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56565004 No.56565004 [Reply] [Original]

Ex-codecels, why did you drop your dev career and what do you do for a living?

>> No.56565012

I never had a dev career. I was getting to let my rapists mock me. Now they do it for free.

>> No.56565041

Because I had enough money to not warrant working with women, niggers, and pajeets. I started my own business and I only hire white men. I kinda like engineering cuz I'm autistic.

>> No.56565092
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All I want to do is quit.

Fake, but true. Ever since we got a Pajeeta project manager, all the joy and creativity that I once had for coding has been sucked out of me. "Agile" and "Jira" destroys companies. Even on the weekend, I can hear her accent ringing in my head. I'm not even really that racist, I just have SEVERE misophonia for their accent. Job would probably be bearable if she was a 3rd gen Americanized person but nope. They just had to go hire a FOB dothead. Give me some advice. I beg of you. What do I do next, I'm making 120K but want to kms every day.

Trying to find a 2nd job right now, it feels impossible. 8YOE.

Starting my own business has proven to be akin to shitcoin gambling. Huge graveyard of apps that went nowhere.

My goal is 500K, then go work as a ski resort instructor. But I'm not even halfway there.

>> No.56565126

You haven't saved $250k in 8 years? Student loans keeping you down?

>> No.56565134

The type of work I did before was well suited for small teams. So I basically reimplemented the same business model but with a leaner team and better tooling.

>> No.56565192

Bump I'm sitting on 100k cash and just want to day trade and work on my own projects. I absolutely hate interacting with engineering normies, jeets, faggy project managers. I feel stuck in life. I'd rather put on a suite and commute to the city at this rate.
>join stupid meeting just keeping up appearances
>can't understand a single thing
>150k yearly golden handcuffs
>other jobs with my skills offering way less

>> No.56565233
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Loans held me back, but they are paid. The culprit is boomer salary increases: 50, 50, 65, 85, 85, 100, 0, 120. Job hopping was the only thing that saved me. I have 120K saved, I'm in a good place, but I am too burnt out to continue or even try to out compete anyonr. This is exactly where they want you.

What was the type of work you did before?

The daily standup is pain.

>> No.56566257

checking in, im on the shit tier pay of your list. Interested more in how you've progressed if you mind sharing

>> No.56566729

I'm making 270k TC in silicon valley and I can tell u that more money doesnt make it better, plus the more you make the more of it gets stuck in stock options/handcuffed.

It is funny tho, almost all managers nowadays in tech are female. like last year I worked with a female senior engineer and a female TPM and all they did was yell at each other in meetings directly to each other and pretend they weren't being aggressive. TPM is like the biggest bullshit job ever btw and I've noticed teams w female managers have the highest churn

>> No.56568271

If anyone has any decent ideas for IT startups/companies or anything like that pls share.
I know it sounds stupid, but theres a lot of businesses that can only cover a certain area, like physical network installations or something.
So pls share biz anons, somethi Thats not too big in scope but is gomma get money in IT

I know some people are doing smart home installations but Im not a big fan of doing wiring and shit like that. I suppose i could outsource that but theres just so many things to manage then

>> No.56568278
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Didint attach pic mb

>> No.56568526


Bro same I can't deal with the accents they're horrible

>> No.56570050

I work in cyber security so I'm not exactly a code monkey but rather I provide a service as well as a tool offering for a very specialized and niche use case. This isn't a guaranteed path to success, but I would recommend you to find a service you can provide that others need rather then thinking of it solely from the product side. Once you find the service you can provide, then you can start developing products to enhance the service offering.

>> No.56571137

Waiting for mega bump or death

>> No.56572582

I did the opposite. Worked as a research chemist for 8 years and now I'm a computational chemist. I guess the influx of braindead programmers created an impetus to hire people who a) understand the context of application and b) can implement said application.
The number of "Computational chemists" or "Computational scientists" I've interviewed, who can't explain fundamental atomic concepts like electron configuration, is utterly staggering.
Thanks for playing, codecels. You doubled my salary.

>> No.56572584

>network installations
Unfortunately most people don't care. They take the single cheapshit router and if it doesn't cover the whole house they blame it on the service provider. I set up 3 access points for my parents and an isp tech took them out and told them it wasn't set up right. I reee'd as networks are my profession too and it was just the cable box that broke, they're probably renting that router from the isp jews, but what are you going to do.
A friend's father did home theaters for rich people. Assuming you start small and work up to bigger clientele you'll probably have to pull wire starting out, bigger projects I'm sure involve house modifications and things for electricians and other pros. It's intimidating to me too, and a royal pain in the ass in my limited experience, but desu how hard can it be.

>> No.56572994

That sucks, fucking isp wagies that can’t troubleshoot networks often make rash decisions. Especial If they don’t understand the entire setup and dont know where to start.
I know that because i worked 1st line tech support for a wifi speaker company, and surprisingly often had to refer people to their ISP because they dont know anything about their network.
Your parents probably didint know much about the network and ths isp wagie just took rash actions that he can understand to get things under his control.

Anyway, yeah setting up home theatres is a bit scary, since its like very subjective and shit. People dont know if it sounds better to the left or to the right and stuff like that. Plus it would be a lot of advertising and pretty specific one to be seen

>> No.56573024


And yet you probably program like a hobbyist. Isn't exactly a software role.

>> No.56574423


>> No.56574456

I used to code fancy report excels for pharma. now I mop. sorry I just won't take it (the vaccine).

>> No.56574461

scientific computing chads: solving real, physical problems
webtrannies: using clean code patterns to write maintainable and extensible gay dating apps for HIV+ 8 year olds


>> No.56574469

You cocky faggots who think they are programming gods are always the biggest fucking midwits. Rope yourself.

>> No.56574520

I still work as project manager. I give all the whites the hard work and give my fellow poc east shit. The whites complain, but I just load them up with more work and ridiculous shit like they have to come in on weekends to check logs and audits. If they quit, I just hire my friends.

>> No.56574524

>I worked with a female senior engineer

When will programmers stop calling themselves engineers? Get back to me when you can build a bridge.

>> No.56574883


Building bridges has been solved for 4000 years. Get over yourself

>> No.56574946

>why did you drop your dev career
My online girlfriend broke up with me and I became depressed.
> and what do you do for a living?
Nothing. I just collect neetbucks.

>> No.56575283

I do the vast majority of my functional coding in python because the people who are going to be using and manipulating the code prefer it that way due to software integrations etc. You can act like your purism means something; but if nobody uses your code, why bother writing it?
Not sure hobbyists are deconvoluting terabytes of spectral data, but sure, whatever - dork

>> No.56575411

Why do they all have british accents mixed with poopoo

>> No.56575507
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If you want to have a successful startup and MUST have domain knowledge. The best startups I've worked at had a product that most people would consider boring af, like improving document control or streamlining order management. Those startups ramped up to 10s of millions of revenue within 2-3 years with minimal investments.
Stay away from anything that is or sounds hypey like AI/ML because those are dropping like flies while founders are siphoning as much money as they can before it all goes down.

Boring shit that saves companies money is where it's at.

>> No.56575625

I was highly skilled and did well in front of clients so I moved into "client solutions", and eventually into a director role. Now I'm a glorified project manager.

I plan to quit my job as soon as I buy a house. I make about $360k/y now and have significant assets, but also have a wife and kids so I can't just fuck off and live on my assets right now. I have to ensure they are set up and I'm not sacrificing their lifestyle/progress before I do it.

>> No.56576819


>> No.56577280

I hate the programming career field and the constant Leetcode grinding, but I'm pursuing a CompSci degree solely to have a STEM degree on my resume. I enjoy Electrical Engineering far more, but don't want to start over. Am I wasting my time or should I just throw myself into a woodchipper?

>> No.56577533

Nevermind, I'm just gonna quit and create a shitcoin called Tuna Nigger Inu (TNIG) or some shit

>> No.56577591

Sorry to say but the degree is almost universally ignored at this point.

>> No.56577608

No matter, I will just sexually assault the HR woman.

>> No.56579462


>> No.56579720

Got tired of fixing jeet code and trying to understand what the f the overseas contractors were saying but at least I didn't have to smell them

I just trade crypto now and work on hobby projects