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56418945 No.56418945 [Reply] [Original]

Sergey is a retard confirmed. Believes in truth > trust but headlines his "Smart Cons" with criminals like SBF and Alex Mashinsky

Oh and Mr. Globohomo himself complete with Ukraine accessories in the background. Imagine flying business class to Spain to think you're seeing someone headline a conference and it's a pre-recorded skype call.

>> No.56418955

Sergey set him up. At smartcon Ari hacked Sam's laptop and stole all the incriminating documents. Allegedly he stole a sex tape too but that was never leaked.

>> No.56418971

Sam was the main character of crypto at that point. They had him on via video call. It really wasn’t an endorsement. Still a misstep though.

>> No.56418978
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This man has held conferences with people like pic related, vouched for their platforms, hired the scam artists to work for him, and never condemn their actions after being arrested or charged.


Only the dumbest retard in the world would then believe Sergey will make them rich and wealthy. He's going to go from supporting every scam artist in crypto, to making you wealthy with the token that he's.... dumping as fast as he can every week on schedule? And you think that just because enterprise abstraction layer was a buzzword he mentioned in a youtube diary... that it's real? And you think he's not paying Eric Schmidt enough money to purchase a fucking yacht in the Med Sea? And you think Balaji keeps showing up for free?

>> No.56418998
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Just how fucking stupid is this board? 6 years and he's not once ever delivered any tangible evidence that he's anything but the same kind of retarded crypto scammer as Alex Mashinsky, or the Bancor team, or Do Kwon. What makes Sergey different? Promising made up "buidl" tokens? Promising products and releases and then remaining silent once the deadline passes? Hyping up people like Yorke Rhodes and Fernando Ribeiro, who eventually also disappear when it's clear they were being paid to promote?

>> No.56419024

Chainlink is a cryptocurrency anon.

>> No.56419029
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As we get closer to 2024, I am impressed that Sergey was able to pull off what he did over this 6.5 year period. He held an ICO, got a shit ton of ETH. He sold tokens all the way up to $50, and back down again. He was paid every year to hold fake crypto brony conferences where he pays people like SBF and Ed Felten to tell you why they're taking your money. This was the Smart Con. He told you exactly what he was doing. He had no intention of ever delivering anything tangible. Mixicles, Town Crier, DECO, CanDID, Functions, it's all just meant to prolong the Smart Con. When you understand it, you'll start seeing 1's and 0's like Neo in that hallway.

>> No.56419055
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It's clear that it was yet another money grab, created to enrich the founders. The difference is, he told you what he was doing the entire time. The China banks, the China blockchain, the Korean banking consortium, Baseline, Oracle, Swisscom, tons of paid promotions. He continues to dump the token on schedule to line his fat ass pockets. He supports scammers who take your money like Jonny Huxtable and Sam Bankman. All of this, somehow, with an impeccable reputation.

Even this last conference, underwhelming as it may be, he fooled people into paying him in cold hard cash to watch Eric Schmidt Zoom in via his bunker

>> No.56419069

I think you didn't understand me. It's a cryptocurrency. You can go read the contract and see what it does, it's not like air or water. Just clarifying for you.

>> No.56419149

And? What does that have to do with a scammer?

>> No.56419258

Sergey is going down next. I’ve reported to the SEC more times than I can count and all of you should be doing the same. The tweets of the team partying in Europe arent going to play well in court for the team. All of the cult is going to be humiliated when the truth comes out about where all the funds went

>> No.56419265

Youre being a coward snake. You need to be more of w man

>> No.56419381
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Based. Linktards are stupid gullible idiots.

>> No.56419502


This is actually why he looks so depressed all the time from what I’ve heard. Egg on face this many times, he even kept part of CLL treasury with Jessica Khater and Celsius. He got rugged on Bancor for part of the “salary” tokens they kept in the system to show it was legit. He got sued by a former employee for losing part of his bonus on a “defi” platform. And all the old employees like Thomas and Dimitri hauled ass once it became apparent that he was quietly supporting guys like Mashinsky and the Bancor jew

>> No.56419802

>yorke rhodes

That cunt always came across as useless, no surprise it never turned into anything


Imagine expecting a fat spic to accomplish anything in smart contract pioneering


And imagine trusting kikes. Between them, Celsius kikes and Sam calling in from his Bahamas kikery I don’t know why anyone would trust Sergey with their money.

>> No.56419873
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Now you're starting to get it

>> No.56420092
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>it's time for another episode of the fudcuck manifesto OP and his shamefully obvious samefagging
didnt read not selling

>> No.56421303

bro you fucking retard sergey only has a philosophy degree of course hes dumb as fuck holy shit

>> No.56421430


>> No.56421449

I remember feeling very bearish when they announced SBF to speak at smart con. We'd known he was a scammer for a year or more at that point and Sergey and Ari certainly did.