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56610359 No.56610359 [Reply] [Original]

>there are people here whose parents bought them a house in cash
>there are people here who for some reason got a 6-7 figure inheritance from their grandparents instead of it going to the grandparents kids

My question is, whats it like to be in your 20s/early 30s and already be set for life when it comes to a house? You literally dont have to do any of that mortgagecucking or rentcucking, you've got a paid off house immediately at the start of your adulthood.

I am really fucking envious btw

>> No.56610379

i work remotely and am thinking about buying a $120k shit shack with cash in my fetanoid mayo monkey home town. i mean you still have to wage for a living, but not having $1-2k/mo flying out of your bank account every month is nice.

>> No.56610381

You work an average job and be smart and do the same thing for your kid?

>> No.56610400

you can just live at your parents and aoid being a retoid till you are set
whats jur problem?

>> No.56610413

I do this right now, but I am considered mentally ill/low status/loser for doing it.

>> No.56611207

I do the same shit as you, I get almost 3.5k of discretionary spending every month.

People can say what they want but I have higher net worth than them.

I went back home to marry, western women will breed themselves out of existence while the wife and I are on the path of being millionaires and retiring in affluence back in the old country.

>> No.56611297

What's it feel like? The same as before, but with a bit less anxiety. Wifey gets to take a few years off while the kids are really young, I get to coast a bit more for work because we aren't a trip to the hospital away from financial ruin like many others.

>> No.56611549

31 year old anon here. mum helped me with my deposit this year so I can stop paying someone else's mortgage. After trying to minimum wage make it myself for 10 years I put my good for nothing pride away and it's the best decision I've ever made. I feel so dumb for paying rent for all those years. mum said she wants me to pay her back slowly but honestly she'll probably pass away before I make enough to pay her back. she's well off and got investment properties of her own so it's not like it'll affect her one way or the other. I probably don't take what I've been given for granted as much as those who had no pride to decline their parents help when they were younger.

>> No.56612325
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>whats it like
>be in mid 20s
>eastern europe
>be a short uggo khv
>already balding
>mom recently admitted she used to hate me when i was a kid
>classmates at school smelled the blood and bullied the crap out of me
>parents built a comfy 1000 sq ft house and gave it to me for free
>still short ugly balding khv but less anxious about my financial future
>you win some and you lose some, i guess

>> No.56612343

I got my house for free.its a hand me down rental that my parents got sick of taking care of cause tenants are shit. I make 200k+ and want to move but at the same time I feel grateful and responsible to take care of this house. I put about 40k into it so far and probably spend another 60k to make it respectable living. I do kinda wish I can just move to a gated community mcmansion though.

>> No.56612724
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Maybe this belongs on x more than biz, but I don't envy those guys, because what did they win really?

Sure they have more resources, but they've lost sight of the value of those resources because of it. I got as much enjoyment out of a 25 dollar hot sauce sampler as the middle class guy does a PS5 or the rich guy a new car.

If capitalism is about winning, and we all can't win the same way, than just change the win condition.

The rich kid will never comprehend how one can get enjoyment out of cheap hot-sauce. His mind automatically goes too "I can afford gormet cuisine". Yes, but do you? Or would you feel pressured into believing it would be a waste of money? The more you have, the more you dread losing. So yes, I didn't win, but I don't lose either. I CAN'T lose. You have nothing to take from me.

All one has really is their ambition, their vision, and their tenacity.

>> No.56612785

Major cope, lmao.

>> No.56613201

>went back home to marry
See that's the key though. I don't have the option. I was born and raised in America, and here women won't even look at you if you don't have your own place after 23 years old.

>> No.56613226
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>> No.56613233

Nice cope loser

Anyway my parents are uneducated middle class and fell into every money trap. They have nothing to give me. I wish they did. It's also taken me years of mistakes and dumb decisions to finally start to be smart financially on my own. Hopefully I will set my kids up for better success but they won't be spoiled either

Oh and I don't blame my parents. They're doing the best they know how

>> No.56613277

>be me
>trad parents bought me a home by the lake
>can catch and cook right on my second floor balcony
>wfh and make 450k/yr
>investing with leverage nets me another average 600k/yr cuz dad taught me some shit
>have net worth of 12 million
>150 btc and 2000 eth
>have trad poc wife and 8 kids
>>incels btfo

>> No.56613299

this is me except I make $650k/yr and have a net worth of $13 million

>> No.56613319

This is me except I'm unemployed and about to be evicted

>> No.56613355

this is me except i net 1mil annual and have a worth of 14.88mil

>> No.56613378

>there are people here

wrong,only spambots

>> No.56613450

We still pay taxes that are almost as much as a rent payment a few years ago so not amazing but better than having to rent >save 4 down payment > 30 year mortgage and no $ to buy crypto with. Lol. Bonus bc it’s in my parents name just incase my unstable wife gets worse. Worst case scenario I’ll have a nice shag pad.

>> No.56614580

Go learn a language and passport bro, if you’re not white go learn your old country language.

But if you’re white, then go to eastern europe.

>> No.56614590

This may ultimately be a cope, but it’s also unequivocally true. If I won the lottery I would still live a similar life, but with more financial security. If you never learn to predicate enjoyment off of being a consoomer, you don’t need material bullshit to enjoy your life.

>> No.56614797
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I get it. But envy will never take you where you want to be bro. Take a breather, fuck your sister and come back into the fray with renewed strength. Remember the way of Makoto Takemiya, remember your sora bags are still rising in price. We can fucking do it

>> No.56615100


Anons I will sell my life to you to help me survive the shithole am in, i will do anything. Send me an email for the love of god

>> No.56615158

No you aren't. Online, sure.
But if someone IRL starts beef with you about it (unlikely) just go, "what's your rent and utilities cost a month? Do your parents still love you?" Not as an own, but make them consider it. If they bring up sex ask them, "aren't you and your parents all adults? They know about sex, how do you think you're here."

>> No.56615202

But do you buy the lottery? because that attitude actually prevents it from hapenning. Hence why lottery winners suck.

>> No.56615219

Any advice for people who's parents will take any action necessary to prevent their children from living with then?

That's like 80% of Australia. Hence why our houses are so much shittier but the value is comparative to america, canada, EU and england. Our culture is of beasts.

>> No.56615227

Mixed. We bought our house in the 2008 crash and I took care of her when she got sick and when she died, she left me the house. I got a nice house out of it but I spent my late 20s and early 30s being that guys who lived with his mom and not being able to get a qtgf. At this point I don't care much about relationships though so it evened out

>> No.56615244

Start a boomer genocide
Stop immigration

>> No.56615245

>just live with your parents bro
My parents kicked me out when I was 19.

>> No.56615267
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>> No.56615270

You shouldn't even be thinking about other people if you want to make it. You sound like an absolute bitch, work on building yourself up. It sounds like you seriously lack character

>> No.56615299

>Lived my aunt's so I could work in the city
>Kicked out after 5 months (no reason, she just wanted to live alone), moved into a boarding house
>A few years later my sister started living there (for like 2 years)
>Ran out of money, moved in with dad, alone with him in a 5 bedroom colonial
>Kicked out after 10 months (impossible to please narcissist)
>Spend the next 3 years dumping money into a studio rental
>A few years later, sister is in college, dad starts covering her portion of a town home, then part of her apartment payment after she graduated, then another townhome, on top of her car and phone, something like going on 5 years
>Dunno how much of that she covered but it's definitely not all of it
>Move in with mom
>She's addicted to low-paying work because it "fulfills" her, constantly late on rent even when I'm helping pay (I stopped, unemployed)
Sometimes it's just not possible.

>> No.56615307

The first "there" is meant to be "with my aunt" not "at the boarding house" btw.

>> No.56615351

Everyone's cringing at you Zoltan

>> No.56615542


I will do anything

>> No.56616745

Most of America's the same way too. It's that shared poor English heritage we got.

>> No.56616779

Not even remotely true. My long term gf (white, ivy league grad) and I met when I was almost 30, while we both lived with our parents. I still do while I finish going back to college, they love having her around. Gf before that was the same, and the gf before that. She gets that I'm saving a ton of money and paying for college out of pocket myself, so it's necessary for a future together.

Just be more based or find better women. I'm autistic as shit explaining Chrischan lore to her and the only things I have going for me is that I lift, I like going outdoors, and I'm funny to her.

>> No.56617658

UK anon here, is now a good time to sell and wait for a crash (which I think is almost certain in about a year or two)? I have a house but I hate it and it's in need of a shitton of work but it's next to a very busy shopping district in a major city.
So confused about what to do.

>> No.56617668

No because a house is a place you live in. You never sell your primary abode.

Better off renting it out then and going somewhere cheaper:

>> No.56617732

I thought about that too. I would have to spend about 20000 to even get it into a state where I can rent it.