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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56416455 No.56416455 [Reply] [Original]

Just the other day I went to a party and met a guy who's the same age as me. He was talking about real estate and investing, which struck my friends and I as odd as no one else our age normally talks about that kind of stuff in the first person perspective.

I did some research when I got home and found out he comes from a wealthy family and owns multiple properties at 26 years old.

How do I stop the feelings of jealousy? It's just so unfair. I get that life is unfair, but I can't help but feel jealous about it.

>> No.56416480

Stop comparing. Every person experiences a different reality than everyone else. What is meant for you is meant for you. Focus on being content yourself, and if you aren't content, then act and change something about it. But just know that once you have it, you'll probably realize that you never cared that much in the first place.

>> No.56416522

Now imagine how browns feel in modern times when the existence of Europeans is known around the world. If you're inferior you simply have to accept it and move on, you can try to better yourself in the ways you can.

>> No.56416567

I know you're both right. It's just tough having to accept that someone can be so far ahead of myself, through pure dumb luck. For reference, the person I met owns at least 7 properties at 26 years old. His father owns a real estate/title company.

Again, I understand that logically I shouldn't compare myself to him and should be happy that I have a stable career with a decent income... But it's hard not to, emotionally speaking. I can't imagine basically being able to retire or not work right now. It would be heavenly.

>> No.56416597

Same thing happen to me. My girl has a sister, the sister has a bf, the kid comes from a rich family with a present father. He knows a lot of investing because his father taught everything he could and gave the dude like 100k to start investing. The kid knows about investing but everytime he talks about other things it kinda makes me laught. But it's okey, no one should know everything about everything.
I come from a working class family, absent father, overworked mother, he was around until I was like 13 and then basically disappeared. Luckily I hit jackpot with BTC buying around early 2020, but still live the working class type of live.
I'm not jealous of him, that taught me understand the meaning of a strong family and a strong father figure, the value of teaching your own how to get around in life.

>> No.56416617

Yeah, I'm technically doing better than my peers but this kid drunkenly talking about buying 600k homes for cash just made me realize how good some people have it.

>> No.56416703

Jealousy is resenting what someone else has.
Envy is aspiring to what someone else has.

There's even a part of jealousy which is associating what someone else has with the individual themselves; a part of jealous is sickly of that it's even wanting to sort of *be* someone else. A healthy envious person would express their surprise at that and say to the person how that they want that -
>how did you get that? how can i get that? damn, i need to get there one day. congratulations, what's managing that like?
and that kind of behaviour separates the thing from the person because then it's just being spoken in a way of that anyone can get it. Resentment and jealousy comes from thinking in terms of it being humiliating for you and then wanting to hide that humiliation and pretending you don't want it, and that itself is unhealthy mindset.

>> No.56416708
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This feeling comes from an idea that you deserve whatever other has. You need to play the hand you were dealt, such is life.

As other anon said, if you are not happy with your reality the only solution is to change it.

Want to know more about investing and real estate? Start learning/reading.

None of your friends talk or maybe even interested in those topics, but your feelings are a clear indication that you should know these topics. Think of this interaction as a fateful encounter where you realized that there are things you should be doing outside of "go to school / get a job".

I had a similar encounter, and I felt like shit, I was jealous and angry. World seemed like a rigged and unfair place. Now I actively working on changing my situation. It sucks, i'm constantly tired. Once I get a hang of a topic, there is always the next one. But I would rather have this feeling of progress and self-improvement than occasional bouts of rage because life is unfair

>> No.56416735

Here is a spoonfeed. Envy is a tale tale sign of being a npc. you have no soul.

>> No.56416749

also I am 34 and I am in a similar position and own several nice properties in desirable locations, but I can experience resentment in other ways. I worked from 22 to 33 to get a good FIRE and I missed out on a lot of what other people experienced in their 20s. When I hear some people talk in ways of how the party days are over and how fun their youth was and how that
>lol we're so old now!!!
it can make me feel a resentment.

>> No.56416750

Only guys I envy are those porn stars that have 10 inch cocks and make the bitches cream. Mines only 7.5. 2 more inches would be perfect.

>> No.56416773

many such cases. I did the same thing as you. Im single 33 and have a 7 figure portfolio earning nice monthly interest. I feel like my life is just begining and my old friends are miserable, tied down to their wife and shitty kids trying to make a living and pretending not to be miserable on social media. kek. Meanwhile I am completely free and financially set dating women 5 years younger than me. Its all about mind set. Those people you envy probably envy you in some ways also. Yea it would be nice to have a family, but its also miserable having a family in the current times. A lot of stress and things that can go wrong with kids.

>> No.56416788
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When he pulls up in this as you are trying to pick up a girl just tell him:
> did you know it depreciates $1500 per mile?
> A turbocharged EG hatch is faster!
> lol did you see the quality control on those!?
> Quote something about rich man heaven needle eyes
> Tell them how it's not about how much you make but multiples of your burn rate ala FI/RE
> say that a butt plug feels better anyway


>> No.56416804

Women are emotional creatures, and ambition is a feminine trait.
It's clear you lack will power to control your emotions and you are insecure in your own existence which fuels your ambition. Man up and nut up. Read a book on philosophy, jump in the ocean or go smoke a pipe.

>> No.56416831

Did someone knock him out for having cancer? That's pretty low

>> No.56416838

I feel you anon. More than the wealth simply wish my dad wasn't a brain-dead retard and actually cared about me. Providing a good life for your children is largely an extension of one's capacity to care about the child's future.

>> No.56416868

Sounds like you need a healthy understanding of solipsism.

>> No.56416885

this narcissist psycho ruined his gfs mental health by having cancer so he deserved it
that ll teach him to respect womyn

>> No.56416978

how did you get rich?

>> No.56417008

Not rich, but wealthy. Rich for me is 10 million and more. I never made over 100k. I made some great options bets on commodities like natural gas and did very well. It was extremely risky and nerve racking. Hit some home runs plus I have been saving and investing aggressively since I had my first job at 18. Also bought my first home at the right time. It nearly doubled in value

>> No.56417031

mh guess you worked and were lucky
i just got my first paycheck but im cnofused where to invest like what broker to use etc. i dont know how to begin ive got nobody to explain me, its confusing, if i was american i knew what to do, but being german ive got no idea, since i dont know any german forum

>> No.56417069

>life isn't fair
no it's not and realizing that and accepting it is a good first step at getting over it. you are your real competition, not other people. once you get on the track of being a better person and making better choices because you value yourself you will eventually get to the point of winning.

i dont workout because i like it. i workout because my health is important to me because i only get one body.

>> No.56417072

It wasn't luck, because you need to be educated and you need to know markets. Which means watching the markets every day for years. I know a good amount about investing in commodities so I ended up timing a few trades perfectly and they paid very well. Timing is everything in trading. Other passive index etf investments did well also. You have to watch markets all the time to capitalize on trades and be in the right place at the right time

>> No.56417254

Dont listen to these literal house niggers anon. You should feel furious.
I met a guy like you described, trust fund kind, owned two rental properties at age 25 despite never having held down a job longer than six months, he was a total douchbag. Tried to cuck me with a girl i was sleeping with, always insulting everyone around him to establish 'dominance'i guess
I broke into his dorm room one day and trashed all his electronics, +$5000 in total damages. Then i went to his fridge and put minor amounts of poison in his milk.
After that i jokingly told him to his face what i had done, while he was still realing from having his stuff destroyed and being poisoned.
Do you know what mr alpha did after that? He slunk off with his tail between his legs. Couldnt even hold eye contact with me after that. Completely shook him.
Life isnt fair, but you can be stronger than they are. Some day we're going to round up these rich imbiciles and leave them in mass graves, and liquidate their assets, and theres no time like the present to focus on weapons training, basic tech, building networks , etc. to expediate that day.
Personally i keep a picture of Joseph Stalin in my wallet at all times. Whenever i am unsure in life or feeling down, i ask myself "what would stalin do?"

>> No.56417300

Browns exist because of europeans feeding them, they should be grateful. Being resentful of some faggot whose dad scammed people and got away with it is based, being an 82 IQ 'aryan' seething in jambalayabad is not.

>> No.56417315

Yes, it was some guy she went on a date with. She told them her ex-boyfriend tried to rape her so to impress her, this new guy went and beat up her ex while he was in the hospital (she didn't sleep with the guy for it, but told him it was the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for her).

>> No.56417325

this stuff isnt hard for me.

does it matter what broker you use or are they all the same?

>> No.56417404

>losers descends into impotent violent power fantasies and goes onto sharing them as if they are a true story
there's interesting research on the psychological traits of leftists and how that they're driven by status anxiety and malicious envy

Leftist motivations: https://osf.io/preprints/psyarxiv/3jq4c/

Kirkegaard, E. (2020). Mental Illness and the Left. Mankind Quarterly, 60: 487-510.

>> No.56417462

This might be game breaking tech....thanks anon kun

>> No.56417571

Kys, that usually helps, and if not, probably play some vidya, something funny like Blocklords

>> No.56417572

>It nearly doubled in value
your currency made a -50%

>> No.56417575

I don't find vidya fun anon

>> No.56417579

He doesn't even know what that is kek

>> No.56417582

or he could in fact kill himself kek

>> No.56417591
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I don't want a shitty farm anon

>> No.56417637

Don't listen to the bootlickers, your feelings of jealousy are entirely justified.
We live in an egalitarian, democratic society. The grotesque income and wealth inequality is morally repulsive and indefensible, because you juat know rich people did not earn that fair and square.
The guy you mentioned inherited it aka he didn't work hard to earn it.
The correct move is to call elitoids out and protest.

>> No.56417668

Rich people are fucked up. They obsess over literal digits on a screen like retards talking about pokimon cards or call of duty. They think because they have more points than you that you are worth less than them. I’ve worked many rich people. THEY. ALL. THINK. THIS. Sure they may seem nice to your face and feign humility, but it’s an act. They hate regular people and frequently refer to regular people as dogs or having babies like dogs or (insert whatever animal or insect). They are also mentally fucked up. Many are divorced and have zero relationship with their children. Look at will smith. Look at Jackie Chan. Look at elon musk. Look at Angelina Jolie. Multimillionaires are no better, just smaller. Doctors have fucked up kids—autistic, distant, lgtbq, divorced, etc. lawyers are also fucked up. So on and so on. They live in their glass palace, but it’s very fragile. If you’re middle class, love your family, and your family love you, you’re doing great. A person can always get money. Not everyone can get love. Of course this is 4chan and you’re all a bunch of retarded incels so you’re fucked up and come from a poor single parent family anyway.

>> No.56417679

Enjoy paying 60% taxes to Mohammed so he can rape you. At least you have free healthcare. Get the booster.

>> No.56417821

You've got your definitions wrong bucko. Entire opinion discarded.

>> No.56417901

plan murders of these people and carry them out (in minecraft, surely)

>> No.56417902


>> No.56418115

Whatever way you want to use words, the matter is separating reactions. There's difference between wanting what someone else has, or feeling small and resentful because of what somene else has, generally 'jealousy' is used for the later. Envy isn't necessarily a peaceful thing, you can steal and kill out of envy, but it's a focus on the object of desire while jealousy is resentment of that someone else possesses it. Jealousy is rather a destructive conclusion as jealousy is the feeling of bitterness and loss.
You see resentful comments here are not the envious
>I want what they have
but are instead the jealous feeling, like someone else's gain is your loss and it's almost like it's been taken from you and you've been denied it
>I want to destroy this world that they have it

>Simply feeling upset that you don’t have what someone else does—and wishing you were in their position—is usually considered envy.
>In contrast, feelings of inner resentment and the outward hostility that sometimes results from such feelings are both thought to stem from jealousy.
>However, it is often said that envy can turn into jealousy—and the point at which it does may not be so obvious.
>One distinction that is sometimes made is that jealousy centers its negative focus on the person who has the thing that you don’t, while envy is more centered on the desire for the thing.
>A practical difference between jealousy and envy is that jealousy is always a noun, while envy can be a noun or a verb.

>> No.56418126

Have you considered making your own money?

>> No.56418334

nobody's paying 60% taxes to brown eyed animals, if that ever was the case we'd be seeing a lot more browns getting their little necks slit open

>> No.56418385

don't worry he's going to get lynched in the great maoing 2.0

>> No.56418436

>How do I stop the feelings of jealousy? It's just so unfair. I get that life is unfair, but I can't help but feel jealous about it.
Anon, try to think about Jesus.
Think about how you wouldn't want his life either, and that really you have it great. hth

>> No.56418505

Okay so why don't you figure out how to build wealth like putting as much of your income as you can into index funds over a long period of time so that way your son can be like him and you give him opportunities you didn't have. Sounds like his dad put in the suffering and work so his son could share in the fruit of his labor.

>> No.56418718

That isn't luck though. You're born as the person you're born as. You could never have been born otherwise, you wouldn't have been you.
What IS worth seething about is not mining Bitcoin in 2010 when /g/ wouldn't stop talking about it. That's all on you anon.

>> No.56418749

He fought cancer and lost

>> No.56418810

Remember what Solon said.