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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56643088 No.56643088 [Reply] [Original]

>have $105,000 in the bank
>all my anger and anxiety disappears
That’s all it takes ?

>> No.56643097

Well that and a zoomette.

>> No.56643103

Give it a few weeks for six figure hell to set in.

>> No.56643129

you're in early six figure hell
welcome to the grind

>> No.56643183

I need a 10X to get where you're at

>> No.56643254
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>have $150k in the 'folio
>more depressed than ever
When does it stop bros?

>> No.56643289

Keeping $100k in a bank seems risky to me.

>> No.56643303

this is practically nothing in 2024
1m is the new 100k

>> No.56643310

you're not scared of cyprus-like event where depositors take a hair cut or something?

>> No.56643318

Brokie @ 40k assets,
happy tho when i pursued a hobby outside of work disconnected with any sense of gaining capital

>> No.56643324


>> No.56643335

The misery of existence never ends, that’s the secret.

>> No.56643615


>> No.56643697

Zoomettes come with that though. So yes all your problems disappear when you have 100k in bank

>> No.56643740

>Have over $1 million dollars saved and 200k salary
>Just heard my younger brother got a job with 130k salary
>Immediately insanely jealous and feel inadequate because I'm only marginally more successful despite obsessing about this
It truly never ends.

>> No.56643773

>grey eyes
>brown hair

>> No.56643798

who is this mobile sperm donation unit?

>> No.56643829

It's funny how it's different for every person
>£170k in the bank
>£90k job
>Drive an aston martin and rent a penthouse in 2nd biggest city in UK
I feel incredibly successful but mainly because most people I interact with around my age are losers. But to you I bet I look like a loser. It's funny, so many levels to this shit

>> No.56643841

That’s black hair and hazel eyes, dipshit

>> No.56643868


>> No.56643878

I have perfect vision
Literally amazing vision and color discernment. (I’m an artist)
Perhaps it is you who is color blind

>> No.56643913

>ego getting in the way of seeing a doctor
we all believe you anon. goodluck seeing those red and green candles in the bullrun.

>> No.56643915

thus the neolibruls trying to make everyone wealthier through any means

>> No.56643991

1. Yo what do you work maniga?
2. Is that before or after tax?
3. Why rent when you could own?

Im in IT devops and i make 72k euros before tax. I live with my parents, have no car

>> No.56644051

£90k before tax. I'm a software Engineer for a small-mid-sized American company. I build tools to help them run more efficiently and get more sales. Stuff like web scraper bots and data processing dashboards.

Opportunity cost. I explored buying a property but I'd still need a mortgage and it just doesn't make sense to me. I'd rather rent and be agile. Start to get bored of the city I'm in? No sweat I'll just move somewhere else. Most of my savings is in cold storage BTC which I feel has far more growth potential than real estate

>> No.56644056

what is one of they?

>> No.56644087

I'm 28 too.
I use statistics to kind of calm myself about how I compare to the "average" person, but then I talk to my family or something and feel very jealous, or anxious, and then I spend money to try and show off. I have a kid and wife of my own so this isn't good. You might think it's silly but I started seeing a therapist 2 weeks ago, for the first time ever, about this. I'd like to not feel so unsatisfied and obsessed over status all the time.

>> No.56644161

Don't do that. Save the money. The therapist is just going to teach you to cope. You don't need to cope. You need to be more successful. Leave no room for any doubt that you are the pride of your last name. Let the 'jealousy' and 'anxiety' guide you, because they are healthy tools to reach new heights instead of coping with what you have now.

>> No.56644167

poorfags -- do they really?

>> No.56644196
File: 501 KB, 750x738, IMG_7315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can u post pic of the aston martin? U can ofc paint over the plates or something

But nice bro, so is the plan then to keep investing in memecoins till you make it and then just fuck off and do whatever?

And lastly, do you think theres some IT shit that can be done well as a business locally? Like for example i wanted to do smart home installations, but the scope of it seemed a bit too large since id need like a proficiency in electrical wirings and shit, ofc i could outsource that part but thats just more management and headaches

Pic unrelated

>> No.56644250

I get off on spending money knowing that I'm enjoying something less successful people won't, even if that's something dumb like therapy. It's weird behavior. Also I could use it for improving my relationship with my wife, since our relationship has been really rocky, but that's a different problem I guess.
I hear what you're saying though, and I appreciate it, but I think I'm going to see the therapist at least a few more times and see if I notice a difference. I will not allow it to make me less successful, but I just want to hear what someone else's impression is of me at this point. I want to know if I come across as cocky to people in real life, or weak, or what.

>> No.56644253
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I agree with anon,
dont waste money in therapists, most jobs or docs can give you free ones if you look into it.

But either way, id advise again It since they will just not rly help you, what you need is someone who understands you and helps you solve your problems. So you either need to help yourself by changing shit in life until you can process things better. Or just a friend/family member you can trust. And desu it just sounds like u may be a bit exhausted anon.

Anyway, good luck, and hey, be happy youre a father, I would live to have a son or two, it would be such a load off my chest because for some reason im scared i might not get the chance or grt all daughters like my grandpa eho got 5 daughters and the 6th kid was my dad xD

But yeah stay strong anon
Im also 28 but still living with parents

>> No.56644279

Fuck ignore the typos, its late where i am xD

>> No.56644321
File: 626 KB, 1655x1900, aston.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love this thing. First and only car I've ever owned. Not the latest model but I think she's beautiful.

Yea man don't really have a plan besides wanting £1mil+ networth. At that point will quit my job and focus on mastering my hobbies of music production and salsa dancing.

Yeah for sure there are opportunities there man. but you need to find other people who have the specialist knowledge you're targeting. I met a girl who works as a nurse who's got a load of knowledge about skin care and running clinical trials. We're planning on collabing to create a skincare brand which uses "AI" (it's just a bunch of nested IF statements) to create a tailored skin care routine based on customer survey data. There are so many opportunities like this for an IT guy but you need that other piece of the puzzle (i.e. specialist knowledge of an industry) to really make an impact

>> No.56644334
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The anger isn't over. This is just your new bottom line, and once you go under that you'll feel worse than when you had nothing at all.

>> No.56644371

My insurance covers most of it though so I'm ok for now, even if I could probably find one through my employer if I really tried. Really I'm just going to do a few more sessions and then get out of it. Thank you though.
I do feel exhausted. As for family and friends, none of them seem introspective at all so I don't know. Anyway I love my one and only son so I have that going. Thank you, and have a good night

>> No.56644724

Fugg that is sweet i bet the girls love thag kind of thing too.
, id also love a nice car like that but i kinda lost my license due to crashing like an idiot while basically being blackout drunk it was my first car and all that..
but anyway, its a pretty good plan bro especially if u make a clean website and get some nice adverts going.

And what u say makes sense, i guess id need someone to collaborate with so that i can create skme value, all ideas i can come up with are shitty apps and limited in scope services like installations.
But with someone who has vision I could maybe be the person to help it come to life, guess ill need to actually make some friends huh xD was being doubtful but ill see about joining some hobby or book club type activities then, cheers anon

>> No.56645396

Is yourself the only thing that fucking exists bro?
>i just want to hear what someone else's impression of me
you already know what they think of you, a reputation isn't real only consequences and circumstances are