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56636200 No.56636200 [Reply] [Original]

How long before the GME bagholders finally admit it's over and move on?

>> No.56636258

They won't admit it's over, it's just gonna get quieter and quieter in there. Like it has been for the last three years. Every month they go through treads slower and slower, the contents get sadder and sadder, and the remaining posters stupider and stupider. It's been funny to scroll once a week

>> No.56636348

its identical to trump threads post 2016, reddit colonies stick out like sore thumbs

>> No.56636616

Hedgies need to close their shorts. They have to buy and need sellers to close. If nobody sells then they will be on the ropes again at $100. You should be buying right now. This is an easy 10x if not more. The worst thing that could happen is GME buys back shares, which is potentially on the horizon. Hedgies are panicking. I'm not the one making threads about it though. OP is a hedgie and is the only one making threads about GME, ironically.

>> No.56636664

>the shorts aren’t closed
It went from $2 to $500 and the hedge fund with massive shorts went bankrupt. Da fuck do you think happened? Put aside for a minute that you bought too late, and it’s obvious you dumb shit

>> No.56637376

I never bought and didn't make the read. I might buy soon though.

>> No.56637485

They just can't keep from doing that one thing. Why won't anyone tell them that they keep doing it? It's unreal to believe that they don't get it. What can we do to help them?

>> No.56637511

Never, look at BBBYQ baggies, they have created a delusional fantasy around their stock that was canceled. Five years from now they will still be saying "TEDDY shares on the blockchain in two weeks hedgies r fuct".

>> No.56638700
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nah son, they'll rope a lot sooner than that.

>> No.56638701


>> No.56638755

Imagine believing any of the neets on this board are "hedgies." They're anons laughing at people even more stupid than they are, (You).

>> No.56639023

Scroll over. Look at the long volume

>> No.56639043

I’m convinced all the general threads are run entirely by bots and/or shills. No human being is still holding GME bags 3 years after they got pumped and dumped on.

>> No.56639097

According to the SEC report, that was retail FOMO, not shorts closing. When did they close their massive >100% SI? Where was the corresponding volume and price movement?

>> No.56639103
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maybe you should read the SEC report again dumbfuck baggie

>> No.56639166

BBBYQ was literally deslited because BBY doesn't exist anymore and the shares reached $0. meaning NOBODY even owns any BBBYQ anymore
yet there is STILL a BBY general. what the fuck are they doing? how delusional can you be?

>> No.56639191

Ur fucking stupid retarded Best Buy is very much still listed under the ticker BBY u stupid fucking dumb retard.

Anyone of u fucking dumb nerds think jeime isn’t going to rip to infinity and beyond is a fucking dumb stupid retarded little dick having cuckold.

The sex report indicated price action was retail buying u stupid fuckin moron, has anyone of u retard jihaddy durka durka clan cunts seen a prolonged short squeeze?

First it looks like a massive falling wedge or bull flag then it rips hard than ur moms asshole from all the BBC she’s taking.

Suck a dick faget

Position 1,500 shares / 100 13C expiring on Friday.

>> No.56639243

Short postitions can be concealed with derivatives thus during the hearing they said covered instead of closed

Why would they spend millions to close when they had a psyop planned “ it’s over and worth peanuts forget GameStop and could close later? Brazilian puts

Look into it more

>> No.56639267

Kill yourself baggot the price is down 85% from the highs and you think there’s people out there still holding massive short positions?

>> No.56639316

Tell me how dense u are u brain little anon, short interest is over 30%,
cunhen & jeime both are able to buy more and jeime is doing stock based comp going forward, meaning no matter what 1 of these parties must go out to the open market to acquire more shares.

If not by eoy ‘23 this will rip to kingdom come in ‘24. The same retarded cuckolds in this thread are crypto shill boys sucking off SBF.

If crypto gaming takes off like u dumb retards say and it causes major bull run / crypto adoption, who the fuck do u think benefits from this anon?

Jeime, no tech multiplier and has a lower market cap in a better position than any other time in its existence.

U fuckin cuckold will suck apes fat cocks as we watch our CS accounts go into the millions.

Isn’t days to cover like fucking almost 30? Do u know what it would take to close 20%+ short interest in that environment? Fuck u cuckold.

>> No.56639414

dude. learn another insult besides cuck. lmfao

>> No.56639423

>reddit colonies stick out like sore thumbs

>> No.56639434

It ripped to kingdom come on 2021

>> No.56639451

Nothing ever came of the rigged bullshit that exchanges pulled during the original short squeeze, did it?

Where the removed the buy button and in some cases sold people's shares without their consent.

>> No.56639522

check out robinhood's last earnings... that company is on it's way out.

>> No.56639620

dumb fuck baggie.

>> No.56639637

stupid fuck baggie. this one will die poor

>> No.56639736

>trump is a reddit colony
lmfao what

>> No.56640108

Wasn’t “rigged bullshit” demand outexceeded supply. Those using bad brokers who didn’t want to put up more collateral to cover their trades lost access, those in real brokers saw no change. Market functioned exactly as it’s supposed to, rest is baggie cope

>> No.56640367

>I invested literally everything I had into this shit and if it doesn't go up everyone will be right about what a failure I am
hah better luck next life bro

>> No.56640474

Never. It's why they're "bagholders". It's a crazy phenomenon to see from the outside looking in though.

>> No.56640500

this better be bait.

>> No.56641527
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>they need it below $1 pre-split
>it's $50

>> No.56641560

just let it run back up to 60 so i can breakeven and i'll sell all my 2200 shares hedgies i'm tired but im not selling for a loss

>> No.56641571

kek baggie
you can take $12 now or $5 in two weeks

>> No.56641588
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did you know that you have much more excuses to """invest""" (gamble) in meme stocks compared to losing everything at a casino?
you're actually fighting an invisible enemy of humanity instead of being a degenerate gambling shitter
scratches the same itch, but you also have a community of retards just like you

>> No.56641645

he's an idiot but that doesn't mean anything. you can still short it. it has 100% left to go.
as of friday, 22% of the float is short, that's substantially above average for any stock

>> No.56641656

I just seriously don’t get how GME holders aren’t non stop hating on AMC and the Jew Adam Aaron who has straight up tried to divert MILLION upon MILLIONS of dollars thst would have overwhelmed his shady Jew tribesmen and their bullshit commie funding hedge funds if he didn’t divert the white trash morons into thinking they could get discount MOASS with AMC.

GME holders should be throwing Molotov cocktails at their local amc theaters and synagogues.

>> No.56641699

look how long silver baggies have been going and you tell me

>> No.56641705

i'm not selling until i breakeven or they file bankruptcy, I can wait.

>> No.56641785

>they file bankruptcy
that one then

>> No.56641902

they're closer to having a profitable year than bankruptcy

>> No.56641991

Whats funny is i know a pretty smart IT dude who was a colleague of mine.
Like legit good engineer, very proficient and professional that was all in GME.

And i mean like living a minimalistic life far from town and shit, and just pouring his money into gme… and this is after the pump, he said theres gonna be another one, you just wait….

Well, im waiting, all shile holding LINK and MSFT and it doesnt look good for bro

Just goes to shoe that
>proficiency in one field doesnt translate to smartness elsewhere

>> No.56642616

throw him a link to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pYeoZaoWrA
I was gearing up to sink some money in GME half a year ago due to the general positive attitude of the cult before I've found any evidence of the level of delusion the cults are operating on
It's sad that the general vibe from meme stocks for people not in the know is that "it's an internet meme"
Dan Olson is doing a great work refining the essence of these cults into a logical picture

>> No.56643015

Holy shit that video could not be more blatantly full of bot engagement… You would think if gme baggies were wrong you wouldn’t need to be buying promoted content saying so? I’m keeping my eye on this now

>> No.56643043

ensure you watch this, baggie
if you have two brain cells to rub together you can still be saved

>> No.56643076

I’m not a gme baggie but I’m probably going to become one because I skimmed it. My two brain cells smell smoke so where is the fire?

>> No.56643126

the beeping you hear all your life were the smoke detector batteries
change them, nigger

>> No.56643933
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>I’m not a gme baggie
Yes you are, dumbfuck baggot.
Stop tsundere shilling your bags

>> No.56644029
File: 57 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hate thing because ?
>thing has dedicated thread in which holders are segregated
Pretty dick ass retarded if you ask me

>> No.56644066

Hedge funds aside, do any of these retards actually believe this brick and mortar game shop is actually going to persevere a world of digital game copies?

Their only rationale seems to be obsession with rich successful people.

>> No.56644129

>tsundure shilling


>> No.56645892

Another dumbfuck baggie

>> No.56647649

They know it's over but they just won't admit it. They keep larping about buying and drs but both the price and drs results show the truth.

No one buys.
No one drs.

They're stuck.

>> No.56648050

I buy $50 of GME every paycheck. I won't miss $50, so I don't care.

>> No.56648251


>> No.56648297

i made like 5k off this shit back then and put it all in link :)

>> No.56649226

GME has no debt. It has over a BILLION dollars in cash. The company is getting extremely close to profitable net income, the current cash burn rate is 100 million USD a year.

Bankruptcy is off the table.

>> No.56650070
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strong together

>am I HODLing?
you betcha

>ever selling?
heckin no!


>where we going?
to the moon

burning up

based as fuck

this is

Bots just mad because we figured out a way to make literal infinite money. That's why everyone is trying to shut us down. The government knows that once we figure this out, their tyrannical hold on society is over. We'll be able to buy anything we want. This is far bigger than any of you can comprehend. You know how the FED has been printing pretty much limitless money? We're going to be doing that, and we won't need the government to sign off on it.

Free healthcare? Covered. Student Loan Forgiveness? Even better: paying people to go to college instead. That's just the tip of the iceberg. Where we're going, we don't need fiat.

You all need to remember this. Us gamers know that when you keep on finding new opponents in your path, you're going the right way. This was never about the money. It's about making a statement to the evil rich elite of wallstreet and ethics in financial journalism.

When we reach the moon, you paperhands are going to be REEEing. But even you faggots can get your redemption arc if you act now, when the moment is darkest and all hope is lost. Remember when Finn was trying to run away in Last Jedi? Well like him, you have your chance to show your bravery and BUY THE FUCKING DIP. We're in this together, and you can be the hero just like all of us too if you're willing to take a stand for justice and the little guys.

Tomorrow is the fucking day bros. We're all in this together. Remember, the moment we realized that there's more of us than them is the moment we won. This is Occupy Wallstreet 2 and the rats festering in those big pretty buildings know we mean business this time.

>> No.56650165

They just pretend those facts don’t exist. I’ve seen them respond to this with
>I might buy all my games through Steam but where do you buy the gift cards to use on Steam? GameStop

>> No.56650209

>Look into it more
I want nothing to do with you whatsoever

>> No.56650238

he's right, you're retarded.

>> No.56650273
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>posting strawman arguments
I'm here to shitpost until something happens either way, but nothing give me more satisfaction than seeing seething anons spend all day in threads trying to downplay the bull thesis while calling us retarded
>inb4 dumbfuck baggie REEing or some alternative of

>> No.56650440

Lol, it’s not a straw man. Last time I went to your baggie grief hole it was posted in response to the digital games stat.
Also Kek dumbfuck baggie
posting a calm Pepe while you REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE doesn’t fool anyone

>> No.56650499

The company has a billion in cash reserves. Quit your whining lol.

>> No.56650557
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You guys just keep taking L's, don't you?
Anyways thanks for validating my point

>> No.56650665

how long does gme live rentfree in the downies heads?

>> No.56650668

>taking L's
check the price baggot, and get back to me

>> No.56650686

Check the price bitch.
>I bought all mine before the 2 year low!
>I’m still green im still green reeeeeeeee
No one cares about your cope here, nobody believes you

>> No.56650724
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I love how mad it makes you

>> No.56650753
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"I-im not mad, y-you are!"
Ok, baggot
we know you're deep in the red

>> No.56650820

When you have a billion in fucking cash, it's because you can't spend it on any capital improvements to save the dying brick and mortar retail locations. The board will continue to exit scam millions in bullshit projects like a "nft marketplace". You have no idea how bearish sitting on a billion dollars you can't even invest with is, baggie.

>> No.56650995
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>> No.56651135

buy some more
buy some more
buy some more

and rope tonight goober

>> No.56651170

Hey I will buy some more thanks! Good luck with the cope fren, you seem totally not mad

>> No.56651213


>> No.56652399

bumping to make baggots seethe


>> No.56653010
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>> No.56653387

chadshill is a niggerfaggot

>> No.56654193

wall street been trying to kill these movements. its their biggest enemy. RIP BBBY

>> No.56654359

>new 52 week low
Kek baggies have a bump fellow shillchad

>> No.56654776

Yeah they don't actually need that much right now like $0.02 per share.

>> No.56654834

Keith and 45 were right all along.

>> No.56655067

Yes, they were both right about the other one, both huge cringelord faggots.

>> No.56655361

>Regardless of what's said the only reply they have is 'Lol Baggie'
How to know something fucky is going on 101; They won't discuss it in rational terms and rely on raw emotions.
How to know something fucky is going on 102; Only emotions they insist on relying on are shame, contempt and seething based sneering

>> No.56655499
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Why cant you just let their threads die out? Why do you have to draw attention to this dumb shit and shit up the board with your Reddit garbage and then pretend to be different ids both sides? Way too much effort for something you act like you don't care about, and way more annoying than some dumb thread I never even look at. I bet you're half the posts in that dumb thread too. Fucking faggots go back ALL OF YOU

>> No.56655703
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>> No.56655708


>> No.56655737

How's this for rational. You bought the top of a pump and dump. All the DD you have read about shorts still not closed is megacopium to protect your ego from the realization that you got played like a fiddle.

Kek baggies.

>> No.56655779


>> No.56655854

January 2024 TTM EPS is $0.83 without the NFT marketplace making any money. Factoring in a growth P/E ratio of 50 the share price is $41.50

>> No.56655863

>How's this for rational-
>Immediately veers into 'You missed out, don't you feel stupid, aren't you ashamed, it's all about your ego, not the situation, you're a dumb, smelly poppie head and wrong and ugly and-'
Do you even know what rational means?

>> No.56655909 [DELETED] 

Can you please just fucking sell so they can put me on a new assignment?

>> No.56656374

Now that's what I call based