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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 144 KB, 618x597, 164132165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56485515 No.56485515 [Reply] [Original]

Can't make this shit up.

>no more money printing
>all the money goes to Ukraine and Isr@3l
>China fucking around near Taiwan
>Russia and Iran about to Armageddon on the West
"Bitcoin to $150k by the end of the year!"

>> No.56485522

only /pol/ hillbillies give a fuck about a civil war between literal who desert monkeys

>> No.56485527


>> No.56485539

I want to point out


Right or wrong, it doesn't matter. This is the sentiment amongst most people who are both (1) of age to be investing in risk on things and (2) have the money to be investing in risk on things.

The market essentially doesn't give a shit. Blackrock will happily sell Bitcoin ETF shares to people whether there are wars or not.

We're in clown world. Get rich or die trying, because pretty soon it'll be too late.

>> No.56485559

smart money doesn't give a fuck about /pol/ hillbilly doomer nonsense

>> No.56485569

Black Monday 2.0 is coming. I don't know exactly when but it is.
>I'm a poor zoomie who doesn't pay attention to market-impacting geopolitical events
That's your problem, not ours. The market does care and will care more in the near future.

>> No.56485586

You doomerfags are just miserable incels who live miserable dogshit and therefor want society to collapse, newsflash: it's not happening faggots

>> No.56485643

>want society to collapse
I really don't. I'm comfortable right now and don't want change.
>incels who live miserable dogshit
I'm 35, divorced, making 6 figures as a network engineer
>it's not happening faggots
6000+ Palestinians dead.
Russia test firing nukes again.
U.S. carrying out underground nuclear radiation tests.

The world leaders know there's a script to follow in this world, the script described in the Bible. The end of this script is the end of the world.

>> No.56486375

War has historically been bullish fuckwad.

Remember how WW2 brought us out of the great depression? Oh wait, that's right, they don't teach that in school anymore.

>> No.56486392


Read this book

>> No.56486529

>network engineer
Adds up. Listen to >>56486375

>> No.56486536

>>no more money printing
>>all the money goes to Ukraine and Isr@3l
pick one

also why did you type random 9 digits in the filename

>> No.56486550
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Literally and unironically this though.
t. former /pol/tard

>> No.56486591

Yeah cuz the dollar is where u want your money when the US empire collapses under the weight of a war fought on at least 3 fronts.

>> No.56486595

Get this through your thick skull if you haven't been paying close attention:

WW3 is a grift

>> No.56486856
File: 181 KB, 800x800, F74LVJaWcAA5pAr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freemasons literally told us a hundred years ago that WW3 will be fought to exhaust the economic (financial) strength of all the nations.
You little shits still don't get it.

>> No.56487059

Post your short or shut the fuck up loser

>> No.56487090

I don't gamble. Stop talking like a redditor.

>> No.56487141

Why do /pol/ inbreds both criticize and at the same time trust jewish lies?

>> No.56487152


>> No.56487157

Nothing is happening.
Nothing will happen.

>> No.56487173

nothing ever happens, last two world wars were fueled by narratives. the current one is hated by everyone involved. foreign policy aspirations at large is destined to have a cowards death.

>> No.56487177
File: 54 KB, 850x400, mccain bomb iran bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, what the fuck. I was keeping my money in fiat and abidingly standing by for the next 3% dip on monday. I was so mad when suddenly 10, 20, 30%s broke out left and right.

>> No.56487186

>jewish lies
Albert Pike wasn't Jewish...


>> No.56487284


You faggots have been saying this for like 15 years. Epstein was the biggest happening in our entire lives and the nigger cattle don’t even care. War is good for the economy and it this point might be the only thing to restore some order to this clown world. NOTHING EVER HAPPENS. Just stop.

>> No.56487380

I normally would agree with you, but the amount of time JPow and Yellen has said the words soft landing makes me think there won’t be a soft landing from inflation

>> No.56487400

It's not Armageddon, but the powers that be must find a way to keep economies going, and war can provide, if people are wanting to be lazy and not put in the work to sustain peace.

>> No.56487424


The time I got the most pussy in my life was actually right after I got vaccinated. There were plenty of women on dating apps that didn’t want to come into contact with unvaccinated men, so less competition for me

>> No.56487444

>Epstein was the biggest happening in our entire lives
you sound very semitic...

>> No.56487516

Name a bigger happening than Epstein which was proof that the Jews/mossad were blackmailing the elite with a pedo ring unless you were being ironic.

>> No.56487543

I work as a consultant and I'm in 5 to 6 different offices per day....total unique clients seen per week is probably around 18.

I can usually tell whats about to be the next big thing by overhearing water-cooler talk. Two things I haven't heard talked about: Ukraine or Israel.

People just really really dont care....

>> No.56488323
File: 15 KB, 547x603, 1649873179845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to /pol/ you fucking retard, anything that could fuck up the west is bullish for BTC and anything else, including KAVA

>> No.56488408

Those niggers are fucking annoying

>> No.56488410

He IS very semitic, be proud

>> No.56488412

Just fucking stop being a nigger, you don't have to offend OP, we all know he's a faggot but keep it to yourself

>> No.56488424

>please care about us goy!
/pol/ is full of brown people bots and shills. Nobody else cares about you semites

>> No.56488425

I'm so fucking done with you niggers

>> No.56488429

Probably Trump being president for a whole period

>> No.56488433

I will not go back, you're not gonna stop us from speaking the truth

>> No.56490124

Kek, no doubt about that anon. And KAVA is not the only one on my radar as I also have RIDE and INJ which have been building during the bear season.

>> No.56490135

>muh /pol/ boogeyman

>> No.56490490

You sound quite optimistic about that anon, and you should consider adding DUA while it's still affordable, especially with the smart wallet in its open beta phase. You still have plenty of time.

>> No.56490517

>calling out 1 jew when the problem is an entire nation of jews
You're a faggot and a retard.

>> No.56490727

And I'm buying more, I'm on to your games, you greedy Jew nigger.

>> No.56490765

War is bullish for crypto, figure it out.

>> No.56490778


>> No.56490790
File: 139 KB, 680x680, F8hD1mhXwAAptMd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read this same sarcasm in the last bullmarket. At the time they said people would lose their jobs, people would die. And the bullmarket came.
>he doesn't know that the bullmarket loves chaos in the fiat system

>> No.56490798

Last bullmarket came amid the chaos of the COVID 19 pandemic

>> No.56490801

GEEEEEEEG the Nazi party wasn’t even a thing in 1871. /pol/tards actually think this isn’t some schizo fanfiction MY

>> No.56490816
File: 170 KB, 821x1098, 1680403006848427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my sweet summer child.

Let me explain to your virgin mind why I'm excited

1. The dollar is tied to the price of oil. Oil goes up, dollar goes down.

2. Cheap dollars = faster printing.

3. Faster printing = BTC to 1m USD.

4. Not only am I in BTC and ICP, im also leveraged long on oil

5. Why oil? War in ME causes oil to hit 150, aka I profit a fuckload for yet more BTC and ICP.

6. Fed needs to now "support the economy as it struggles to face the challenges of the ME war " aka drop interest rates and inject even more cash

7. BTC at 5m. I'm now selling all my crypto and stocks and go all into gold and silver in my cabin inawoods with 5 years of prep

8. Government can't keep printing, nigs got no mo food stamps yo.

9. Riots, general shitty few years as US itself goes into major depression like in the 20th century.

10. Yall come out poor, I come out with kilograms of gold, and silver and slowly buy up You, your mom, and every piece of real estate around you as I expand my political influence by buying up politicians and cops.

11. I add your sister to the fold as I now have an easy control of everything that happens in town and set up my children to be top ballers and set the pieces to take over my states government.

12. 20 years down the line my son is governor and my friends run my states congress...

13. Unilateral secession.

14. Scramble of international governments to try to woo me into allowing with them, favorable terms on all trades.

15. State is now richer than duby, and becomes named after me as I'm on my death bed.

16. My children become monarchs as they pioneer a white ethnostate that becomes forefront of science and technology for centuries to come.

And you wonder why I'm excited?!

>> No.56490844

War is inflationary

>> No.56490945

Crypto is used to pay people for election fraud and ballot trafficking. The crypto pump will happen around election time. If there are stimulus checks again for any reason then moon it will.

>> No.56490955

>he thinks they don't control the narrative of history
You're more stupid than you realize, anon.

>> No.56491233
File: 47 KB, 255x251, 1698463635606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Omg time to buy more ammo and canned beans that will sit in my closet unused! Maybe this time my armageddon fantasy will finally come true! I just bought another gas mask and geiger counter!!!! t. Polchud doomer incel

>> No.56491443

polcels are so pathetic lol

>> No.56491458

>Muh desert dweller retard war part III
No once cares

>> No.56491459

LMAO someone missed the bottom. Too bad, bitch

>> No.56491512



>> No.56491704
File: 45 KB, 660x371, IMG_20231027_045023_548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CharlesMansonAlexJonesBeetlejuice1776Pitbull(Karen) made me realize the only reasonable investment is one that has it's foundation on clinical retardation. So yes please ww3 bull run lfg. Also I enjoy the coins privacy features

>> No.56491729

>"nothing matters outside of my interests"
zoomers gonna zoom

>> No.56491743
File: 3.30 MB, 3000x4000, 20230702_184300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5000 years of repeating that cycle

it was my hopes that BTC would bypass the bullet part
but seems like year 6000 is coming aroundd

>> No.56491781

Jesus... And I thought /pol/ happening fags were pathetic...

>> No.56491827

Kinda funny how most of us just wanted a fucking normal job, a 3BR house, and a pension, and we wind up as being part of the new 0.1% because we got fucked out of them lol

>> No.56491968
File: 200 KB, 828x413, 1622580291462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys like you are born every generation. You would've been using the same script during the cold war. We have always been at war with Oceania.
But you are resonating with the
>4th turning
>4th halving

>> No.56492082


I know this is paid propaganda but I won't tell what is giving it away

>> No.56492260

>money printer goes back on in 2024
>china won't do shit
>Russia and Iran can't do shit
Yeah I'm thinking bullish

>> No.56492399

noody cares about shit-rael. go kill yourself, schlomo

>> No.56492604

Literally all over the news in every western country

>> No.56492741

War is one of the most profitable events on this rotten system.
You're a retard op, war on 2 fronts, and soon 3, is like qe on steroids, liquidity will flow out of institutional asshole and you're scared instead of buying like there's no tomorrow

>> No.56492811

Thank you for this link. Great read

>> No.56493991

Ww3 has been going on for several years now lol.
War has tons of money printing btw

>> No.56494021

This time is different. As I said before>>56486856