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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56547902 No.56547902 [Reply] [Original]

>develops the most liquid, decentralized, secure and easy to use staking protocol within all of crypto
>Ethereum and pedophile Vitalik with their vast resources were unable to replicate such a superior staking model for Ethereum
>Ethereum's staking model isn't decentralized, it's prone to slashing, it isn't liquid and it isn't easy to do

Not only does Cardano have the best staking protocol in existence, but they also have the best visionary peer reviewed chain base substructure/foundation utilizing the EUTXO model. With this foundation to build upon, they're developing a decentralized scaling solution that will be able to handle more than 1,000,000 tps using their Hydra scaling solution (rollups being developed) and through the highly advanced and revolutionary solution of Input Endorsers.

Brainlet Cardano and Charles fudders simply do not understand and would rather shill their centralized scams teamed by pajeets and roaches. They are too low IQ to understand.

Cardano Chads will win, /biz/ will keep seething and being broke.

>> No.56547915


>> No.56547932
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You forgot to include the chart, my retard

>> No.56547951

EUTXO is what requires offchain processes to baybysit transactions, it's what makes somedayswap so slow. i wouldn't tout those as a pillar of great design, it's just more academic wankery divorced from real world needs. let's hope the guy inflicting this on everyone got a good grade for his paper at least

>> No.56547958
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Also, while we are at it. Trashdano didnt create anything, they merely created a ponzi scheme where you get airdropped tokens, by just holding them. It is literally a textbook example of helicopter money. lmao even

>> No.56547960

>they also have the best visionary peer reviewed chain base substructure/foundation

It's not even finished yet and it's currently in turmoil. They need to fix it now.

t. Catalyst

>> No.56547984

That was a separate project built on Cardano. It did not originate from Cardano itself.

>> No.56547997

Maybe Ethereum is so shit because Vitalik is a brainlet that writes spaghetti code.

Charles is too busy managing the best programmers in the world while Vitalik is writing spaghetti code.

>> No.56548042

Cardano is basically a cult at this point lmao

>> No.56548064

It's good for business. Seethe with your dead shitcoin bags.

>> No.56548070
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Hahahahahahahaha actually chuckled, Charles is too busy exploring the hidden secrets of Antarctica, building his airplane and medical empire with your fucking money, you stupid idiot. While you support HIS epic life and jerkoff to his cult-like YT, all he gives you are hopes and dreams (futile ones). Trashdano literally started the same time as Eth, and it got waffle-stomped like the shit it is, even by Solana... seethe harder

>> No.56548094

Ethereum liquid staking is counted, while Cardano's isn't.

That website is biased trash.

>> No.56548126

Agreed, I always keep a healthy bag of scams and shitcoins because they actually pump harder than the projects that actually deliver quality. Doesn't mean I believe the lies.

>> No.56548135
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>Ethereum liquid staking is counted, while Cardano's isn't.

If it was, Llama would show 80 billion you fucking sand nigger

>> No.56548156

this guy fucks

>> No.56548579

The tech is so good, that dapps are simply not good enough for it

>> No.56548716

There are dapps and there are a lot of projects developing on it.

Circle (company behind USDC) wanted to build Cardano a stablecoin, but Cardano told them to fuck off because they're centralized trash.

>> No.56550190

that's a good thing. easier to dump on the emotionally invested redditfags when they pump it for me.

>> No.56550325

/biz/ goyim will fomo in at 5 dollars, sell at about 3.50 and then watch it moon.

>> No.56550355

ITT street shitters and ADA baggies

If your coin was good, you wouldn’t need to be here :)

>> No.56550514
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>Reddit spacing
Verification not required.

>> No.56550547

Lmaaaao that's why Ethereum is dogshit??

>> No.56550686
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>Kava fixes all of Ethereum's problems including but not limited to: retarded gas fees (tax) and oftentimes hilariously sluggish transaction speeds by leveraging Cosmos' technology to create the KavaSDK, containing all the good in Ethereum mixed with the excellent speed and performance-focused improvements of the now largely defunct Cosmos project
>ETH mouthbreathing baggies cannot fathom the idea of a better Ethereum happening so neither Kava nor Kaspa are allowed to blow up the way they should
ADA bros are experiencing the Clown World effect. Good projects with actually efficient tech getting pushed aside by retarded hype and the sunk cost fallacy alike.

>> No.56550763

How is this not considered blatant shilling in the most jeetish way possible?

>> No.56550824

>he thinks his shitcoin will ever be able to beat the absolute king of Layer 1's
Smart contracts are the absolute basis for anything crypto/defi related. Calling others "mouth breathing retards" just because they're able to acknowledge this fact instead of becoming your exit liquidity is a sign of absolute desperate baggies such as yourself. Gas fees keep validators happy and thus the whole network is still able to function properly 24/7 unlike your peers like SOL. Cosmos has been underperforming for quite some time because the community can't make up their minds for anything so it's like a bunch of tribes fighting each other in there. It's crazy.

>> No.56550831
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Still not buying your bags.

>> No.56550990

Kava has been running for about five years now and who said anything about smart contracts??? That's what the SDK is for you stupid nigger. Holy fuck MOUTHBREATHERS indeed.

>> No.56550995

>He thinks meth bros are in it for le tech
90% of people didn't even know what the transition to a pos model even meant they just bought in because it sounded "good". which it is not.

>> No.56551007

>Do not discuss your assets
>Do not hold any banter conversation about your assets
>Do not talk about anything *finance* related in this board :)
>Reddit spacing
Go record another anal dildo video for your xvideos page bro

>> No.56551011

>Gas fees keep validators happy and thus the whole network is still able to function properly 24/7 unlike your peers like SOL
holy mother of retarded opinions this one takes the cake

>> No.56551016

>Pointing at a third party project as if it was official
Please come up with something better next time.
This. Developers don't like to try anymore.

>> No.56551024
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I like kava eth and ada equally and they all have a space in the cryptosphere. Yes they are treated unfairly but that's life.

>> No.56551051

see this retarded mentality about "being #1" (this thread included) is why crypto is in such a pathetic state right now. cunts like you threat coins like teams you must root for and hold and make it a part of your personality instead of being objective and not driven my stupid fucking gay emotions.

>> No.56551766
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Cardano is #1 though.

>> No.56551810

Cardano is literally #1 in development activity and number of active devs.

Cardano can't stop winning.

>> No.56551892

While there certainly is founded criticism of the VIT, this is true.

>> No.56552771

> named after a woman that's hailed by feminazi but in reality didn't do literal shit for science
Yeah, no thx, not buying the simpcoin, Monerochad coming through

>> No.56552934
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Charles? That guy's a Fag!