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56505122 No.56505122 [Reply] [Original]

I'm the guy who swing traded link at 8.20. Was wondering your guys thoughts does this weeks of sideways action mean that we are likely to break upward, or downward? Trying to determine whether or not I should buy back in.

>> No.56505128

Don’t buy. BTC flash crash will bring it back lower than your sell

>> No.56505133


>> No.56505134

Lol link never goes up, you got scammed.

>> No.56505141

Think of it this way. Bank owners and elites around the world are telling you “you will own nothing” buy something real that you can own.

>> No.56505161

literally no one is saying that besides fear mongering rubes like you

>> No.56505169

I read your thread when that happened. I have nothing mean or nasty to say to you. I have no idea on future price action of link. I have held for years. I hope for your sake it goes back down.

>> No.56505213

I'm the guy who said it would revert to the mean, and not to get pushed into buying the local top.
It's coming down to 8 or below imo

Patience anon.
The market is an emotions game in many ways.

>> No.56505229

it was crabbing at 10 before it went to 11. I'm taking this as a sign that it has stabilized at 11 and will not go down

>t. nevercoiner who just heard about link last week

>> No.56505237

>buy something real that you can own.
what's realer than fake internet coins?

Own the realest real you can.
Buy my bags, please!

>> No.56505404

I will never tire of linkers fudding their own coin

>> No.56505450

Leave this place.
It's unhealthy for your mindset and investment knowledge because of all the paid fuders.
Find a proper trading professional and learn from him.

As a trader you can never know what will happen and have to take calculated risks.
Chainlink made a breakout from the 2 year range it was consolidating in and made a higher high.
This is a bullish change and when a breakout from an accumulation range happens the expectation is that it will go up after an initial consolidation phase.
You have to ignore your past and make a trading decision based on your current situation.

If you hesitate then buy back with only half of your dollar position until you decide.
You will be unhappy in every situation.
That's why you should have thought about this situation before trying to swing.

>> No.56505777
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Buy back in. Even if it goes to zero, losing out on an investment is far better than missing one. It will haunt you for the rest of your life. Better to swing and miss.

>> No.56505789


>> No.56505807
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how does it feel knowing that you should buy back, but can't possibly do it and admit your mistake? must be miserable i am sure. it is the fate of the swingie, and ye shall suffer it for a thousand moons.

>> No.56505902

Stop shitting up the catalog swingie

>> No.56505907

I never even bought link I bought some other now irrelevant shitcoin because I felt link was already inflated

>> No.56505915

Oh no I lost 10% of my stack. Who cares? Buy back in dipshat

>> No.56505990

if they swung all then it's 25% of their stack
op to make you feel better a guy here once lost 13k of his 14k stack longing as we entered the bear market

>> No.56506008


>> No.56506323

It's gone back to $9 several times in the past week. You've had plenty of times to buy back in at basically the same price and you haven't. That's on you.

>> No.56506335
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>> No.56506365

Be glad you finally escaped that shitty cult. Find a new shitcoin to dump all your money into. You were doomed to a 2x max with chainshit

>> No.56506385

keked and rekt

>> No.56506389

It'lll go back down. Link is a limp dick nothingburger that's immune to holding in double digit prices. Unless the prices of coffee suddenly moons this thing is guaranteed to go back to $6.

>> No.56506401

It's only been a week. It could easily crab here for a month before falling again. I've got a few dozen on coinbase meant for swinging and I'm pretty tempted to sell as it is. No way link doesn't fall back below $10 by eoy.

>> No.56506410

If that looks even remotely bullish or sustainable, just remember we're talking about link here. This faggot coin will crash again. The only reason it's ever allowed to go up at all is just give long term holders extra pain.

>> No.56506427

thanks bro. When is the scheduled flash crash?

>> No.56506435

I funny s swing trade, I just my mental disability check into CharlesMansonAlexJonesBeetlejuice1776Pitbull(Karen) every month

>> No.56506441
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>> No.56506463

> coingecko
That abstracts out spikes. I think it takes the mean of 4 hrly candles

>> No.56506726

post screenshot.. oh right.. you made it up

>> No.56507191

Pls buy back in so your dont kys

>> No.56507261

oh yeah 530 days of a range between 6 and 8$, you sold the top of the range, AND now that the range has been broken after almost 2 years, ITS JUST GONNA GO BACK DOWN now.

lmao some people deserve to not make it especially swingies, the only thing they deserve is a rope

good riddance

>> No.56507283

Thats not nice anon people make mistakes:(

>> No.56507288
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I don't understand why people sell for USD instead of sats. Do you really expect to be right both on ALT/BTC going down and BTC/USD going down simultaneously?

>> No.56507340

Wait what? I mean, explain why it would ne reasonable

>> No.56507383

If you sell for BTC, you have to be right on one thing - alt going down against btc.

If you sell for USD, you have to be right both on alt going down against btc AND btc not going up against usd.

>> No.56507390

Thanks anon

>> No.56507476

It’s an expensive lesson that everyone who dabbles in crypto learns eventually:
Getting rekked trading is not a matter of if.
It’s a matter of when.

If I were you, I’d do whatever caused me less anxiety.
If you buy back in now, you can just hold and add to your link stack until you’re back to where you were.
An expensive lesson, but you’ll still end up ok in the end.

If you wait, you’re going to be obsessively checking the price, waiting for a dip that may never come.
To me that’s worse than taking the haircut you took when you tried to swing.

>> No.56507529

>not nice
why do you think link gets suppressed? why do you think it takes us so long to pump? its because of tards like op, who coordinately dump at every pump to "maximize" their gains.
its people like op who make fud posts when itpumps so that they make money on our patience.

op will lose all his stack and he will kys and its a good thing, swingies get rope
no pity for the degenerate swineggies

>> No.56507552

>why do you think link gets suppressed? why do you think it takes us so long to pump?
Because the chainlink team doesn’t care about the price of the token. It’s easy for shorters to manipulate the price and make a milly or two with every dump.

There’s even a huge link AAVE loan right now that’s probably going to be used to dump the price before EOY. Target remains $9 until then. You’re welcome.

>t. Data analyst

>> No.56507646

t. swingy

you will be roped like the rest

>> No.56507719
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just buy back now its not worth risking otherwise youll be buying back at 20 dollars

>> No.56507769

How does it feel being an obsessed inferior imitation monkey? Are you a robot or just too stupid to come up with original thoughts?
Again, the only way to help you is ending your worthless existence

>> No.56507802

Buy back now and never sell until it's 1k per unit, consider the link you lost a lesson you filthy stinking idiot

>> No.56507811

>swingies get the rope
Well, you’re using memes a certain discord group composed of 30 people created a long time ago to keep people locked into link, so you don’t strike me as particularly smart. That’s fine though, feel free to ignore my information, it shall be useful to someone else.

>> No.56507820

8.20 to 11.20 is nothing man just suck it up rebuy in and forget it. And stop being so fucking stupid. If you were on twitter at all you'd see link being shilled by a whole lot of fresh faces plus all the smartcon and sibos news and you decided to sell after 2 fucking years of ranging thinking it'd go on forever. Personally I wish you lose your whole stack because people who are so keen to play with fire are never gonna make it

>> No.56507826


>> No.56507865

It just broke up out of a 500+ day sideways range. It might fall to $8-9 for a day or hour, but there's a good chance it just shoots up. BTC looks strong, and if it goes over 40k I can't see link going lower.

>> No.56507892
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My model indicates a full retrace back to $5.80 resistance is possible.

>> No.56507897
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>desperation the post

OP this and a few other posts on this thread are exactly what to avoid. See pic related post earlier this year. Same exact thing. Their cult euphoria doesnt lend itself to being objective and rational

>> No.56507939

>people get locked into link
youre a fucking pajeet

>> No.56507942 [DELETED] 
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>> No.56507962

>we are likely to break upward
we already broke upward retard

>> No.56507972

Swinging never actually works out in the end does it swingie?

>> No.56508000

Of course! We’ve been called many names over the years. Pajeets, bulgarians, advocates, insiders. It doesn’t really matter in all honesty. Keep holding link buddy, we’re going to the moon before end of year, right?

>> No.56508039

you might just be a jew

>> No.56508045
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we're going to 14.50$ today , didn't u guys heard the news ??

>> No.56508060

Feeling like $14.88

>> No.56508064

You don't have a choice pls buy back in
Don't be that ETH anon

>> No.56508217

seek help

>> No.56508258

If you sell for BTC, you have to be right both on alt going down against btc AND btc not going down against usd.

>> No.56508359

2 weeks

>> No.56508458
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You don't need to be right about btc not going down against usd. Long term, BTC will always go up against the dollar

>tfw current year
>still having to explain that alts are for accumulating sats, not dollars

>> No.56508814

>btc maxi in shambles now that banks openly state they will neither use btc nor eth

lmao, link will replace your centralized btc shitcoin held by 5 entities 3 chinese 2 american, they can empty the walltes of everybody if they want or even shurdown btc if usa deems it illegal. youre a dumb fucking sheep believing what the maxis say, muhhh decentralized. BTC is centralized fossil tech from 14 years ago, nobody sells his link which will allow to get access to private bank chains and world economy foe a shitcoin like btc.

seethe faggot, link will replace btc

>> No.56508844

I don't even need to look at the charts to tell you that your shitcoin of choice is making another lower high against BTC

>> No.56508864

You suck advocate

>> No.56508881

>losing out on an investment is far better than missing one

>> No.56509126
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he thinks price speaks for adoption and tech, kill yourself, keep watching price charts, until btc goes to 0 and then ull be like DERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR???? what happened? DERRRRRRRPP??

>> No.56509198

Your model is dogshit and you may be retarded. You'll see Jesus before you see $5 Link ever again in this lifetime.