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File: 336 KB, 1170x1534, 4E85920F-DC66-4273-8DD8-3553DFB42C0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56551687 No.56551687 [Reply] [Original]

We are discriminated against on Reddit just because we’re not fucking losers like this guy

>> No.56551700

>another screenshot thread

>> No.56551709
File: 510 KB, 2224x1668, 1698043154562647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leftism is a crab bucket race to the bottom.
Self-improvement is seen as racist and promoting toxic masculinity.
Hence why shitlibs are so strongly against exercise, outdoor activities, and making good financial decisions.

>> No.56551738

>Anime child profile pic
>Job meant for high-schoolers looking for extra cash
>Posts in r/adulting and r/antiwork

>> No.56551744

Pretty much this. Probably smokes weed every day too. Fucking loser. Get a better job or starve. I don’t care either way. Just stay the fuck out of my way.

>> No.56551761

Hi im from poor country and i need to give me opinion since im recently in here.

USA best country for money, you work 8 hours you go home, some time you stay extra, YOU GET MORE EXTRA MONEY! Pizza as well one time.

Work is easy as roofist, you place the black things in roof people give you money. 20 by hour, KACHING!!! $$$

House is cheap if you drive an hour to work, food costs cheaper then in my country. COSTCO MORE CHEAPER THAN IN MY COUNTRY!

Police once lets me go if I have no license, didn not have to give them money, they free me for no money.

Black people lazy white people afraid, if you work more versus them (easy) they call you things. No matter hah, they will not be live for too much (police encounters).

Overround, Americans are complainers, I like USA very much

>> No.56551785

This. Don't work for $16/hr and expect to provide

>> No.56551802

Thankyou north korea, life is worse elsewhere so I should be happy. Go fuck yourself.

You being complacent to inequality is what perpetuates the problem, all employees across the globe are at fault.

>> No.56551814

translation: just a cashier but wants to save face

>> No.56551816


>> No.56551825

why do I make 5x as much as this guy but my rent is less than half of his? why does he need to share an almost $4000 apartment with his "partner"?

>> No.56551826

$2160 for... a phone??!?!?

>> No.56551828

yuo need the job? 20 dollars by hour

>> No.56551848
File: 75 KB, 705x543, Screenshot_20231103-180255~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anime profile pic
It's a tranny lol this faggot is responsible for his own suffering

>> No.56551857

I’m half this person’s age and make 4 times as much. How do you fuck up so badly?

>> No.56551873

Based did you get your complimentary white woman yet?

>> No.56551910

I remember supporting my wife and my father on $16/hr back in 2015. Now I have less money to spend at $25/hr and my dad is dead.

>> No.56551925

based from calfornia tell me if you need roofist

some times but i ignore the compliments from white woman. I have one friend that he gets tonge cancer from kissing them hpv tranmision then he died. Only rdate ecent inmigrants

>> No.56551945

I don't understand, why not just make more money if all they are going to do is complain.

>> No.56551991

>gets tonge cancer from kissing them
Ah, ya blew it. Fun larp for a bit.

>> No.56552001

As a she cashier makes the equivalent of 2000 euros a month (after taxes). It's basically the median salary in Western Europe, that's what an engineer makes in the EU. A cashier here makes 1200 eurobucks a year.

It's incredible how poor Europe is becoming, in a decade I expect the median to be twice as much in the US. Soon a dog walker will make more than a french or british cardiologist.

>> No.56552064

>48 years old
>"my partner"
also someone who makes $34k gross doesn't pay 25% effective tax rate. standard deduction alone is $14k. they would pay closer to 17%. they would also likely be candidates for gibs programs like state medicaid and SNAP/EBT.

>> No.56552078

also i do make (barely) six figures with a college degree and i do agree that most people are being fucked on their wages, even the retard in the screenshot.

>> No.56552088

>he doesn’t know about the throat cancer epidemic from eating pussy

>> No.56552098

thats redditors in a nutshell.

>nooo you can't be more successful than the average person. we are all becoming a soft bodied hive mind that wants to be linked to the metaverse

>> No.56552113

also hes not telling the truth about his situation. he probably owns airpods and has 5 subscriptions. he also gets uber eats twice a week

>> No.56552117

the cost of living is still half as much as in america though, the whole difference is that you can make more money in america but everything costs a shitload more too, if you can reach a point where you can save half your salary then it's pretty good, that's the "american dream" granted 90% of americans live paycheck to paycheck or are in debt but they can hold on to the hope that they'll make it big someday, while in europe everything is much cheaper and there are a lot more safety nets so you're pretty unlikely to have to live paycheck to paycheck or go into debt, but the money you save up is also miniscule

>> No.56552121

pretty much, but if it is a real title its just because they're a cashier thats been at the job for longer than other cashiers and doesn't supervise at all.

>> No.56552135

Dangerously based.

>> No.56552164

>all poor people waste their money

>> No.56552177
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This. Median household income in 1970 was 235oz of gold, is the problem statist debasement? Of course not! It's those evil "high income earners"

>> No.56552178

I’ve had redditors doubt my career progression because I’m in my 20’s and make six figures in tech with a film degree. I got down-dooted into oblivion for suggesting that media tech companies like tiktok and YouTube exist that might want someone with a media background

>> No.56552192

how should we know, man? just go there and ask them. like going into mcdonalds and asking the staff about Ford motor cars like why not just go there and ask them yourselves man?

>> No.56552193

>they would also likely be candidates for gibs programs like state medicaid and SNAP/EBT.
Nope. Have to be under 22k gross.

>> No.56552198

>top .1% control more and more of the wealth
>use their influence to subvert central banking and the state
big think.

>> No.56552276

A majority of redditors are still vax-rabid faggots. Why even bother talking to anyone there?

>> No.56552321
File: 2.24 MB, 4032x3024, costco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Costco prices have doubled. Here are the prices before covid. I cancelled my membership because it was no longer saving me money going there.

>> No.56552446

I like you and your enthusiasm

>> No.56552470

Doesn't it know if it owns nothing it'll be happy?

>> No.56552511
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i make 90k in boston, spend less on rent and utilities, more on food.
i still feel poor. i will never be able to afford a house here. maybe i should go to college or something

>> No.56552537
File: 63 KB, 1536x402, Screenshot 2023-11-03 163827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plugging that number in tax calc for MA gives me $31k
plus picrelated
whenever destitute fucks complain about high taxes it's always horseshit

>> No.56552555
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Housing is priced to whatever the market can bear. Also, I've never heard of a wage increase to the rate of inflation in the history of working, nor shall I grant one.

>> No.56552566

I make freeze dried food and like to scare the shit out of people with doom porn and end of times evangelical 700 club/left behind/jehovas witness shit. I’m set to make over 200k this year. Shit sells itself but I like to hang out in front of boomer rock stores and coin shows yelling you can’t eat rocks.

>> No.56553153
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>subvert central banking
You dumb nigger faggot, central banking IS the subversion. Who the fuck do you think CHAMPIONED central banking? Who do you think abolished the gold standard? Which part of "MEDIAN household income in 1970 was 235oz of gold" don't you understand? Wealth inequality has gone parabolic since '71 but you continue to simp for the statist oligarchs. Pathetic.

>> No.56553689
File: 170 KB, 979x351, antiwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56553720

There are about 2000 people in this country whose work actually earns them a six-figure salary and you are not one of them. Most receive it through nepotism and normie bias and wage theft from guys like the dude in your picrel.
Don't call for mods, call for Mao.

>> No.56553727


>> No.56553736

>food costs cheaper then in my country.
Now that is an entire fucking lie.

>> No.56553765

>t. Rolf

>> No.56553795

what third world shithole do you live in anon

>> No.56553802

Also he's paying $1650 in rent. I understand it's Massachusetts but no way he can't find a better deal for him and his "partner".

>> No.56553817

I don't think that's true at all.
Perhaps some leftists are against exercise, outdoor activities, and making good financial decisions, but I don't think that applies to the group at large.
I think most of the shitlibs that you despise actually value things like: education, healthcare, personal accountability, helping people who need help, and the preservation of the rights of all people.

It's easy to make shitlibs out to be "bad" when you just take random attributes you don't like and say "this is what the left is," with no regard for the truth.

>> No.56553929

>this nigger thinks $100k makes you "da one parsent"
You're a retard. Truck drivers make $100k, do tell how the guy delivering the stores products is exploiting the cashier

>> No.56553952

Based Venezuelan.

>> No.56553964

this shit is so fake

34k would qualify you for low income housing and SNAP

like everything else posted on reddit its astroturfing by some advocacy group or state agency

>> No.56554059

It's $26k gross per year for a household of 2 in California, and you can't have more than $2k in the bank. So absolutely dirt poor to qualify.

>> No.56554064

cool well the post is about MA where it is 39k for a household of 2

>> No.56554129

Most people don't know what 6 figures is. Make $100,001 is not "6 figures" its like saying your 6ft tall because you're in your 6th foot. Its only technically true. 6 figures is from 100-900k. So if you're not making $450k its not 6 figures. And its also passive income only. If you have to work for another man, it doesn't matter how much he pays you, you're a fucking beta WAGIE. $450k income PASSIVE, that is 6 figures. Otherwise your a wannabe. Only thing worse is retards who say they make "high 6 figures" and they're talking about 199k instead of 999k lmao fucking poorfags.

>> No.56554272

America, of course.
Where do you think all that overtime budget comes from?
In any case, the top 30-ish% are the problem, not just the top 1%. All of them profit from the anguish of the poor, and are subsidized far more by the government than the rest of us. $100k+ is nearly unheard of even for experienced professionals in Europe; American incimes are inflated so that our professionals don't have to feel the pinch of our inefficient social state.

>> No.56554303

Nope, meat & dairy & poultry product are cheaper in america than in my shit thirdworld country. You don't know how easy you get there.

>> No.56554305

prices have doubled everywhere in the world, retard.

>> No.56554310

I apologize for calling for mods for another screenshot thread after reading your faggit ass comment. I hope you die in a fire commie fuck

>> No.56554358

based esl dabbin on the mutts

>> No.56554392

Taxes taken from my paycheck so far this year have already exceeded $45k. And I've maxed out my 401k contributions for the year. Thank god I'm not a seething poorfag.

>> No.56554965

there's a lot more than 2,000 people making six figure salaries in this country.

>> No.56555040
File: 1.48 MB, 1661x1227, e5c4dee9c529b86e7d98eeb00690ab2898820502f0a6c98e1a938cc4e0816faa_1-imageonline.co-merged.jpg (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He vootes

>> No.56555064

In 1965 the min wage was 5 silver quarters, which would be about 25 dollars in 2019. You are a broke ass motherfucker, you are impoverished and this is all because of the boomer shareholder meme.
>but you can just invest the money and be a shareholder
Because of the way the stock market sucks the value out of employee paychecks to survive, the reality is that a boomer at 48 about a quarter century ago would have mogged the fuck out of this guy financially- homer simpson in the 1990s making the same pay would be making about 70k in current value and he was meant to be a broke poorfag.

Biggest mistake this guy and his whore wife and kid have done though is for her to be on foodstamps. I mean they clearly don't get section 8, what would be the problem then if she got a job at the same place and made another 34,000 and doubled their income?

But I digress- someone making 100k now should actually be making 200k, the 200k earner should be making 400k. All wages are effectively 50% lower than they should be, adjusted for massive productivity increases and massive inflation in cost of living.

The only thing I can say is that this guy will vote for the first liberal who offers him FREE SHIT while disregarding simple solutions like "deport illegals and audit the fed" because he is too dumb/cowardly to bite the hands of the masters who have only contempt for his meagre life.

Self improvement is meaningless in a financialized, inflation-driven economy. You cannot lift your way out of jews poisoning your food and stealing all your gold, unless you are moving to a foreign country not run by bankers (north korea).

>> No.56555071


>> No.56555077

See >>56551848
Spent 48 years not doing anything and now he's fucked.

>> No.56555085

>the cost of living is still half as much as in america though,
Check rent prices in Berlin, none of what you posted is true.
>safety nets
What you actually mean is on top of low wages they take even more from your paycheck trapping you in the goy zone.

>> No.56555096
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>North Korea
Probably would ngl
Imagine all the whacky (electricity enhanced) dirty shit she's probably down for

>> No.56555103

>Don't call for mods, call for Mao.
Gay post

Red dit


About 6.5 million people make more than 100k including all professionals, businessmen, /biz/ retards who win at the casino etc. out of about 136 million workers.

>> No.56555114

>gets spotted
Annnnnnd reset connection.....
>"quickly, deploy the shit screen, call someone else a plebbiter!"
>back to shit posting

>> No.56555155

Go suck communist dick somewhere else.

>> No.56555169
File: 658 KB, 1440x2688, Screenshot_20231104_072155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less of the toxicity please

>> No.56555291

Kek, you have no idea.

>> No.56555317

Entry level mcdonalds employees here make $15/hour in Midwestern cheapland


>> No.56555402

What the fuck are you talking about retard? I'm European and earn more than 100k in dollar terms. Don't talk about us like every nation in Europe is Romania

>> No.56555412
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>, they will not be live for too much (police encounters).
Damn straight

>> No.56555571

You don't have to live in Berlin.

>> No.56555600

But what about le hustle and le bustle?!

>> No.56555655

>The average rent cost in Berlin largely depends on the location and size of the apartment. For a one-bedroom apartment in the city center, you can expect to pay between €900 and €1,200 per month
ok so half of what op said, even large european cities are much cheaper than the average american city
what I mean is that you don't go bankrupt if you break your leg due to medical bills which you will encounter because american safety standards for food and everything else is way below europe's, public transportation is also way more readily available so you have a much better range of job opportunities
you're in the goy zone either way only in america you're kept in the goy zone with debt and high prices while in europe you're kept in the goy zone with low wages

>> No.56555702

oh, you sweet, sweet summer child

>> No.56555956

Not comparable products. American versions of those are significantly compromised nutritionally and carry low-grade illnesses. Organic food is more expensive in America.

>> No.56555964

And the vast majority of them should be making about $80k tops. I'm saying they're getting paid more than they're worth, dumbasses.
Larp elsewhere fagit

>> No.56556111

tf is that?

>> No.56556126

I used to think as excessive charitably about them as you do. Unfortunately I am cursed with the power of pattern recognition that blasts through such a rosy and unrealistic view of modern western leftists.

>> No.56556135

Yeah, if you're 48 and making that little, you fucked up. I bet this dude has a criminal record that prevents him from making more, guaranteed

>> No.56556175

Imagine how repulsive and retarded that person is if they're a tranny that can code and still not get a decent paying job

>> No.56556497
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>> No.56556529

>$100k+ is nearly unheard of even for experienced professionals in Europe
Yes anon, most of Europe is a poor shithole even after the Marshall Plan, we know. Why do you think so many people immigrate to the US?

>> No.56556701
File: 378 KB, 734x723, 1689516742610591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you make six figures are odds are you have an overpaid gate kept boomer job or had silver spoon ivory tower daddy who put you through tech school. making 400k a year is top 1% tier. people who make less than that, i.e. the petite capitalists who think all of society can be truck driving jobs (not understanding the roads they drive on are subsidized they are actually leftist filth, trains are more efficient than boomer trucker jobs). Those stats are from the USA too. In Canada where I live things are way tougher, we are still living in the 2008 asset bubble. Even those truckers are struggling. Not everybody could be a truck driver a home builder anyway and if they could you wouldn't be paid so much. The fact is people who flip burgers need a liveable wage too.. It's ironic this "loser" makes the median wage in America. The odds are there are plenty of temporary embarrassed millionaire right wingers itt.

To the 10% of you who actually made it to easy street because you got lucky, had an ivory spoon tower dad or genuinely did bust your ass like a slave for years and years saving up every penny. It doesn't matter to me you are an anomaly. Yet imagine simping for an ideology where some kid could get lucky and make 50 million dollars a year reviewing toys for babies on youtube. while somebody working full time shouldn't afford a basic necessity because it's actually an asset for boomer landlords who are in the top 10% of us.. Right wingers don't realize the "guilded age" of america where racism was cool and everybody could afford a house. interest rates were higher, billionaires paid a fairer share, and a burger flipper could afford a home. At least a fucking one bedroom apartment without needing roommates. Nobody can afford a home anymore in Canada. We fly in 1 million international elite investors each year to compete with us, that's ignoring landlordism is basically a bidding war for the top 10%

>> No.56556707

>and thats why jewish billionaires are a good thing (and here's why)

>> No.56556718

This. Even as a cashier, you should get promoted to something that pays at least $20/hr by then. He'll, even most random warehouse jobs pay at least that much nowadays.

>> No.56556721

There is something deeply mentally wrong with these people.

>> No.56557036

When I was a kid I thought 100k was a lot and it was in the late 90's and early 2000's. Now I see 100k a year as about enough to live with a family. Again, just enough, not much more. The problem is that to get a better paying job, you have to live close to a city which costs more money. Most people I know have both parents working and making around 100k per year combined, with kids they're struggling and not putting a penny away. Always broke as a joke by the end of the month. I know many of them have shit money management but still, it ain't that much anymore.

>> No.56557052

>the top 30-ish% are the problem
As >>56551709 so eloquently stated: "Leftism is a crab bucket race to the bottom"

>> No.56557080

i live in the suburbs of philly and make $100k. nowhere near enough to afford a single family house. you basically need a $175k household income to afford an entry level, middle class life: a 1400-1600 square foot home in a neighborhood free of minorities and fentanyl, two used cars, reasonably healthy groceries, student loan repayments, etc.
>muh hegging baste stay at home TRADWIFE
is a meme

>> No.56557097

>In Boston, MA
Bro I literally hire teenagers for a position in Boston, MA for $18/hr this guy is a fucking retard if he can't get more than that.
>anime troon pfp

>> No.56557103

They all want college debt wiped. They’re parasitic in nature and hate self responsibility. They’re filled with nothing but excuses.

>> No.56557109

100% sex offender too.
Didn't read more than one sentence of this cope shit. Clearly you've never heard of a commission based pay structure.

>> No.56557133
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>Self improvement is meaningless in a financialized, inflation-driven economy.
False. Money flows. Those two simple words are the most +EV statement you will ever hear in your entire life. They failed to criminalize gold (44x since '71, exactly on par with monetary expansion) they will fail to criminalize BTC. Short the Shitcoin (fiat), it's just that easy.

>> No.56557300

>It's ironic this "loser" makes the median wage in America
The median wage in America is $45k and the median household income is $75k
Have you considered suicide?

>> No.56557346

I've always loved that libshits don't rage against the parasitic oligarchs, but instead rage against entertainers who are about the most of "owing the means of production" as you can get

>> No.56557356

Just poorfags unable to go through samsara

>> No.56557357

>That pic
Yeah bro I'm the one defending jewish billionaires

>> No.56557378

This is what the death of Christianity looks like, folks. Zero empathy for other people. You don't know her (his?) circumstances.

>> No.56557382

>it ain't that much anymore.
Correct. $100k/yr IS shit, never forget, the MEDIAN household income 1970 was 235oz of gold

>> No.56557462
File: 2.11 MB, 632x640, 1656010478129.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Self-identify as pro-Labor
>Spout pro-Labor rhetoric on the internet all day every day until you're blue in the face
>Act like you're part of a pro-Labor movement, getting the word out to undermine the Capitalists
>Give the Capitalist oligarchs a free pass on importing millions upon millions of SCABS a year to suppress wages and prop up capital appreciation
>Defend the practice as THE hill you are willing to die on, over and above any of your other nominally-pro-Labor opinions
>Assist the Capitalist, oligarchical Regime in scuttling the efforts of any pro-Labor movement that calls it into question eagerly and willingly, gleefully unperson their supporters
Actual, unironic mindbroken slaves.

>> No.56557485
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>spend younger years studying, paying attention/putting effort into school, doing homework instead of partying with friends all day, avoiding crime/drugs, thinking about future etc.
>end up making 6 figures later on because I actually put a modicum of effort in
>now all the losers who skipped class and popped xanax in high school think I'm the problem
go fuck yourself

>> No.56557491

Leftists are so fucking retarded. Immigration is literally a tool to keep wages down. Even fucking Bernie Sanders has a quote where he disparages mass immigration for this very reason.
These people are so fucking retarded they can't decouple their views, they have to take every leftist talking point rather than isolating individuals points within their own interests.
Sorry you dumb fucking nigger faggots but if you flood the labor market you are going to sink wages by the fact that all these people now need jobs to sustain themselves and the fact that when more people are competing over the same job the leverage goes to the employer.
It's all so tiresome.

>> No.56557591

Yes. If they made good decisions they wouldn't be poor.

>> No.56557599

Immigration reveals that all this marxist leftbrain bullshit is just another grift.

>> No.56557614

>didn not have to give them money, they free me for no money
People in the US don't realize how much of a privilege this is. I live in the US now, but in my home cunt you had to bribe the police to get them to do anything at all.

>> No.56557649
File: 954 KB, 1079x1263, Screenshot_20230723-084216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to America my friend!

>> No.56557856

>And the vast majority of them should be making about $80k tops. I'm saying they're getting paid more than they're worth, dumbasses.
See >>56555064

Most people should actually be making a lot more than they do, the people making the most are just in jobs that didn't get fucked as hard by inflation.

Your image is literally taken before the gold standard was removed, your image literally proves my post correct since his thesis (that a currency not on a gold standard would inflate to shit and kill gains for productive workers) was proven entirely true.

You simply will not do crunches at the gym and 'grind' at work and improove your way to an 18yo virgin bride with a white picket fence in a friendly small town that doesn't have methheads.

>> No.56557867

You two probably had parents who were either ok or even good in teaching you how to live or who at least didn't give you a bad example.
Imagine that all your parents taught you was to be a drugaddict or a vagabond or to just work mindlessly in whatever job (even if a low-paying one), etc.
And before you go, "hurr durr internal locus of control!! Muh saafimprovemont!! muh raggs2richis!! muh 1 in a million instagram stori!!", most people never reflect on their lives, but they simply do what others do or tell them to do, and it isn't until someone clearly teaches them the opposite or a long time has passed that they finally start to think by themselves and look for alternatives.

>> No.56557870

Historically the leftists were the 'based' ones opposed to immigration. The modern pozzed attitudes were injected into them rectally after 2013 because it was not good to have people who were coming from the left opposing immigration. This is why 'socialists' are all trannies now. Keep them going in circles getting nothing done getting mad at orange man.

>> No.56557902

Good goy.

>> No.56558005

Jews and women were never based. And besides their golems (the African slaves they brought here centuries ago, and the Hispanics they bring now) nobody is a leftist.

>> No.56558082

>he thinks leftist filth would reciprocate his Christian values
Your cuckoldry is what doomed Christianity in the first place. Aside from it being a jewish slave religion for the goyim that is.

>> No.56558129

>Historically the leftists were the 'based' ones opposed to immigration.
You have selective memory, leftists and liberals have always been pro-immigration, just maybe slightly more rational about it in the past.
>The modern pozzed attitudes were injected into them rectally after 2013 because it was not good to have people who were coming from the left opposing immigration.
Accurate. Leftshits and libcucks got mindfucked hard in the Obama years to prevent another Occupy Wall Street.
>This is why 'socialists' are all trannies now. Keep them going in circles getting nothing done getting mad at orange man.
Yup. They're essentially tools of the state now. 2020/21 proved that the masses of leftard normies could be weaponized against anyone else in the country with a brain.

>> No.56558352

mutts work way more than 35H per week
the legal limit in France is 35H per week yes
but i agree with you when you say salaries in western europe are pathetic
i make more in a romanian call center than i was doing as a waiter in France
and now i work from home 100%

>> No.56559029

Money flows. You watch but you refuse to learn.

>> No.56559293

>preservation of the rights of all people.
Literally everyone on the left believes math is racist and that it promotes white supremacy to teach kids 2+2=4 (Google it: shitlibs unironically believe in this).
They also believe we should ban Shakespeare and classical music from schools, but they also believe Mozart, Beethoven, and Shakespeare were black (Google that too).
Human rights? Please. Everyone on the left – from the normiest of Democrat Boomers to the Maoist talkies – believe straight white men should be systematically killed.
Go find some random shitlib off the street and ask them what they think about straight white men, and they will absolutely say that all straight white men deserved to be killed, and that all white babies should be raped and mutdered too.
They'll even argue that straight white women should be raped and forced into sex slavery.

>> No.56559302

We are so fucking tired of you stupid faggots. Go live in Israel or something so we don't have to hear from you.

>> No.56559829

>t. Tranny with a five o’clock shadow darker than sin

>> No.56559951
File: 30 KB, 680x510, fist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i can't afford to live where I live
>the system needs to change

>> No.56560463

So he's a chaser and he can't find a job that isn't 2 hours away, huh?

>> No.56560495

Based hard worker

>> No.56560499


>> No.56560537

The fundamental difference between left and right is their stance on hierarchy. The right views hierarchy as inevitable, or even desirable, while the left views hierarchy as unnatural or undesirable.

Given this axiom, self-improvement is generally a right-wing phenomenon. The left would rather improve the group - even (or often) at the expense of the self.

Education? Has to be available to everyone at the same standard. Overperforming private schools or exclusive universities? Fuck them - and that is textbook left-wing politics. Capitalism, the idea of individuals acting out of ethical egoism in an unrestricted marketplace, resulting in winners but also losers? Nope. The left cannot tolerate an individual's success, we have to punish (tax) the winners to give to the losers.

Sorry dawg, but leftism is, by design, a crab-bucket ideology.

>and the preservation of the rights of all people.
How can you claim the right to another person's labor? If you take this stance, you endorse slavery. If you do not take this stance, you cannot possibly be entitled to healthcare, education, housing, or indeed any positive right, as that relies on the labor of your fellow man.

>> No.56560557

shut the fuck up retard

>> No.56560674

Sirs doing the needful

>> No.56561508

Geez. I'm 44. I can't imagine how you fuck your life like this. I employ 19 year old at 21 an hour. I don't get off the couch for less than 120 an hour if I have to do the work. Western Wisconsin.

>> No.56561777

I mean, six figure earners suck ass. They are the ones paying the taxes that support all the pozzed shit we are buried in. Christ told us to work only for what we needed and to pay taxes on just that. If we followed his guidance, the government wouldn't have the money to do all the bad shit it does. You should be minimizing your taxable income and living as minimally as possible. At the same time you should be investing in longterm well-researched plays that yield less than 20% tax revenue for the government. Preferably 0% tax if you can tolerate selling over many years.

>> No.56561941

The UPS driver making 170k are surely the one percent keeping you down.

>> No.56561963

Read industrial society and its future by ted kaczynski