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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 984 KB, 1024x1064, Screen Shot 2023-10-21 at 11.20.28 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56419372 No.56419372 [Reply] [Original]

>Sergey body double
This literally isn't Sergey. i've been staring at his face for 6 years while I make memes. This is not him/

>> No.56419383
File: 177 KB, 1726x1325, sergeyr43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he evolved

>> No.56419390

When will he make his community happy and give them a big pump? Thats the real question.

>> No.56419399

That's not him. So what "he" are you talking about.
Our guy has been switched out. I see Schmidt's fingerprints all over it, he was seething in the SmartCon interview.

>> No.56419416
File: 103 KB, 960x647, 1697066782737421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that explains all the dick sucking from advocates in here. They feel special because they are given these "opportunities" with the guru so they cannot stay objective and say when things are wrong

>> No.56419437


Yeah I'm sure these were real marines asking about dilution and opacity surrounding customer fees and Chainlink using retail for their exit liquidity

>> No.56419438

Bot post, no connection with thread content at all

>> No.56419454

You must be mentally retarded if you can’t piece together what he said with what was posted. Seriously.

>> No.56419473

Doesn’t look like him actually, nose and mouth are dead give aways

>> No.56419488

Literally nothing to do with Sergey body doubles.
Just because fudders have an uncontrollable Pavlovian reaction to anything about Chainlink or Sergey that requires them to unleash whatever disordered stream-of-consciousness happens to be rattling through their head at the time, doesn't mean there's any nexus between the thread topic and whatever it is that they're babbling about.

>> No.56419771

he's been forked, its old news

>> No.56419804


>> No.56419810

wouldn't they be the nexus?

>> No.56419860

based LPL chad how you doing kiddo?

>> No.56419887


Lads, give this a watch. Go to the segment about cbdc's and watch through the end of the AI segment. I'm not fudding or shilling. If you were here in 2018 when we discussed the posibility of a SWIFT prison planet, you'll get what i'm talking about. What's especially chilling about this is she isn't coming from an angle about link. She's watching Eric Schmidt and came to the same conclusions we did. You're the only guys i can talk to about this shit please actually watch it because its making me very worried. Do we need to go homestead mode?

>> No.56419889

uncanny appearance, the image looks altered

>> No.56419890

Addendum: All i ever wanted to do was make airships with my link fortune. That should tell you who i am.

>> No.56419918
File: 165 KB, 1024x1024, SN18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sergey has lots of body doubles

>> No.56419923
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>> No.56419940


>> No.56420150
File: 162 KB, 1080x1920, 1673532838361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is a doppleganger, you will soon see him start rapping while saying that he is now a psychologist
or that he plays duck race competitively, any of the 3

>> No.56420194

Is that a real anime loli sex doll?

>> No.56420203
File: 351 KB, 400x400, chainlink_sergey_attacking_his_gf.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah he looks much shorter and younger there than on other earlier leaked footage

>> No.56420526

You're not a real autist, it is clearly Sergey. 99% of the pics you're used to seeing of him are completely formal situation where he is in front of a webcam... Of course he looks different at an informal dinner photographed by real cameras. He looks good too, very healthy. Look at those rosey cheeks!

>> No.56420615
File: 38 KB, 400x367, 1641908160458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All that Great Reset stress muss be eating him inside.

>> No.56420622

i read that as "AI-Powered Tranny"

>> No.56420771

yeah, he's just taking their money. why would he be interested in talking to retail?

>> No.56421433

He was recalled to Russia to take to the front.

>> No.56421461
File: 47 KB, 645x380, 6584864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pure vibes
>chill private dinner
>the senpai

>> No.56421473

Sergey's body already is double

>> No.56421478

Just sold all my Link

>> No.56421483

They didn't even get the plaid right, ehat the fuck?

>> No.56421491

Daily reminder that Sergey has been mkultra’d and Chris Barret is his handler.

MKultra signs:
>Slack jawed during keynote
>Saying “sure” “makes sense” every single sentence (sentences used to make sure he’s still under mind control)
>Dead eyes and no emotion when applause was given last keynote
>Started talking about AI when last year’s fireside he was skeptical of it (Eric is mind controlling him)
>“it’s a race” and “good luck” might be Sergeys mind control keywords used by Eric

Barrel is part of the Illuminati:

>> No.56421552
File: 28 KB, 600x640, 555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56421593

this shitcoin is a literal cult

>> No.56421620


>> No.56421628

wot, compare the meerkat sergey?

>> No.56421638

Simple question.

If you were single handedly about to revolutionise the very concept of money, would you NOT have at least one body double on standby?

>> No.56421678


>> No.56421697

>Open image
>Think huh? That looks like Sergay but that's not him
>see OP text
That beard looks glued on.
The whole character of Sergey Nazarov probably doesn't exist and was spun up just like Steve Jobs character.

>> No.56421900

Yes, that's Jason Parser himself. We've known since 2018. Lurk more retard.

>> No.56421924
File: 114 KB, 767x955, D59727C0-D4B6-446B-A044-4064930244B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she suck in my pp

>> No.56423680

Are you all retarded? This is an AI picture.

>> No.56423831

Eyes look very different. Hope that fag hasn't started using amphetamines or some other stims.

>> No.56423975

Thats him. Meds asap asylum patients

>> No.56424003
File: 103 KB, 1024x1024, _99b58407-c440-4b39-a142-badabf5059ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56424042

I think Chris maybe did like an ai touch up filter. He does look weird there.

>> No.56424092

chainlink can't afford an assassination attempt on sergey. from bagholders to competitors and industries he's disrupting, this man has many enemies. so in high risk environment they deploy the doubles

>> No.56424134

Why would they MKultra (((their guy))).

>> No.56424894

Sergey would made an excellent Santa Clause.

>> No.56424918

just fucking explain yourself. you did it. now, take responsibility. my mind will not ease as long as you are wsiting around everycorner to say "im obsessed with self improvement" or "what happend to the old vitalik? used to have goals vitalik?"

>> No.56425503

Wouldn't ownership of your homestead be on their digital token system?
And you'll need that digital ID + social credit score to pay your property and climate taxes

>> No.56426084

>john carmack's daughter

>> No.56426386

Have hope bro. The Molochian cult only wins if we give up hope. There are many, many of us and few of them.