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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56418509 No.56418509 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ approved books that are not self-improvement cuckory?

>> No.56418527

The Creature from Jekyll Island. And Rich Dad Poor Dad, ifykyk

>> No.56418535
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I just read Moby Dick and it was good so I recommend that

>> No.56418537

Mastering bitcoin

>> No.56418545

Capital and Interest

>> No.56418601

Lord of the Rings.

>> No.56418610
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>> No.56418618


>> No.56418621

>And Rich Dad Poor Dad
why does this guy have two dads?

>> No.56418628

The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind
It's complete nonsense, but it's entertaining nonsense

>> No.56418648

It's pretty neat. God being an artifact of language is a fascinating concept. It is almost like how the number three can be represented as a triangle, or 0 = False and 1 = True.

>> No.56418664

I agree. I went too far calling it nonsense. It's thought provoking but I'm not yet convinced by it. At any rate the archeological info is interesting.

>> No.56418677

Reminiscences of a Stock Operator

>> No.56418772

whats better, this or giving tree?

>> No.56418786
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answer is pic related

>> No.56418799

Neuromancer, Snow Crash, Martin Eden, My War Gone By I Miss It So, Black Obelisk, that one story where the dude works in an asylum and the insane rich girl out of his league is one of the patients falls in love with him and he thinks his life is perfect until she starts fucking random strangers and the gym pro protein farts.

>> No.56418816
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>> No.56418841

Nu/biz/ poorfags need to read barefoot investor or they won't even understand the concepts spoken about in other books.

>> No.56419134

transphobic bigot

>> No.56419194

Bitcoin Standard, Bitcoin Whitepaper (if you got the IQ), Ethereum Whitepaper (If you got even more IQ) Reminiscences of a Stock Operator

>> No.56419293


Highly recommend as well if you do any trading at all.

>> No.56419315
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I credit this book with my career success, 7 figure net worth, and my 20s filled with normie experiences.

>> No.56419330
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i just finished that also, liked it a lot. love ahabs musings

/biz/ books. Leading the Field, The richest man in Babylon, The Art of the Deal

>> No.56419345

>Rich Dad Poor Dad
Another great book that I read early on before I started making good money. The message is pretty simple so I returned the book to the library after I read half of it. Make more money and spend less of it.

>> No.56419346

Infinite Jest & The Gulag Archipelago
Should keep you entertained until the ath

>> No.56419352

>muh dick

>> No.56419362

Marcus Aurelius, Meditations
>He suffers justly who chooses to be good tomorrow than be good today

>> No.56419374

i am nearly done with that book and it really helped me put certain things in perspective.

>> No.56419384

In 50 years we’ll all be chicks
-Adam carolla

>> No.56419387

three body problem + sequels
dune series
foundation series
tao te ching

>> No.56419395


>> No.56419445

The Holy Bible, King James Version.

>> No.56419455

why arent you obsessed with self improvement? only horrible losers with no life dont obsessed with slf improvement and fantasizing about coming in old ladies vaginas

>> No.56419460

because OP isn't under delusions of grander, unlike you.

>> No.56419475

see, this is why youre scum.

>> No.56419483
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Son, there is only one book this board needs, but y’all are too lazy to buy a copy and study it. But here’s the key to unlimited wealth for anyone with ears to hear.

>> No.56419505

>The richest man in Babylon
>The Fifth Cure: Make of thy dwelling a profitable investment.[15]
>Arkad advises buying versus renting your principal residence, and to use your residence to establish a business: "I recommend that every man own the roof that sheltereth him and his", and, "Nor is it beyond the ability of any well-intentioned man to own his home".
wtf rent bros?

>> No.56419541

Catcher in the rye, 1984, behold a pale horse, any David Icke book,

>> No.56419553

Most modern self-downgradement books are unironically the junk food of literature, only some of them are good but older.

>> No.56419583

the secret teachings of all ages

tony robbins unlimited power

>> No.56419612

>behold a pale horse
Bill cooper was a hack. spent decades talking about aliens then went back on it in later years when it wasn't the zeitgeist making him money anymore

>> No.56419630
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All of you should be ashamed for not posting the godfather of anarcho-capitalism
Learn how banking works from a banker

>> No.56419660

>the secret teachings of all ages
This is a great one. It explains a lot about what religion the elites actually practice. Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, Cabala Judaism, hermeticism, paganism ancient alien worship. It’s all different names for the same thing

>> No.56419673
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>> No.56420241

Based but long. Three volumes.

>> No.56420277
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>any David Icke book
Fuck yeah

>> No.56420337


>> No.56420358
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You'll niggers don't even into body language. How you gonna read the microexpressions of a scamcoin peddler through the computer screen shieeeeeeet

>> No.56420427

excellent taste

>> No.56420845


Same for me, it completely turned around how I deal with people. I actually need to reread it. I'm amazed that people will read the entire book and then proceed to disregard all of it.

>> No.56421627

We snow crash back in the day! Martin Eden is very important. I will look into these other books anon. You might enjoy Sidhartha, though I no longer read Hesse because freemason. In the Martin Eden vain, might I suggest Ragged Trousered Philanthropists. I is a first person account of being poor in the old days, the Martin Eden days. It is quite grim, and quite applicable to these coming times.

>> No.56421659
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>> No.56421660

The Millionaire Fastlane

>> No.56421699

Finnegan's wake

>> No.56421734

All books are self improvement cuckery, some are just better disguised than others.

>> No.56422778

Why would you read those?
Books are other people's ideas.
Form your own.

>> No.56422940

Dune (the original Frank Herbert 6)
The Stand
Harry Potter

>> No.56422981


>> No.56422997

Nigga dats a shark on the cover

>> No.56424142

Trading in the zone - Mark Douglas

>> No.56424146

Don Quixote

>> No.56424172
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I suggest reading risk assestment by Marvin Rausand. If reading it was a requirement to get into crypto most people would be rich by now.
That's how you can differentiate between a $MONDAY (Green) launch and a $DICK (red) launch.

>> No.56424499

The Sovereign Individual is great.

>> No.56425597

link holders are Oblomov's.

ps. Am a link holder.

>> No.56425617


For the Impertinent Curiosity alone its worth is beyond money.

The wisdom and mirth is second to none.

>> No.56425637

How to improve yourself through cuckery is a good read.

>> No.56425764


antifragile: things that gain from disorder by nassim taleb

i see satan fall like lightning by rene girard

zero to one: notes on startups, or how to build the future by peter thiel

anabasis of alexander by arrian

the ethiopic bible by various authors

>> No.56425776

that's moby dick retard

>> No.56425798
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>> No.56425815

biz books (unless highly technical) are a waste of time

>> No.56425827


>> No.56425864

Hesse is alright, I read something else by him and liked it, but I feel like he is too far out there like Kafka in some ways. I will check out Ragged.

Btw, the last book I am talking about was Lillith by Salamanca. I read half of it yesterday after a decade. It's better than I remember, but probably way different than other books on the list.

>> No.56425873

That book is complete shit by a nobody who never achieved anything. It's the worst out of the common shit people recommend like The Prince, The Book of 5 Rings, 48 Laws, whatever the fuck else. It's literally worse than The Richest Man in Babylon. Those are all basic but at least have useful content even if it's on the tier of "sleep 8 hours" obvious.

>> No.56425957

The words within are common sense but it's not obvious to everyone. Especially not for me since I was a borderline autistic loner throughout high school. I had to read that book and a website called Succeed Socially to figure out how to be a normie in college.

>> No.56426269

>never achieved anything
>wrote one of the best selling books of all time, that still sells and is still culturally relevant nearly a hundred years after publishing

talk to the mirror, anon

>> No.56426303 [DELETED] 

self-publish is dead

>> No.56426304

This is a great question because homoswxuality is inherently unsustainable. Thus any gains a fag makes are ill-gotten and fraudulent.

>> No.56426321

The Prince is a great book so is 48 laws of power. You are at the whim of manipulators without knowing their tools. With that said I'm going to check out that book you wrote off based off your reaction

>> No.56426787

>imagine reading books like some nerd
I just look at the words until I fall asleep

>> No.56426820
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>Kant's teaching produces a fundamental change in every mind that has grasped it. This change is so great that it may be regarded as an intellectual rebirth. It alone is capable of really removing the inborn realism which arises from the original disposition of the intellect ... In consequence of this, the mind undergoes a fundamental undeceiving, and thereafter looks at all things in another light. But only in this way does a man become susceptible to the more positive explanations that I have to give.

>I confess that I do not believe my teachings could ever have come about until the Upanishads, Plato and Kant were able simultaneously to cast their rays into one man's mind.

>> No.56426857

I read this book but have forgotten it.
I need to read it again.

I only remember from it to put myself in the other person's perspective.

I have been thinking about the implications of using the knowledge of manipulators lately.
The law 10 of power integrated with my soul when I discovered it and I have been using it to find people to learn and improve from constantly.

However I seem to go through quick changes in my personality because of this.
Every 10 or so months I change completely which changes the type of people I like and want to be around, and those I learned from become less relevant to my life.
It feels like I am behaving a bit like a sociopath from this perspective because I change the people I associate with in order to improve quickly and "subconsciously dump" those who can't teach me anything in order to focus on the new people.

When I later look back however I see that I seem to be the exception and other people don't change that much and keep their social contact.
Why is that so?
Is change limited by the ego and a special thing?

>> No.56426894

technically reading any book even shitty ones is self improvement. you are improving your ability to discern shitty books and good ones.

>> No.56426944
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Incredibly based

>> No.56427284

Why is this babies first philosophy? It’s shiity and incredibly popular. (((Who))) is promoting this?

>> No.56427290

Unironically Scott Adams has incredibly good books, I'm about halfway through Reframe Your Brain or whatever right now and its p interesting

>> No.56427322

>adult humor

>> No.56427344

The Secret Teachings of All Ages by
Manly P. Hall

>> No.56427367
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>> No.56428607

The poor dad is his real dad and the rich dad is his friends dad he learned so much about money from his friends rich dad that he referred to him as his rich dad

>> No.56428673

>self-improvement cuckory
I feel like what you need to read, if anything at all, depends on where you are now, and where you'd like to be.

A dash of motivation probably wouldn't hurt most people, but taking some sustained action over time towards lifestyle changes will definitely help. Most people skip that part and move onto another self help book instead of lifting weights.

>> No.56428709

Hey faggots I know you’re all broke and are googling prices.
Use anna’s archive n sheit. Scihub is also a shittier version for nerds and wankers(for academic papers exclusive, Anna’s archive does both)

I’d like to yell into the void that this should be a general. Is anyone motivated to bake?

A list of the best books, and some free access resources to find them.

Perhaps a decent learning method or two as a link?

Pretty anime tranny for the pic rel. you guys would feel right at home and maybe make some cunts a little less scared of reading?

>> No.56428716

Is anyone else just straight up over people recommending 48 laws of power? Or the fucking secret?
Maybe those two should be mandatory so you can recognise scam text on sight..?

>> No.56428729

The Elon Musk biography was pretty great.
That guy is like the ultimate bizbro that somehow actually made it

>> No.56428754
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i didn't realize how esoterically based biz was

>> No.56428810

I have my favorite, and I've read alot of them. It was the last one I read before actually getting off my ass and doing something.

I feel like it doesn't really matter which one you read, because they all basically say the same thing. The most important thing you can actually do is start doing something besides reading more books about about doing something.

>> No.56428886

No I hear you. And you’re right. Motivation is a choice to make and do. Not a skill to learn or resource to acquire.
I’m just using empathetic language generally.

>> No.56428890

So close to 8s

>> No.56429239

Anybody actually practice these meditations and rituals?
Or is only the elite pedos who run our country doing this stuff?

>> No.56429302

bet that sounded smart in your head

>> No.56429348
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The Devil's Poison: How Fluoride Is Killing You

>> No.56429390

The price of time by Chancellor.

>> No.56429573


48 Laws of Power is great but tends toward cold sociopathy, which is why I recommend How to Win Friends. A prime difference between the book is that Carnegie seems to have loved humanity while Greene seems to despise it.

>> No.56429847

>unless highly technical
Give us some examples of it

>> No.56430839

Thinking, fast and slow

>> No.56430894

At some point, in any field, getting rich and successful is all about political maneuvering. This is why Greene is a pretty good author while every book about having good habits or waking up at 4am are shit.
But unironically the best you can read are biographies of great men. The biography of Napoleon or Ceasar will teach you much more about political maneuvering than the 48 Laws of Power and are much more pleasant to read.

>> No.56430933

This book is good for autistic retards who couldn't figure all that shit out for themselves

>> No.56431134
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>> No.56431544
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To safe medical costs down the line

>> No.56431731

One Up On Wall Street - Peter Lynch

>> No.56431750

In the amazing book Moby Dick by the author Herman Melville, the author recounts his story of being at sea. In the first part of his book, the author, calling himself Ishmael, is in a small sea-side town and he is sharing a bed with a man named Queequeg. The author and Queequeg go to church and later set out on a ship captained by the pirate named Ahab, who is missing a leg, and very much wants to kill the whale which is named Moby Dick, and which is white. In the course of the book, the pirate Ahab encounters many hardships. His entire life is set around trying to kill a certain whale. I think this is sad because this whale doesn’t have any emotions, and doesn’t know how bad Ahab wants to kill him. He’s just a poor big animal. And I feel bad for Ahab as well, because he thinks that his life will be better if he can kill this whale, but in reality it won’t help him at all. I was very saddened by this book, and I felt many emotions for the characters. And I felt saddest of all when I read the boring chapters that were only descriptions of whales, because I knew that the author was just trying to save us from his own sad story, just for a little while. This book made me think about my own life

>> No.56431958

The only book by Kafka I remember reading is America. It is unfinished and very based and white pilled. Tried to get an idea on Lillith, but it didn't quite register. I hardly read any more. Sometimes I do an audiobook. Am running audio of remininscinces of stock broker from this thread it is okay. The Lilith description reminded me of a guilty pleasure, the Rosey Project. It is a romcom that follows the script, but written by an autist and even has a sequel where it takes a whole team of rockstars to get him outta the shit of the first book.

>> No.56431983

Prince is excellent and timeless, a work of a fellow autist. 48 laws is fine, the laws are good, but it waffles too much, too much sizzle not enough steak for my liking. An executive summary or scanning through a printed copy might work better. It sucks in audio and I drift off.

>> No.56432009

>esoterically based
how the fuck else you gonna catch a fibonacci retracement from 33 to 47. /pol/ assimilated /x/ in 2012. Even Qtards have their symbology will be their downfall. It's all so overt now it's covert.

>> No.56432027

>a book about ceasar
or you could read ceasar's writings. primary sources are always best sources. You could read Gibbon, which is fine, even Iggy Pop enjoyed reading Gibbon.

>> No.56432044

Based crackpot.

>> No.56432168

Thanks anons, I am half way through the audio that is on the torrents. It is a very enjoyable vignette of the times, and the stuff that goes on goes on today at a slightly different scale. Scamwicks and such. The bucket shops and brokerages you can just walk into in many towns is such a strange world. His trading strategies sure could get you into a world of hurt, but it is nice to know how ones fellow market participants think. Livermore was an absolute degenerate gambling madman. He could be the patron saint of wallstreetbets.

>> No.56432180

Oh yes the selling. He just calls it selling, but it is naked short selling. He could just walk into a brokerage and sell something on a whim. Oh, how I would love to be able to short the fuck outta things.

>> No.56432224

All those books have great, these stuffs are only obvious once you've heard it.

>> No.56432235
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If you read this you can skip the Bible.

>> No.56432283

What about The Sovereign Individual? Read or not?

>> No.56432607

I had already independently contemplated every thought that any "philosopher" has ever pondered, while on the shitter, before I turned 14.

>> No.56432769

If your whole family was in a snake pit, who would you give the ladder?

>> No.56432800
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I've posted about this one before, but if you care at all about creating trusts for your children or grandchildren, or want guidance on how to discuss matters of wealth with them (assuming you've made it), I'd recommend pic related.
tl;dr: when you have enough monetary wealth that it is no-longer a concern for your children, you need to raise them to build other forms of capital (social, educational, spiritual, etc). Those other forms of capital will both keep your money for multiple generations (by enforcing the right skillset, values, networks, etc to keep it) and grow the status of the family beyond simply having wealth into a family with real old-money power.

>> No.56432957

This is a good suggestion. Hughes has written a few other books on the subject too.

The author is a lawyer, but anons who are looking for a book on the detailed mechanics of trusts and foundations will be disappointed by this book. It's about the big picture.

>> No.56434370

>Is change limited by the ego and a special thing?
I think so.
They are just comfortable with the way things are and see themselves as an imprint they don't want to change at all, since that's what they became/are.
Most of the friends I've had were happy with their normal life that did not include new and exciting stuff.
Nobody strived for the maximum possible.
And if you are someone who is unusual among unusual men, then you will eventually dissect yourself to pursue your own path.
Tho, this can lead to you ending up alone since the chance of you building lifelong bonds shrinks substantially.

How do you get along with having zero soulmates around you or how's your social circle like?