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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 7 KB, 275x183, ROSE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56672761 No.56672761 [Reply] [Original]

Is it really as easy as this? Confidential DEXes are exactly what everyone is looking for and ROSE the only project that enables it. Criminally overlooked. First confidential DEX literally coming by eoy. ROSE will 50x the moment that people find out about it and I feel like I'm insane for being the only person to see this.

>> No.56672809

What is so special about confidential dexes and why would normalfags actually care?

>> No.56672835

Without looking it up i would say the transaction data is confidential, like https

Would completely disable frontrunning bots

>> No.56672868

what is with you faggots spamming /biz/ lately. smells like desperation

>> No.56672878

Why do discord trannies hate Link and Rose specifically? My portfolio is entirely composed of these two cryptos because of this fact.

>> No.56672906

ROSE is never going to amount to shit. It'll be lucky to hit old ATH. its over.

>> No.56672915

I like LINK. I would like ROSE, if there was meaningful traction. I don't mean a grant for some yield farm ponzi dex. I don't even really mean traditional TVL type metrics. I'm talking about the original vision. A responsible data economy. User data privately utilized. Data economy of scale. Any signs of that? Not yet. Just some fancy privacy features. No meaningful users. No meaningful way for user's data to be used. Avoiding frontrunning bots? This is like nothing. Where's the actual use case. And why have Oasis Labs been so quiet lately.

>> No.56673274

Notice how pretty much every coin has doubled in price since October except for Rose? Yeah, keep holding your dead shitcoin lmao.

>> No.56673357

tranny fudder making shit up again

>> No.56673393

I remember that last Rose ecosystem DEX, what a complete jeet made shitshow that was lmao, with like 25 different steps for a worthless jeet airdrop as well

>> No.56673544


>> No.56673633

...just use a private rpc? it's not that special

>> No.56673675

Doesn't SCRT do confidential DEXes?

>> No.56673702

It's exactly this why oldfags have ROSE bags. People aren't actually interested in tech for now, otherwise alts would be back in. But it's slowly getting that way and I've noticed a switch in the media with the Israel/Palestine war and crypto/privacy is becoming cool again for western lefties whom are normie investors that will pump our bags 100x.

>> No.56673704

Check the prices of avax, link, inj, sol, ftm, grt, trb, and many others. Rose: 4c to 7c.

>> No.56673885

Not sure, but didn't they get hacked?

>> No.56674371
File: 17 KB, 367x332, 819272c50a22e1b8da3575704a8f6757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>conveniently fails to mention the 80 coins that underperformed compared to rose

>> No.56674887

notice how instead of responding to this, they make more shill threads. MUH DARPA. baka

>> No.56674921

Here's your (you), faggot.

>> No.56674964

50k enough?

>> No.56675328

I'm not doing your whole homework for you.

>> No.56675510

What? Was it not clear that I was simply telling you you're cherry picking?

My post already dismantles your fud. There's no need for any further input.

>> No.56675799

Not fud if it's true.

>> No.56675833
File: 1.15 MB, 1500x2117, 1536413978399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon, you might be thinking about this all wrong. I know this isn't funny in reality, but if most trannies rope then whatever shit they hold will likely have less selling action as most of the coins will be lost because you know they store their crypto keys with their dialators and ass blasters and their parents aren't gonna touch that shit, they'll scoop it with a shovel into the trash. might have to reconsider.

>> No.56675843

Is English not your native language?

You only mentioned a handful of coins that outperformed ROSE. Meanwhile ROSE outperformed 80% of the top 100. Why only single out the coins that outperformed ROSE if your intention wasn't to fud?

>> No.56675883

>Meanwhile ROSE outperformed 80% of the top 100
fucking prove it. i've already give you a handful of coins that outperformed rose. i'm not going to sit here and list every fucking one.

>> No.56676016
File: 270 KB, 1176x1122, Screenshot 2023-11-16 002432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not doing your whole homework for you.

But if you're actually that incompetent, just go to CMC and sort by 30 days, then click on 30 days to sort by the highest. I assume that is probably too difficult for you, so here's a screenshot.

Can you count to twenty? If you can, you can see that there are only eighteen coins above ROSE. Everything else out of the top 100 performed worse in the last month.

>> No.56676035

Actually in the screenshot there's 19 above ROSE, not 18. It's 18 right now on CMC, though.

>> No.56676055

Nope. I don't believe you. You must list 80% of the top 100 coins.

>> No.56676056

100mil rose unlock on 18th. Buy now regret whole weekend.

>> No.56676077

It's too big to fit on one screenshot, and I'm not pasting together several screenshots just because you're too retarded and/or lazy to click one button.

>> No.56676160

Nah, you're not posting because you're wrong. It should be easy since you said there were 80 coins that didn't double.

>> No.56676336

I gave you the instructions so you should be able to figure it out yourself. It's not that difficult. I believe in you.

Also the vast fucking majority of coins did not double. Are you fucking kidding me? Only 15 coins out of the top 100 did a 2x.