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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 112 KB, 1140x855, 238rusdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56397503 No.56397503 [Reply] [Original]

seems like start up costs would be low, wouldn't be hard to find staffing in a college area, and there are an endless supply of simps and coomers with disposable income nowadays.

>> No.56397525


>> No.56397867

Honestly? You have to act as a pimp. Not only must you charge inflated prices, but you'll have to allow your customers to tip. Lastly, you'll need to source and protect your "talent." This is the hard part. Good luck, it sounds like a real pain.

>> No.56397904

ai generated

>> No.56397944

>clearly four fingers visible on the hand holding the coffee, pinkie is below cup for support. Thumb is behind cup
>other hand is resting naturally, just the pointer finger isn't visible from this angle
You guys are retarded

>> No.56397954

*pinkie finger isn't visible

>> No.56397964

Just make it a non coomer version, small drive thru coffee stands are all over the NW.

>> No.56397983

The hardest part of this business would be working with a team of all women. The infighting and drama would be unbearable and you cant just pimp slap them because youre running a legal business

>> No.56398008

bot post

>> No.56398209
File: 317 KB, 910x495, IMG_2329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are easy to control

>> No.56398413

huh? it's a coffee shop not a brothel.

>> No.56398437

Aw man i think i recognize this, i feel shame

>> No.56398452

>you'll need to source and protect your "talent."
>you'll need to protect your "talent."
yeah the whole idea sounds like a very bad plan and just asking for trouble. the state of the world today, you could only safely and responsibly do something like this in a controlled environment like a high-end business park or a gated community or something.
and most of those places are not going to sponsor this crap.
too many crazy lunatic violent people out there nowadays.

your just asking to get girls stalked, assaulted, abducted, kidnapped or who knows what.

this should be obvious.

>> No.56398619

These type of shit works in Nordic europe with majority white pop.
If this conditions or immigration replacement continues (which will until Israel is get a good ass whooping) that would be unwise as well.
Why? Because only civilized people are able to handle seeing a woman dressing minimally without raping her in broad daylight.
Same reason that maid cafe are a thing in Japan.
You can’t have these “sinful” locations without black and brown (called bipoc, excludes Asians) fucking it up and you end up paying for it

>> No.56398667

He means her hands are unusually big for a woman, but not for a man who got fake tits to look like a woman.

>> No.56398699

Source poor favour

>> No.56398715
File: 214 KB, 443x442, 1630360176575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go to Ladybugs Near Seattle and literally just give them a $30 and ask to see butthole. pretty fun

>> No.56398801
File: 73 KB, 427x400, IMG_0364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CIA agents posted this

>> No.56398836

> endless supply of simps and coomers with disposable income nowadays.
Women make up 50% of the market and keeping them out because you want to be a gross coomer is bad business. Just open a corner coffee shop and let yuppie white bitches give you $10 every morning for a drink that costs $0.20 to make.

>> No.56398844

Why cia?
Did I say something wrong?
This is the reality bro. You can’t have Nordic “entertainment” in shit show diversity shit show that is USA

>> No.56398902

It's not about the money with places like that. You get your value back in other ways.

>> No.56399060
File: 32 KB, 498x498, pepe-disgusted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check their instagram
>almost all of the girls are covered in tattoos
that's gonna be a yikes from me

>> No.56399068

You can find these all over the PNW...

>> No.56399079

Most women 20-27 have tattoos now. 18-19 don’t but it’s taboo to date one

>> No.56400259

Try leaving Mommy's basement pussys

>> No.56400269

Muh sex.
Muh drink.

God, I hate humanity NPCs.

>> No.56400273

That's so fucking based that I don't believe you

>> No.56400304

Sounds like an actual place, Mommy's Basement Pussys

>> No.56400306 [DELETED] 
File: 130 KB, 1080x1133, whr23fs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ones in AZ are better.

>> No.56400307

black hands posted this

>> No.56400325

She looks confident but, stare deep down, and daddy is still there, disappointed. What a nice girl.

>> No.56400334

>how do whores selling $8 coffee to people that are geographically hostages (no competition) or simps stay in business?

>> No.56400351

I always assumed that only boomers and giga-coomers bought coffee from these shit holes.

>> No.56400362

Never seen these. I'd go there and read and just see how long I can stay until they get freaked out. After that I show them some crypto income and see if they begin to apologize

>> No.56400366

After showing a bunch of fake credentials and fake income sources, I'd slap one on the ass a bunch of times, then leave. By bus.

>> No.56400405
File: 108 KB, 1024x683, 1634416976798m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your just asking to get girls stalked, assaulted, abducted, kidnapped or who knows what.
Not your problem.

>> No.56400418

>your just asking to get girls stalked, assaulted, abducted, kidnapped or who knows what.
Those girls can handle themselves (especially since most are on the taller side since a majority of women under 5'6" are obese) so they should be fine

>> No.56400427

>basement dwellers talking about how this would never work, despite it already being a massive industry
again, Try leaving Mommy's basement pussys

>> No.56400435

They manage all of those without the need for a third party support

>> No.56400436

how much do you have to tip to get them to fart in your drink?

>> No.56400438

Hey fuck you for deleting the Arizona girl. She looked too dead inside anyway.

>> No.56400482

>Lastly, you'll need to source and protect your "talent."
Cops do this.

>> No.56400638

I didn't

>> No.56400765
File: 189 KB, 1080x1440, 5t678yug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking jannie
here's another one

>> No.56400810

Ah, the arrogance of man. On the surface, yes, but they have a way of worming their way into your head. History has shown that even the wealthiest and most powerful of men aren't immune to this. Tread carefully.