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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 44 KB, 1116x487, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56424912 No.56424912 [Reply] [Original]

>Chainlink Revenue on both Polygon and Optimism have gone absolutely parabolic

wtf is causing this? is the betrayal finaly over?

>> No.56424923
File: 313 KB, 540x511, 1000013138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh SHIT!

>> No.56424934

Delete this

>> No.56424936

We need staking bros, I want my share. It's the thing that will pump like to 3 figures too.

>> No.56424944

Looks like someone finally had to pay up

>> No.56424949


>> No.56424953

the wfh marketing guy creating the graph fell asleep on his keyboard. don't worry, he'll still get paid

>> No.56424963
File: 1.67 MB, 1024x1024, pepemoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"They'll understand when we turn everything on"

>> No.56424967

I get this info from dune.com
in case you didnt know this website provides an extreme amount of onchain data. this isnt some advertisement its straight up data brother. october isnt even over yet the bar is still goin

>> No.56424970
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>> No.56424971
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>> No.56424989

do you have a link to this chart?

>> No.56424997

just a front side error
just a front side error
it is NOT real
it will be corrected
right fud sisters?

>> No.56424998

post the dashboard faggot

>> No.56424999

What's this quote from?

>> No.56425000


>> No.56425006


>> No.56425007
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>> No.56425042

Polygon price feed revenue went from 350,000 for all of September to 4,500,000 revenue 21 days into october.
When did the volume come in? Is it spread out or is this jump up recently?

>> No.56425046

bible, somewhere in new testament

>> No.56425049

it had this same error two weeks ago

>> No.56425057
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>> No.56425060

my bad 5.5 million

>> No.56425064

>give link to literal on chain proof of claim with open-source code
>dune.com is commonly used by everyone who actually knows what crypto does
>get called out for using photoshop

is there actually anyone who can seriously try to explain why chainlink is suddenly massively increased in revenue on optimism and polygon. its not on eth or bnb, just those two i mentioned

>> No.56425065

checked but this guy is a LINK fudfag so I wouldn't trust these fud-stats. FAKE NEWS!

>> No.56425070

Damn look at links volume now. It’s up 250%

>> No.56425078
File: 168 KB, 1166x688, 87676456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek! Was this whole pump caused by an out of date Dune dashboard?

>> No.56425083
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optimism also from roughly 330 thousand to 5.5 million
I remember something similar happening not long ago, can we get confirmation on a repeat of the error, did it also affect two chains that time as well?
I remember this happening

>> No.56425091


>> No.56425093

Also the same thing appears to happened on Optimism as well. Tons of revenue all the sudden

>> No.56425100

In his defense, it was like a month or so ago that the CCIP dune chart showed a massive increase, only for Wallach to announce it was a mistake/glitch in the feed. Waiting on more info here…

>> No.56425120
File: 666 KB, 1125x2436, 6A4A7CD5-2BF8-4824-8D31-1E86B79F06B2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh here it is, that figures

>> No.56425121
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my bad 300 thousand

>> No.56425132

You know Im not gonna rag on the guy bc he probably does it for free…But why the hell doesnt the team pay someone to help him or have these actual charts on their website.

>> No.56425137


>> No.56425141

This is Eric Wallach, the fudfag you're thinking of is Eric Wall-ACK

>> No.56425146

What kind of dog shit analytics is he applying if his dashboard has this crap affecting THREE different chains, on a public data set in the space of a month?!

It's not difficult Eric, you fucking moron.

>> No.56425151


>> No.56425155
File: 63 KB, 1871x653, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Price feeds on polygon also going nuts

>> No.56425156

Cancel the bullrun

>> No.56425171


>> No.56425172
File: 477 KB, 1324x753, Adobe Big Big Mac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that?

>> No.56425175

Chainlink pump is also an error sorry the price is actually $6.66 still

>> No.56425186
File: 88 KB, 313x325, 1500599607352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

told you, stinkies
prepare for a massive dump
and you deserve EVERY penny of it

>> No.56425212

breakiing news just in its NOT an error BUY BUY BUY

>> No.56425253

Proof? I'm not a twitter fag

>> No.56425256

Is that why we're retracing? It was all a ruse?

>> No.56425259
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>> No.56425271
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>> No.56425460

Token needed?

>> No.56425598

>why doesn't a scam company pay to broadcast their anemic revenue for the whole world to see
It's a mystery

>> No.56425631

I have early access holy fuck I’m so comfy bros

>> No.56425654
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>> No.56425831


>> No.56425837


Not erroneous.

>> No.56425847

That's even worse if you think about it. Something is wrong with the implementation of CCIP.

>> No.56425859

should i take all my BTC and put it into link

>> No.56425861

>ackshally the Link token being needed is bearish
I can't believe fuddies even take the time to post here.

>> No.56425897

POOL is using them as a RNG daily now. Should increase as they add more chains and yield generating vaults.

>> No.56425903

That's bullish for Matic, not Link you moron. Chainlink isn't working as intended.

>> No.56425920

Literally just kill yourself

>> No.56425932

>it's bad when people use your product
Do you suffer from brain damage?

>> No.56425942

Retard fucked up his graphs again

>> No.56425945

The state of fud

>> No.56425948

What does he mean by gas cost reimbursements?

>> No.56425954

Look up the revenue in the past months, nothing close to what it says now. Either it's an error or Chainlink just basically ripping off it's clients. I contacted Polygon's team and I hope this issue gets resolved.

>> No.56425982

Polygon CEO Sandeep Ranjesh confirmed just now this was a glitch and he's rolling back the chain

>> No.56426427


>> No.56426463


>> No.56426534
File: 142 KB, 2048x1024, Chainlink-SCALE-One-Year-Update_V2-2048x1024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


to me it makes no sense, it can"t be gas cost reimbursements, because polygon didn't join the SCALE program

you can read on it here

basically in SCALE, L2s pay for operating fees ( gas fees)
but polygon isn't part of SCALE, so it makes 0 sense, because in pic rel you have the current SCALE members, as of june 2023, and i don't find any announcement where polygon joined SCALE.
so this is a big mistery

>> No.56426536

and Waalach! just like that link will never be below $9 again

>> No.56426573

sorry guys, bout to dump my bags and crash this thing

>> No.56426622


>> No.56426644


>> No.56426747

seriously dude kys

>> No.56426763


>> No.56426775

i thought he meant gas cost reimbursements as in chainlink reimbursing the nodes because the increased fees on matic made the ccip transactions unprofitable

>> No.56426777

Based LPL kiddo how you doing kiddo??

>> No.56426784


>> No.56426826

we're gonna make too much money fuck!

>> No.56426828

This faggot has errors in his "dashboard" every week. No one is paying significant fees to use ccip, and I suspect he's doing it on purpose to try and trade the volatility spikes like we're having this weekend

>> No.56426840


>> No.56426845

I will sell this trip to anyone for 10eth.

>> No.56426959

Its probably another bug

>> No.56426969

> 5 hours and 36 minutes ago.

>> No.56427239

$1000 USD per Link

The time is coming.

>> No.56427271

Could...could they have just turned on whatever mechanism converts payments in other crypto to LINK at a premium, and it's not actually coming from the uncirc'ed supply? I mean, that supply will be released eventually, but where's this volume coming from?

>> No.56427386

scammed again!

>> No.56427521
File: 18 KB, 497x347, 6f2aea734db62609e6fd8b93cdf8f5c3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your "revenue" is paid off through subsidies
>rlb gets bought and burned on open market

your 5m/mo is an outlier spike
>5m/mo is just business as usual

you deal with 10% annual inflation
>zero inflation, zero unlocks, zero tokens sold by team

we are not the same

>> No.56428558


>> No.56428563

A recursive call the the main CCIP function could possibly cause it to malbehave. I hope I am wrong, but it's not looking good

>> No.56428582

DTCC going live is going to melt the fucking industry, expect “chainlink experts” to start showing up all over the place after this next run. We unironically made it

>> No.56428600

Probable cause >>56428418

>> No.56428799

The seething from absolutely destroyed and buttraped fuddies sustain me.

>> No.56429002

Where are the fudders now? Odd...

>> No.56429444

Are you all seriously too fucking lazy to follow the transactions? It all went into a gnosis safe, likely for CCIP usage.


>> No.56429504
File: 867 KB, 1125x1929, F09A5B9B-28BD-43CC-B67C-61BBD10A0C1D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He said again an hour ago it was gas cost reimbursement.

>> No.56429819

Has a switch been flipped? I thought this was just someone accumulating based on the belief that a switch was being flipped in the near future.
This is interesting if so, there will be no more reliance on speculation.

>> No.56431090

Isn't that the opposite of revenue if Sergey had to fork over $4 million in gas costs?

>> No.56431139

Good call, put it in your LinkedIn now

>> No.56431141

>le verifiable on-chain data
>no one knows what it means or if the network has been compromised

The future of finance, everyone.

>> No.56432418

youre still down 90% from ATH. odd...

>> No.56432435

>youre still down 90% from ATH. odd...
how BTC in 2013 and 2017

>> No.56432440
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probably he's preparing a new betrayal, prepare your masks linkies

>> No.56432789

so chainlink labs sent 200+ days worth of gas subsidies to nodes on polygon? I am confuse.

>> No.56432840

>b-buh ath
im up over 50x but fuddies only understand the feeling of being down 90%
no wonder they're so upset that they turned into fulltime fudcucks

>> No.56433231

Meds immediately

>> No.56433279
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>> No.56433303

Chainlink pump always frontruns all other alts' mega parabolic runs. Make no mistake, this is a repeat of '20-'21 (compare LINK's all time chart with other alts like Sol, BNB, etc.)

>> No.56434156
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>> No.56434197

Wish you had said this before but you literally said the opposite and now you have no Link whatsoever and it makes me sad for you because I'm concerned for your financial welfare. Post eth address so I might donate to you

>> No.56434217

So this is why we are pumping. Sergey misplaced his weekly 700k bag

>> No.56434231

We are technically 80% down from ATH now.

>> No.56434243

Israel has no right to exist.