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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 45 KB, 1200x675, dfinity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56396939 No.56396939 [Reply] [Original]

They can print as much icp as they want. and they do. and they have been. All Dfinity employees are paid in ICP. All icp node providers are paid in ICP. The lower the price goes, the more they must print. The more they print the less each icp is worth, herego, the lower the price goes. On on and on, down the drain, into infinity. perhaps thats why they called it dfinity. Dumping to Infinity.

TL;DR The internet computer is in a money printing death spiral. It's been dumping for 2 years straight and it's only going to get worse.

>> No.56396984

Man, D Willy sure didn't plan this shit out very well lmfao. Down only, for 2 years straight. Get fucked.

>> No.56397014

Holy fucking shit I just sold my neuron and bought some avax instead

>> No.56397086

Icypoopoo is a scam


>> No.56397206

Dominic also prints 5 million ICP every Sunday for his personal expenses. That's why the total supply inflation is now sitting at 600% per year.

>> No.56397887

Sold my neuron, bought Avax, quit my job, moved to Turkey, converted to Islam.

Inshallah my brothers

>> No.56397902


>> No.56397965

Bongwolke has a small penis pass it on

>> No.56398243
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>> No.56398256
File: 1.15 MB, 1165x1386, IMG_4893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once people start using it to host software thst actually burns cycles doing computations and not just shitcoins it will slow the mint.

>> No.56398258
File: 50 KB, 478x699, internet coooomoooota.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek I thought the infinite supply thing was a meme
What an absolute shitcoin, unfathomably hopeless.

>> No.56398259
File: 8 KB, 225x224, E3AFE0DB-8A36-4C87-87DF-5C4C3FF12D2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Once people start using it to host software

>> No.56398366

i had 14k icp and today was it. i've had enough of being laughed at. i sold it all for avax and if you're smart you'll do the same. now i'm going to build my website on avalanche subnets. roaches how do i get started on my website the avax dev forums are dead

>> No.56398427
File: 95 KB, 750x851, 1697620005822424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Roaches and jeets just cant stop fudding ICP.

I've never been more comfy.

>> No.56399022

ICP is dominic's wallet, that is why the price keeps falling one day after anohter

>> No.56399071

They have inflationary mechanisms but also deflationary. If ICP gets a]enough adaption it will become deflationary and ICP. This is the ultimate bull case scenario

>> No.56400111

fuck icp
all you fag shills eat shit and die

>> No.56400145

Just bought 50,000 ICP.

>> No.56400161

Remember when it came out at 500 USD and shit the rug in like 3 days. Hasn't done shit ever since. I'm sure most projects are just AI verbose carefully proofread by
>literate pajeets
to just appear like new technology. Following a script to fool Certik.

>> No.56401886

Cool, now you can fuck off.

>> No.56402112

My pee stays ice cold. R1B

>> No.56402168

Is this true? Does the internet computer really have an infinite supply? So they can literally just keep printing ICP forever? Just like the United States economy.

What on earth made you morons ever think this would be a good investment?

Oh yeah well just keep printing ICP to pay everyone. Great idea geniuses. What a heaping pile of worthless stinking SHIT

>> No.56402461

What's ETH's max supply?
Fucking retards lol

>> No.56403199

>> Compares eth's chart to icps chart

Huh, looks like one of these things is not like the other.

But surely icps down only since launch chart must be all part of the plan, right?
But yeah, you're right we're the retards. We should have bought at any point in time so we could be in the red like you. You know you are just so smart.

>> No.56403391

whatever you bought in may 2021 is down 80-99%

icp genesis was launched in may 2021

>> No.56404171

Eth did -80% in it's first 6-8months or something. You sound quite desperate and irrational. Did you invest money you can't afford to lose?

>> No.56404496

It's over.

>> No.56405650
File: 821 KB, 1175x1629, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine unironically having your financial future invested in picrel

>> No.56405744
File: 606 KB, 850x800, js09js093en30sw9547n039Grizzly83wn3wwdfsdfghhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eth recovered.
ICP has been DOWN ONLY since it's launch. There has not been even one CRUMB of pumping on the internet computer. Everyone who has ever bought icp EVER is in the red.
It is the worst launch in the history of crypto and it continues to dump to this day.

It is in a death spiral and there is no recovery possible. You faggots sound like the same bag holders in the bitconnect and terra luna threads. its the same shit every single time. You dumbasses get emotionally attached and refuse to see the truth even when it's staring you in the face.

ICP is in a death spiral and there is absolutely nothing that can save it. No amount of your seething, coping, and dilating will change this, trannies.

>> No.56405803

If you're right, I lose chump change. If you're wrong, I'm a millionaire. I literally do not care, not selling. Not sure why you're so invested in other people's portfolios, anon.
I'll call it quits with ICP if it's still down next cycle. I doubt it though.

>> No.56405832

I wanna print as much semen in my mouth as I can. Come lil derpy nigga, let moonman suck your cock.

>> No.56405882

Spiral your semen in my mouth.

>> No.56406786

I believe that you believe this.
i really do.

>> No.56407018
File: 351 KB, 1189x1270, MOONMANSSMALLPENIS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let moonman play with your pp.

>> No.56407030
File: 287 KB, 955x1261, MOONMANSCAMMER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moonman is a scam and icp is a scammer.

>> No.56407092

Moonman and his boytoy D Willy.
ICX.one is a scam seers is a massive scam
HotORnot is a scam made by a literal Indian
Stealing ICP from the SNS treasury to line his own pocket.
BoomDao wants to steal ICP from the SNS treasury too.

>> No.56407171

Everyone knows ICP is a scam. Here's a report from a very reputable source that goes into detail as to why this coin is perma dumping.


>> No.56407215

Someones seething. Only good projects on ICP right now are:
OGY (overvalued, project is doing crazy stuff behind the scenes though)


Confirmed Scams:

Literally just hold ICP, DKP, CAT, and OC and you will do really well next run. You can scream the project is scam all you want but no chain can even do a fraction of what ICP is currently doing.

>> No.56407225
File: 99 KB, 1080x1080, 16625301338839541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently holding 15k+ pees and not selling. See you all in a year.

>> No.56407317
File: 3.30 MB, 2076x1736, give me your ADDRESSS PLSSSSS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dom will be DMing you soon, please provide him with your personal info for legal action

>> No.56407405

Do you know the market cap of ogy? Also I would hold at least one motoko ghost. I bought the toyoworld crowdfund yesterday too.

>> No.56407442

Tell me the memes of the old people falling down with the ICP logo are still around

>> No.56407666

Theres no utility to ghost and they over inflated it with branches of it similar to what ludo did to flowers. I dont like NFTs that dont have a form of utility like its associated to a game, gives access to something, or possession of something. If its just a jpeg I think its stupid but you do you.

Toyo might be a scam and Im skeptical on that project due to what the demo looked like and the game theyre claiming on making didnt intertwine at all.

>> No.56407674


>> No.56407702

I’m sorry but motokos will 100% be huge and idk how you can’t see that. It’s not just muh art or dependent on a project doing well, it’s like owning a piece of the network, bragging rights that you were here from the beginning. Anyways nice trips satan.

>> No.56407730

You dont own a piece of the network. You bought a fucking jpeg that has no utility. You can hold it but would be 100% smarter investment to have DKP, CAT, and OC instead of wasting your icp on jpeg. Yeah theyll go up once ICP starts getting popular but will be nothing like the gains from the OG legit SNS projects especially DKP

>> No.56407756

You were complaining about price manipulation of motokos and now you’re shilling dkp lmao. I don’t think you get why motokos are special, I bought one that I never plan on selling, don’t care what price it goes to it bragging rights once the plebs join in at the top.

>> No.56408032
File: 128 KB, 617x758, 84132531451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Currently holding 15k+ pees and not selling. See you all in a year.

>> No.56408214

im tired of all the dkp price manipulation FUD. adam powell is buying all the sneeds from weak hands. he is the whale from wales yes he has a shitload of icp (seed investor) and yes he has a neuron printing 10k icp a day. yes he is propping up the price by buying all the time. he's just front running everyone because he cannot inflate the supply. yeah yeah there is no game. but look at the confidence and the amount of his own money he's spending. what happens when there is a game and people want to buy skins and shit and cycles are needed to host the game and the only sellers are autistic crypto ogs? adam is an early eth whale and was the largest LP on uniswap at one point...

>> No.56408300

>he has a neuron printing 10k icp a day
Stopped readi right there you’re retarded if you actually believe that.

>> No.56408376


>> No.56408411

Where did I complain about price manipulation of motokos?

>> No.56408419

calm down the retard thinks a token going up is price manipulation. ignore her

>> No.56408515

I misread your post, anyways I don’t think the mechs are detrimental to the originals.

>> No.56408995
File: 420 KB, 525x696, dom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine going back

>> No.56409831

Based dom

>> No.56411033

if you believe in the tech, you must buy ICP

>> No.56411463

You missed out CHAT and FPL is dropping soon

>> No.56413131

CHAT is OC I put the wrong ticker