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56656093 No.56656093 [Reply] [Original]

The average hookers in my third world country are hotter, more obedient and docile than most women in developed countries.
How do I profit from this? Consider also that my money is 100% on BTC because this country's currency is worthless and so is the USD now (thanks America).

>> No.56656125

shame they turn into goblinas at 17

>> No.56656127

I can save them

>> No.56656142

uh oh... itatinga bros... are we getting to cocky?

>> No.56656150

>going to hookers
degeneracy has a point of no return, anon. hope youre not serious

>> No.56656153

they look like they smell bad

>> No.56656167

for 40k would they rent their wombs to grow cloned human embryos? would there be religious/ethical concerns and could those be ameliorated with increased payment?

>> No.56656168

show more body please

>> No.56656176

Ay Dios mio, I need some goblina ass

>> No.56656179

you and her both take a shower before sex

>> No.56656186

>pimpin aint EZ
>anon: duhh is pimpin easy?

>> No.56656197

would rather not get electrocuted, thanks

>> No.56656219

unironically they would do for 4k, some for much less

>> No.56656231

>for 40k would they rent their wombs to grow cloned human embryos?

Yes, that's the price of a small apartment. Theyd make one per year and them live off the rent.

While the law does not forbid artificial insemination, it does forbid choosing the embryo, so that would have to be done either in another country or in a shady clinic, so there are operational costs

>> No.56656294

picking up hookers and making them your gf is unironically the next best thing.

its so easy to chat them up and start fucking them for free after about 3 visits.

>> No.56656346


>> No.56656366

4k seems very optimistic

>it does forbid choosing the embryo
thanks for the info. what strange place to draw the line.

I have a theory that in 10 years the technology to clone and/or engineer human embryos will be mature, cheap and safe. add that to a huge demand from rich roasties with dried up wombs and rotten eggs that will pay 100k+ for a designer baby. even better, a clone of a talented athlete/celebrity with small single gene modifications for resistance to certain genetic diseases, basically genetic fine-tuning, that technically makes it no longer a clone, so it no longer falls under the human cloning ban.

>> No.56656368

underrated comment

>> No.56656445
File: 25 KB, 270x344, 1679504201020085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon might be lying or the chick is not pretty

it's the opposite way, you charm her you fuck her for "free" - why "free" is in quotes? Because you know she sells pussy, she knows you were willing to buy, that's the context on how yall met, but if you actually hit it off initially and you charm her.....you should have real sex, and real six is raw

again, context matters - I'm talking about beautiful new age Instagram escorts whom require you to Facetime first

she cut me off after our third time fucking when I said "I will never give you money for sex" - that doesn't mean I'm above giving you money, because I am not. I just refuse to pay for sex, and you giving me that beautiful blowjob flipped so many switches in my brain to realize 1) so many beautiful women want to have sex with you

>> No.56656457
File: 63 KB, 720x998, 1699925104709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your loss

>what strange place to draw the line.
Religious thinking. In vitro fertilization = good science because God told us to multiply, embryo selection = bad science because it's God who decides everything

>> No.56656470

Pick one

>> No.56656509
File: 468 KB, 1242x1272, 1722033060936368210_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they exists, but you get older and they burn out

I am LUCKY to have experienced three mulattas escort, my age, that were BEAUTIFUL but they are HOES, and being a HOE is an insecure mindstate

they have burned out with excessive tattoos and weight gain due to drugs and birth control

I wouldn't touch them now with a pole, but a year or two ago, these girls were would make beautiful mothers and create beautiful babies

>> No.56656523

/tg/ will defend this

>> No.56656524

Your body gets energetically intwined with the people you have sex with anon. You’ll be picking up astral “STD’s” in addition to the herpes. Would not recommend to any anons wishing to live a wholesome life.

>> No.56656537

they have nice hair ill give them that

>> No.56656552

>about 3
More like 1 for me but I'm tall ripped and hung

>> No.56656555

indigenous+African ancestors, so they get the indigenous long hair and the negro butt

>> No.56656569

bot post

>> No.56656607

I'm sure they haven't fucked hundreds of tourists for a few dollars