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56676929 No.56676929 [Reply] [Original]

I find this very depressing

>> No.56676953

Me too. I've applied to thousands of applications with no avail.

>> No.56676964

>we should change civilization to appease these browns that we imported from all over the world

>but why?

>I don't know, just fucking do it okay?

>> No.56676977

>but why?
>Destroying any national identity and have a homogenous cattle population of mutts living under our jew libtard-balanced empire based on debt

>> No.56677001

>0 source

>> No.56677006


>No blacks
>Asians somehow pictured

>> No.56677016

me too, since 3 weeks.
I will collect neetbux for 12 months, even over 1500€, but it still sucks.
I am sure I will find a new job, but its going to be just as soul crushing as the last one.
I think about leaving the country with my bicycle and live off 500€ monthly dividends until I find a place where I'd like to stay

>> No.56677023

Get better at day trading, fuck work

>> No.56677055

How ?
What's the method to getting better at day trading ?

>> No.56677066

day trading is a meme

>> No.56677085

shouldn't have been white. ranjesh needed your job more.

>> No.56677088

All the work here that isn't in restaurants just gets done by H1B slave labor at 50% market price.
If you have student loans you will never pay them off.

>> No.56677103
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(((Civilization))) does not need to be "changed" or "fixed", but rather destroyed. Then most shitskins (ALL imported browns currently living in the North, as they won't be able to survive the winters and will get terminally ill from lack of Vitamin D due to their dark skin being unable to process sunlight the way White skin can and a sudden lack of Vitamin D containing food which they currently only have access to thanks to civilization) and all weak people will perish (and yes that of course includes many Native Europeans as well; we've been severely weakened by civilization and many of us can't survive without it).

Fortunately, mother Nature will destroy civilization eventually so we won't need to do it ourselves. Picrel.

>> No.56677109

Wait I thought Asians counted as whites now

>> No.56677116


Overemployed here (multiple remote jobs). Just had an interview today. For some reason I haven't been part of the "tech shoah." I will continue to fight the Fed. So many techbros are unemployed right now though. I apply for 3 jobs each day, in good times and bad. My interview rate used to be 3 interviews per 10 jobs. Now it is like 1 interview for every 20 jobs. It's bad out there.

What's your field?

>> No.56677119

imagine the state of humanity if it were just whites and east asians

>> No.56677134


They count as "white" for welfare and jobs. For dumb stats like that their "people of color"

>> No.56677139
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We sacrificed the stars for the welfare of the nigger

>> No.56677150
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> Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet,
> Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God's great Judgment Seat;
> But there is neither East nor West, Border, nor Breed, nor Birth,
> When two strong men stand face to face, though they come from the ends of the earth.

>> No.56677151

OP here, I work in the graphics shit field, tired of it, was considering shifting on some IT/code monkey entry level job but I checked the available jobs in my country and they all suck too (absurd conditions and demands, too low salaries, no remote, I would have to move to another city and pay crazy rents).

>> No.56677180

imagine the productivity rate. We'd unironically probably have 3 day work weeks.

>> No.56677207

>he thinks that mr shekelstein wouldn't price down the PR to make him work 18 hrs/d

>> No.56677241

But there are no Jews either.

>> No.56677244

>Romans and Arabs wipe out the jews
>No nigger slaves brought to the US
>No WW1
>No WW2
>No communism in East Asia

We would’ve already had millions of people living in colonies on both Mars and Venus’ clouds by now. And this would’ve happened 50 years ago

>> No.56677249

fuck off, demoralizing jidf piece of shit. no one cares about a pick-me roastie study from nearly 2 years ago

>> No.56677256
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Tax rates would probably be capped at 10%. Welfare expenses would drop so dramatically the whole program could be scrapped entirely.
There wouldn't even be a gun control debate considering the drop in crime rates, too.
No more shit nigger mumble rap music on national radio. No more HR departments for the Latifa Shondayqua's gel-nail insurance claim court-case at the company's expense.

>> No.56677279

Israel has no right to exist, the thread was pic unrelated

>> No.56677316

same laid off 2 months ago
i was easily getting job offers (with no experience 2 years ago)
I only have more experience and now I am applying to jobs making 20% less and not hearing back.

>> No.56677385

dumb y2k nigger faggot

>> No.56677478

>Israel has no right to exist
they have the right of the conqueror, like everyone else who has sovereignty over their country

i feel pity for the arabs, but ultimately it sucks to suck

>> No.56677491

Well, they're using Amerimutts money for that, they will be conquerors as far as the gibs keep coming.

>> No.56677534
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yes but even without the gibs they'd still wreck the arabs hard, theyre incapable of getting their shit together militarily

I hate jews, I wish hadrian had finished the job, but militarily they earned their country; I guess that may just show how shit arabs are

>t. wrote my thesis on the 6 day war

>> No.56677550

>I wish hadrian had finished the job
Based and historypilled

Nothing is forever tho, expecially if every single one of your neighbors hates you.

>> No.56677633
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>expecially if every single one of your neighbors hates you.
I almost admire them, because their solution to that is to apparently slowly expel the shit out of anyone who isn't a jew; I wish the US and Europe had the balls to do the same for our own people

I'm okay with semites killing semites, though I'd rather not pay for it

>> No.56677645

It’s call being a decent human being

>> No.56677678
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>being a decent human being
we aren't swans you fucking idiot, humanity survived and got where it is today because we're ruthless

showing compassion to some group of people just signals you're a rube to be scammed and slaughtered

>> No.56677714

Who destroyed Western society the most?
>Arabs: Kebab and some terrorist attack once in a while
>Jews: Debt, Kikeology, feminism, pushing every sort of vice, importing niggers, infiltrating every source of power, attacking every sort of identity, making up fake and gay "human rights" courts...
Guess who.

>> No.56677777
File: 63 KB, 720x720, 86817025_104068771186784_7989218540173393920_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me get this straight nigga, im going to take possession of your most valuable assets, your credit cards (even that XOR one you keep yapping about), im going to take your job position, im going to fuck your girl and YOU, yes (YOU) are going to like it

>> No.56677841

browns and blacks should learn about that