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56543950 No.56543950 [Reply] [Original]

This guy thought he had it all. Billionaire, head of a powerful exchange, influencing US politics, he would go on big podcasts telling people what needs to be done in the space and people would listen.

What was the point of Alameda? Why did he think that he needed to give user funds to Caroline money to gamble?

>> No.56543953

Jews always crash and burn. You can see it live currently in the middle east

>> No.56543960

never underestimate the power of weasel grippy

many such cases

>> No.56543964

Most likely had a handler telling him what to do.

>> No.56543971

They were a researching ways to better lives

>> No.56543978

alameda bootstrapped ftx. it arbitraged the korean bitcoin premium and pillaged early defi. after getting enough money to launch the exchange, he decided to focus on ftx. but alameda still existed and became a monster taking retarded bets. yes it could've been avoided. but alameda came first

>> No.56543991
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If you’ve read your weininger, you’ll realize that Jews are a race of women/faggots. Therefore, as a feminine race, everything they do is mired in a sort of neurotic confusion. They are random not because they are working start to end from som innate genius, but because like women their immense neuroticism leads them to being constantly confused.
In short: Sam Bankman Fried is the kikiest of kikes and therefore he kiked up the operation.

>> No.56544016

Like rape is correction from a bratty roastie, holocausting is correction for bratty kikes. Only actual white people can do it though, anti semitic niggers, spics, jeets, changs, dunecoons etc are impotent like a beta trying to rape a top tier bratty roastie. Only whites can ever holocaust the herbs

>> No.56544020


>> No.56544023

Uhhhh /pol/troons, I thought he was never going to be convicted because he's muh joooo

>> No.56544028

His name was literally scam bankman fraud, how did anybody fall for this shit

>> No.56544038
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He didn't just think he had it all, he ACTUALLY had it all.
Worth 22 billion while being 29 years old, very close ties to the "elite" in politics/government, pushed heavily by mass media as a young genius tech vegan philanthropist, the crypto poster boy, head of an exchange so huge entire arenas were named after it etc etc.

All he had to do is take "just" 2-3% from trading fees from FTX and he'd still be massively obnoxiously rich. But no, he just HAD to also do the retard drug fueled market maker gambling with all that money at once as well, can't fix a brain fried degen no matter what

>> No.56544044
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>> No.56544071

Exactly. They are a parody of themselves. Reality alwas trumps whatever prejudice people have

>> No.56544099

It was all smoke and mirror you idiot, FTX wouldn't exist without the Alameda embezzlement

>> No.56544169

>What was the point of Alameda?
front running their own clients

>> No.56544199

You're working under the false belief that FTX was legitimate, and then blew up from bad bets. FTX was never legitimate, it was always a fraud, the perpetrators (SBF & The Weasel's parents/handlers) got away with it after milking it for billions, and SBF is the fall guy

>> No.56544286
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They are extremely oversocialized.

>> No.56544328

You don’t make that level of money without being locked into it. Look into some of the past scams in finance, to make that level of money people will be expecting massive levels of money as well. You essentially have to keep growing and keep acting to keep up the charade, or else people will kill you.

>> No.56544995

>calls out neurotic confusion with his own neurotic post
no cap unc that's meta af ong
just add some phonk to the end of it and you have the new tiktok

>> No.56545015

A. Stop talking like a nigger
B. The jewish mode of communication and being has won out and we all live within that paradigm.

>> No.56545102

His one mortal mistake was screwing over rich powerful politicians. He left a few senators who were on his side with egg on their face and holding the bag. The headlines of all his donations to the Democrats didn’t look to good.

>> No.56545244

i thought jews were high iq.this stupid jew fuck was trading with user funds in high leverage without any obfuscation and even letting his girls??at least he'should've tried to minimize the damage if he got found out

>> No.56545317

was he plant to govt can shut down exchanges and push it through banks?

>> No.56545329

He got greedy. He should’ve retired to an island with no extradition treaties.

>> No.56545351
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>“I donated to both parties. I donated about the same amount to both parties,” Bankman-Fried told the crypto commentator and citizen journalist Tiffany Fong.

>“All my Republican donations were dark,” he said, referring to political donations that are not publicly disclosed. “The reason was not for regulatory reasons, it’s because reporters freak the fuck out if you donate to Republicans. They’re all super liberal, and I didn’t want to have that fight.”

>> No.56545369

>has no argument

>> No.56545394

If he traded the funds himself (like CZ does) everything would’ve been fine. The problem was he trusted a woman with money

>> No.56545421

this. they obviously scammed a lot of money from the wrong people.

>> No.56545536

Neither did he it was an accurate non straw man response to his straw man. Your response is a non sequitur.

>> No.56545552

They should send the bankman to the chair to fry him.

>> No.56546324

I'm really glad that crypto is self regulating so successfully so early on and self purging all the bad actors before they can become so systemically entrenched and too big to fail. Sbf, Celsius, Terra collapse, 3ac, Richard Heart, now safe moon and all these other obvious scams. I'd be really worried if ftx and Terra were still around. They got rekt as quickly as they rose to the top just like bitconnect. Seeing sbf or Luna rise in real time was truly mind boggling because I knew all along how none of it was organic and I seethed endlessly at how big they were becoming, but a mere couple of years later market seemingly self corrected by itself. Like a self healing organic rejecting a poison or parasite. Now we're still contending with the likes of jump or cz but they're more subtle and playing the game without going full retard.

>> No.56546680
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Didn't happen. Any of it. SBF is living large in Bahamas right now

>> No.56546859

Greed is what caused his downfall. Fkn idiot he could have lived best life with milions.

>> No.56546904

He probably thought he was destined to be like buffet and such. Massive political shapers and such. they dont settle for millions and go live a comfy life.

>> No.56546928

>it arbitraged the korean bitcoin premium and pillaged early defi.
that is the story, but a lot of people are saying its fake and gay like everything else they hear in the news.

>> No.56548273

Kek probably

>> No.56548570
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You’re right. Now that they’re out of the way, we’ll never ever have to deal with scams and frauds in crypto because they all learned the lesson by now. Never ever again, I tell ye.

>> No.56551209

Checked. This. I don't for a second believe feds or some other elites weryent involved with this thing