitably loses his money

>> No.56683142


Uff.. reading post like these remind me that i am totally in the dark with crypto.
"Setting alarms or leveraging"
Being on LSD and Meth while looking at Graphs that tell me nothing.

Are you already in the millions and i should maybe learn this too or is this just a hobby for you to beat down the time until you die?

>> No.56683425

>We aren't even at new BTC highs.
oh boy he's gonna hold til the bottom

>> No.56683491

Post folio or didint happen

>> No.56683589
File: 74 KB, 736x638, 1597275435209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of scammy shitcoins did you buy? Holy shit.

Sell ALL of it, NOW. Shitcoins go back to 0.

>> No.56683621


Ok, figures, just some random pump and dump shitcoins.

Anon, you're not smart, unless you issued these shitcoins, you just won a random lottery. Sell now, put everything into Bitcoin.

>> No.56683648

you took out $35k when interest rates were close to ATH to put into an almost everything-down market on random shitcoins? you're either lying or retarded and lucky.

i wish i was also retarded and lucky. i am just retarded

>> No.56683673
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>> No.56683740

>t. living in hyperinflation
trust me, I've never had more than 10k in my name that are worth 300$ now, and Im sure that even if you might regret this, you'd be safe
at least take out 6 figures to buy an apartment and set yourself for life

>> No.56683846

take out your initial investment to secure a return, and pay back the loan. Also, don't forget to account for capital gains tax and take care of that.. With over 500K in such high risk assets you can find yourself in deep shit very quickly. Best to secure a sold financial foundation and let the rest ride if you want to take the risk.

many stories of people who let it ride, didn't cover their ass, and after a crash wound up owing more to taxes and debtors than their net worth. not fun.

>> No.56684132

Can you send me 3k to pay for my crippling debt op?. Also congrats

>> No.56684423
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This threads reeks of curry-scented LARP
Find your exit liquidity elsewhere, insider faggots

>> No.56684530

>creates a thread humblebragging about gains
>so high off the pump he's literally NUMB
>tells anon not to buy the coins he holds because prices are too high
>all in on shitcoins which could in fact, yes, do another 10x in a full bull - or correct 90%, and potentially never recover
>doesn't sell

>> No.56684540

nice. my 110B d0b0 that I paid 9000€ for is worth 200€ now. it's been 2 years since the pain began.

>> No.56684608

I'm warning you, don't get greedy. I regret not flipping some of my ETH when it hit 4000 a couple years back. Could have easily bought the difference back.

>> No.56685561

literally this. He needs to take profits.

>> No.56685593

>take back the loan part
Why? He'd be better off taking out another loan and adding to it.

>> No.56685604
File: 114 KB, 581x691, 1624278297593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice larp.
if you don't sell you're going to kill yourself

>> No.56686700

NGL I'm a bit jelly OP. I've been wageslaving away dollar cost averaging into ETH and BTC for 8 years and am barely at $200k, you pick some random shitcoin and beat me x3 within a year. I'd take profits if I were you before it all goes to shit

>> No.56686868

Thanks for the amazing top signal OP.
Whenever you see degenerate loan debt gambler fags become euphoric, know that it is time to sell.

>> No.56686878

zoom out bitch lasagna

>> No.56686909

You've made life changing money; the euphoria you feel now will be nothing compared to the anger you'll feel when you lose these profits to a market downturn(been there, done that).
You better TP now and commit these profits to work on the side so you don't have a feeling that you're missing out from more pumps.

Avoid fags like this. They're broke and seeking for company.

>> No.56687339

>commit these profits to work
Sounds like someone is interested in taking away your profits from you in a subtle way. Goodluck with that OP

>> No.56687379

You should cash out half and pay off the loan. The reason is because you're a moron and you've had a huge gift and you're so stupid that you're questioning it.

>> No.56687384

This, take profits anon don't do like me.

>> No.56687723

Sometimes it's good to hide your ignorance from the public. Who doesn't know that Defi farms where users can deploy their profits to exist? Defi has even improved to the point where we now have non-custodial platform for yield farming like SpoolFi.
Still finding it difficult to imagine you don't know all of these *KISSES TEETH*

>> No.56687877

lol, it's not going to last long and you will be poor again. This is every single poor person's dilemma, will never sell when price is going up out of fear of missing out, and will be paralyzed when price starts going down and only sell once the fear of losing everything really starts to set in. The tale of every crypto bro who failed to sell at the top and sold at the bottom. Everyone on this board basically.

>> No.56687881

this literally happened to me during defi summer except i was up to about 2.3 mil and through a series of bad choices, taxes, life, i now have 20k

sad to see OP repeating our mistakes. when you come across this kind of money just drink half a bottle of vodka and just hit the fucking sell button. i swear to christ youll be glad you did.

>> No.56687891

>just drink half a bottle of vodka and just hit the fucking sell button
coulda woulda shoulda

>> No.56687893


>> No.56687988

> Everyone on this board basically.
Yep. I am only now got to the zero point after I boughed at the top.

>> No.56688589

I wish a richfag would give a fuck

>> No.56688986

Dont be stupid, cash out at least 100.000, ambition can be a bad thing, help your family, eat healthy and consider travelling a bit. Use your time to study next moves, with the profits you made you are more than able to keep expanding but you got so much money by luck, not by method, so your success may not be replicable in the future.

If I were you I'd cash out 200k

>> No.56689483

if you had 1.5mil why bother even risking it, you're already set have enough money to not work through passive income, you could just start investments over with like a lower number. is 10m+ really worth the risk of losing 1m? it's like you already got a mansion but you'd rather risk going broke for the sake of 2 mansions

>> No.56689551

> d-do I sell or hold?
sell some, hold some. There is no fundamentals in bitcoin other than what whales want to happen. Its an arbitrary value asset

>> No.56689954

Hope "non-custodial" doesn't just exist on paper? Devs could be cunning.

>> No.56689964

The only intelligent post in this thread

>> No.56690026

Sell 50% and try to put on investment more stable. You made this money with much less fren