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56663244 No.56663244 [Reply] [Original]

Kill jewish children and curbstomp niggers.

>> No.56663261

You won't do either. You will sit at your computer.

>> No.56663266
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Kill goys and curb stomp nazis

>> No.56663272

Osaka wouldn't say that

>> No.56663316
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"Nazis" are a Hollywood fantasy and "historical" Nazis exist only in Hollywood films and in fiction-based documentaries and fiction-based websites like Wikipedia. The only physically real "Nazis" to ever exist are people in the United States who refer to themselves as such, and controlled opposition organizations like Azov.

The word "Nazi" is a political epithet invented by the jew Konrad Heiden during the 1920s as a means of denigrating the NSDAP and Nationalsocialism as a whole. The jew Konrad Heiden was a journalist and member of the jewish Social Democratic Party of Germany. His mother was ethnically jewish.

The jew Konrad Heiden coined the word "Nazi" for its negative sound and connection, as the word "Sozi" was used to refer to Marxists in Germany, particularly those of the Social Democratic Party of Germany. It was also a political pun because it sounded similar to an Austro-Bavarian word for "simpleton". It was then popularized among the jewish media groups in Germany and abroad by various jewish individuals. The jew Konrad Heiden later fled the country after the NSDAP succeeded in their election.

>> No.56663334

all browns*
no use trying to build a hierarchy of animals

>> No.56663351

You forgot to ask how to profit

>> No.56663368
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Thanks for the advice. I will.

>> No.56663386


>> No.56663418

>I totally want to genocide blacks and Jews and all non-whites
>but I find the term “nazi” very offensive

>> No.56663496
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Nobody thinks it's offensive. You fear the exposing of the truth regarding the word because it reveals you're using the word to refer to a fictional concept trying to impose it onto reality to confuse people into thinking your fiction equals reality. When a post like >>56663316 drops, that whole narrative of yours collapses into dust.

The word "jew" however you find very offensive. You are a jew.

>> No.56663518

Palestine has no right to exist. In fact, it has never existed.

>> No.56663528

>fictional concept?
There’s absolutely nothing fictional about what the Nazi party stood for during its reign. There’s nothing “fictional” about disgusting white men wanting to subjugate and slaughter other races.

If a white man blatantly says that he wants to “kill Jewish children and curb stomp niggers”. Then he is a nazi.

What would you rather be called? What should I call someone who wants to kill other races? Since nazi is “fictional”

>> No.56663546
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>There’s absolutely nothing fictional about what the Nazi party
There has never been such a party. "Nazi" is a fictional term. See: >>56663316

>disgusting white men

>> No.56663596

Just call me based

>> No.56663618

polcels have a wall of cope for everything

>> No.56663649
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cool plebbitspacing

>> No.56663682
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>> No.56663697
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>> No.56663699
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I've heard modern jewdism is the synagoge of satan, and that makes sense saying I know the guy. We keep in touch.

>> No.56663705

You still haven’t denied that you’re a genocidal piece of shit. Which is very telling.

and yes I always make sure that “white” is in lowercase. Maybe if you weren’t genocidal pieces of shit, I’d like you more

>> No.56663709

what does /pol/ lie about?

>> No.56663714
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>Why jews deliberately kill civilians:

>> No.56663739
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>> No.56663749
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>> No.56663757
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Jews do this shit cause satan is the demon of murder, and wrath. that's what I read and understand to be true. Murder is like, super evil, so of course satan would control that.

>> No.56663763

Kys you cumgurgling piece of trash. I hope you die in a fire.

>> No.56663767
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>> No.56663781
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>> No.56663790
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>> No.56663799
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>> No.56663809
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>> No.56663819
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>> No.56663827
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>> No.56663828

I guess you coin "lie" anything that may run opposing to what filthy jews do. Especially if its true and contrary to their interests.
P.s. all jews are filth.

>> No.56663847
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>> No.56663859
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>> No.56663860
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>good times bring jews
>jews bring mad times
>bad times make dead jews
>dead jews brings good times

>> No.56663873
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>> No.56663884
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>> No.56663889

Very good observation. I saw this fellow, Owen Benjamin.. he posted this opinion on jews and the book they follow as religion, the talmud. He claims that jews have a warped conception of reality. This because he claims.. regular poeple (catholics and Christians) have the concept of responsibility, especially in oneself. They, the jews operate on what they can get away with. So they have no scrupules. They are Unironically, rats.
This coming from this fellow who also happens ro be jewish. You can tell cause in the same video, he calls the talmud a "book of debating jewish rabies". Which is a total cope.

>> No.56663893
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>> No.56663905
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>> No.56663917
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>> No.56663923
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>> No.56663931
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>> No.56663945
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>> No.56663954
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>> No.56664029


>> No.56664053

I hate jews and niggers on an equal basis